SocialEthicalIssues FLG

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Presentation outline
1) Defining AI
2) AI systems and techniques
Issues on social and ethical in 3) General social and ethical
artificial intelligence issues with AI
4) Ethical issues in AI
5) Towards responsible AI


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Defining AI AI systems and techniques

Artificial intelligence (AI): the theory and - Knowledge-based systems
Systems that can reason and use a knowledge
development of computer systems able to
base to solve complex problems
perform tasks normally requiring human
intelligence … - Natural language processing
Systems with capabilities of
understanding and producing
… such as visual perception, speech
spoken and written language
recognition, decision-making, and translation
between languages. - Computer vision
Systems that are able to r processing, analyze and
understand digital images and video


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- Machine learning
- Intelligent agents The capability of computer systems to learn
Software programs that have assigned goals and can by generalizing from a set of examples fed
perform tasks towards these goals independently, and
can make their own decisions doing so. to them, using suitable algorithms and
mathematical models
- Affective Computing
The development of systems capable of recognizing,
- Embedded AI
understanding and simulating human emotions The embedding of AI capabilities in
everyday products, making them smart
- Smart Big Data
The combination of big data with AI techniques, including - Intelligent robotics
intelligent data analytics and machine learning The combination of AI and robotics, resulting in smart
electro-mechanical machines that can perform human
tasks autonomously


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General social and ethical issues with AI

(2) Safety and security
(1) Loss of control

Will we still be able to make our Will intelligent systems (especially

own decisions and perform our own actions? those that interact with the real world,
like robots and embedded systems) be
AI systems may decide for us safe?
We are not always the owner
Can we prevent the hacking of
Even if we are, we are not usually the such systems?

Even if we are, the system may not act


Will we lose control over our lives?


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(3) Privacy (4) Mass unemployment

Will the combination of AI and Will AI and robotics eliminate a large

machine learning with sensors, percentage of existing jobs?
computer vision, affective computing, Will there be new jobs to compensate?
natural language processing and big Will the needed skills in the new job
data kill our privacy?
market be attainable by all?
What do we do if many of the
disappearing jobs are not replaced?


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(6) Responsibility, accountability and

(5) Bias and inequality explainability

Will AI increase inequality in society or Who is responsible for the decisions

will it decrease it? What can we do to taken by AI system, especially when
ensure it does not increase errors are made and harm is done?
Are there decisions that AI systems
should never make?
AI systems (especially big data
systems) may contain biases in the
Should we require algorithmic accountability
way they represent and treat
and transparency?
individuals and groups, leading to
Should we require that the actions of AI
unfair treatment. How do we prevent systems are explainable at all times?


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Ethical issues in AI applications Transportation & infrastructure

• Smart scheduling for
transportation services
Ethical issues that are specific to particular applications of AI • Energy management,
technology in sectors like education, healthcare and entertainment optimization and distribution
• Sensing and predictive analysis
for water management
• Predictive modelling of user
characteristics for transportation
services (future)
• Predictive neighbourhood
analysis for urban planning
activities (future)


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Ethical issues in transportation & infrastructure Healthcare

• Public safety issues • Clinical decision support

• Issues of privacy and data management • Patient monitoring and
• Issues of responsibility/liability coaching
• Forced-choice decisions (crash ethics) • Preventative medicine
• Issues in relation to trusting autonomous vehicles • Automated image
• Issues of responsibility/liability (responsibility gap) interpretation (future)
• Personalised diagnosis
and treatment involving
DNA analysis (future)


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Ethical issues in healthcare Finance & insurance

• Issues of privacy and data management (in relation to patient • Algorithmic trading and high-frequency
information, data ownership/viewership) trading
• Automated financial advice and portfolio
• Issues of quality of care and patient integrity/safety
(e.g., inaccurate diagnoses made by AI, overconfidence in the use of AI systems by doctors)
• Underwriting for credit and insurance
• Issues of responsibility/accountability industries
• Potential inequalities in patient care • Big data for market analysis and
automated trading (future)


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Ethical issues in finance & insurance Law enforcement & defence

• Risk of catastrophes in algorithmic trading and high-frequency • Automated analysis of camera

trading due to system errors or design flaws footage for surveillance and
predictive policing
• Security issues and misuse
• Detection of financial fraud
(e.g., hacking, manipulation of markets)
• Evidence gathering from
• Issues of responsibility/liability (responsibility gap) personal electronic devices
• Objectification of customers in personal finance and insurance • Advanced cyber defence and
• Issues of privacy and data management weapons systems (future)
• Algorithmic bias • Large-scale surveillance systems
using wide-area imagery (future)


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Ethical issues in law enforcement & defence Towards Responsible AI

• Law enforcement • Potential for abuse and errors AI governed by ethical guidelines and responsible practices
• Algorithmic bias issues (overconfidence in performance
of AI surveillance systems) - Responsible automation and job restructuring
• Privacy and data management
issues in law enforcement • Shifting ethical norms regarding
- Respecting privacy of citizens, customers and employees
surveillance systems public surveillance
• Chilling effect on society due to • Defence - Avoiding bias and discrimination in AI systems
excessive surveillance • Distancing with regard to
• Unequal burden of surveillance, military targets - Reducing risks of error, safety failures and security risks
discriminatory targeting • Responsibility/accountability for
the actions of military AI - Algorithmic accountability and transparency
• Risk of function creep in AI
systems for public surveillance systems
- Maintaining meaningful human control


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