An Experimental Study On The in Uence of Uid Ow Pattern On Microbubble Generation

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An experimental study on the influence of fluid flow pattern on microbubble


Article in Forschung im Ingenieurwesen · December 2008

DOI: 10.1007/s10010-008-0083-y


5 1,305

4 authors, including:

N. M. Nouri Amin Moosaie

Iran University of Science and Technology Yasouj University


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Forsch Ingenieurwes (2008) 72: 233–240
DOI 10.1007/s10010-008-0083-y


An experimental study on the influence of fluid flow pattern

on microbubble generation
N. M. Nouri · A. Sarreshtehdari · E. Maghsoudi · A. Moosaie

Received: 16 June 2008 / Published online: 24 September 2008

© Springer-Verlag 2008

Abstract Geometrical properties of generated microbubbles ω Rotational velocity

induced by different fluid flow patterns were investigated τ Shear stress (N/m2 )
experimentally. Image processing method has been used to µ Viscosity (N · s/m2)
find microbubble size distribution and to determine bub- σ Surface tension (N/m)
bles’ roundness as well. Three types of flow patterns were ρ Fluid density
produced by changing microbubble generator configuration
in order to improve bubbles’ size distribution. These dif- Superscripts
ferent geometrical configurations of designed microbubble
a Air
generator were used to generate microbubbles in various air
w Water
volume fractions. Obtained results confirm direct relation
0 Single phase state (water)
between generated microbubbles size and their distribution
with fluid flow patterns. More complex geometry creat-
ing high turbulent regions are suggested to increase bubble
breaking up especially for high values of void fractions. 1 Introduction

List of symbols Skin friction reduction of full scale carriers and ships has
Cf Skin friction coefficient been an active research area in recent decades. Frictional
D Bubble diameter (m) drag exerted on a solid body moving through a liquid due
P Perimeter of bubble images (m) to water viscosity effects in the boundary-layer causes more
Q Flow rate (m3 /s) than 50 percent of total drag at low Froude numbers [1].
S Bubble radius (m) Nowadays, various methods such as cavitation, polymer
r Area of bubble images coating, and microbubble injection are being used to de-
t Time (s) crease the frictional drag and hence to save a significant
u Linear velocity (m/s) amount of energy which has been wasted before. Thus, it de-
creases the consumption of fossil fuels and environmental
Greek symbols pollutions.
Microbubble drag reduction has been a topic of research
α Air void fraction
for a long time. McCormick and Bhattacharyya were the
ε Turbulent dissipation rate
first researchers who investigated drag reduction by micro-
N. M. Nouri · A. Sarreshtehdari · E. Maghsoudi · bubbles [2], they towed a 1.22 m long, fully submerged hull
A. Moosaie (u) in a towing tank. They created small bubbles around the hull
Applied Hydrodynamics Laboratory, Department of Mechanical using electrolysis and found that significant drag reduction
Engineering, Iran University of Science and Technology,
can be obtained using this technique. Their topic of research
Narmak 14464,
Tehran, Iran has been continued by many researchers either as numerical
e-mail: investigations or experimental researches [3–10].

