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• a personal set or institutionalized system of CHURCHES

religious attitudes, beliefs, and practices.
• an established religious organization that is
• commitment or devotion to religious faith or
well integrated into the larger society
• well-established rules and expects their leaders
MAJOR WORLD RELIGIONS to be formally trained, educated, and ordained.
• they are highly organized, with a formal
1. Judaism – believes in one God, follows the
bureaucratic structure.
Torah (main religious text), and adheres to the
covenant between Abraham and God. DENOMINATION
2. Christianity – believes in the teachings of Jesus
Christ, the Son of God with the Bible as the • a subgroup or branch of a religion that has its
Holy Scripture, followers of the religion also own tradition, interpretation of religious faith,
believe in the concept of salvation. and identity.
3. Islam – Muslims believe in one God known as • most mainstream Protestant Christian groups,
Allah, their holy text is the Qur’an wherein such as Baptists, Lutherans, and Methodists,
contains the word of God as revealed to the are denominations.
Prophet Muhammad. SECT
4. Hinduism – followers of this religion believe in
many gods, they believe in the concept of • a subgroup that breaks away from a larger
karma (actions have consequences) and dharma religious organization.
(righteous way of living). • Sect members may disagree with the way the
5. Buddhism – based on the teachings of larger group interprets the religion's doctrine.
Siddharta Gautama (Buddha), followers of the • sect is sometimes an offshoot of the larger
religion believe in the Four Noble Truths and church or of a smaller denomination.
the Eightfold Path, they also believe in karma • over time, some sects dwindle away, while
and dharma. others develop into denominations.
1. Rizalista – a religious movement in the • is a religious group composed of individuals
Philippines that follows the teachings of Jose who reject what they see as the values of the
Rizal. Rizalistas revere Rizal as a symbol of outside society.
freedom and enlightenment. • unlike sects, they often form independently
2. Pastafarianism – a satirical religious movement rather than as an offshoot of a larger religious
that originated as a parody of organized group.
religion, its central figure is the “Flying • cults tend to be secretive, insular, and organized
Spaghetti Monster”. around a charismatic leader.
3. Jediism – emerged as a movement inspired by
the philosophy found in the Star Wars movies, GLOBALIZATION AND RELIGION
followers of this group adopt principles Globalization has facilitated the spread of religious
depicted in the fictional universe of Star Wars. ideas, beliefs, and practices across different cultures
and societies.
In turn, religion gave modern people meaning and
purpose in life, reinforced social unity and stability,
served as an agent of social control, promoted
psychological and physical well-being, and motivated
people to work for positive social change.

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