2016 Manual Meat Training

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Meat Processing

Training Manual
Meat Products Processing


The Philippine meat processing industry has seen sales of P200 billion in the first

five months of the year 2014 according to the Department of Agriculture. Higher livestock and

poultry production was expected in 2014 due to increased demand and the government’s support

for industry-linked production of meat, including halal and other high-quality processed product

to support export. Based on Philippine Statistics Authority, the country’s consumption of

processed meat is predicted to reach three million tons in the year 2015 (Philmeat Expo &

Forum, 2015).

Meat is the most valuable livestock product and for many people since it serves as their

first-choice source of protein. Meat is either consumed as a component of kitchen-style food

preparations or as processed meat products. Processed meat products, although in some regions

is still in their infancy, are globally gaining ground in popularity and consumption volume. Meat

processing is the manufacture of meat products from muscle meat, animal fat and certain non-

meat additives. Additives are used to enhance product flavor and appearance (Hautzinger &

Heinz, 2007).


1. To empower trainees to produce good quality and safe meat products for consumption

and/or commercialization.

2. To empower and enable local meat investors to compete in the national market.
Skinless Longanisa

Meat material: weight (g)

Pork/Chicken’s meat, ground finely 700
Pork back fat or chicken’s fat, ground finely 300

Ingredients: Household Measure weight (g)

Curing Mix
Rock salt 1 Tbsp. 12
Curing salt ½ tsp. 2
Phosphate 1 tsp. 3
Chilled water 1/4 cup 25
*to dissolve the above ingredients

Textured Vegetable Protein ¼ cup 18
Isolate 1 Tbsp. 5
Carrageenan ½ tsp. 1.25
 In ½ cup water add Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP). Hydrate for 3 mins. Add
carrageenan and isolate.
Sugar, refined ¾ cup (9-12 T) 90-120
Black pepper, ground ½ Tbsp. 2.50
Garlic, chopped finely 2 Tbsp. 24
Anisado wine 2 Tbsp. 24
Pineapple juice 2 Tbsp. 30
Meat enhancer ½ tsp. 1.22
Vetsin (MSG) ¼ tsp. 1.50
Paprika powder 1 Tbsp. 5
Food color (allura red) as desired
 Garlic powder may be substituted in the level of 2 tsp. per kg. which is equivalent to 10g.
 Prepared by dissolving 1 tsp. of food color in ½ cup of water. This serves as the stock
solution to be kept in the refrigerator. From this solution get 1-2 tsp.

Measuring spoon chopping board
Measuring cup knife
Weighing scale laddle
Mixing bowls
Saucer or small bowls

1. Select good quality raw materials.
2. Sanitize the area and all the needed materials.
3. Measure and weigh all the ingredients. Prepare curing mix and extenders separately.
4. Add the curing mix to meat. Mix continuously. Then, add the extenders little by little until
well blended.
5. Finally add the seasonings and mix well.
6. Cure at chilling temperature for 8-10 hours.
7. Wrap in paperlyne or cut wrap (2 tbsp. per pc.). Pack in polyethylene bag (6-12 pcs of
longanisa per bag).
8. Store in freezer.
Corned Beef

Meat material: weight (g)

Beef brisket, slice in cubes 1,000
Cover pickle Ingredients: Household Measure weight (g)
rock salt 1 Tbsp. 12
Curing salt 1 tsp. 4
Refined sugar 1 Tbsp. 10
Phosphate 1 tsp. 3
Chilled water ¼ cup 250
*to dissolve the above ingredients

Add 2 cups water to the meat and cook with the following ingredients:
Cooking Ingredients:
Nutmeg 1 tsp. 5
Corned beef seasoning 1 tsp. 5
Garlic powder 1 tsp. 2
Ingredients after cooking:
Trimix 2 Tbsp. 14
Carrageenan 1 tsp 2.50
Vetsin (MSG) ½ tsp. 1.50
Chilled water ¼ cup 250
*to dissolve the above ingredients
 Add after flaking
Measuring spoon chopping board
Measuring cup knife
Weighing scale pressure cooker
Mixing bowls fork
Saucer or small bowls


