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During this semester in Visual art our first assignment was 2d was drawing anything we

wanted, so i quickly took advantage of the freedom and drew some kind of original character, to
be honest i could not even identify what it was because it turned out not as good as i had
originally had my expectations to, the end result was horrible. For our second project which we
had was 3 and we had to make optical illusions from sticks from ice creams, the project was
very fun but very tiring and time consuming. I switched from idea to idea until I finally gave up
and stuck on a basic illusion model.

The basic illusion model was squares and just rotating them until it became a tower and
looked like a proper illusion, although not exactly symmetrical and perfect it did the job and I
was able to submit only a week after the submission date. After this there was an art test that i
did not remember and did not study, so I did not pass. The third and last project for the semester
was a 2d project with the goal of only using black and white for the colors to enhance creativity
and proving unique and advanced coloring doesn’t affect the beauty of the work. I decided to
draw Jesus, surprisingly i was good at drawing his face and his crown this is the first time i could
draw something without assistance like tracing, although not nearly perfect it was pretty
passable in my opinion, i'm not sure what i was really drawing about Jesus at start i just
improvised during drawing. In the end I drew Jesus reaching out to God. It was a pretty basic
concept and I just hope I passed.

In conclusion mr Wahyu is the best teacher don’t try to argue against me because i am

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