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Lesson 1: Nature’s Mathematics

Course GE6

Type Lecture

Status In-progress

Term Term 3


science of patterns

patterns, numbers, shapes, probability, motion


12th century mathematician

came up with Fibonacci sequence

Fibonacci Sequence

each number is a sum of the two previous numbers

the whole sequence comes in regularity

Fibonacci Numbers
Golden Number

(a/b = a + b/a = 1.618)

the ratio of the larger part of the cord is the same as the whole length of the
cord, divided by the larger part

1 + √5/2: natural consequence of a regular pentagon

drawing a regular pentagon and joining up the concerns results to an
intersection amongst one another with a ratio of the golden number

the ratio of the successive Fibonacci sequence gets closer and closer to the
golden number (1.618)

Golden Rectangle

having a rectangle with 1.618 length and 1 width

Lesson 1: Nature’s Mathematics 1

cut off a square, magkakaroon ka ng smol rectangle with still the same

Golden Ratio

linear measure which is a ratio of two lengths

Golden Angle


can be seen in the arrangement of leaves; new leaves sprout at at the golden
angle from the one below

the successive leaves fill the space with the golden angle

Bilateral Symmetry

most common type of symmetry

something to do with mobility

Radial Symmetry

you can cut through any angle that will result to a cross section always being the

Pentagonal Symmetry

there are 5 axes of symmetry, each at an angle of 72° from the next one

Hexagonal Symmetry

the six sides of a hexagon minimizes the perimeter per given area

beehives: hexagons use the least wax for most storage space

for every six hexagons made, there is automatically another one made

Deterministic chaos

often just called "chaos", refers in the world of dynamics to the generation of
random, unpredictable behavior from a simple, but nonlinear rule. The rule
has no "noise", randomness, or probabilities built in.

a small variation in the initial conditions can induce very different circumstances
(butterfly effect)

kaya unpredictable ‘yung weather

in-built sensitivity to initial conditions

Lesson 1: Nature’s Mathematics 2

snowflakes have their unique path through its brief lifetime


complex shapes and forms produced by the manifestation of deterministic chaos

a picture of chaos

geometric entities which have the same geometric/statistical properties no

matter how much your magnify them

using iteration with an equilateral triangle and infinite them, you will end up
with a pattern that has infinite length and finite area (can be enclosed in a


the relationship between the areas of the squares have a ratio of successive
Fibonacci numbers

connecting the rectangle with an arc of a circle, corner-to-corner, will result

to an equiangular spiral

Optical Phenomena

result of an interaction between the sunlight and water droplets

sun and moon halos, fogbows (white rainbows), sundogs, circum-horizon arcs

Alan Turing

The Chemical Basis of Morphogenesis

refers to various chemical changes that may take place in an embryo that
will lead to patterns in the adult creature


colors created by microscopic structures that split white sunlight into its
component colors

derived from the greek word of rainbow, iris and iridos


the smaller the cloud droplets are, the larger the radius of the glory

shadow of the plane surrounded by circular colored rings

Lesson 1: Nature’s Mathematics 3

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