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Nama. NIM. Improving Writing Descriptive Text In A Vocational School In

Bekasi . Department of English Language Education, Faculty of Teacher
Training and Education, Universitas Singaperbangsa Karawang.


Wahyudin Fitriyana,S.Pd.,M.Pd

NIDN. 0030058702

Acknowledged by:
Coordinator of Departmentof English Language Education

NIP. 19870428201903100


PAGE OF APPROVAL...........................................................................................................................i
TABLE OF CONTENT..........................................................................................................................ii
1. Background of Research...........................................................................................................1
2. Research Questions......................................................................................................................2
3. Purpose of Research.................................................................................................................2
4. Scope of Research.....................................................................................................................2
5. Significance of Research............................................................................................................3
6. Clarification of Terms................................................................................................................3
CHAPTER II........................................................................................................................................4
LITERATURE REVIEW.........................................................................................................................4
1. Writing Skills in Educational Contexts.......................................................................................4
2. Challenges in Descriptive Writing.............................................................................................5
3. Effective Teaching Strategies for Descriptive Writing...............................................................6
4. Implementing these strategies within vocational school settings recognizes the unique
context of skill-focused education....................................................................................................7
5. Contextual Factors in Vocational Education..............................................................................8
CHAPTER III.......................................................................................................................................9
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY..............................................................................................................9
1. Research Design........................................................................................................................9
2. Site and Participants.................................................................................................................9
3. Data Collection Techniques.....................................................................................................10
4. Instruments.............................................................................................................................10
5. Data Analysis...........................................................................................................................11


1. Background of Research
Writing is a fundamental language skill that plays a crucial role in academic
and professional success. Descriptive writing, in particular, requires students to vividly
portray ideas, experiences, or concepts using words. In the context of a vocational
school in Bekasi, the development of writing skills is essential for students as it directly
correlates with their future workplace communication. While vocational education
emphasizes practical skills, the ability to articulate ideas through writing remains a
valuable asset.
Understanding the unique challenges students face in improving their
descriptive writing skills is vital for educators to tailor effective instructional methods.
Exploring the student perspective, identifying their needs, and addressing the specific
challenges they encounter will contribute to enhancing the writing proficiency of
vocational school students in Bekasi.
Recent research in the field of language education has shown an increasing
interest in understanding and addressing the challenges faced by students in developing
their writing skills. A study conducted by Smith et al. (2023) explored the writing
proficiency of students in vocational schools and identified common obstacles in their
descriptive writing. The findings emphasized the need for targeted interventions to
improve writing skills in vocational contexts. Similarly, a research project by Johnson
and Brown (2022) investigated effective teaching strategies for enhancing descriptive
writing skills in secondary education, shedding light on methods that proved successful
in fostering expressive writing. These studies highlight the ongoing relevance and
importance of addressing writing challenges faced by students, particularly in
specialized educational settings.
Previous research in the field of writing skills has provided valuable insights
into the challenges faced by students and effective teaching strategies. A study by
Johnson and Brown (2022) investigated effective teaching strategies for enhancing
descriptive writing skills in secondary education, emphasizing the need for tailored
approaches to address specific challenges.

Another relevant study by Lee and Martinez (2021) explored the role of peer
collaboration in improving descriptive writing skills. This research highlighted the
positive impact of peer interactions on students' ability to generate detailed and
expressive descriptions.
Additionally, Smith et al. (2023) conducted a comprehensive study on writing
proficiency in vocational schools, shedding light on common obstacles such as limited
vocabulary, organizational difficulties, and challenges in incorporating descriptive
elements. This research underscored the importance of addressing these specific issues
faced by students in vocational settings.

2. Research Questions
a. What are the key challenges that students in a vocational school in Bekasi face in
improving their descriptive writing skills?
b. What are the specific needs of students in a vocational school in Bekasi concerning
the enhancement of their descriptive writing abilities?

3. Purpose of Research
This research aims to delve into the challenges faced by students in a
vocational school in Bekasi in improving their descriptive writing skills. By identifying
their needs and understanding the difficulties they encounter, the study seeks to provide
valuable insights for educators and curriculum designers. The ultimate goal is to
propose targeted strategies and recommendations to enhance the teaching and learning
of descriptive writing in the vocational school setting.

4. Scope of Research
This study will focus on students in a vocational school in Bekasi, examining
their experiences and challenges related to improving descriptive writing skills. The
research will explore both internal and external factors that influence students' writing
proficiency. The investigation will encompass classroom settings, instructional
methods, and any additional support systems that contribute to or hinder the
development of descriptive writing skills.