234 Forsch Ingenieurwes (2008) 72: 233–240

A full-scale experiment performed in 2007 indicated is not the only reason for drag reduction by air bubble
10% net energy-saving by air bubble injection [11]. Re- injection.
cently, the use of microbubbles to decrease frictional drag In this paper, image processing technique was used to
has been increased. Decrease of the most important part investigate the performance of a new microbubble genera-
of total drag at low Froude numbers in which many ships tor apparatus which was introduced in previous work [17].
cruise in the same conditions will lead to save a large Various experiments in three different models of apparatus
amount of energy and decrease environmental pollution as were conducted and the so-obtained images were processed
a second result that is the obvious reason of the importance to determine minimum, maximum and predominant sizes of
of micro bubble drag reduction (MBDR). In the other word, microbubbles (distribution) and bubbles roundness. These
this method not only does not increase environmental re- results are used to estimate the performance of each model
source pollution because of using air bubbles, but also it for a marine research application. Generated microbubbles
might improve water resource life conditions by increasing sizes are between 61 and 2696 µm in the models with outlet
the amount of solving air of water. Drag reduction cor- gap size of 3 and 20 mm, respectively.
respondence to gain factor, drag reduction ratio per void
fraction in the boundary-layer, which is high value in this
method in comparison with the others’ such as air film 2 Theory
method, is another reason of using this method. Calculated
microbubble methods’ gain factor is ranging from 2 to 10 as When the air is injected into the water, the velocity fluc-
published results (e.g. Kato et al. 1999) [12]. tuations of the underlying turbulence of the jet results in
In 2006, Villafuerte and Hassan [6] generated hydrogen deformation forces that are much greater than confinement
and oxygen microbubbles by electrolysis which had an aver- forces due to surface tension and consequently, the bubble
age size of 15 µm in radius, and achieved drag reductions up breaks up. The amount of breakup frequency is proportional
to 40%. Wu et al. [13] used porous medium to generate mi- to the difference between the amount of confinement forces
crobubbles and their experiments in pipe showed even more and that of deformation forces exerted on the bubble sur-
drag reduction (26%) when they used 1 µm porous medium face [18, 19]. In this condition, turbulent stress caused by the
compared with that of 10 µm porous medium at the same velocity fluctuations is defined as
flow speed (about 23%).
In microbubble drag reduction, the size of bubbles is an 1
τt (D) = ∆u 2 (D) , (1)
essential issue, as the aforementioned researchers [14, 15] 2
emphasized. Many researchers believed that microbubble
while the surface restoring pressure is defined as
size should be smaller than or in the same order of magni-
tude as the smallest eddies in turbulence flow to be effective 6σ
on turbulent boundary-layer. On the other hand, some in- τs (D) = . (2)
vestigators (e.g. Shen et al. [16]) indicated that the drag
reduction induced by microbubbles is strongly related to the The more difference between turbulent stresses caused by
injected gas volumetric flow rate and the static pressure in the velocity fluctuations and surface restoring pressure, the
the boundary-layer while it is essentially independent of the more probability of bubble breakup in a certain time will be.
size of the microbubbles themselves. For instance, Murai After a while, the amount of difference gradually reduces,
et al. [14] indicated the possibility of promoting drag reduc- and breakup frequency decreases to a finite value.
tion using intermediate-sized (non-microbubble) bubbles. In The probability of breakup depends on the characteristic
contrary, there are more researchers who believe microbub- size of the bubble, D, and the value of the turbulent kinetic
bles size plays a significant role in the amount of drag reduc- energy (or, dissipation rate ε) of the underlying turbulence.
tion. Recently, the bubble-size dependency of the average For each value of ε, a critical capillary length Dc exists such
skin friction in the intermediate bubble size condition was that in the mean the turbulent stresses are equal to the sur-
observed by injecting bubbles with sizes ranging approxi- face tension forces. This critical capillary diameter Dc is
mately from 2 to 90 µm into the boundary-layer thickness given by
in a horizontal turbulent channel flow [15]. In these ex-
periments, the local skin friction drastically decreased in σ 5 −2
the rear part of individual large bubbles, and rapidly in- Dc = 1.26 ε 5. (3)
creased after the bubble rear interface passes. Therefore, it
was found by browsing the literature that bubbles size in The breakup frequency is zero for bubbles of size D ≤
the order of micrometer and their distribution in boundary- Dc , and it rapidly increases for bubbles larger than the
layer can provide skin friction drag reduction, although it critical ones, i.e. D > Dc . After reaching a maximum at

Forsch Ingenieurwes (2008) 72: 233–240 235

Fig. 1 Left: schematic of microbubble generator (parts and flow paths); Right: final manufactured model

Dgmax = 1.63Dc , the breakup frequency monotonically de-

creases with increasing bubble size. The maximum breakup
frequency achieved at Dgmax is given by
 − 2
σ 5 3
gmax (ε) ∝ ε5 . (4)

