An Ideal Leader Amidst Pandemic

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Chapter I


Background of the Study

As we face global issues, problems, and challenges in today’s uncertain world, the

need for better leadership is more important than ever. However, we continue to fall short

of creating future leaders. Martin Luther King Jr. once said, “The ultimate measure of a

man is not where he stands in moments of convenience and comfort, but where he stands

at times of challenge and controversy.” In difficult times like the COVID-19 pandemic, it

is in these moments that people see some of the inspiring leaders emerge.

Prentice (2004) defined leadership as “the accomplishment of a goal through the

direction of human assistants” and a successful leader as one who marshals his human

collaborators to achieve particular ends. A leader is someone who can understand people’s

motivations and enlist employee participation in a way that marries individual needs and

interests to the group’s purpose. A great leader is someone who can do so day after day,

and year after year, in a wide range of situations. He may not be powerful; he may never

use force or the threat of violence into his dealings. He may not be popular; his followers

may not carry his orders out of love or admiration for him. He may not possess or display

power; force or the threat of harm may never enter into his dealings. He may not be popular;

his followers may never do what he wishes out of love or admiration for him. He may not

ever be a colorful person; he may never use catchy techniques to highlight the goals of his

group or draw attention to his leadership. In terms of the crucial task of setting goals, he

could actually be a man of little skill or influence who acts more as a follower than a leader.

A leader's unique achievement is a human and social one that results from his

understanding of his fellow workers and how their individual goals relate to the group goal

that he must carry out.

East Asia has received praise for responding to the COVID-19 pandemic quicker

and more effectively than the majority of the West, it has not been without difficulties, and

there is no end in sight, thus it remains a work in progress. Every leader has at some point,

still battles with the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic. It has become clear that good

leaders must be empathetic to a greater degree, communicate frequently and clearly, retain

a growth attitude, be able to embrace change and innovate, and be resilient. Unprecedented

circumstances like these also necessitate situational and adaptive leadership behavior, and

several of the region's governments responded quickly, lowering the threat of the pandemic

spreading and easing some of the economic concerns. The responses to the pandemic in

Southeast Asian nations have varied, but those that have fared the best have shown

effective leadership by acting quickly and preventively, communicating clearly, being

transparent, enforcing early lockdowns and travel bans, introducing physical safe distance

measures and donning of face masks, implementing mass testing, digital contact tracing,

using drone surveillance, and deploying robots for some services. By contrast, the

pandemic response in other nations in the region have experienced delayed responses due

to lack of preparedness, limited access to healthcare, insufficient or overburdened

healthcare systems, varying technical capabilities, and scarce resources (Yon, 2021).

In the Philippines, the COVID-19 response strategies in each locality are the

responsibility of the local government officials. How successfully these leaders implement

their COVID countermeasures under challenging circumstances will have a significant

impact on the attainment of "normalcy." According to Reyes (2022), the mayors who were

interviewed for their stories of crisis leadership during the pandemic identified eight critical

tasks: (1) understanding COVID-19, (2) testing for the virus, (3) contact tracing, (4)

treating infected people, (5) protecting the population, (6) providing assistance, (7)

preparing the government response infrastructure, and (8) communicating to stakeholders.

The mayors also discussed the conflicts they faced, such as those between health and the

economy, national and local strategies, and public service and personal care. Crisis

management capabilities such as problem-solving and decision-making, crisis

communication, and crisis responsiveness, and personal characteristics of empathy and

compassion, political will, humility, and fortitude are the competencies needed to be

effective in their role as government leaders.

Therefore, looking through the lens of Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons will

allow us not only to understand a situation from their point of view but also to discover

potential blind spots or experiences and viewpoints to consider. Know that our decision-

making capacity may be restricted by our own biases. Thus, seeing issues the same way as

Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons, may help oneself better explore a situation. If oneself

does not allow to take the perspective of others, it makes his/her understanding of the issue

incomplete and limited (Johnson, 2019). Considering one’s perspective may result in more

information, increase understanding and retention of others’ information and reasoning

(Johnson, 2019), and increase the capacity to form themes and phrase messages so that

they will be easily understood by others.

Individuals differ in their ideas about the qualities inherent in ideal leaders. Despite

the importance of leadership in guiding the people in a community towards recovery

especially in difficult times, studies about leaders’ perspectives and experiences during a

crisis has not been much examined until now here in the Philippines. This study, therefore,

aimed to close possible gaps by exploring the Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons’

perspectives and experiences as youth leaders during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to explore the Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons’ perspectives

and experiences as youth leaders during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Specifically, this study aimed to answer the following questions:

1. What are the lived experiences of SK Chairpersons as leaders in their respective

barangay during the covid-19 pandemic?

2. How do Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons handle the demands of managing

COVID-19 crisis?

Theoretical Framework

This study was anchored on Richard Gregory’s Constructivist Theory of

Perception. Gregory suggested a constructivist method of understanding perception.

Perception creates a model of reality based on both experiences and inferences, but it does

not objectively reflect sensory stimuli. Perception is more like an interpretation of what

people see, shaped by their prior experiences or even emotions.

According to Richard Gregory’s constructivist theory of perception, perception

cannot be explained just by sensory data. Gregory claims that making conclusions and

interpretations based on prior information, experience, and context is an active process in

perception. Gregory’s Constructivist Theory of Perception is an example of a top-down

approach. The top-down method emphasizes how expectations and knowledge shape our

view. Our perceptions are often not accurate representations of reality but rather an

interpretation. The role of interpretation in perception explains why different people might

receive the same sensory information in various ways or why our motivations and emotions

can affect how we interpret the same object (Gregory's Constructivist Theory of

Perception, n.d).

This theory helped the researchers to have a better understanding of the perception

of the Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons of an ideal leader to handle the demands of

managing a crisis based on their experiences as youth leaders during the COVID-19


Scope and Limitations of the Study

This study was focused only on the Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons’

perspectives and experiences as youth leaders during the COVID-19 pandemic. The

participants of this study were the five Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons who are

currently residing in Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental. The participants were chosen

using the inclusion criteria set by the researchers.

This study was limited to the data that was gathered using an in-depth interview

designed by the researchers. The role of the researchers was to consider the different

messages and meanings that emerged during the interviews and identify common themes

and issues. A thematic analysis by Virginia Braun and Victoria Clarke was used in

analyzing the data.

Significance of the Study

This study may obtain results that may be beneficial to the following:

Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons. This study will help the Sangguniang

Kabataan Chairpersons express their opinions and sentiments and help them be able to

speak and make their voices be heard in choosing a leader. It will also help them identify

leadership concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic. As a youth leader who wants change,

other people need to realize the importance of choosing leaders considering the crisis they

are facing and the qualities they possess.

Youth. This study will help the youth give the push they need or empower them to

get involved in their communities through activities such as volunteering or community


Future Leaders. This study will be useful for future leaders who strive to prepare

for careers related to leadership as this study will provide them baseline information based

on the insights and experiences of the SK Chairpersons.

Registered Voters. This study will help voters gain deep understanding of the

perspectives and experiences of the SK Chairpersons during the COVID-19 pandemic and

how should a leader handle the demand of managing a crisis. Thus, helping them decide

on the issues and qualities of a leader they should consider in voting for the next

government leaders.

Researchers. The result of this study will help the researchers to better understand

issues and viewpoints pertaining to the Sangguniang Kabataan chairpersons’ perspectives

and experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Future Researchers. The findings of this study will be used as a reference by

future researchers. It may also serve as a basis for further exploration related to leadership.

Definition of Terms

The following terms used in this study were defined conceptually and operationally

to delineate the concepts that were central to this study.

Challenges. This term refers to the situation being faced with that requires great


As used in this study, the term refers to the problems or difficulties encountered by

the Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons during the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 Pandemic. This term refers to the global outbreak of coronavirus, an

infectious disease caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-

CoV-2) virus (World Health Organization, n.d.)

As used in this study, the term refers to the ongoing global pandemic experienced

by the Filipinos at present.

Ideal Leader. One is regarded as exemplifying the ideal of being a leader.

As used in this study, the term refers to the Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons’

conception of the standard of an excellent leader.

Leadership Qualities. This term refers to the subjective evaluation of the qualities

of a leader.

In this study, the term refers to the qualities an ideal leader should possess amidst

a crisis perceived by the Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons.

Sangguniang Kabataan Chairperson. It refers to the chairman who acts as the

chief executive of the council.

In this study, the term refers to the five Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons who

are currently residing in Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental.

Chapter II


A good leader leads with passion, honesty, empathy, and dedication. The truth is

being a leader means someone who knows the dynamic of the group of people, one who

leads, and one who supports them in times of difficulties and challenges (Harappa, 2020).

Mahatma Gandhi said, “I suppose leadership at one time meant muscles, but today it means

getting along with people”. According to Albritton et al., leadership is defined by people’s

perception of a leader. Leadership is called the process by which an individual affects and

directs others’ actions for achieving personal or group aims under specific circumstances.

In this literature review, we aim to look for the findings of related research for us to be able

to compare it with our study and to figure out gaps between the existing research for us to

provide what other studies missed.

Challenges of Leaders During the COVID-19 Pandemic

During the COVID-19 pandemic’s initial surge, despite comparing it to a war, the

majority of political leaders did not deny its severity. The paper discussed the three

approaches to understand leadership and assess their success or failure in the fight against

the COVID-19 pandemic. Strong, decisive leadership is essential for making time-sensitive

decisions in crisis situations. The virus has spread around the world during the COVID-19

pandemic at various times and waves, all without any notice or warning.

Leadership refers to the process of influencing and guiding others. A flexible

attitude is one of the essential elements of a good leader, as experienced leaders will come

to know. The ongoing global pandemic has brought challenges to everyone but most

challenges faced by different leaders across the globe such as safety, engagement and

support. From the perspective of a student leader, the first challenge he experienced was

safety, that’s why distance and remote contact are necessary. They’ve switched all

meetings and events to remote attendance for them to promote a safe atmosphere for the

people and the organization. Second challenges were the engagement of students in this

new era of virtual events, and as a temporary way to continue they used social media for

marketing and took part in connecting with the students and with that, it seems social media

has turned out to be an ideal proxy to market events for the leaders. As a leader, it is

important to be supportive and remind the people that their success is dependent on their

own self-care (Sommesi, n.d.).

During this trying time of the pandemic, a nation’s fate lies in the hands of the

political leaders who should and need to act quickly to respond to unexpected events. The

COVID-19 pandemic threatens the health of the people, liberty, privacy and our economy.

