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International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE)

Volume 2, Issue 1, January 2015, PP 189-196

ISSN 2349-0373 (Print) & ISSN 2349-0381 (Online)

Euphemisms on Body Effluvia in Kikuyu

Rita Njeri Njoroge
Department of Linguistics and Languages
University of Nairobi, Nairobi
Ayub Mukhwana
Department of Kiswahili

Abstract: The present paper on euphemisms on body effluvia in Kikuyu language aims at identifying the
semantic and lexical processes involved in euphemism formation from taboo words on body effluvia in
Kikuyu. This aim of study is necessitated by the fact that Kikuyu is a language characterized by linguistic
taboos. For this reason, taboo words in Kikuyu have to be euphemized by use of emotional colourings that
are different from what the words literally refer to. This study paper concludes that taboo words and their
euphemized versions on body effluvia in Kikuyu provoke different responses among the Kikuyu language
speakers. Using Politeness theory, the paper is significant in that it’s findings is of great importance to
parents, teachers, court interpreters, media practitioners, counselors and sex educators using Kikuyu
language. Data for the study was obtained from archival records, the internet and through interviews.
Keywords:Euphemisms, Body effluvia, Kikuyu, Taboo words, Excretion.

In this paper, we discuss taboo words and euphemisms on body effluvia in Kikuyu language.
Terms such as shit, bloody and piss refer to bodily effluvia and acts of excretion that are generally
regarded as expletives. Although completely natural and ever present in our lives, these bodily
emissions are an unwanted topic to openly discuss.
As Pinker (2007) tries to explain why, the most disgusting substances are also the most dangerous
vector for diseases. For instance feaces are a route to transmission of viruses, bacteria and
protozoa that cause at least twenty intestinal diseases (Ibid, 2007:345). In addition, blood, vomit,
mucus, pus and sexual fluid are carriers of diseases from one body to another. There is a strong
opposition to drinking or eating bodily effluvia among human kind; even just thinking about it
generates disgust which might explain why the terms are seen as taboo.
Allan and Burridge (2006:144) state that the language one uses when referring to tabooed parts
and functions of the effluvia is usually figurative. For instance in English we say, lose your lunch
instead of vomiting. This is a sweet talking idiom and figuratively used to avoid mentioning the
bodily effluvium that goes with vomiting.
Allan and Burridge (Ibid) argue that there is a strong connection between magic and bodily
effluvia. For instance, in many cultures, Kikuyu being one of them, there are many instructions for
women on how to use tabooed bodily effluvia such as menstrual blood to capture the sexual
attention of a man by adding it to his food or drink.
Thus the aim of this paper is to identify, analyze, interpret and discuss taboo words and
euphemisms on body effluvia in Kikuyu. As we fulfill this aim, the study will also find out word
formation processes that are involved in euphemized taboo words in Kikuyu.
The topic of Body Effluvia is wide and varied. For the purpose of the present paper, the
researchers purposively decided to use 10 out of the many effluvia. The reason for this is that these
are probably the most common and the most distasting body effluvia among the Kikuyu people as
to be euphemized by the speakers of Kikuyu language.
©ARC Page | 189
The data obtained was analyzed within the
framework of Politeness theory in order to
Rita Njeri Njoroge & Ayub Mukhwana
ensure that the paper’s aims are achieved.
The present study utilizes traditional theories DISCUSSION OF TABOO WORDS AND
of Politeness as proposed by Lakoff (1973), EUPHEMISMS ON BODY EFFLUVIA IN
Brown and Levinson (1978/1987) and Leech KIKUYU.
(1983). These theories of Politeness emphasize There are various bodily functions which result
an in the emission of matter from the human
individual’s rationality and face as he/she uses bodies. Kikuyu cultural beliefs cause us to
language in communication. These theories regard these functions with varying degree of
also hold it that different cultures agree on disgust. Below is a discussion of the various
what to them politeness is. All these traditional bodily fluids/ excretions that are seen as taboo
theories on Politeness differ from later and how they are euphemised in Kikuyu
approaches informed by social theory by Eelen language.
(2001), Mills (2003) and Watts (2003). 4.1.Menstruation
3.METHODOLOGY Menstruation is the shading of blood by
mature female human beings every month with
Data for the present paper was collected from an average periodicity of twenty eight days