In order to produce as many microbubbles as possible, Fig. 2 Straight and diagonal

holes trough which air and
breakup frequency should be increased by some means. water injected to the system
Thus, turbulent kinetic energy (or, dissipation rate ε) and
initial diameter of bubbles controlled by nozzles diameter
are two effective parameters considered in design of the radial velocity in order to make central hub rotate, Fig. 2. Fur-
microbubble generator apparatus. An increase of rotational thermore, two bearings have been used to support the central
speed leads to an increase in kinetic energy, while the initial hub and promote the tendency of rotation. In order to ob-
diameter of the bubbles is controlled by nozzle diameters. tain an optimum geometry for the area that liquid–gas mix-
ture passes, finite element method was used to simulate single
phase flow for different geometries proposed during design
3 Set-up operation procedure. These models have been simulated with constant
inlet boundary conditions. Rotational velocity in the region,
The apparatus used for bubble generation is a symmetric turbulent kinetic energy and the trajectories at which water
cylindrical device including a central rotational hub and an elements travel were considered as the effective parameters
external shell. Figure 1 illustrates a section of the device and for optimum geometry selection. The higher the rotational
final manufactured apparatus. In this device liquid and gas are velocity and turbulent kinetic energy and the longer the tra-
injected through diagonal and vertical holes respectively and jectories of water elements, the less the size of generated bub-
exit circumferentially through outlet. Geometrical shape of bles would be. Manufacturability of the geometry is another
the region through which liquid–gas mixture passes is delib- issue that needs to be considered. The turbulent kinetic en-
erately selected to maximize rotational velocity of gas–fluid ergy, rotational velocity and length of trajectories of water
mixture. Angles of diagonal holes of water are selected so elements, for final selected model, are much more than the
that the tangential velocity of inlet water is much more than others [17]. Figure 3 illustrate the trajectory of some fluid

236 Forsch Ingenieurwes (2008) 72: 233–240

ness of 8.8 mm has been used in this work. In this model,

water enters the device via six diagonal nozzles with diam-
eter of 10 mm and angle of 61◦ , and mixes with air coming
from 24 vertical straight holes with diameter of 2 mm each
at the bottom of the device.
In single phase flow and computer simulations integrated
force can be computed using shear stress
τ =µ . (5)
The force was obtained by integrating shear stress on the
surface of hub as
F = τ · dA = 2π τr(h) dh . (6)

Hence effective torque yielded

T = 2π τr 2 (h) dh . (7)

It is pointed out that only the component of the wall shear

stress vector in planes perpendicular to the axis of the hub
affects the rotational forces acting on the hub. The other
component of the wall shear stress, the component with
a vector lying in planes that extend through the axis of the
hub, does not directly affect the rotation of the hub. There-
fore as a consequence, the measured hub rotation rate can
only be used to infer how this one component of the skin
friction force was affected by gas injection. (This torque can
be measured in the future works. The comparison of simu-
lated model and measured values of torque between single
and two phase cases can be used to study of bubble injection
effect on central hub rotation.)
Fig. 3 Water elements trajectory from inlet to outlet (color spec- Figure 4 shows the experimental set-up schematically.
trum shows the velocity magnitude); Up: without central hub rotation; Micro-bubble Generator installed at the bottom of a cylin-
Down: with central hub rotation (6 rounds per second)
drical tank with depth of 1.5 m and volume of 1.57 m3 . The
tank has four transparent windows for setting light and tak-
elements in this device, in which, according to the numer- ing images (C, D). Each two windows are exactly designed
ical results, the turbulent kinetic energy, rotational velocity to be opposite. The first two windows have the height of 1 m
and length of trajectories of water elements increase the air and width of 0.3 m and are set near the bottom of the tank.
bubbles splitting. Also in this device the rotational velocity The second two windows with the height of 1.2 m and width
and turbulent kinetic energy will be increased by rotation of of 0.3 m are set 0.5 m upper than the bottom of the tank.
central hub, with a motor driving, as it was obtained by CFD Since the second two windows are cover the region located
simulation, Fig. 3. Passing a rotational trace around central exactly after outlet of two windows are cover the region lo-
rotational hub, air particles are broken up to tiny bubbles. cated exactly after outlet of the apparatus, these ones were
Bubbles are broken in three different stages in this device. At used for film-taking and photography. Water is entered the
first stage, they are broken due to the injection trough holes. water nozzles via a centrifugal pump (P). Flow rate is meas-
During the second stage, rotational flow makes bubbles to ured by a flow meter (A) and is controlled using a valve (B).
pass a longer path. In this stage, high velocity flow increases A compressor with maximum pressure of 500 kPa is used
separation between bubbles, reducing coalescence and turbu- to provide and inject pressurized air, after passing through
lent flow breaks them up continuously. In the last stage, large a pressure regulator, to straight air holes of the device. Be-
shear stresses caused by narrow outlet break up the bubbles fore air enters the device, its flow rate is measured by a cal-
for the last time. ibrated rotameter (F) and controlled by a valve (G). The
Final manufactured microbubble generator with the pressure of injected air was adjusted to 110 ± 5 kPa in all
height of 160 mm, maximum diameter of 217 mm and thick- experiments.

