Annotated Bibliography-The Importance of Writing For Future Generations

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Dov Kerbel

Mr. Dees

ENC 1102


Annotated Bibliography: The importance of writing for the future

The future is uncertain and there is not much we can do about it. The only thing we can

do is record our knowledge so that we are best prepared for it. Writing for the future is essential

in any part of life. Whether it is within business, religion, medicine, etc., it will always be

essential. Being able to effectively write down your thoughts in a clear way is important to make

sure your knowledge is not only recorded but able to be understood. Also, it is extremely

important that we write for the future so that we don’t make the same mistakes. Mistakes are

how we learn and the best way to see if we actually learned is if we do not make the same

mistake twice. Writing down lessons we learned is an important step in that. We should also

write for the future so that we remember the important things. We don’t we to be old and go

through life without any way of remembering the good times. Yes, we can look at old photos, but

reading our thoughts at the time is different. When we record our thoughts, we are not only

putting them down on paper, we are putting them away so that we can remember what we were

thinking in the past. Medical research is an essential part of evolving and surviving. Without it,

we won’t have the medicine and immunity to diseases that we have today. That is why medical

writing is also important. As stated in the annotations, the more we discover, the more we need

to write down so that we know that information for the future. The greatest example of writing

for the future lies in religion. Those who observe follow the guide of these texts that were written

thousands of years ago. This shows that the knowledge and wisdom within those texts are
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important and how writing for the future is important. The point of this research paper is to show

how writing is important for the future,

Bazerman, Charles, et al. “Writing Speaks to Situations through Recognizable Forms.”

Naming What We Know: Threshold Concepts of Writing Studies, edited by LINDA

ADLER-KASSNER and ELIZABETH WARDLE, University Press of Colorado, 2015,

pp. 40–46. JSTOR,

This source talks about how disciplines are shaped by how those within them write.

Writing is a major part of creating and recording knowledge and communicating that

knowledge within a discipline. Disciplinary knowledge creation in something like science

is adaptable and changes according to what is found out. The author also talks about how

writing is multimodal and that it is not only handwritten or digital. Writing makes things

happen in the world. As people produce writing, those who read get new ideas and create

their own knowledge. Finally, the author talks about how the meaning of other texts

comes from other texts. All texts that use citations are intertextual and get their meaning

from those cited texts.

Birchard, Bill. “The Science of Strong Business Writing” Harvard Business

Review, Summer 2021,,

This article talks about how strong, effective writing skills are important for business. It

explains how the brain responds to good writing. The author focuses on what he calls

“The eight S’s.” They are Simplicity, Specificity, Surprise, Stirring language,

Seductiveness, Smart thinking, social content, and Storytelling. Each of those, according

to the author, is what makes business writing strong. Simplicity makes it easier to

understand. Specificity gives more incite. Surprise captures attention. Stirring language
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provokes emotion. Seductiveness keeps engagement. Smart thinking shows intelligence.

Social content gives a human connection. Storytelling captivates the reader’s brain. When

someone can express their business ideas through writing in an effective way that can

keep the reader engaged, it helps preserve the ideas and lessons learned so that people in

the future can refer to those ideas and succeed.

Corporate English Solutions. “Three Reasons Why Strong Business Writing is Good for

your Business” British Council, Summer



This article talks about how writing is important for business, specifically showing how it

improves a business's productivity and efficiency. First, it talks about increased

performance and productivity. Being clear and concise helps communication be faster,

information spread quicker, and actions done better. Next, he talks about improved brand

image and reputation. Strong business writing helps a brand stay consistent and keeps

interactions positive. Being clear and consistent in customer service helps improve

reputation since one is known to help their customers effectively. Finally, the author talks

about increased staff engagement. Well-written emails and memos allow for clear

communication which in turn lets people understand more and collaborate more. Good

communication is essential for business productivity and efficiency. Seeing how people

write on a day to day in a successful business is a great way to show people in the future

how a business should be run.

Mills, Randy. “"What the cows saw": writing memoir pieces for future generations” The
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Hoosier Genealogist, Vol.52 (2), Indiana Historical Society Press, 2012, p.15.|


This article explains that it is important to share personal stories through memoir writing.

He talks about his own life experiences and saving them as a means of preserving cultural

memory, preserving family history, and connecting generations. He talks about how it is

important to write and tell about meaningful moments that shape one’s life. He explains

that one should “show” rather than “tell” when writing memoirs. They should write in a

way that makes a compelling narrative. He gives tips and guides on how to write an

effective memoir. It is important to be able to remember the important parts of life. They

show how one’s life was shaped and give insight into the lessons they learned. Writing

stores down is important for the future.

Otte, George, and Rebecca Williams Mlynarczyk. “The Future of Basic Writing.” Journal

of Basic Writing, vol. 29, no. 1, 2010, pp. 5-32. WAC Clearinghouse,

This source assesses the future of basic writing. The author talks about how basic writing

should be addressed at the beginning of higher education. They also talk about the

substantial benefits that come from remedial programs for things like basic writing.

Those who were in these programs had higher educational outcomes than those who were

not in these programs. The author also emphasizes the importance of having these

programs and the consequences of eliminating them, such as unemployment, government

dependency, crime, and incarceration. Having programs that make sure that people know

how to write ensures that knowledge will be written and able to be saved for the future.
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Scott, Tony, et al. “Writing Enacts and Creates Identities and Ideologies” Naming What

We Know: Threshold Concepts of Writing Studies, edited by LINDA ADLER-KASSNER

and ELIZABETH WARDLE, University Press of Colorado, 2015, pp. 48–58. JSTOR,

This source talks about how writing is heavily connected to ideologies, identities, and

socialization. Ideology plays a great part in influencing how we view the world. Things

like religion and culture are big parts. It explains how the use of language affects how

one internalizes an ideology. Writing is a way of constructing and performing identities.

One thing is that it plays a big part in helping one be a member of a community. The text

also highlights the evolution of writing. Things like identity and technological

advancements play major roles in writing evolution. Prior experiences and knowledge

influence writing and how it is done. The text emphasizes that writers need to be aware of

how their r identities and ideologies is shown in their writing. Seeing how ideologies and

identities affect writing is a great showcase for the future to see how what we wrote was

affected by how we are.

Susan L. Ivey MD, MHSA, Hattie Rees Hanley MPP, Catrina Taylor PhD, MSPH, Eveline Stock


Nirali Vora MD, Jenny Woo BS, Sara Johnson MD, C. Noel Bairey Merz MD, FAHA,

FACC, FESC, Right Care Women's Cardiovascular Writing Group. “Early identification

and treatment of women's cardiovascular risk factors prevents cardiovascular disease,

saves lives, and protects future generations: Policy recommendations and take action plan

utilizing policy levers” Clinical Cardiology, Volume 45, Issue 11, 20 September 2022
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This source talks about cardiovascular diseases (CVD) as a leading cause of death among

women of all ages. It talks about how there needs to be more awareness of this to address

the issue. Sources like these are perfect showcases of why writing in the medical field is

important. Throughout the world, as time passes, more and more diseases and infections

are being discovered. More and more tests are run, and more results are being written

down. Writing down all medical findings and conclusions is a crucial aspect of not only

the present but also the future. It is also critical to bringing awareness to new diseases.

The more medical findings get written down, the more we are able to record for the

future so that we know what something is and how to deal with it.

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