The sign of effective leadership is making the correct choice at the appropriate moment,

even when the results are painful. As conditions change, every choice must be quickly

modified (Beilstein, et al., 2021).

Leadership Amidst a Crisis

Leaders in higher education in Barbados and Canada were compelled by COVID-

19 to make significant adjustments to the teaching and learning process. Perhaps more

significantly, how this sudden transformation is handled will likely reveal both countries'

levels of leadership throughout this crisis. With the arrival of COVID-19 pandemic

educational leaders needed to come up with a plan and strategy on how they will be going

to continue the semester despite the crisis. The truth is some of those leaders were

unprepared for such a sudden switch to online teaching. Their time was limited so they

immediately needed to come up with effective strategies that would be useful for online

classes. They have emphasized in their study a few leadership qualities and techniques that

work better in times of uncertainties. There are four key leadership behaviors that

educational leaders exhibit and were also considered as critical traits in action during a

crisis. The leadership behaviors include (1) providing clear direction, (2) communicating

effectively, (3) working collaboratively, and (4) engaging in adaptive leadership. In

preparation for the management and planning of reopening the schools, educational leaders

must use the principles of effective leadership (Marshall, 2020)

The COVID-19 pandemic had left organizations and their leadership to deal with

countless challenges. The identities of leaders in their professional lives and in their

organizational responsibilities were also altered by these changes. The study focused on

how leaders handled the COVID-19 related workplace problems and what this meant for

their work identities as leaders. The findings of the study were presented according to five

themes (a) customer centricity (b) managing performance (c) building effective teams (d)

building a digital culture, and (e) work identity. Recent research indicates that many

companies made use of virtual leadership to maintain their organizations during this period

(Bizilj, 2021). Since learning opportunities are known to develop work identities, the

pandemic prompted the leaders to upgrade their skills, which further strengthened their

work identities as leaders (Collin, 2009).

Their work identities were significantly influenced by taking on new jobs and

approaches to work. Additionally, they viewed themselves as strategists, technology

experts, entrepreneurs, mentors, coaches and team members. According to the research,

leadership is important in safeguarding the wellness of employees, thus HR professionals

and leaders should give organizational activities promoting wellbeing top priority during

the time of crisis. The participants acknowledged that one of the many parts of their

professional identities, the leader role identity, became stronger during the Covid-19

pandemic (Meadows & De Braine, 2022).

Qualities of a Leader

Leaders are the ones who shape the present and might have an ultimate plan for the

future of a country. In this study, voters described the politicians who had exhibited greater

leadership traits than they possess themselves (desired leadership traits). Candidate serves

as the face of their parties which allows them to create images of themselves that they want

people to see. From the images that they have created, voters can infer the personality traits

of the candidates. Their study had developed two principles that serve as a guide for voters’

preferences in terms of the personality traits of politicians. First, voters expect politicians

to be more capable than themselves of traits associated with leadership. The results showed

that, if compared to the general population, voters want politicians to be extravert assertive,

more emotionally stable, honest and more deliberate conscientious, and open, more of

those traits are also associated with political ambition, higher media visibility, and

leadership. Second, voters seek presentation by candidates who exhibit personality

congruence with their personality. Partly because of the sheer emotional liking of likeness

that allows for identification with the candidate (Aichholzer, 2020).

General perceptions of a good political leader in Kyrgyzstan focus on how political

leadership is perceived by the ordinary people in the country. The article contains the

responses of the people of Kyrgyzstan on the characteristics of what an ideal political leader

should possess. There are ten various personal and professional qualities that people expect

from their ideal leader. (1) Patriotism, respondents said that leaders should be patriots, and

have a clear objective to serve the country and the people. (2) Education, they have

indicated that it is important to have a good or excellent education or a university degree.

(3) Honesty, as a quality of a good leader, must perform all his duties and be fair in society.

(4) A leader should be a professional politician having professional experience that is

related to government administration, management, and most importantly leadership. (5)

Charisma, a leader must possess charm and popularity and should always know that the

people of Kyrgyzstan are powerful and so the leader should gain support and respect from

the people. (6) Intelligence, most respondents didn’t elaborate on the reasons behind this

quality but some indicated that a leader must be smart, clever, and wise. (7) Strategic mind,

thinking, and vision a leader should have a good team and strategy to push the progress of

the country. (8) Strictness and strength of character should have the ability to control the

state. (9) Decisive, a leader should have political will. (10) Ideal leaders should possess an

interest in society and could competently accumulate and someone who can represent the

society’s interest. Enumerating the qualities of a leader gives people a view of what a

potential candidate should acquire to be considered a good leader (Dinara, 2013).

In discussions of politics and voting behavior, it is often feared that citizens

increasingly base their political judgment and voting decisions on media-built images of

different political leaders. In this perspective, from the past decades, the democratic

mechanism in choosing the most responsible leaders is believed to have eroded. Australia,

the United States, and Sweden have analyzed three (3) distinct types of Western democracy

which are identified as a presidential system on the one hand and two (2) different types of

parliamentary systems, both have their specific traditions and institutional rules. For each

of the democratic systems and each election, they have found leader traits such as

trustworthiness, reliability, capabilities, and empathy that are closely related to the overall

image of political leaders as well as to the eventual voting decision. Although there are

differences that exist between the systems, the role of an individual leader is the most

concerned. Through the results, they were able to provide a clear and possible

personalization of voting behaviors (Ohr & Oscarsson, 2003).

In addition, a study was conducted to determine the perceptions of students on their

preferred leaders and what characteristics they believe a leader should possess. After the

researchers gathered, analyzed, and assessed the data, the results are the following: (1) most

of the male students have responded to a question on why they chose a specific person to

be a leader because of his/her personal success or simply the achievements in life, (2) while

female students have chosen to answer the role and cause as their motives for selecting

women leaders. The researchers also assessed students’ opinions regarding the desirable

characteristics of a leader. According to their research results, the most positive leader

should possess the following characteristics in order: self-confidence, responsible,

charismatic, and most importantly someone who knows how to care for people (Zekan,

Peronja, & Russo, 2012).

In our society, it is usually quick to identify a bad leader but how can we identify a

good one? Leaders are the ones who shape our nations, organizations, and communities.

For the country and the world to keep moving, it is essential to have a good leader that will

help us make decisions for the large-scale people. The Center for Creative Leadership

found ten (10) essential leadership qualities that one should possess: (1) Integrity, which is

essential for a leader since they're making countess significant decisions. (2) Ability to

delegate, to delegate effectively, leaders need to build trust with employees. (3)

Communication, leaders are expected to be skilled communicators since they always

communicate with people. (4) Self-awareness and self-understanding are important for a

leader to recognize his or her strengths and weaknesses. (5) Gratitude, best leaders know

how to demonstrate sincere gratitude, especially in a work setting. (6) Learning Agility, is

the ability to know what to do when you don't know what to do, anyone can develop agility

through efforts, practice, and experience. (7) Influence, the ability to convince people

through emotional, logical, and cooperative appeals is an important trait of inspiring. (8)

Empathy, correlated with job performance and critical part of emotional intelligence and

leadership effectiveness. (9) Courage, enables leaders to step up and move things in the

right direction rather than allowing conflicts to foster. (10) Respect is the most important

thing a leader can do, it builds trust, improves effectiveness, and will ease tensions and

conflict. The Center for Creative Leadership believes that leadership is a skill that can be

developed and leaders are molded through experience and adaptation. Leadership is not a

destination but a journey that is something to work on regularly throughout someone's

career (Center for Creative Leadership, 2021).

In a study "What Makes a Filipino Leader” by Emerald Jay D. Ilac, he identified

the desired and ideal attributes of a Filipino leader. According to the conclusions of his

study, leaders need to know how they are perceived by their team, exerting effort to develop

characteristics that will enhance positive working relationships with their followers. He

also added that what brings the best in the Pinoy employee is that a leader who is competent

and willing to mentor, empathetically listens and is approachable, and is not bossy and

arrogant (Ilac, 2011).


The preceding related literature was discussed in this chapter and provides

information relevant to this study. The results and findings from different literature provide

support for this study and also have practical implications for voters to serve as their guide

in choosing the candidate that they will vote for. All the findings and results above had

provided qualities of a leader which is beneficial to our study and enables us to find gaps

between those studies for us to provide what other studies lack.

Chapter III


This chapter introduces the discussion of the research design that was applied, the

locale of the study, participants of the study, research instruments, data gathering

procedure, and data analysis procedure.

Research Design

This study used qualitative research utilizing a narrative inquiry. The narrative

inquiry was used in this study to explore the challenges as a leader of the five Sangguniang

Kabataan chairpersons during the COVID-19 pandemic and their perceived qualities of an

ideal leader amidst a crisis. Through a qualitative approach, researchers were able to get a

better understanding of their experiences. Meanwhile, narrative inquiry is a form of

qualitative research in which the stories themselves became the raw data. This approach

has been used in many disciplines to learn more about the culture, historical experiences,

identity, and lifestyle of the narrator (Butina, 2015). The researchers become the interpreter

of the individual’s narrative. An in-depth interview was used to give the results for the

study seeking Sangguniang Kabataan chairpersons’ perspectives and experiences as youth

leaders during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Locale of the Study

The locale of the study was in Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental. The map of

Negros Occidental is seen on the next page.

Figure 1. Map of Negros Occidental with Himamaylan City being highlighted.

Note. This map of the Province of Negros Occidental is based on

Himamaylan City is a coastal component city in the province of Negros Occidental,

Philippines. The city has a land area of 367.04 square kilometers which constitutes 4.68%

of Negros Occidental's total area. The city has 19 barangays, and its center is situated at

approximately 10° 6' North, 122° 52' East, in the island of Negros. Elevation at these

coordinates is estimated at 7.8 meters or 25.5 feet above mean sea level (PhilAtlas, 2022).

Participants of the Study

The participants of this study were the five (5) Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons

of Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental. The participants were determined using a

purposive sampling. They were chosen through these enforced criteria: (1) elected or

appointed as Sangguniang Kabataan Chairperson; (2) serving as the Sangguniang Kabataan

Chairperson of their respective barangay during the COVID-19 pandemic; (3) residing in

Himamaylan City, Negros Occidental; (4) in good physical and mental condition; and (5)

are willing to participate in the conduct of the study.

For confidentiality purposes and security reasons, the names of the participants

were not used in this study. However, the researchers used code names for their identity.

Participant 1 (Alpha).

Participant 2 (Bravo).

Participant 3 (Charlie).

Participant 4 (Delta).

Participant 5 (Echo).