Forsch Ingenieurwes (2008) 72: 233–240 237

Fig. 5 Sample of generated


Fig. 6 Left: microbubble original photo; Right: binary image of photo

bubbles diameter, a ruler with the length of 50 cm was

installed above the device. To better detect the bubbles,
Fig. 4 Schematic of experimental setup Surface of the ruler was completely filled with the white
and yellow color. Figure 5 illustrates a sample of original
images taken in each experiment. Among several images
Some qualitative tests show that bubbles are located close taken in each experiment, five photos where selected to
enough to the hub to affect on skin friction in this device. determine generated bubbles’ characteristics of each appa-
Bubbles leaving the apparatus gradually coalesced as they ratus model. Image processing was the method used for
rose and made large bubbles. So, at the top of the tank, bubbles’ size, distribution and roundness. Figure 6 illus-
a membrane (E) was used to separate air from water in order trated an original sample image and that image, after fil-
that inlet water feeding to the flow meter and the pump was tering and changing to binary format to process. In this
free of air bubbles. photo bubble interface are projected as dark shadows on the
During each test, bubble images are recorded with the
4 Experiments camera focused at the wall of bubble generator device. To
accurately determine the bubble size, a Canny edge detec-
To investigate the operation performance of the apparatus, tor algorithm is implemented to find the boundaries of the
three models with three different outlet gap sizes, 20, 8 captured bubbles in each image. The size of each bubble is
and 3 mm were used. (These gap sizes were selected based then determined by measuring the maximum horizontal or
on confines of manufacturing and no CFD modeling was vertical distance between the bubble boundaries based on
simulated for them but these models was tested and the re- the edge detection results. Overlapped bubbles and bubbles
sults of their microbubble generation are presented in this without clearly defined edges are not included in the bub-
work.) In all experiments, the lowest void fraction was set ble size analysis. Using this method, the measured bubble
and the water flow rate was adjusted to 4 l/s. Void frac- size is accurate to ±1 pixel, i.e., ±0.1 µm for the bubbles
tion adjusted to the lowest amount, 3.2%, is defined as formed during air injection. To determine the bubble size
follows distribution, 500 bubbles are counted from each set of test
Qa images.
α= . (8)
Qa + Ql
Image processing method was used to investigate mi- 5 Results and discussion
crobubbles size, distribution and roundness. Several im-
ages were taken by a digital Sony CCD camera with sen- Figure 7 indicates the primary results obtained from image
sitivity of ISO 1000 and ability of 30 fps in a constant processing method. At first glance, it is obviously distinct
void fraction and in each model. To measure and to scale that the average size of bubbles generated by the apparatus