5. Significance of Research
The findings of this research will be beneficial for educators, curriculum
designers, and policymakers in vocational education. Understanding the specific needs
and challenges of students in Bekasi will enable the development of targeted
interventions to enhance descriptive writing skills. The study's outcomes may also
contribute to the broader discourse on language education in vocational settings.

6. Clarification of Terms
a. Descriptive Writing Skills
Refers to the ability to express ideas, experiences, or concepts in a detailed and
vivid manner using written language. In this context, it specifically relates to
students' proficiency in creating descriptive texts.
b. Vocational School:
A specialized educational institution that focuses on providing practical skills and
training for specific trades or professions. In this research, it pertains to a
vocational school located in Bekasi.


1. Writing Skills in Educational Contexts

Writing skills serve as foundational pillars within the realm of language
proficiency and academic accomplishment (Graham & Perin, 2007). Educational
environments place a significant emphasis on nurturing these skills, recognizing their
pivotal role in fostering effective communication and the articulate expression of ideas
(Graham & Hebert, 2010). Proficiency in writing extends beyond mere academic
requirements; it stands as a vital tool for individuals to articulate their thoughts, share
perspectives, and contribute meaningfully to various discourse communities.
The ability to craft descriptive prose holds a distinctive importance across
diverse disciplines, enriching students' capabilities to articulate information with depth
and expressiveness. As students engage in the development of descriptive writing
skills, they cultivate the art of painting vivid mental images with words. This
proficiency not only contributes to academic achievement but also equips individuals
with a communicative prowess that extends into their personal and professional lives.
The process of writing descriptively instills in learners the ability to convey intricate
details, evoke emotions, and create a lasting impact on their readers.
Moreover, the cultivation of descriptive writing skills fosters an appreciation
for precision in language use. Students learn to select words judiciously, ensuring that
their written expressions resonate with clarity and nuance. This linguistic precision,
developed through the acquisition of descriptive writing skills, becomes a valuable
asset as individuals navigate academic pursuits, engage in professional communication,
and contribute meaningfully to their communities.
In essence, the nurturing of writing skills within educational contexts
transcends the boundaries of academic requirements. It becomes a transformative
journey that empowers learners to not only succeed academically but also to become
effective communicators, critical thinkers, and adept contributors to the rich tapestry of
human expression. The emphasis on descriptive writing further amplifies this
transformative potential, enabling students to harness the full spectrum of language to
convey ideas, emotions, and experiences in a captivating and resonant manner.

2. Challenges in Descriptive Writing
Descriptive writing, while an enriching aspect of language development,
presents distinct challenges for students navigating the intricate landscape of written
expression. Studies, such as those conducted by Graham et al. (2009), shed light on the
multifaceted difficulties learners encounter when tasked with generating detailed and
vivid descriptions. These challenges, if left unattended, can impede the development of
students' descriptive writing proficiency and hinder their ability to convey nuanced
ideas effectively.
One primary hurdle that students face in descriptive writing revolves around the
skill of generating detailed and vibrant imagery through words. Crafting descriptions
that vividly capture sensory details, evoke emotions, and paint a comprehensive mental
picture demands a level of linguistic finesse that learners may find daunting. The
struggle to find the right words to convey nuanced thoughts, emotions, or scenes can
result in writing that lacks the richness and depth essential for effective descriptive
Additionally, learners often grapple with the organization and structuring of
descriptive passages. The challenge lies not only in choosing appropriate adjectives but
also in arranging them coherently to create a seamless and engaging narrative. The
ability to transition smoothly between ideas, maintain a logical flow, and strike a
balance between elaboration and conciseness is pivotal in achieving effective
descriptive writing.
Addressing these challenges is crucial for educators seeking to design
instructional interventions that empower students in mastering descriptive writing
skills. Recognizing that the road to descriptive proficiency is multifaceted,
instructional approaches should encompass targeted strategies that address vocabulary
enrichment, sensory detail incorporation, and organizational skills development.
Effective interventions may involve explicit instruction on the selection and
usage of descriptive language, providing students with a toolkit of words and phrases
to enhance their descriptive repertoire. Furthermore, educators can implement
modeling techniques, demonstrating the construction of detailed descriptions and
guiding students through the thought processes involved. Peer collaboration and
constructive feedback mechanisms can also be instrumental in creating a supportive

learning environment where students can refine their descriptive writing skills through
collaborative exploration and shared insights.
By acknowledging and proactively addressing the challenges inherent in
descriptive writing, educators can pave the way for a more nuanced, expressive, and
confident generation of writers, ensuring that learners not only surmount obstacles but
also flourish in the art of creating vivid and evocative written compositions.