Research Instrument

To gather the data that was needed in this study, an in-depth interview was used.

In-depth interviews are usually ones in which the interviewer has a checklist of topic

questions. The purpose of this method is to get the informants to talk on their terms, thus,

questions are not required to be too specific but allow for a range of possible responses

(Harvey, 2022). An in-depth interview as a qualitative research method involves

conducting intensive individual interviews with a small number of participants. This was

used to explore the participants’ perspectives of an idea, program, or situation. An in-depth

interview was useful especially because the researchers want detailed information about

the participants’ thoughts and behaviors or to explore new issues in depth. Also, the self-

made interview questions served as a guide to the researchers for a free-flow face-to-face

interview and included setoff questions that allowed them to share their perspectives and

experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Data Gathering Procedure

Before gathering the data needed for this study, the researchers provided

instructions and asked for the participants’ voluntary responses. Before conducting the

interview, the researchers prepared a guide for the interview. After that, the researchers

distributed the informed consent to the target participants of the study, explained the

purpose of the research, data gathering procedure, potential risks and benefits,

confidentiality, consent, withdrawal from the study, recording methods, and the use of the

data. Once all set, a face-to-face in-depth interview was scheduled and conducted

individually and the participants were asked open-ended questions, allowing for a free flow

of conversation with the interviewer.

During the interview, participants were advised to state their responses in a

language they were comfortable with. Furthermore, the participants were asked follow-up

questions in such a manner that the participants could elaborate their ideas entirely. The

responses were audio-recorded, and some salient points were written down. The interview

ended with informing the participants of the purpose of the study and that their responses

will be transcribed and will be sent to them for member checking. In addition, the

researchers assured the participants about the strict observance of confidentiality regarding

their identity and responses. Therefore, their anonymity was emphasized.

Lastly, the researchers expressed their gratitude and appreciation to the participants

for their active participation in the conduct of this study. The researchers transcribed,

checked, and reviewed the data in preparation for analysis. The data was analyzed through

thematic analysis by Virginia Braun and Victoria Clarke. The researchers followed the

common form of a six-step process: familiarization, coding, generating themes, reviewing

themes, defining themes, and writing up (Caulfield, 2019).

Data Analysis Procedure

Thematic analysis is a process in which you identify patterns or themes within

qualitative data. After gathering the data needed for this study, the data was analyzed

through thematic analysis by Virginia Braun and Victoria Clarke. Braun and Clarke (2006)

suggest that thematic analysis is the first qualitative method that should be learned as it

provides core skills that will be useful for conducting many other kinds of analysis. A

further advantage of thematic analysis is that it is not tied to a particular epistemological

or theoretical perspective, thus making it a very flexible method. The researchers followed

the common form of a six-step process: familiarization, coding, generating themes,

reviewing themes, defining, and naming themes, and writing up (Caulfield, 2019).

The data analysis used in this study was based on the six-phase guide provided by

Braun and Clarke (2006) depicted on the table below:

Step 1: Become familiar with the data, Step 4: Review themes,

Step 2: Generate initial codes, Step 5: Define themes,
Step 3: Search for themes, Step 6: Write-up.

Table 1. Braun and Clarke’s six-phase framework for doing a thematic analysis

In this study, the six-phase guide provided by Braun and Clarke (2006) was utilized

for thematic analysis.

Step 1. Become familiar with the data.

The first step in any qualitative analysis is reading, and re-reading the transcripts,

therefore, the researchers read and reread each participant’s interview transcript. The

researchers made notes and jotted down early impressions.

Step 2: Generate initial codes.

The researchers start to organize the data in a meaningful way, reducing lots of data

into small chunks of meaning. The researchers were concerned with addressing specific

research questions and analyzing the data with this in consideration. The researchers did

not code every piece of text, rather the researchers coded each segment of data that was

relevant to the research questions.

Step 3. Search for themes.

The researchers examined codes that had been organized and there were some that

fitted together into theme. The codes had been organized into broader themes that seemed

to say something specific about the research questions.

Step 4. Review themes.

The researchers reviewed, modified and developed preliminary themes that were

identified in Step 3. It was useful that the researchers gather all the data that is relevant to

each theme by color-coding it. The researchers read the data associated with each theme

and considered whether the data really did support it. Then, the researchers thought about

whether the themes work in the context of the entire data set.

Step 5. Define themes.

The researchers formulated exactly what each theme means and figured out how it

helps understand the data.

Step 6. Writing-up.

In the findings section, the researchers addressed each theme in turn. The

researchers described how often the themes come up and what they mean, including

examples from the data as evidence. The researchers explained the main takeaways and

showed how the analysis answered the research questions.

Rigors of the Findings


To tackle transferability, researchers defined the study setting and essential

assumptions in a whole manner, as well as displaying all data as transparently as possible.

Researchers made sure that the data are rich with descriptions so that individuals who

intend to "transfer" the findings to a wide variety of contexts are then responsible and be

able to determine if the said data is reasonable.


To maintain the study's credibility, the researchers ensured that rigor will be strictly

followed during data collection, particularly during interviews, wherein researchers avoid

instilling their point of view or biases in the said topic and rely on factual data obtained

directly from the participants.


To establish the dependability of this study, the researchers ensured consistency

during the data collection and analysis by doing the code-recode system during data

reduction and applying the researcher’s examination and investigator triangulation of the

data collected and analyzed.


To address the confirmability of this study, the researchers set aside their personal

opinions, assumptions, and judgments to guard against the distortion of data. The expertise

of three inter coders who are experts in the field of Applied Linguistics was sought to

establish the findings of this study through thematic analysis. Each of the inter coders were

given a copy of the findings of the study. The three inter coders agreed on the thematic

insights and eidetic insights that the researchers examined.

Ethical Considerations

To address ethical issues, the researchers asked the participants for their voluntary

participation in the study. The participants were informed that they can withdraw at any

time. Informed consent was distributed and recorded in the form of a signed consent form.

Also, the nature and purpose of the study, its causes, and its benefits were discussed with

the participants. Respect for participants was maintained throughout the research process

and ensured the participants that their opinions will be recorded correctly. The researchers

made sure that all data and information gathered will be treated with the utmost

confidentiality. Participants’ information were concealed and coded with pseudonyms

from the onset of the study and did not represent any other identifiers. The materials that

contained the primary information derived from the participants were appropriately stored

and protected so that no one could access them except the researchers. All interview

sessions with the participants were done discreetly. Audio recordings, electronic or printed

transcripts, and all data collected were destroyed or deleted from the device where it was


Chapter IV


This chapter presents the finding, explications, and interpretation of the data
gathered and the responses of the participants to the questions regarding their experiences
during the COVID-19 pandemic. The participants’ responses were taken from the
interviews conducted by the researchers.

An Ideal Leader Amidst Pandemic: Exploring Leadership Qualities Through the

Lens of Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons

This study aimed to investigate the perspectives and experiences of the

Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons of Himamaylan City during the COVID-19
pandemic. Furthermore, this study purposed to investigate the participants’ experiences
during the COVID-19 pandemic as youth leaders of their communities and how they
perceived an ideal leader amidst a crisis.

There are two themes that have emerged from the data collected. First theme is the
Challenges of SK Chairpersons During the COVID-19 Pandemic. Under this theme are the
two subthemes which are (1) Limited Mobility and (2) Difficulty in the Distribution of
Relief Goods. Second theme is the Qualities of an Ideal Leader Amidst a Crisis. Under this
theme are the three subthemes which are (1) Courageous, (2) Flexibility, and (3) Intelligent.

Thematic Insights

Challenges of SK Chairpersons During the COVID-19 Pandemic.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Sangguniang Kabataan Chairperson plays a

vital role in serving their communities. The participants shared their experiences and
identified the key challenges that they encountered as youth leaders of their respective
barangay during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Limited Mobility

Since face-to-face social gatherings were prohibited in compliance to the health and
safety protocols imposed by the government, it was difficult for the participants to gather
the youth of their communities and conduct face-to-face activities and assemblies. Early in
the pandemic, mobility restrictions were linked with the reductions of COVID-19 cases.

Three out of the five participants said that limited mobility is one of the challenges
that they encountered during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“...ang program nga supposedly intended for that year, since March na to naglupok
ang pandemic, so indi na siya applicable since bawal ang mga gatherings...” (...the
program that was supposedly intended for that year, since it was already March when the
pandemic started, was not applicable because social gatherings were prohibited...)

“…number two siguro na problem is limited ang giho. So, we know naman na ang
SK ya mostly recreational activities gid, tipun-tipun. So bangud sang pandemic, limited
ang giho…” (...I think the number two problem is that our movement is limited. We already
know that SK is mostly for recreational activities, gatherings. So, because of the pandemic,
our movement is limited...)

“...since we know that COVID-19 is highly infectious and transmissible to other

people, daw gin lessen guid bala ang face-to-face nga mga activities.” (...since we know
that COVID-19 is highly infectious and transmissible to other people, it lessened the face-
to-face activities.”

The majority of the participants stated that limited mobility is one of the challenges
they encountered. Based on the participants’ experiences, they have difficulties in
conducting face-to-face activities and assemblies since social gatherings were prohibited
in accordance with the health and safety protocols imposed by the government.

Countries have attempted to limit the spread of SARS-CoV-2 in response to the

COVID-19 pandemic by limiting population movement through social distancing
measures, hence lowering the number of encounters (Pierre, 2023). In addition, imposing
restrictions on mobility has been the cornerstone of policy responses to the novel
coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic1. These restrictions have included both incentives,
encouraging working from home, facilitated by the expansion of online resources that

enable meetings, teaching, and shopping; and sanctions such as stay-at-home orders,
restrictions on travel, and closure of shops, offices, and public transport (Oh Juhwan, 2023).
Furthermore, government-imposed measures are indeed the driving force behind the
observed decline in human mobility and the associated economic activity (Mendolia,

Difficulty in the Distribution of Relief Goods

The distribution of relief goods is one of the significant challenges that the
participants encountered during COVID-19 pandemic since it was difficult for them to
conduct face-to-face distribution of food packs, health kits and school supplies.

Three out of the five participants said that Difficulty in the distribution of relief
goods is one of the challenges that they encountered during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Since nga ang amon nga barangay council urot gid sila tanan quarantine, so, ako
mangin serbe nga mangin leader sa amon nga barangay. May ipadala sila di nga mga food
packs and mga hygiene kit para sa amon kag ako ang mangin leader sa pagpanagtag
sina.” (Since everyone in the barangay council had to undergo quarantine, so, I will serve
as the leader of our barangay. The city will send over the food packs and hygience kit for
us and I will be the leader during the distribution.”