1. Select good quality raw materials.

2. Sanitize the area and all the needed materials.
3. Measure all ingredients needed.
4. Cube meat into 1 inch x ½ inch.
5. Prepare the cover pickle. Immerse raw materials into cover pickle. Cure at chilling
temperature for 8 hours. After curing, wash meat for 20 seconds. Drain.
6. Add the cooking ingredients and 2 cups water to the meat. Cook in pressure cooker for
45-60 mins. At 15 psi. pressure or in open fire for 4-6 hours.
7. Flake separate lean from the broth or stock solution (sabaw).
 1 kg meat will give a yield of 700g lean and 300g broth/stock solution (sabaw).
8. For every 300g broth, add 2 tbsp. trimix, ½ tsp. MSG and 1 tsp. carrageenan previously
dissolved in ¼ cup water and boil until it thickens. Add the thickened solution to the 700g
flaked lean meat to make 1,000g product.
 After mixing this thickened solution cooked meat will yield 1kg.
9. Mix thoroughly then pack in vacuum pouch in 200-250 grams package.
10. Store in freezer.

LSR’s Note:
 During cooking, start the time when it produced a sizzling sound (indicating 15 psi.
pressure). Set at medium temperature.
 After packaging, finished products may be kept in the freezer. It can last for 1 month.
Chicken Burger

Meat Material: weight (g)

Ground chicken

Ingredients: Household Measure weight (g)

Curing Mix
Rock salt 1 Tbsp. 12
Phosphate 1 tsp. 5
Chilled water ¼ cup 250
*to dissolve the above ingredients

Textured Vegetable Protein ¼ cup 18
Isolate 1 Tbsp. 5
Carrageenan ½ tsp. 1.25
 In ¼ cup water add Textured Vegetable Protein (TVP). Hydrate for 3 mins. Add
carrageenan and isolate.

Refined sugar 1 Tbsp. 10
Black pepper, ground 1 Tbsp. 15
Garlic, chopped 1 Tbsp. 12
or garlic powder (1tsp)
Vetsin (MSG) ½ tsp. 1.50
Meat enhancer ½ tsp. 1
Onion, chopped finely ½ cup 73
Celery powder ½ tsp .75
Hamburger seasoning 1 tsp. 2.50
Milk or whey powder 2 Tbsp. 10
Fresh egg, medium 1 pc.
Bread crumbs ½ cup 56
or potato starch (4T)

Measuring spoon chopping board
Measuring cup knife
Weighing scale patty molder
Mixing bowls laddle
Saucer or small bowls

1. Select good quality raw materials.
2. Sanitize the area and all the needed materials.
3. Measure all ingredients needed.
4. Add the curing mix (dissolved in water) to the ground meat. Mix until tacky.
5. Add extenders and mix again until homogenous mixture is attained. Add seasonings and
6. To attain firm patties, chill mixture for 1-2 hrs. in the refrigerator.
7. Form into patties using hamburger molder (25 g per patty).
8. Freeze patties before packaging.
9. Store in freezer.

Meat Material: Weight (g)

Beef, lean meat 1,000

Ingredients: Household Measures Weight (g)

Rock salt 1 ½ Tbsp. 22
Curing salt ½ tsp. 2.00
Sugar, refined 2 ½ Tbsp. 25
Phosphate 1 tsp. 3.00
Meat tenderizer 1 tsp. 5
Black pepper powder 2 tsp. 4
Chilled water ¼ cup 62.50
*to dissolve the ingredients

Measuring spoon chopping board
Measuring cup knife
Weighing scale Plate
Mixing bowls small bowls
Ladle colander


1. Sanitize the area and all the needed materials.

2. Measure all ingredients needed.
3. Wash the meat thoroughly with clean tap water. Drain. Slice the meat into ½ inch thick.
4. Dissolve all the ingredients in the water. Mix well then add on the meat gradually and see
to it that mixture is evenly distributed.
5. Place the meat in a polyethylene bag. Press as much as possible to exhaust air and tie the
end with string or rubber band. Allow to cure inside the chiller for 1 day.
6. After curing, remove the meat and pack in polyethylene bag or vacuum pack (250g per
7. Store in freezer.

LSR’s Note:

 For cooking, slice the meat thinly and fry in a hot pan with moderate oil until dark brown.
 For Roasting, preheat the oven to 200 degrees F. Place the meat on a rack over a roasting pan
and roast for 2 to 2 ½ hours, until the interior temperature of the meat reaches 150 degrees F.
 For smoking, smoke the meat on the grill using sawdust or guava leaves, for 3 to 5 hours
until it turns brown.

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