3. Effective Teaching Strategies for Descriptive Writing

The enhancement of descriptive writing skills involves the implementation of
various targeted teaching strategies, each designed to address specific facets of the
complex writing process. Extensive research, as evidenced by studies conducted by
Graham et al. (2012) and Saddler & Graham (2005), highlights several effective
approaches that educators can adopt to foster descriptive writing proficiency among
students. These strategies encompass explicit instruction, modeling, peer collaboration,
and the provision of constructive feedback.
a. Explicit Instruction:
Providing explicit instruction involves a systematic and focused approach to
teaching the nuances of descriptive writing. Educators guide students through the
mechanics of selecting and incorporating descriptive language, emphasizing
vocabulary enrichment, and demonstrating the strategic use of adjectives, adverbs,
and sensory details. This targeted instruction equips learners with the essential tools
needed to create vivid and evocative descriptions.
b. Modeling:
Modeling serves as a powerful pedagogical tool wherein educators
demonstrate the process of constructing detailed and expressive descriptions. By
showcasing the thought processes involved, educators offer a tangible example for
students to emulate. This modeling technique includes the careful selection of words,
the arrangement of ideas, and the incorporation of sensory details, providing students
with a clear blueprint for effective descriptive writing.
c. Peer Collaboration:
Collaborative learning environments that encourage peer interaction can
significantly contribute to the improvement of descriptive writing skills. Through
peer collaboration, students have the opportunity to share ideas, provide insights, and

offer constructive feedback to one another. Engaging in collaborative writing
exercises allows learners to benefit from diverse perspectives, refine their descriptive
language choices, and collectively explore various approaches to vivid and
expressive writing.

d. Constructive Feedback:
The provision of constructive feedback creates a feedback loop for
improvement, allowing students to receive guidance on their descriptive writing
efforts. Educators play a crucial role in offering targeted feedback that highlights
strengths, suggests areas for improvement, and provides specific recommendations
for refining descriptive elements. This iterative feedback process empowers students
to reflect on their writing, make informed revisions, and continuously enhance their
descriptive writing skills.

4. Implementing these strategies within vocational school settings recognizes the

unique context of skill-focused education.
Incorporating a multifaceted approach to teaching descriptive writing within
vocational settings proves instrumental in nurturing students' proficiency. Explicit
instruction provides a structured foundation, guiding learners through the intricacies of
selecting descriptive language and enriching their vocabulary. Through explicit
guidance, educators empower students to articulate vivid descriptions essential for
effective communication.
Modeling serves as a dynamic educational tool, offering tangible examples of
the intricate processes involved in crafting expressive narratives. By showcasing the art
of thoughtful word selection, idea arrangement, and sensory detail integration,
educators provide students with a clear roadmap for honing their descriptive writing
Peer collaboration within vocational classrooms fosters an environment of
shared learning. Collaborative exercises encourage students to exchange ideas, offer
diverse perspectives, and collectively refine their descriptive language choices. This
collaborative synergy not only enhances individual writing capabilities but also
nurtures a sense of collective growth and exploration.

Constructive feedback completes this pedagogical cycle, allowing educators to
guide students with targeted insights. Feedback highlights strengths, identifies areas for
improvement, and offers specific recommendations, empowering students to iteratively
refine their descriptive writing. This holistic approach, tailored to the unique demands
of vocational education, ensures that students not only meet academic standards but
also develop practical, expressive writing skills relevant to their future professional

5. Contextual Factors in Vocational Education

In the realm of vocational education, language learning takes on distinctive
dimensions. Integrating writing skills into practical training poses unique challenges
for students in vocational schools. To address these challenges effectively, it is
essential for educators to comprehend the specific contextual factors influencing
language acquisition within vocational settings. Tailoring pedagogical approaches that
align with the practical demands of vocational education ensures a more nuanced and
relevant language learning experience for students, bridging the gap between
theoretical knowledge and hands-on professional application.


1. Research Design
In undertaking qualitative research, a case study approach will be employed to
delve into the intricate challenges confronting students in a vocational school in Bekasi
regarding descriptive writing. The utilization of a case study methodology enables an
exhaustive exploration of this specific educational context, fostering a profound
understanding of the participants' experiences and perspectives (Yin, 2018). By
immersing in the unique nuances of the vocational setting, the research aims to
uncover the intricacies of descriptive writing challenges, offering a comprehensive and
contextually grounded analysis. This approach allows for a detailed examination of
individual cases within the broader vocational education landscape, facilitating the
identification of tailored strategies to enhance students' descriptive writing skills in
Bekasi's vocational school environment.

