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14 North Bay Business Journal MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 2023


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Safeway shoppers were overcharged

on some items dating back to 2022 selmo’s was two weeks later. California law defines the correct price County Weights and Measures requires
Marin County officials The Pleasanton-based chain’s Marin as the “lowest price,” Marin County 98% accuracy.
find pricing accuracy fell County stores were overcharging custom-
ers on such items as cheese, rung up at 50
Weights and Measures Assistant Director
Scott Wise said. The department runs out
“With most things, it’s hard to be per-
fect,” Wise said.
to 58% since pandemic cents higher; and avocados supposed to sell of the county Agriculture Commissioner’s Either way, Wise urged all shoppers
four for $5, priced at $12 instead, county office and conducts routine inspections to check their receipts, preferably before
By SUSAN WOOD officials said. each year to check on accurate pricing. leaving the store — which is another im-
The North Bay Business Journal Discrepancies also were discovered in The state fined the grocery store chain perfection for many shoppers.
the housewares aisle with laundry deter- $1.7 million in 2008 on behalf of county dis- When asked if inflation plays a role in the
With some grocers still out of com- gent rung up as more than what county trict attorneys over pricing discrepancies. failure of shoppers noticing discrepancies,
pliance, inspectors from Marin County inspectors said was “the correct price.” Before the state becomes involved with Wise offered another reason for the errors
Weights and Measures have found pricing In response, Safeway said it’s committed multiple infractions, counties may fine a and missed opportunities.
discrepancies in some area Safeway stores. to ensuring its customers pay the “lowest store up to $1,000 for three offenses. “Typically, people are busy. Few of us
The discrepancies date back to early applicable advertised price on a product,” Along with annual inspections, the actually stop and check our receipts, and
2022, with both the Corte Madera and San spokeswoman Wendy Gutshall said. Marin County Weights and Measures some do when they get home,” he said.
Anselmo stores failing to pass re-inspec- “Any customers who may have been department publishes a consumer report
tions in June. inadvertently charged a higher price are each year. In this North Bay county, Wise Susan Wood covers law, cannabis,
The Business Journal submitted a pub- eligible to receive a gift card or the item said his agency found that retailers were production, tech, energy, transportation,
lic records request to find out what the for free as outlined under Safeway’s price 78% accurate pre-COVID After the pan- agriculture, banking and finance. She
re-inspection dates were. Corte Madera’s accuracy guarantee policy, which can be demic subsided, that figure dropped to 58% can be reached at 530-545-8662 or susan.
last inspection was June 15, and San An- found posted in Safeway stores,” she said. across all sectors.

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