“... supposedly i-gather man namon tane ang students sa isa ka venue, so gin house-
to-house distribution na lang namon ang mga school supplies.” (...we supposed to gather
the students in one venue, so we just distribute the school supplies house-to-house.”

“...ang gin-ubra na lang namon para ma fulfill man namon ang amon nga duties is
ga-volunteer lang kami whenever may mga distribution, food distribution halin sa city or
sa barangay…” (...what we do to fulfill our duties is we volunteer whenever there is a food
distribution from the city or barangay…)

Most of the participants said that they encountered difficulties in the distribution of
relief goods during the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the participants stated that since
everyone in the barangay council had to undergo quarantine, he/she served as the leader of
the barangay. The city just sends over the food packs and hygiene kit to him/her, and he/she

served as the leader during the distribution. For them to fulfill their duties as a Sangguniang
Kabataan Chairperson they volunteer whenever there is food distribution coming from the
city or barangay.

Due to capacity issues, not all donated relief supplies can be sent to the impacted
areas in time to help with disaster assistance. For instance, a lot of supplies were donated
by the public to the Wuhan Branch of the Red Cross Society of China to help the COVID-
19. The organization has faced criticism for general inefficiency and improper donation
allocation, nevertheless. The management of the received items, which need to be
registered, handled, and stored before delivery, may not have had enough people. Before
they can be delivered, some donations need to be reprocessed. (Yingzhen Chen, 2020). In
addition, Houessou et al., (2021) stated that due to the devastating effects of the pandemic
on food access and availability, food insecurity has become an increasing concern. The
COVID-19 pandemic has mostly had an impact on food accessibility and availability due
to difficulties with delivery, distribution, and transportation. Second, the chain of
agricultural accessibility and availability has been seriously affected since import
restrictions have limited the availability of supplies and delayed the planting of crops due
to late harvesting caused by fewer employees (e.g., seeds, fertilizer).

Qualities of An Ideal Leader Amidst a Crisis

The Sangguniang Kabataan council is headed by the Sangguniang Kabataan

Chairperson. The Sangguniang Kabataan Chairperson plays a vital role in carrying out the
objectives of the youth in the barangay especially in difficult times like the onslaught of
the COVID-19 pandemic. Participants in this study were able to identify qualities an ideal
leader should possess amidst a crisis based on their experiences as youth leaders of their
respective barangay during the COVID-19 pandemic.


Two participants stated that courage is one of the qualities an ideal leader should
possess amidst the pandemic.

“…wala na set ang mind nila nga dapat when it comes gali sa mga crisis dapat
ang courage gid ya nga, ay panindugan ko ni pagka barangay official ko.” (…their minds
are not settled yet that if there is a crisis, you need to have the courage to stand up as a
barangay official.)

“Then number two siguro is, dapat strong ka, lakas ng loob guid kinanglan kay
syempre during crisis ya, indi lang ang crisis imo problema kundi ang mga tawo pa guid
sa palibot mo.” (I think number two is that you should be strong, you should have courage,
because your problem is not only the crisis but also the people around you.”

One of the participants stated that a leader should have courage because the problem
is not just the crisis but also the people in the surroundings. According to Eades (2021), in
order to have a meaningful impact a leader should possess and develop skills such as
empathy, a positive attitude, knowing how to set goals, and accountability. Among all the
essential skills of leadership sometimes the value of courage is frequently overlooked, this
is because when we first consider courage, we frequently picture brave deeds like flying a
plane onto the Hudson or sprinting into a burning building to save a person. After a heroic
deed, courage is frequently regarded as a quality that only a few exceptional leaders

According to George (2017), courage is the quality that distinguishes great leaders
from excellent managers. Courageous leaders are those who know how to take risks and
go against the standard of their organizations. They make choices that have the power to
completely transform their markets. There is no intellectual component to courage, and it
cannot be learned in a classroom it can only be acquired through several instances of taking
personal risks. Courage comes from the heart. In their study, the authors said that
courageous leadership techniques could bring changes needed to address the problems in
the twenty-first century. They identified that courageous leaders are those who are brave
and have a heart, spirit, and exceptional intellectual and emotional capacity to make
extreme changes. Instead of avoiding the challenges, to advance organizations and nations,
they take a risk to confront and address the challenging issues (Sen, 2013).


Two out of five participants stated that flexibility is one of the qualities an ideal
leader should possess amidst the pandemic.

“So, for me, an ideal leader should be able to adapt sa changes quickly. Then,
assess kung ano ang need sang people, sa amon sa mga youth, and address those needs,
indi man tanan but at least sa abot ng makakaya.” (So, for me, an ideal leader should be
able to adapt to changes quickly. Then, assess the needs of the people, of the youth, and
address those needs to the best of your ability.”

“...I think that this is why we need someone who is adaptive, nga ina balang maka-
think siya of problems that might arise in the future so that he or she can be well-
prepared...” (...I think that this is why we need someone who is adaptive, who can think of
problems that might arise in the future so that he or she can be well-prepared.)

Based on the response of the two participants being flexible is a characteristic or

trait that an ideal leader should possess amidst a crisis. The participants' perceptions of
what makes an effective leader are they should be able to adapt quickly to changes, be able
to come up with solutions, and be proactive.

Flexible leaders are an individual who can alter their style of leadership and
approach in response to unexpected or unpredictable situations. Moreover, adaptable
leaders can grow well in the circumstances. (Brittney) The benefits of flexible leadership
include acquiring the respect and trust of others, acquiring a wide range of information and
ideas that can help us achieve our objectives, and improving our ability to adjust in high-
stress situations. These benefits can ultimately lead to sustainable growth and financial
success. (Transcend The Fearless Company, 2022).


Two participants stated that intelligence is one of the qualities an ideal leader should
possess amidst the pandemic.

“We need to think critically kung ano ang nagakabagay sa kadam-an...” (We need
to think critically about what is best for everyone...)

“…ang ideal siguro nga leader in the midst of crisis, siguro ara ang alam gid siya
ya. Intelligent gid sya, kabalo sya kung ano ang himuon ya, kabalo siya maminsar kung
ano ang dapat kag indi dapat kag kabalo gid siya ya eh kay kung alam ka kabalo ka mag-
manage sang imo nga hilikuton.” (...I think an ideal leader in the midst of crisis should be
intelligent. He/she knows what to do, he/she knows what is right and wrong, and he/she
knows how to manage his/her responsibilities.)

One participant stated that for him, an ideal leader in the midst of a crisis is
intelligent, he/she knows what to do, what is right and wrong, and he/she knows how to
manage his/her responsibilities. Intelligence allows leaders to evaluate others’ opinions and
hypothetically place them into the plan and see if they fit in. Leaders with intelligence
know how to deviate team members to their strengths. Any leader may be able to work
with his team to finish projects on time, but an intelligent leader does so quickly by
assessing his group and determining their individual talents. Project management requires
a lot of strategies, and skilled managers are aware of the abilities of their team members
and how to use those skills to complete the project as quickly as possible (Dhake, 2023).

In an article of What Makes a Good Leader, it has stated that if people are asked to
define a leader, many would highlight the traits such as toughness, determination, vision,
and intelligence. These qualities are usually associated with leadership. Studies suggest
that emotional intelligence may be the primary characteristic that separates excellent
performers from those who are average, even if a certain level of analytical and technical
ability is a minimum requirement for success (Goleman, 2004).

Eidetic Insight: Courage, flexibility, and intelligence emboldened the SK Chairpersons to

confront the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Chapter V


This chapter presents the summary of findings of the study, the conclusions drawn
from the findings, and the recommendation advanced.

Summary of the Findings

The results of this study yielded significant insights about leadership during a crisis.
The participants were able to highlight their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic
and they were able to highlight qualities an ideal leader should possess amidst a crisis.

Based on this study, two significant challenges were identified: limited mobility
and difficulty in the distribution of relief goods. The Sangguniang Kabataan Chairperson’s
experiences and challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic influence their perceptions of
an ideal leader amidst a crisis. The Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons stated that an ideal
leader amidst a crisis must be courageous, flexible, and intelligent.

The participants stated that limited mobility is one of the challenges they
encountered during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since social gatherings were prohibited in
compliance to the health and safety protocols imposed by the government, it was difficult
for them to gather the youth of their communities and conduct face-to-face activities and
assemblies. One participant remarked that since COVID-19 is highly infectious and
transmissible to other people, it lessened the face-to-face activities.

Difficulty in the distribution of relief goods is also one of the challenges that the
participants encountered during the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead of gathering the youth
in one venue to deliver necessities needed, they have to conduct house-to-house
distribution rather than a face-to-face distribution. Whenever there is a distribution of food
packs and health kits from their city or barangay, they volunteer as part of their duties as
the Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons. Nevertheless, they were able to fulfill their
responsibilities as their barangay's Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons.

The Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons acknowledged that their experiences

during the COVID-19 pandemic as youth leaders had influenced their perception of an

ideal leader amidst a crisis. The participants stated that a leader must have the courage to
represent the barangay and the people and to have the courage to face whatever crisis they
may encounter. Also, the participants stated that flexibility is a quality or feature that an
ideal leader should have amidst a crisis. Flexibility is a quality that demonstrates how well
you can adjust to changes, come up easily with solutions to a problem, and respond to
unforeseeable and unexpected crises. Lastly, the participants stated that an ideal leader
must be intelligent. A leader must think critically what is best for everyone. A leader must
know what to do during a crisis and know how to manage his responsibilities in difficult
times like the COVID-19 pandemic.


Based on the findings of this study, the following conclusions were drawn.

Limited mobility and difficulty in the distribution of relief goods are the challenges
that the Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons encountered during the COVID-19
pandemic. Limited mobility is one of the challenges they encountered during the onslaught
of COVID-19 pandemic since social gatherings were prohibited in compliance to the health
and safety protocols imposed by the government. Limited mobility made it more difficult
for them to conduct face-to-face activities and assemblies since they were not able to gather
the youth in their communities. Difficulty in the distribution of relief goods was also a
challenge to the participants because instead of gathering the youth in one venue to deliver
the necessities needed, they have to conduct house-to-house distribution rather than a face-
to-face distribution.

The Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons’ experiences during the COVID-19

pandemic as youth leaders had influenced their perception of an ideal leader amidst a crisis.
Their experiences helped them identify the leadership qualities that are essential to be an
effective leader amidst a crisis. Three qualities – being courageous, flexible, and intelligent
– are critical for political leaders to care for people in crisis and help leaders navigate the
crisis and recovery. The participants chose courage as one of the essential qualities an ideal
leader should possess since having courage enables them to stand as a leader amidst a
pandemic. Being flexible is an effective leadership trait that enables leaders to adapt and
react to changes quickly. Intelligence, as one of the qualities of an ideal leader, allows

leaders to think critically in difficult situations and help them to manage their roles in their


Based on the findings of this study, the following recommendations were drawn:

1. The Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons may motivate other government leaders

to work harder and formulate appropriate strategies for effective project
implementation. They may also help others gain understanding of leadership
concerns during the COVID-19 pandemic and influence them to choose leaders
considering the qualities they possess.
2. The youth may be empower to get involved in their communities through activities
such as volunteering or community building.
3. The future leaders may equip themselves with the knowledge and qualities of a
good leader and play critical role in the recovery of the community from the
COVID-19 pandemic.
4. The registered voters may also consider identifying the important issues in today’s
world and the qualities of the person they will be voting for the next election.
5. The researchers may gain better understanding of issues and viewpoints pertaining
to leadership challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic.
6. The future researchers may conduct more studies about leadership qualities and the
experiences of the Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons during a crisis.


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Appendix A
Letter Seeking Permission to Conduct the Study


Sangguniang Kabataan City Federation President
City of Himamaylan, Negros Occidental

Dear Hon. Gatuslao:


We, the fourth-year Bachelor of Arts in Social Science students of Carlos Hilado Memorial
State University – Talisay Campus, are currently working on a thesis for our course Thesis
Writing II under Dr. May C. Peracullo. Our approved thesis proposal was titled “An Ideal
Leader Amidst Pandemic: Exploring Leadership Qualities Through the Lens of
Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons” which seeks to investigate the challenges that the
Sangguniang Kabataan chairpersons experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic as youth
leaders of their communities and how they perceived an ideal leader amidst a crisis.

In this regard, we are requesting approval from your good office to commence our data
collection and conduct the study with 5 participants from your city. Rest assured that the
data gathered will be utilized in connection with the aforementioned thesis and the
participants’ identity will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

Your approval and continued support of student research are highly appreciated. More
power and God bless.

Respectfully yours,


Group Leader



Thesis Adviser Thesis Instructor for Thesis Writing II



Sangguniang Kabataan City Federation President

Appendix B

Informed Consent

Title of Research Study: An Ideal Leader Amidst Pandemic: Exploring Leadership

Qualities Through the Lens of Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons
You are being asked to participate in a research study. Before you agree, however,
you must be fully informed of the purpose of the study, the procedures to be followed, any
potential risks or discomforts, and benefits.
This form presents information about the study for you to make a fully informed
decision regarding your participation.
Purpose of the Study
The study aims to investigate the experiences of the Sangguniang Kabataan
chairpersons of Himamaylan City during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, it intends
to answer the following statements regarding the significant challenges that they
experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic as youth leaders of their communities and
how they perceived an ideal leader amidst a crisis.
Before the interview, the researchers will facilitate a brief orientation to help you
better understand the focus of the study. The interview will be conducted face-to-face, will
be audio-recorded, and later transcribed. The data gathered from the participants will be
destroyed or deleted from the electronic device where it was stored as soon as the findings
have been disseminated.
Potential Risks
The potential risks posed to the participants may include data breaches and/or
infringement that may be used against them.
Potential Benefits
Participants in this study may contribute knowledge to the field of Social Sciences,
provide valuable data pertinent to this study, and broaden the seemingly underexplored
area of leadership qualities.

All information that will be taken from the study will be coded to protect each
participant’s name. Your responses will be completely anonymous. No names or other
identifying information will be used when discussing or presenting data. The researchers
will store audio recordings, electronic or printed transcripts, and all data collected in
encrypted files or a secure location. Once the findings have been disseminated, they will
be destroyed or deleted from the electronic device where it was stored.
However, the study investigators, the adviser, or its designee, and under certain
circumstances, the upper administration of Carlos Hilado Memorial State University will
be able to inspect and have access to confidential data that identify you by name. Please be
assured that all information gathered will be treated with strict confidence.
Voluntary Participation
Your decision to participate in this study is completely voluntary. If you decide to
not participate in this study, it will not result in any penalty or loss of benefits to which you
are entitled.
Withdrawal from the Study
If you decide to not participate in this study, you may withdraw your participation
at any time without penalty or loss of benefits. Also, if you choose not to continue your
participation in this study, you may inform the researchers in writing.

I agree to participate in this study voluntarily.

/ Yes


Name of Participant:
Signature: _______________________ Date: November 22, 2022
Person Obtaining Consent: Irene Grace Sorita
Signature: __________________ Date: November 22, 2022

For queries or clarification regarding your participation, please contact 0915-716-7613 or


Informed Consent

Title of Research Study: An Ideal Leader Amidst Pandemic: Exploring Leadership

Qualities Through the Lens of Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons
You are being asked to participate in a research study. Before you agree, however,
you must be fully informed of the purpose of the study, the procedures to be followed, any
potential risks or discomforts, and benefits.
This form presents information about the study for you to make a fully informed
decision regarding your participation.
Purpose of the Study
The study aims to investigate the experiences of the Sangguniang Kabataan
chairpersons of Himamaylan City during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, it intends
to answer the following statements regarding the significant challenges that they
experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic as youth leaders of their communities and
how they perceived an ideal leader amidst a crisis.
Before the interview, the researchers will facilitate a brief orientation to help you
better understand the focus of the study. The interview will be conducted face-to-face, will
be audio-recorded, and later transcribed. The data gathered from the participants will be
destroyed or deleted from the electronic device where it was stored as soon as the findings
have been disseminated.
Potential Risks
The potential risks posed to the participants may include data breaches and/or
infringement that may be used against them.
Potential Benefits
Participants in this study may contribute knowledge to the field of Social Sciences,
provide valuable data pertinent to this study, and broaden the seemingly underexplored
area of leadership qualities.
All information that will be taken from the study will be coded to protect each
participant’s name. Your responses will be completely anonymous. No names or other
identifying information will be used when discussing or presenting data. The researchers

will store audio recordings, electronic or printed transcripts, and all data collected in
encrypted files or a secure location. Once the findings have been disseminated, they will
be destroyed or deleted from the electronic device where it was stored.
However, the study investigators, the adviser, or its designee, and under certain
circumstances, the upper administration of Carlos Hilado Memorial State University will
be able to inspect and have access to confidential data that identify you by name. Please be
assured that all information gathered will be treated with strict confidence.
Voluntary Participation
Your decision to participate in this study is completely voluntary. If you decide to
not participate in this study, it will not result in any penalty or loss of benefits to which you
are entitled.
Withdrawal from the Study
If you decide to not participate in this study, you may withdraw your participation
at any time without penalty or loss of benefits. Also, if you choose not to continue your
participation in this study, you may inform the researchers in writing.

I agree to participate in this study voluntarily.



Name of Participant: _______________________

Signature: _______________________ Date: November 20, 2022
Person Obtaining Consent: Irene Grace Sorita
Signature: __________________ Date: November 20, 2022

For queries or clarification regarding your participation, please contact 0915-716-7613 or


Informed Consent

Title of Research Study: An Ideal Leader Amidst Pandemic: Exploring Leadership

Qualities Through the Lens of Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons
You are being asked to participate in a research study. Before you agree, however,
you must be fully informed of the purpose of the study, the procedures to be followed, any
potential risks or discomforts, and benefits.
This form presents information about the study for you to make a fully informed
decision regarding your participation.
Purpose of the Study
The study aims to investigate the experiences of the Sangguniang Kabataan
chairpersons of Himamaylan City during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, it intends
to answer the following statements regarding the significant challenges that they
experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic as youth leaders of their communities and
how they perceived an ideal leader amidst a crisis.
Before the interview, the researchers will facilitate a brief orientation to help you
better understand the focus of the study. The interview will be conducted face-to-face, will
be audio-recorded, and later transcribed. The data gathered from the participants will be
destroyed or deleted from the electronic device where it was stored as soon as the findings
have been disseminated.
Potential Risks
The potential risks posed to the participants may include data breaches and/or
infringement that may be used against them.
Potential Benefits
Participants in this study may contribute knowledge to the field of Social Sciences,
provide valuable data pertinent to this study, and broaden the seemingly underexplored
area of leadership qualities.
All information that will be taken from the study will be coded to protect each
participant’s name. Your responses will be completely anonymous. No names or other
identifying information will be used when discussing or presenting data. The researchers

will store audio recordings, electronic or printed transcripts, and all data collected in
encrypted files or a secure location. Once the findings have been disseminated, they will
be destroyed or deleted from the electronic device where it was stored.
However, the study investigators, the adviser, or its designee, and under certain
circumstances, the upper administration of Carlos Hilado Memorial State University will
be able to inspect and have access to confidential data that identify you by name. Please be
assured that all information gathered will be treated with strict confidence.
Voluntary Participation
Your decision to participate in this study is completely voluntary. If you decide to
not participate in this study, it will not result in any penalty or loss of benefits to which you
are entitled.
Withdrawal from the Study
If you decide to not participate in this study, you may withdraw your participation
at any time without penalty or loss of benefits. Also, if you choose not to continue your
participation in this study, you may inform the researchers in writing.

I agree to participate in this study voluntarily.



