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ACHIEVERS ENGLISH ACADEMY-KAYAR ROAD-ERAVUR Bees live in a house that is called a hive. There are three kinds of bees: workers, and 1}. , ah... ceoyprevadf! she is lost or dead the other 3).o.occncee AWE stop their drones only one queen can live in each work. Bees are very 4). : creatures, They all join 3) to build cells of wax for their 6) Each bee takes its proper place and does ita OWN 7)... nn. SOME go out and gather honey from. the 8)... . Others stay at home and work 9) j ‘The cells which they build are all of one 10)..,..... sand size, and no room is left 11). wthem The ‘sides. It is pleasant to see how 13) cand busy little » hive: elis are not round. They 12)..... + EX they always are. But the drones do nat work. Before 14)... 0:00.004.c0mes, all the drones are driven from the hive so that they don’t eat the honey which they did not gather. (7 Marks) ‘Use the words to fill in the blanks. There are two extra words. A volcano may sleep fora long time,somotimes for 1). but a faint cloud 2}. sometimes 4).. smoke over the 3 the ground rumbling and booming starts and grows louder Animals and birds 5) ousensing the approaching 6}... HL e A column of black smoke and ashes, We reene ..ut of the cone.Stones and a stream of 8)... occu ROCK walled lava are Open soWhen it coolsthe lava , 10) cowtwrnwthe ground with a coat of U)oouccccni People who inhabit 12)... oom noes ofegions plant in orchards and vegetable farms on the slopes! of 13)... jootiniainWoleanoes because the lava is rich Bees .. Substances that help plants to grow, (| 7 Marks} ACHIEVERS ENGLISH ACADEMY-KAYAR ROAD -ERAVUR the blanks with the words given in the box. There are three extra words. Do you know how a bee keeper gets honey from honeycombs? The bees react 1) filling themselves with honey because their 2).............instinet tells ‘them that the smoke might be coming from a forest 3}... odin the vent of this, the bees will move to = 4] +n home. This defence mechanism has developed 5). PEPGOT BG). a »Serapes the bees away 7}... comb, As a result, the bee keeper has made his job 8). perform, Many years. This is why bees rarely sting the vothe heney eto Still, the bee keeper 9)... sleeved coat so that arms will not be 10) soPrecaution by wearing a long to the bees, He puts on a the hives, He also wears a whis pair of gloves when he M1}.... 12)en " face, He holds the hives carefully to 14)... cere eee knocking them and alarming the bees: The bees are scraped into new hives and they start collecting LB pvasaess (7 Marks | ..dvith a veil sa that the bees are unable to 13)... For making honey all over again, Travel is a popular form of spending one's holiday. Every year an (I)... umber of pepe go 2) sonmaneeconnaeeaen HOliday abroad. This also (3) ... that more people would (4) . the discomfort and hassle of (5) .. travel. During the holiday (6) .. » Many destinations are unable (7) cope with arrivals and . There are bound to (9) -atpasspartcounters. This 1 of whichever airline vou (13) queues at check points possibility in whichever Nevertheless holiday makers as

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