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It was the 12th of march… or wait was it the 13th ? Don’t blame me I don’t
exactly have what people call “photographic memory”. I only remember bits of
it so please bear with me. So anyways back to what we were talking about, it
was the 13th of march and i remember we had a project due and
inconveniently enough it was 70% of our final grade so we had no choice but to
actually work on it. “We” being me and my friend. I don’t remember anything
unusual happening that day except for the fact that I woke up early for once in
my life. I had promised I would be at sam’s house when the clock struck 3 and
it was already 3:45…. I realised I was terribly late and gulped down my mocha
frap and hurried out of the café. It was noticeably chilly that day I have to
admit, and if I had not known any better I would’ve said the demons were out
to feast.
So as I was mindlessly hopping down the familiar path admiring the blossoms
that had bloomed abovehead I noticed a strange woman who was standing
near what seemed like a awfully crooked path covered with leaves.
The woman had a strange aura..she was extremely pale as if she were a
hologram. Just as I was about to go closer, a motorcycle sped past me which
resulted in me losing focus on the woman and the path.
She had disappeared. This made me want to go and explore the new path even
more, so I texted sam my location asking her to join me and that I would be
going down that track.
It was deserted, as if no one had ever set foot on the leaves for decades. To be
honest I was a little amazed that such a cool and calm footpath existed right in
the middle of the city.
It was all well and suddenly the temperature dropped almost 15 degrees. I was
confused I didn’t know what to do, I tried to call my friend but my palms
started sweating and my phone slipped and fell into the darkness of the trees.
“have you locked the doors?” whispered a voice near my neck. I turned to face
the strange woman I had seen earlier….only she was missing a hand,her
clothes were torn and drenched in a thick gooey liquid… which seemed like
blood. Naturally I shrieked and started running further into the woods, I turned
back to check if I had lost her but to my surprise she wasn’t chasing me . It
looked like she was calmly walking towards me. Before I could snap back into
reality she started talking. Her voice was like that of an angel singing, “im not
going to hurt you, I just need help. Help me escape my demise, I was killed in
an accident exactly 3 years ago… your death is necessary for me to be able to
live again”
I tried to yell and push past her but I couldn’t find the words, there was no
strength left for me to fight back. The last thing I remember is someone
shouting my name and then, the noises became muffled and I blacked out.
I kept seeing the womans face but it seemed so distant, non existent almost.
My eyelids flickered due to the bright light, naturally my eyes adjusted. I was
back in my own bed. I was never more pleased to see my messy room. After a
while I was told I had fainted in the middle of the woods when sam found me.
It all came rushing back, the woman, the singing, everything.
Maybe it was because of the shock, but I wasn’t able to move a muscle for 72
hours. It was truly an unforgettable event though I haven’t told anyone what
really happened that day, the main reason being im too scared to even talk
about it. All ive learned is never to be impulsive anymore
9E 9508

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