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A Final Research Project submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for

completion of the course Sociology of Development for obtaining the degree of
B.A., LL.B. (Hons.)


Dr. Amit Jain SAURAV RAJ

Assistant Professor of Sociology Roll No. - 2764

B.A., LL.B.(Hons.)

Semester – 4th

Chanakya National Law University, Patna

February, 2024

I would like to express my profound gratitude and deep regards to my guide, Dr. Amit Jain,
Assistant Professor of Sociology, under whose humble guidance, I was able to write this film
review on “Hindi Medium” successfully.

I owe the present accomplishment of my project to everyone, who helped me immensely with
materials throughout the project and without whom I could not have completed it in the present

I would also like to extend my gratitude to my friends, family members and all those unseen hands
that helped me out at every stage of my project either financially, intellectually, or emotionally.

Thank You,
Saurav Raj (2764)
B.A., LL.B. (Hons.)
4th Semester
Chanakya National Law University, Patna

I hereby declare that the film review reported in the B.A., L.L.B. (Hons.) project report entitled
“Film Review: Hindi Medium” submitted at Chanakya National Law
University, Patna is an authentic record of my work carried out under the supervision of
Dr. Amit Jain. I have not submitted this work elsewhere for any other degree or diploma. I
am fully responsible for the contents of my project report.

(Signature of the candidate)

Saurav Raj (2764)

B.A., LL.B. (Hons.)
4th Semester
Chanakya National Law University, Patna




Hindi Medium is more than just a movie. It is a powerful sociological narrative that sheds light
on the intersecting dynamics of education, social mobility, and development in contemporary
India. This movie beautifully portrays the struggles of parents navigating the complex
education system in India characterized by disparities, challenges, and inequalities.

The film intricately weaves two central narratives: on one hand, it follows the journey of a
couple striving to secure a bright future for their child, while on the other, it delves into the
challenges within the education system and societal class structures.

At its core, Hindi Medium revolves around the aspirations of Raj and Mita, a rich couple
residing in Chandni chowk, Delhi, to secure admission to a prestigious English-medium school
for their daughter, Pia. Like many parents, this couple also believes that getting their daughter
into a prestigious English-medium school will give her a better future as speaking English and
attending prestigious schools are seen as tickets to success.

This couple has a lot of money and own established business but despite all these, they are not
considered as high-class people. So, in order to blend in better and get closer to their school of
choice, they leave Chandni chowk and move to a South Delhi locality. They try to change their
way of living so that they can fit into the elite class of society. Their lives spiral out of control
there. They even go for consultation to different institutions just to get her daughter admitted
in one of the top schools. They prepare for the interview of the parents and in the end their
daughter does not get selected. They realise that schools do not want to give admission to those
students whose parents are shopkeepers or businessmen. The logic was schools think that if
parents are not educated, they would not give focus on the education of their child.

One of the lines said by pia’s mother goes like “Iss desh me angrezi zubaan nahi, Class hai…
aur iss class me ghusne ke liye ek acche school me padhne ke alawa aur koi raashta nahi hai.”
This type of thinking clearly shows us how desperately they wanted a seat for their daughter in
one of those prestigious English-medium schools.

They even go to the extent of pretending to be poor to get their daughter admitted under RTI
quota. They start living in slums, wear ragged clothes and try to adjust themselves in that pity
environment. After a lot of struggles, they anyhow manage to get a seat for daughter. But, in
the end, this couple realises that they have taken up the seat of a poor child. This makes them
feel guilty and out of guilt they withdraw the admission of her daughter from that school. Later
they give donations to one of the government schools and get her daughter admitted to that
government school for her studies.


This film contains various sociological themes which have been discussed below.

1. Social Mobility: The central theme of this film is social mobility. It is the ability of
individuals to shift from one social status to another. It has been clearly portrayed in this
movie that how Raj and Mita had strong pursuit of a better future for Pia and how they
tried their level best to get their daughter admitted in one of the top English medium
schools. These actions reflect nothing other than a desire for upward mobility. Generally,
in our society, people think that success of a person is determined by their efforts and
talents rather than their social background. But, to viewers surprise, this film clearly
challenges this notion. Despite the strong determination of Pia’s parents to get a seat for
daughter, they face significant challenges due to their socio-economic status and lack of
proficiency in English. We can say that the desire of upward mobility suggests the notion
of “development” for pia and her parents.

2. Educational Disparities: This film has beautifully portrayed unequal educational

opportunities for rich and poor kids under Indian education system. These inequalities act
as hinderance in upward social mobility. The film shows us that better resources and
educational opportunities are available for kids coming from affluent families and vice
versa. Through the unequal distribution of opportunities and resources, the gap between
the rich and poor widens over time. This film shows us the urgent need for educational
reforms to ensure access to quality education for all regardless of their socio-economic

3. Cultural Capital: The concept of cultural capital, as coined by French sociologist Pierre
Bourdieu, plays a central role in the film’s narrative. It refers to the social assets of an
individual which promote social mobility in society. This film has tried to show that a
person’s proficiency in the English language holds significant weight and signifies high
social status which help them in access to high quality education English medium
education. This film serves as a critique of the elitism present in English medium
education, which can marginalize non-English speakers and enforce linguistic dominance.


In essence, we can say that the film “Hindi Medium” resonates with viewers on multiple levels.
It not only engages the viewers with its compelling storyline and amazing performances, but
also offers a thought-provoking exploration of sociological themes in relation to development.
The film also gives us insights on various complex factors that influence social mobility of an
individual. With its amazing storytelling and insightful social critique, this film delivers
valuable insights into the challenge of upward mobility and the pursuit of a better life. Through
Raj and Mita’s experiences, this film compels views to contemplate the pervasive disparities
that govern our present-day world and the transformative power of education in challenging
existing structures of privilege and disadvantage.

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