Name of Participant: _______________________

Signature: _______________________ Date: November 14, 2022
Person Obtaining Consent: Irene Grace Sorita
Signature: __________________ Date: November 14, 2022

For queries or clarification regarding your participation, please contact 0915-716-7613 or


Informed Consent

Title of Research Study: An Ideal Leader Amidst Pandemic: Exploring Leadership

Qualities Through the Lens of Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons
You are being asked to participate in a research study. Before you agree, however,
you must be fully informed of the purpose of the study, the procedures to be followed, any
potential risks or discomforts, and benefits.
This form presents information about the study for you to make a fully informed
decision regarding your participation.
Purpose of the Study
The study aims to investigate the experiences of the Sangguniang Kabataan
chairpersons of Himamaylan City during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, it intends
to answer the following statements regarding the significant challenges that they
experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic as youth leaders of their communities and
how they perceived an ideal leader amidst a crisis.
Before the interview, the researchers will facilitate a brief orientation to help you
better understand the focus of the study. The interview will be conducted face-to-face, will
be audio-recorded, and later transcribed. The data gathered from the participants will be
destroyed or deleted from the electronic device where it was stored as soon as the findings
have been disseminated.
Potential Risks
The potential risks posed to the participants may include data breaches and/or
infringement that may be used against them.
Potential Benefits
Participants in this study may contribute knowledge to the field of Social Sciences,
provide valuable data pertinent to this study, and broaden the seemingly underexplored
area of leadership qualities.
All information that will be taken from the study will be coded to protect each
participant’s name. Your responses will be completely anonymous. No names or other
identifying information will be used when discussing or presenting data. The researchers

will store audio recordings, electronic or printed transcripts, and all data collected in
encrypted files or a secure location. Once the findings have been disseminated, they will
be destroyed or deleted from the electronic device where it was stored.
However, the study investigators, the adviser, or its designee, and under certain
circumstances, the upper administration of Carlos Hilado Memorial State University will
be able to inspect and have access to confidential data that identify you by name. Please be
assured that all information gathered will be treated with strict confidence.
Voluntary Participation
Your decision to participate in this study is completely voluntary. If you decide to
not participate in this study, it will not result in any penalty or loss of benefits to which you
are entitled.
Withdrawal from the Study
If you decide to not participate in this study, you may withdraw your participation
at any time without penalty or loss of benefits. Also, if you choose not to continue your
participation in this study, you may inform the researchers in writing.
I agree to participate in this study voluntarily.
/ Yes


Name of Participant: _______________________

Signature: _______________________ Date: November 14, 2022
Person Obtaining Consent: Irene Grace Sorita
Signature: __________________ Date: November 14, 2022

For queries or clarification regarding your participation, please contact 0915-716-7613 or


Informed Consent

Title of Research Study: An Ideal Leader Amidst Pandemic: Exploring Leadership

Qualities Through the Lens of Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons
You are being asked to participate in a research study. Before you agree, however,
you must be fully informed of the purpose of the study, the procedures to be followed, any
potential risks or discomforts, and benefits.
This form presents information about the study for you to make a fully informed
decision regarding your participation.
Purpose of the Study
The study aims to investigate the experiences of the Sangguniang Kabataan
chairpersons of Himamaylan City during the COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, it intends
to answer the following statements regarding the significant challenges that they
experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic as youth leaders of their communities and
how they perceived an ideal leader amidst a crisis.
Before the interview, the researchers will facilitate a brief orientation to help you
better understand the focus of the study. The interview will be conducted face-to-face, will
be audio-recorded, and later transcribed. The data gathered from the participants will be
destroyed or deleted from the electronic device where it was stored as soon as the findings
have been disseminated.
Potential Risks
The potential risks posed to the participants may include data breaches and/or
infringement that may be used against them.
Potential Benefits
Participants in this study may contribute knowledge to the field of Social Sciences,
provide valuable data pertinent to this study, and broaden the seemingly underexplored
area of leadership qualities.
All information that will be taken from the study will be coded to protect each
participant’s name. Your responses will be completely anonymous. No names or other
identifying information will be used when discussing or presenting data. The researchers

will store audio recordings, electronic or printed transcripts, and all data collected in
encrypted files or a secure location. Once the findings have been disseminated, they will
be destroyed or deleted from the electronic device where it was stored.
However, the study investigators, the adviser, or its designee, and under certain
circumstances, the upper administration of Carlos Hilado Memorial State University will
be able to inspect and have access to confidential data that identify you by name. Please be
assured that all information gathered will be treated with strict confidence.
Voluntary Participation
Your decision to participate in this study is completely voluntary. If you decide to
not participate in this study, it will not result in any penalty or loss of benefits to which you
are entitled.
Withdrawal from the Study
If you decide to not participate in this study, you may withdraw your participation
at any time without penalty or loss of benefits. Also, if you choose not to continue your
participation in this study, you may inform the researchers in writing.
I agree to participate in this study voluntarily.


Name of Participant: _______________________

Signature: _______________________ Date: November 14, 2022
Person Obtaining Consent: Irene Grace Sorita
Signature: __________________ Date: November 14, 2022

For queries or clarification regarding your participation, please contact 0915-716-7613 or


Appendix C

Research Instrument


I. Profile Information

Participant Code: _______________ Date: __________________

II. Interview Questions

1. As a Sangguniang Kabataan Chairperson, what are the challenges that you
have experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic?

2. Based on your experiences, how do you perceive an ideal leader amidst a

crisis? Can you describe the qualities an ideal leader should possess?

Appendix D

Transcribed Participant’s Responses

This is to certify that the following transcription of my recorded responses to
the interview questions for the thesis titled “An Ideal Leader Amidst Pandemic:
Exploring Leadership Qualities Through the Lens of Sangguniang Kabataan
Chairpersons” is correct.

January 6, 2023
Participant Code (Alpha)

Participant Code (Alpha)

(Hello Manong! Good afternoon! I would like to introduce myself first. I am Irene Grace
Sorita of Bachelor of Arts in Social Science 4-A and I will be your interviewer for today.
First of all Manong, I would like to say thank you gid for your time and effort nga maka-
meet sa akon subong to conduct the interview. Big help gid ni siya sa amon so we really
appreciate gid your time and effort. Kumusta ka bilang SK Chairperson?) First of all thank,
you so much gid sa pag invite sa akon bilang maging respondent sang inyo nga thesis. So
far gusto ko lang gali danay ipakilala no, ako gali si kwan, SK Chairperson sang Barangay
kwan. So far okay lang man ko Day. Medyo damo lang gid na-agyan during sang pandemic
so, mabal-an ta lang na karon kung ano ang mga na agyan ko bilang isa ka leader sa amon
nga society. (Before we start nong, i-introduce ko anay sa imo liwat ang amon nga study.
So our study is titled “An Ideal Leader Amidst Pandemic: Exploring Leadership Qualities
Through the Lens of Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons”. Our study is about your
experiences, especially the challenges nga na-encounter mo during pandemic as an SK
Chairperson and also your perception of an ideal leader, like what are the qualities an ideal
leader should possess. Do you have any questions, Manong? Or clarifications regarding
with our study?) So far daw wala naman. Daw ka-interesting lang gid sa sabton. (Manong,
nahatag naman namon sa imo ang informed consent. You have already signed it naman so
I guess good to go na ta. You are free to use any language you are comfortable with Manong
ha. So ma-start na ta sa aton first question.)

Researcher: As a Sangguniang Kabataan Chairperson, what are the challenges that you
have experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic?
Participant A: Well, sa challenges lang gid nga ginatawag, super damo gid ang amon nga
na-agyan or akon na-agyan during sang pandemic. First, sang nag-boom gid ang
pandemic, perti gid ka budlay sang akon situation it’s because nga daw ako na lang gid

isa ang nabilin sa amon nga barangay council. Tanan namon nga members sang barangay
council, ang kapitan, kagawads, secretary, treasurer, ang amon nga mga tanod na
quarantine sila. Tapos kabudlay gid sa akon nga part tungod nga ako na lang ang nabilin
nga barangay council kag tapos ang obligasyon nga supposed to be sa ila man tani nga
ihatag, pero sa akon ginhatag. So amo na siya kabudlay gid sa akon nga part tungod nga
SK Chairperson lang ko pero ako ang naglukdo sang responsibilidad nga dapat upod kami.
So sang time nga nagpandemic, budlay-budlay gid kay nag-lockdown, tapos na quarantine
sila tanan, ako ang gagiyu. I received a call from kwan. Si kwan mismo ang nag tawag sa
akon nga he knows nga kabudlay gid ni sa akon nga part pero wala sila choice kundi ako
gid na matindog nga acting kapitan sa amon nga barangay. Since nga ang amon nga
barangay council urot gid sila tanan quarantine, so, ako mangin serbe nga mangin leader
sa amon nga barangay. May ipadala sila di nga mga food packs and mga hygiene kit para
sa amon kag ako ang mangin leader sa pagpanagtag sina. So ang amon daan nga
barangay council is lagyo-lagyo sila, wala sila ga-stay sa isa ka purok ya mo, lagyo ila
balay. So ang ginhimo ko, ulan init, sulay na siya nakon kag didto ko na-experience nga
ara ang perte gid gali kakapoy mangin isa ka leader during sang pandemic. So second,
ang natabo man nga isa man namon ka SK Council nag positive sa COVID. So didto ko
man na-experience kung paano ma-quarantine for almost one month gid siguro since nga
grabe ang pagtapok sa amon sa isa ka lugar, kung sa diin ara bala ang mga tawo mismo
daw ginapalagyohan ka bala. Biskan makita ka daw nahadlok sila sa imo. So didto ko na-
experience kung paano ma-discriminate sang imo isigkapareho. And then, so amo nato na-
quarantine kami and then I undergo three swabs, ka tatlo gid ka swabs ya, amu na. Pero
grabe gid ya ang akon nga pangamuyo nga sa tatlo na ka-swab nga akon gin-undergo,
wala gid ko nagpositive kay grabe gid ang akon nga panghikasog nga dapat indi gid ko
magpositive. It is because nga damo pa nagakinahanglan sa akon. So sang nag positive
akon isa ka upod nga kwan nakon, nagclose ang amon nga operation sa Community
Learning Hub. Sa amon, sa community learning hub na, may ara kami da mga estudyante
nga ginatutoran namon. May free access kami sa internet and may tutorial. May ara kami
nga klase gid ya, Monday to Friday gid na siya. So ang natabo sina, nagclose na, kumbaga
na apektohan na ko, especially ang akon nga mga estudyante nga ginatudloan kay ang
program ni namon diri mani nakasalalay ang ila mga modules man. Since nagtap kami ni
sa school nga ang mga bata nga non-reader, pwede niyo ni siya i-enroll sa amon kay
tungod may ari kami nga program under sa kay kwan, nga may free tutorial kami, may
free access to internet kami, nga sa amo ni nga pandemic may ara kami nga program nga
amo na. So sang time nga amo nato, grabe gid katama ka budlay sa akon nga part because
operation head ko, arang ginatulok mo ang mga estudyante, nga Sir dapat maklase na ta
kay ang amon nga mga modules wala na answeran. Tapos kumbaga nagsalig sila sa amon
nga mga tutors sang ila nga modular nga mga alansweran. So naovercome to nakon lawig
lang, kumbaga wala ko gani napaminsar gani nga ay hala medyo daw nagbalik na gali sa
normal ang ini nga sitwasyon nga although nga kabudlay gid siya katama para sa akon
pero na overcome gid siya namon kay tungod nga nagbuligay lang kami. Tapos praying
lang gid nga kabay pa miski papano ma amat-amat tapos ang ini nga pandemic.
Researcher: So based on your experiences Manong, how do you perceive an ideal leader
in the midst of a crisis? Can you describe the qualities an ideal leader should possess?

