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TRT Pty Ltd Business in Confidence

Application for Leave

Employee name: Raff Lorenz Alonzo Razon

First day of leave: January 15, 2024

Last day of leave: January 17, 2024

Total number of days applied for: 3

Leave type:

 Annual  Sick  Other – Please detail _ Unpaid leave.

Reason: I am requesting approval for an Unpaid Leave on January 15, 2024, to January 17, 2024, as
requested by physician to rest and fully recover. I can submit necessary documents if needed (Medical
Certificate, etc.)

I appreciate your kind consideration

Approved by: Juluis S. Adame Jr.
Employee signature: Manager’s signature:
Date: January 22, 2024 Date: January 22, 2024

Office Payroll use only:

Number of days available as at: ______________________________________

Annual Sick

(Only required if you do not have enough leave accrued)

Director’s signature: Date:

Please note: All applications for planned leave must be submitted to HR at least 30 days prior to the
commencement of the leave.


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