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MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 2023 North Bay Business Journal 17

Airbnb for dogs: Sniffspot app lets pet

owners rent backyard for off-leash play
By SARA EDWARDS us to have this experience,” Klahr said. dogs by size, leaving owners of smaller
The Press Democrat “It’s amazing to see how many people re- pets with limited options when it comes
ally need places for their dogs. … It’s been to giving their dog off-leash time.
Residents of Sonoma and Napa counties such a joy to be able to do this for people.” David and Rebecca launched Sniffspot
are making some extra money by renting Victoria Petersen joined Sniffspot last in 2018 and based the model for the app off
out their backyards and open space to dog January. She has a fully fenced, 2-acre Airbnb. Dog owners interested in booking
owners throughout the North Bay area property in Santa Rosa and puts the money a space can use the app to filter for specific
using an app called Sniffspot. made from bookings into maintaining the locations, such as spaces with a pool or
David Adams, co-founder of Sniffspot, property. agility equipment.
said there are nine active listings in Sono- She said most of the dog owners that All of the bookings are private, with only
ma and Napa counties, with the highest book her space are local and are looking for the dogs listed on the reservation allowed
earning spot topping out at just over $2,000 a place where their dogs can be themselves. during the allotted time. There’s also a
a month. “I love (being on the app) from the per- required half-hour break in between book-
Alison Klahr, a Petaluma resident, spective of helping the dogs,” Petersen ings so owners arriving and departing with
Sniffspot allows users to rent out areas for dogs
joined Sniffspot back in February and saw said. “I would say 99.9% of the folks who to romp. their pets can do so without interruption.
an immediate rush for bookings from dog come just love their dogs and want to be Sniffspot also runs checks on hosts and
owners looking for a safe place to let their able to have a good time with them without There are many reasons dog owners their spaces before allowing them to list on
dogs off-leash. hassle.” don’t feel comfortable taking their dogs the website, such as validating addresses
Her listing is a fully fenced, 2-acre prop- Sniffspot was created by David and Re- to a dog park. While dog parks can be a and locations to ensure legitimacy.
erty in northern Petaluma with a walk-in becca Adams, who have two dogs of their great way forpets to socialize and get some “We have people booking large meetups
dog pond that she says has made her listing own, Soba and Toshii. David said they were energy out, some dogs just don’t get along or people doing training sessions,” David
very popular. having a hard time finding a place to let with others,and some owners worry about said. “The people that use Sniffspot are
She’s made around $9,000 so far through their dogs off-leash and had not had great injury, illness or bad interactions. crazy about their dogs and that’s still
her bookings. experiences at local dog parks. Many dog parks also don’t segregate true today.”
“We’ve been slammed,” Klahr said. “I “I’d had my dog (Soba) for a year and I
have to block off time during my day just would take her on walks and all kinds of
Rent Santa Rosa’s newest event space

so my dogs can come out.” different things to help her enjoy her time,
Klahr has had around 400 reservations and I didn’t really know the alternative,”
for her backyard since she signed up as a David said.
host on Sniffspot. She said the majority
of her guests come from cities like San
“I would take (Soba) to the dog park and
it was pretty dirty, people didn’t always
for your next big thing
Francisco, Oakland and Berkeley. pick up after their dog and there were a lot
“There are no yards anywhere in that of dogs that made it not a great experience
area so they (dog owners) will drive up to for the other dogs.”


Happy Space

Bette Vasquez, foreground, and Colleen Simmons used the Sniffspot app to book playtime for their
dogs in Alison Klahr’s Petaluma backyard for a few hours on Aug. 10.

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