238 Forsch Ingenieurwes (2008) 72: 233–240

Table 1 Comparison of generated bubble sizes for various models

Apparatus Min. size Max. size Predominant Completely
characteristics (µm) (µm) size (µm) round bubbles
Outlet 20 mm 101–337 2696–2932 337–573 %31
Outlet 8 mm 61–186 1434–1560 310–435 %54
Outlet 3 mm 61–116 670–725 171–227 %74

Table 2 Statistical comparison of circularity values in generated bub-

Circularity Gap = 3 mm Gap = 8 mm Gap = 20 mm
Min 0.41 0.46 0.27
Fig. 7 Obtained microbubbles radius by image processing Max 1.00 1.00 1.00
Average 0.94 0.93 0.87
St. deviation 0.10 0.11 0.13

small microbubbles it is assumed the circular shape of mi-

crobubbles is constant and it doesn’t change in fluid flow
Circularity was calculated through the following equation
Circularity = 4π , (9)
where P and S are the perimeter and area of the projected
bubbles image, respectively.
As shown in Fig. 11, the maximum roundness of mi-
Fig. 8 Mean values and standard deviation of obtained data in various crobubbles has been indicated in the model with the outlet
model of device gap size of 3 mm (the smallest size), also in this gap size,
there is the minimum variety of generated bubbles sizes in
compare with another larger sizes of gap. It can be con-
with the outlet gap size of 3 mm is less than that of the other cluded, in these series of tests, that the generated microbub-
models of the apparatus. ble circularity in this special device is related to gap size and
In addition, Fig. 8 confirms this fact that not only the the amount of microbubble circularity increase as the gap
average bubbles’ size but also the standard deviation de- size decrease and vise versa.
creases by reducing the outlet gap size of the apparatus. According to the obtained results, in these tests, about
Bubble size distribution is another important parameter 74% of generated microbubbles in the device with the small-
which was considered in this paper. Graph of bubbles dis- est gap size (3 mm) are completely circular, while this quan-
tribution for each model was extracted, Fig. 9. In Fig. 10 tity for other gap sizes is 54 and 31%, in 8 and 20 mm gap
a comparison is presented for distribution size of bubbles in sizes respectively. Table 2 shows the minimum, maximum,
equal scale. average and standard deviation of obtained values of circu-
The summarized results from graphs are presented in larity for above models, with different exit gap sizes. It is
Table 1. As it shown, the lowest minimum size of generated illustrated circularity is decreasing with gap size increasing
bubbles and the most maximum size of generated bubbles and it lead to variety of bubble sizes and their deformability.
belong to the models with the outlet gap size of 3 and 20 (In this trial products of microbubble generator models,
mm respectively. Although the Predominant size of generated with different gap size, the flow head lost is increased by de-
bubbles was not obviously changed from the model with the creasing the gap length therefore required power, to pump
outlet gap size of 20 mm to the outlet gap size of 8 mm, the first the same water flow rate, is increased. Hence by chang-
model generated bubbles in the wider range of size than the ing gap size the value of necessary power to make smaller
second one. Also, the model with the outlet gap size of 3 mm bubbles, microbubbles, is increased. This study is focused
produces microbubbles with the lowest predominant size. on effect of fluid pattern on microbuble generation. For ap-
Bubbles’ circularity was the last important parameter in- plication of this device pumping power (pressure loss), to
vestigated in this research. It is mentioned that one of the operation of this generator, should be measured in various
essential issues in microbubbles drag reduction is related to water flow rates and different void fractions; which, is one
shape of microbubbles and their deformability, also in very of the further plans in this project.)

Forsch Ingenieurwes (2008) 72: 233–240 239

Fig. 9 Three tested models with

various exit gap size and frequency
of generated bubbles vs. radius and
its cumulative graph

Fig. 11 Comparison of bubble’s roundness (circularity) in three

Fig. 10 Comparison of bubble’s size distribution in tested models tested models

240 Forsch Ingenieurwes (2008) 72: 233–240

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