Participant A: So para sa akon, base lang gid ya sa akon ha, ang ideal siguro nga leader
in the midst of crisis siguro ara ang alam gid siya ya. Intelligent gid siya ya. Kabalo siya
kung ano ang himuon ya, kabalo siya maminsar kung ano ang dapat kag indi dapat kag
kabalo gid siya ya eh kay kung alam ka ya kabalo ka ya magmanage sang imo nga
hilikuton. Second is compassionate, wherein nga kabalo ka sang nabatyagan sang iban
nga tawo. That’s why willing ka nga mag-risk kag magbulig kay na-inchindihan mo ang
sitwasyon nila. Kabalo ka nga ka budlay-budlay gid katama sa ila nga part even though
nga ikaw mismo kabalo ka nga politician ka, na inchindihan mo nga ay ako gani sang na
quarantine ko, kabudlay sa akon maggiyu, how much more sa iban nga mga tawo nga
kabudlay man para sa ila especially kung ang nanay kg tatay ang ma-quarantine, the rest
ang mga bata so wala na sila ya sang pwede nga makasustinar sang ila pang adlaw-adlaw.
So amo na, bilang isa ka-quality sang isa ka leader is may compassion ka gid kag na-
inchindihan mo ang ila nabatyag, ara ang willing ka mamati sang ila nga mga hina-ing
kag ara ang willing ka magrisgo gid ya biskan ano pana kabudlay. Ang willingness nimo
ya to help ara gid ya. Indi kay siling ya nga kay tungod nga normal na na siya nga kung
ikaw isa ka-politician or isa ka SK Chairperson, or any man da bi nga position, nga normal
na na ya nga mag bulig sila pero dapat kung ikaw mismo isa ka leader dapat ang imo gid
ya nga goal is to help gid ya. Indi kay napilitan ka lang kay syempre indi tana ya ma-deny
nga especially bi sa amon bi, may ara gid ya nga mga iban nga mga politician or mga
member sang council nga nahadlok sila ya tungod nga amo na bi nagka-pandemic, te
nahadlok sila mag-take sang risk. Next is the courage, syempre hadlok sila mong, hadlok
sila maggwa kay tungod nga abi nila nabutang sila sa ital-ital kag tapos ang ila nga kabuhi
basi kung dira lang kutob. Kumbaga sa amo pa lang to nga time, wala na set ang mind
nila nga dapat when it comes gali sa mga crisis dapat ang courage gid ya nga ay
panindugan ko ni pagka-barangay official ko. Ang kaisog ko magbulig sa isigkapareho
dapat amo gid ang unahon ko indi kay ang kaugalingon ko. Gina-asahan ka sang imo nga
sosyudad nga dapat ikaw mismo magtindog man para sa ila kay tungod sila nabudlayan
so dapat unahon mo sila compare sa kaugalingon mo. So amo na ang akon nakita nga
dapat i-possess sang isa ka leader amidst crisis.

(I guess that’s it for today’s interview Manong. Again, thank you gid for your time and
effort. I know nga busy ka gid as SK Chairperson but we really appreciate gid your effort
nga maka-meet sa akon subong to conduct today’s interview. And by the way Manong, do
you have any question pa or clarification?) So far wala naman. Kumbaga ano lang, pagsend
nyo sa akon sang letter and I received it, kumbaga nalipay gid ko nga ako ang inyo napili
tapos daw ka-interesting gid ya sang inyo nga topic or thesis it’s because nga relatable gid
siya ya sa gakatabo subong sa aton sosyodad. So thank you so much gid for inviting me
nga mangin isa ka-respondent sang inyo thesis. Hopefully mangin successful ang inyo nga
thesis. (Thank you gid, Manong! And basi magmeet pa man ta liwat kay we have to send
you a copy of the transcribed interview so that you can read it through, macheck mo, and
at the same time if may clarification ka about sa recorded interview, amo lang na Manong.
Thank you!) Thank you so much guid!


This is to certify that the following transcription of my recorded responses to
the interview questions for the thesis titled “An Ideal Leader Amidst Pandemic:
Exploring Leadership Qualities Through the Lens of Sangguniang Kabataan
Chairpersons” is correct.

January 6, 2023
Participant Code (Bravo)

Participant Code (Bravo)

(Hello Manang! Good afternoon! I would like to introduce myself first. I am Irene Grace
Sorita of Bachelor of Arts in Social Science 4-A and I will be your interviewer for today.
First of all, I would like to say thank you in behalf of my group for accepting our invitation
to be part of our study and also thank you for your time and effort nga maka-meet sa akon
subong to conduct the interview despite of your busy schedule. So, i-introduce ko anay
amon nga study titled “An Ideal Leader Amidst Pandemic: Exploring Leadership Qualities
Through the Lens of Sangguniang Kabataan Chairperson”. So our study is about your
experiences, specifically your challenges during the COVID 19 pandemic as well as your
perception of an ideal leader, like what are the qualities an ideal leader should posses. So
do you have any questions nang or clarifications regarding our study?) Wala naman. (Sige
ah. So manang, kamusta ka bilang isa ka SK Chairman?) Okay lang man siya. Medyo busy
lang since may work man ko nga sa private company then pero na kaya man kay may time
management lang. (So before we start with our questions Manang, you are free to use any
language that you are comfortable with, English, Hiligaynon, or Filipino. So I guess let’s
start na with our first question.)

Researcher: As a Sangguniang Kabataan Chairperson, what are the challenges that you
have experienced during the COVID 19 pandemic?
Participant B: Okay. So first, it’s very difficult since ang program nga supposedly intented
for that year, since March nato naglupok ang pandemic, so indi na siya applicable since
bawal ang mga gatherings, mga physical contacts such as or especially ang sports or other
programs nga ga-require sa aton mag-gather sang people. So bali daw na-overcome ni
siya namon kay example sa health, supposedly may mga symposiums kami, so gin-turn na
lang siya namon into health kits then gin distribute siya sa house-to-house distribution sa
mga tawo sa bilog nga barangay. Then amon health kits na, gin ano na siya namon, in
related man sa COVID, like ang kit may unod nga facemask, face shield, soap, alcohol kag
vitamins. And sa education nga supposedly i-gather man namon tane ang students sa isa
ka venue, so gin house-to-house distribution na lang namon ang mga school supplies.
Researcher: So based on your experiences Manang, how do you perceive an ideal leader in
the midst of a crisis? Can you describe the qualities an ideal leader should possess?

Participant B: So for me, an ideal leader should be able to adapt sa changes quickly. Then,
assess kung ano ang need sang people, sa amon sa mga youth, and address those needs
indi man tanan but at least sa abot ng makakaya. And then, I think it’s very important nga
ang ideal leader has to be in a good state of mind in order to act to immediate situations.
Dapat ano siya, dasig siya maminsar, to act sa immediate situations para masolusyonan
dayon ang problem.

(So I guess that’s it for today’s interview. Again, Manang thank you so much for your time
and effort nga maka-meet sa akon subong. At the same time, hatagan ka namon sang copy
sang transcribed interview Manang para macheck mo, ma-read it through mo bala. And
kung may mga concerns ka, pwede mo gid ko ma contact to clarify. Thank you so much,
Manang!) Thank you gid.


This is to certify that the following transcription of my recorded responses to
the interview questions for the thesis titled “An Ideal Leader Amidst Pandemic:
Exploring Leadership Qualities Through the Lens of Sangguniang Kabataan
Chairpersons” is correct.

January 6, 2023
Participant Code (Charlie)

Participant Code (Charlie)

(Hello Manong! Maayong hapon!) Good afternoon! (I would like to introduce myself first.
I am Irene Grace Sorita of Bachelor of Arts in Social Science 4-A and I will be your
interviewer for today. First, thank you gid Manong for your time and effort nga maka-meet
subong to conduct the interview despite of your busy schedule as well as for accepting our
invitation nga mangin part sang amon study. Bali i-introduce ko danay sa imo liwat ang
amon study. So our study is titled “An Ideal Leader Amidst Pandemic: Exploring
Leadership Qualities Through the Lens of Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons”. So our
study is about your experiences, specifically your challenges nga gin-atubang during
pandemic and your perception of an ideal leader, like what are the qualities an ideal leader
should posses. So, nakahatag naman kami informed consent Manong and naka-sign ka
naman. May question ka Manong or clarification regarding sa amon study?) Okay naman.
(So free ka gid nong to use sang language kung sa diin ka comfortable. So let’s start na.)

Researcher: As a Sangguniang Kabataan Chairperson, what are the challenges that you
have experienced during the COVID 19 pandemic?
Participant C: Okay that question has so much impact to me. For the past years, the
COVID-19 hit our nation and worldwide. As a Sangguniang Kabataan Chairperson, the
significant challenges that I have encountered during the COVID 19 pandemic was all
about how to handle the burdens of a person inside the community, what are those coping
mechanism for support, and give chances or the needs of the people. Also, the Sangguniang
Kabataan has a calendar of activities for that year, but sad to say, it was twist or what we
call interchange. Instead of having a project, or having fun, not just fun but having
entertainment, and educational program, we exchange it to something that give back to the
needs of the people. For example, giving of relief goods most especially sa area nga kung
sa diin gid naigoan sang pandemic, or like on that day, we suffered another crisis, which
is the typhoon. We gave everything. And then, for that scenario, we can say that it needs
more effort of the Sangguniang Kabataan to the people and of course, hand in hand
support, not just only in physical but also in moral values that the barangay council has
given to us. Despite of the pandemic, we overcome it because we believe in unity. Of course,
the Hili-ugyon Festival or what we call the hili-ugyun itself. What is the meaning of hili-

ugyon? It talks about unity, pag-isa, and because of that, we overcome it. And of course,
let us remember that people look forward because of us, being a servant of this government
and also the community. That’s all.
Researcher: So based on your experiences Manong, how do you perceive an ideal leader
in the midst of a crisis? Can you describe the qualities an ideal leader should possess?
Participant C: Based on my experiences, how do I perceive an ideal leader in the midst of
crisis? Of course, we look forward for the person it is because we voted, we appointed as
a servant. We always follow what are the needs of the people but let’s always think that we
should not just only focus on the needs of the people because it might become abuso. We
need to think critically kung ano ang nagakabagay sa kadam-an kay we don’t look only for
one person but we look for everyone. Kumbaga, it is for the benefit of everyone, not just
only for ourselves but also for everybody. And the thing that we must look forward to an
ideal leader is for him to become strong. We need to become not dependent for ourselves
but we need to look for the support of others, the ideas of everyone, or collaboration. And
other qualities of an ideal leader is to be vigilant and of course look for something that you
need to enhance because we are not perfect. We focus on the qualities or the ideas but may
ara man time nga sala, may ara man insakto. It needs the balance. And one thing that I
would like to enhance with that of being an ideal leader, let us think that we are just only
a servant. We may have the honorable in our names but let’s not just focus on that.
Positions are just temporary but the things that you’ve done to the people and to the
community will always be remembered. That’s all.