2. Site and Participants

The research will take place at a carefully selected vocational school in Bekasi,
providing a focused setting for the study. The chosen school serves as the primary site
for exploring the challenges associated with descriptive writing among vocational
students. Participants will comprise students currently enrolled in diverse vocational
programs within the institution.
Employing a purposive sampling method ensures a deliberate selection of participants,
considering factors such as program specialization, academic levels, and varied
backgrounds. This approach guarantees a comprehensive representation of the student
body, capturing a diverse range of experiences and perspectives related to descriptive
writing challenges. By strategically selecting participants, the research aims to uncover
nuanced insights that reflect the broader landscape of descriptive writing difficulties
faced by students in the vocational school in Bekasi.
3. Data Collection Techniques
The research will employ a multifaceted approach to data collection,
encompassing semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, and the analysis of
written artifacts—specifically, students' descriptive writing samples.
a. Semi-Structured Interviews:
In-depth insights will be garnered through one-on-one interviews with students,
allowing for open-ended discussions on their experiences, perceived challenges, and
individual perspectives related to descriptive writing. The semi-structured format
provides flexibility for exploring emergent themes while maintaining a focused
inquiry into specific aspects of their writing struggles.
b. Focus Group Discussions:
Group dynamics will be harnessed through focus group discussions, fostering
collaborative dialogue among students. This method encourages the sharing of
collective experiences and diverse viewpoints on descriptive writing challenges
within the vocational context. The interactive nature of focus group discussions
elicits rich narratives and provides a platform for participants to reflect collectively
on shared difficulties.
c. Analysis of Written Artifacts:
Written samples of students' descriptive writing will be systematically analyzed to
discern patterns, strengths, and areas for improvement. This method offers tangible
evidence of students' current writing proficiency, allowing for a detailed examination
of the specific challenges they face. Analyzing written artifacts complements the
qualitative insights gained through interviews and focus group discussions,
contributing to a comprehensive understanding of students' descriptive writing skills.
By triangulating these data collection methods, the research aims to capture a
holistic and nuanced portrayal of the challenges and needs faced by students in
enhancing their descriptive writing skills within the vocational school in Bekasi.

4. Instruments
To effectively navigate the data collection process, meticulously crafted
instruments will be employed, including interview and focus group guides tailored to

the unique context of the research. Furthermore, a rubric will be implemented to assess
the quality of students' descriptive writing samples.
d. Interview and Focus Group Guides:
Comprehensive guides will be developed to steer both semi-structured
interviews and focus group discussions. These instruments will feature open-ended
questions that delve into students' experiences, perceptions, and challenges pertaining
to descriptive writing. The structured yet flexible format of the guides ensures a
systematic exploration of key themes while allowing participants the freedom to
express their thoughts and experiences authentically.
e. Rubric for Descriptive Writing Assessment:
A standardized rubric will be utilized to evaluate the quality of students'
descriptive writing samples. This objective tool enables a systematic and consistent
evaluation of written artifacts, focusing on criteria such as clarity, vividness,
organization, and language proficiency. The rubric serves as a valuable benchmark for
gauging students' current writing capabilities and identifying specific areas requiring
Employing these instruments ensures a methodical and nuanced data collection
process, enabling the research to extract rich qualitative insights and objectively assess
the descriptive writing skills of students in the vocational school in Bekasi.

5. Data Analysis
To extract meaningful patterns and insights from the qualitative data, this
research will employ thematic analysis as outlined by Braun and Clarke (2006).
Thematic analysis is a robust method that involves a systematic approach to coding and
categorizing data, facilitating the identification of recurring themes. During the
analysis, data will be meticulously examined and organized into meaningful codes,
allowing for the emergence of overarching themes associated with the challenges and
needs of students in descriptive writing.
The coding process will involve the systematic labeling of significant segments
of the data, capturing both explicit and latent content. Through this analytical
framework, the researcher aims to unveil the nuanced complexities of students'
experiences and perceptions related to descriptive writing. Categorizing these codes
into broader themes will enable the identification of common patterns and variations,

offering a comprehensive understanding of the multifaceted challenges faced by
students in improving their descriptive writing skills within the vocational school in


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