(So I guess that’s it for today’s interview. Again, Manong, thank you gid for your time and
effort nga maka-meet subong to conduct the interview. And one more thing Manong,
tagaan ka gali namon copy sang transcribed interview para ma-check mo, ma-read it
through mo bala, para kung may concerns ka regarding sa interview, pwede mo ko ma-
chatan para maka-talk ta liwat. Thank you gid, Manong!) Okay. Thank you!


This is to certify that the following transcription of my recorded responses to
the interview questions for the thesis titled “An Ideal Leader Amidst Pandemic:
Exploring Leadership Qualities Through the Lens of Sangguniang Kabataan
Chairpersons” is correct.

January 6, 2023
Participant Code (Delta)

Participant Code (Delta)

(Maayong hapon! First of all, I would like to introduce myself. I am Irene Grace Sorita of
Bachelor of Arts in Social Science 4-A and I will be your interviewer for today. Manang,
I would like to say thank you, in behalf of my group, for accepting our invitation to be part
of our study and thank you for your time and effort nga maka-meet sa akon subong to
conduct the interview. So, i-introduce ko danay sa imo ang amon nga study, Manang. Our
study is titled “An Ideal Leader Amidst Pandemic: Exploring Leadership Qualities
Through the Lens of Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons.” So specifically, our study aims
to explore your experiences, especially your challenges during the pandemic as an SK
Chairperson, as well as your perception of the qualities of an ideal leader. Manang, you are
free to choose or to use any language you are comfortable with, English, Hiligaynon, or
Filipino. So I guess let’s start na Manang.)

Researcher: As a Sangguniang Kabataan Chairperson, what are the challenges that you
have experienced during the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Participant D: Okay. So good afternoon! Day, need ko i-introduce myself? So, I am kwan,
the SK Chairperson of Barangay kwan. So I guess based on my experience as an SK
Chairperson, number one gid siguro nga challenges na-experience namon during
pandemic is financial gid guro na challenge. Number one it’s because syempre no
preparations daan bay pag-pandemic, so ang health, sa health gid na ang COVID-19 na
belong. So we have small allocation lang gid on health that’s why medyo challenge gid na
sa amon but ang gin-ubra na lang namon para ma fulfill man namon ang amon nga duties
is ga-volunteer lang kami whenever may mga distribution, food distribution halin sa city
or sa barangay, so amo lng gid na amon ginahimo. And then, number two siguro na
problem is limited ang giho. So we know naman na ang SK ya, mostly recreational
activities gid, tipun-tipun, so bangud sang pandemic, limited ang giho. So ang ginaubra
na namon mag amo sina is imbis nga mag-conduct symposium nga naga tipo-tipon, online
na lang ang activities but then again dira gid nada naga-abot ang third nga challenge,
which is syempre far flung kami, kami ya layo-layo sa city and hina signal so whenever
gani may mga online activities, indi kami siling nga maka-participate well gid bala haw.
So bilang isa ka leader, syempre affected man ko na mo. So amo lng na siya guro amon na
challenges nga na-encounter.

Researcher: Based on your experiences, how do you perceive an ideal leader in the midst
of a crisis? Can you describe the qualities an ideal leader should possess?
Participant D: So, sa as… for me ya, I perceive an ideal leader gid siguro generally, inang
dapat guro kung isa ka ka-leader during crisis, you have to be holistically prepared, kay
holistic ka physically, emotionally, mentally kay damo-damo daan problema nga naga-
abot, I mean nga pwedi mo ma-encounter so kung indi kana prepared, ang imo nga bilog
nga ano, ano na siya gani ang term man, basta you are not holistically prepared, dapat ya
inang syempre kung may problema daw perdihon ka nalang sang problema so dapat
preparado ka gid. Then number two siguro is dapat strong ka, lakas ng loob gid kinanglan
kay syempre during crisis ya, indi lang ang crisis imo problema kundi ang mga tawo pa
gid sa palibot mo. So may mga istorya, may mga ano, so dapat strong ka gid. Ubrahon mo
lang imo nga obligasyon eh. And then number three siguro is dapat ano ka, inang resilient
and resourceful ka guro kay parehas sa amon, limited amon nga source bala haw
financially. Just like sang pag-pandemic, so ang gin-ubra na lang namon, ngita paagi eh
para maubra ang obligasyon, so ang ginahimo lang namon kung may ginapanghatag, amo
to hambal ko kagina, so amo lang gid na guro kag ano, inang gapangayo man eh para
lang maano, para makapanghatag man sa taho like parehas sa amon, naghatag ang city
bi hygiene kit and then gina-distribute isa-isa and like sa activity man namon, like
eskwelanihan naga ano lang kami naga house-to-house. Bawal bay mag tipon-tipon so
gina house-to-house lang namon kung mag-distribute sang school supplies. Amo lang na.
Thank you!

(I guess that’s it for today’s interview. Again, thank you for your time and effort na maka-
meet sa akon subong, Manang. And bali mahatag kami gali sang copy sang transcribed
interview) Oo. (Para ma check mo if may concerns ka or clarifications regarding bala sa
transcription namon.) Oo, sige. (Thank you gid, Manang!) Thank you!


This is to certify that the following transcription of my recorded responses to
the interview questions for the thesis titled “An Ideal Leader Amidst Pandemic:
Exploring Leadership Qualities Through the Lens of Sangguniang Kabataan
Chairpersons” is correct.

January 6, 2023
Participant Code (Echo)

Participant Code (Echo)

(Hello Manang! Maayong hapon!) Hello! (Manang, first of all, I would like to say thank
you for accepting our invitation nga magparticipate sa amon study and at the same time for
your time and effort nga maka-meet sa akon despite sa kasakuon mo. I know nga busy ka
gid katama so thank you, thank you gid Manang. First, i-introduce ko guro danay sa imo
amon nga study. Our study is titled “An Ideal Leader Amidst Pandemic: Exploring
Leadership Qualities Through the Lens of Sangguniang Kabataan Chairpersons.” So, our
study aims to explore the qualities of an ideal leader from your perspective as a youth
leader, as an SK Chairperson, as well as your experiences during the pandemic. So, if you
have question Manang regarding sa amon study pwedi ka gid ka-ask. (Oo) Or any
clarification? (Okay man, daw clear man imo pag explain.) Okay! Ay! I-introduce ko danay
akon self. I am Irene Grace Sorita and I will be your interviewer for today. So, I guess ma-
start nata Manang sa aton nga first question. (Oo.)

Researcher: As a Sangguniang Kabataan Chairperson, what are the challenges that you
have experienced during the COVID-19 Pandemic?
Participant E: Well, first of all, ang isa gid guro sa main challenges nga gin-encounter
namon during the COVID-19 Pandemic, since we know that COVID-19 is highly infectious
and transmissible to other people, daw gin-lessen gid bala ang face-to-face nga mga
activities. So, that was one of the main challenges nga gin-encounter namon since
whenever we conduct activities kinanglan gid nga face-to-face kay mas maayo ang
interaction, mas maka gather kami with our constituents pero of course, we have to respect
man the COVID-19 protocols nu? Kay te, ka law-ay man nga ikaw, you are a leader and
yet you do not set a good example to others. So, amo na nga we lessened our face-to-face
activities nag-rely lang kami anay through social media and amo na siguro, that was how
you were able to overcome it. Wala bala namon gin-limit ang amon nga selves to what we
are used to doing which was face-to-face activities. Instead, we found other ways to reach
out our young people and that is through the use of social media like Facebook, Instagram,
kis-a twitter man, YouTube. So that’s it.
Researcher: Based on your experiences Manang, how do you perceive an ideal leader in
the midst of a crisis? Can you describe the qualities an ideal leader should possess?

Participant E: For me, one of the qualities or some of the qualities that an ideal leader
needs to possess in the midst of crisis is number one, he or she really needs to show up.
Dapat during times nga damo problems nga gina-encounter ang isa ka community, the
leader needs to be there physically gid. Most important gid because he or she needs to
show his or her constituents that in the good and in the bad times, in the easy and tough
times, a leader is there in order to provide solutions to different problems. Aside from that,
feeling ko we also need a leader who is very understanding and patient of any given
situation. Kay te tungod nga may crisis nga gina agyan ang isa ka community, he or she
also needs to accept that not everything will go according as planned, so dapat
understanding and patient siya. And most importantly, a leader in the midst of crisis needs
to be adaptive kay tungod nga kabalo man kita, I think if we look mga 2 to 3 years back,
nobody really expected, indi bala? Nga may ara kita sang pandemic nga i-experience but
now we are in the year 2022 and this has all happened. And I think that this is why we need
someone who is adaptive, nga ina balang maka-think siya of problems that might arise in
the future so that he or she can be well-prepared, can think of programs that are suitable
to any crisis or to any situation and para mangin kumbaga ano siya bala, siya as a leader
daw holistic gid sya bala, indi lang sya siling nga daw ka isa lang bala ang iya nga way of
approaching things but instead damo gid sya mga solutions to different problems. Amo na

(So, I guess that’s it for today’s interview. Again, Manang thank you gid ha. Thank you for
your time and effort. And nang, bali after this interview bala haw, i-transcribe ni siya
namon.) Okay. (Then, tagaan ka namon copy para ma-check mo and if may mga concerns
ka regarding sa interview.) Okay. (So again Manang, thank you gid katama!) Thank you
so much!


Appendix E

Inter Coder Reliability


Challenges Intercoder 1 Intercoder 2 Intercoder 3

During the
Agree Disagree Agree Disagree Agree Disagree
1. Limited
/ / /
2. Difficulty in
Distribution of / / /
Relief Goods

Qualities of An
Intercoder 1 Intercoder 2 Intercoder 3
Ideal Leader
Amidst a Crisis
1. Courageous / / /
2. Flexibility / / /
3. Intelligent / / /


Inter coders:

April B. Abrera, MEd-RLL

Ruth T. Nemenzo, PhD

Jesusa E. Pineda, PhD


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