the Kikuyu language by use of both primary and this is done through the vagina. The
and secondary sources. The primary data was process is somewhat messy and manycultures
obtained from one of the researcher’s native have absorber material that are worn externally
knowledge of the usage of Kikuyu or internally to limit the spread of the
euphemisms. This particular researcher has menstrual flow. If the blood happens to be
ability and capacity of speaking, writing and seen by the public, it is an act of
reading the Kikuyu language fluently. In embarrassment to the woman and she is seen
conducting research about this paper, the as being careless and irresponsible. This is a
researchers used qualitative research face threatening act.
techniques due to the fact that the approach There is the virtually universal belief that
taken involved discussions and analysis for the women in their periods are unclean and
research was not a controlled phenomenon (see consequently dangerous to themselves and to
Mukhwana, A and Kabiru, D.W 2014). As the others ( see the book of Leviticus 15:19 in the
above researchers observe, qualitative inquiry Bible). On the other hand, their menstruation is
deals with data which is in form of words like associated with the great mystery of fertility
this one rather than numbers and statistics. and life itself and is thus seen as being an
The methods of identifying and locating important body process.
resources also involved accessing the The researchers found out that among the
University of Nairobi library’s online Kikuyu people, it was taboo traditionally to
cataloging system. Information related to the have intercourse with a woman in her menses.
topic of body effluvia was discovered in If a man found out that a woman's menses had
related books besides using Google Scholar to just started and that the blood has just touched
locate online database in order to find related his body, the two had to go to a traditional
scholarly articles. The internet was used as a doctor to be purified. If they failed to do so, it
source because of its limitless networking of was believed that one of them would surely
resources. Sources from the internet were die.
written by professionals in Linguistics, Socio- There are various terms in Kikuyu that are used
linguistics, Anthropological Linguistics, to refer to the act of a woman having her
Pragmatics, Communication, Stylistics, menses.
Discourse and Culture.
International Journal of Humanities Social
In searching for applicable articles and papers Sciences and Education (IJHSSE)
on body effluvia, the search engines were Page | 190
limited to searching peer-reviewed journals.
This was done in order to uphold credibility,
validity, and reliability of the material used in
the research. Noting that anyone can publish
information online and that the information
can be false or misleading, the researchers
sought for background information on the
authors of the online resources to determine if
the information was credible.
restricted to some areas. For
Euphemisms on Body Effluvia instance, when girls are being
in Kikuyu taught about their sexuality,
Consider the following the following euphemisms are
euphemisms: used;
Euphemism 1.Kugimara meaning to grow
Kuona mweri up.
Kahinda ka mweri 2.Ageni a mweri meaning
Gukira red sea monthly visitors.
Kuura thakame
3.Ihinda ria mweri meaning
Mithenya ya atumia
Mweri-ini that time of the month.
Kirumi kia mweri The above euphemisms are
Ageni a mweri very polite as not to scare the
young girls on what awaits
them in the future, which is
Gukorwo wina matangari
their menstruation. The
Mweri mutune
researchers found out that
Kuona utune some euphemisms in Kikuyu
Ihinda ria mweri language are historical.
Murimu wa mweri Before the advent of present
Kugenerwo day sanitary towels, girls
Kironda gitahonaga traditionally used rags and
Gutinia kara skins but because of the
Kuigwa uru technological changes that
have brought sanitary towels,
Among the Kikuyu, different
the concepts of skins and rags
euphemisms are used by are used as euphemisms for
different groups of people to the period that a woman has
her menstruation. Only
describe menstruation. For elderly Kikuyu women use
instance, in male to male talk these terms to describe the
menstruation period. On the
they tend to use euphemisms
other hand the use of the term
like; "the wound that never heals"
1.Guita meaning "leaking" is a metaphorical euphemism
to mean that menstruation is
2.Kuura meaning "bleeding" an endless process in young
If it is in women to men talk women and, the same applies
and vice versa, the to the term "kuona" meaning
"to see."
euphemisms below are used; Some Kikuyu women use
1.Ndiraigwa wega meaning "I bizarre euphemisms and
coded words when talking
am not well."
about their menses. For
2.Gukira iria itune meaning example when they use
"Crossing the Red Sea." "Mashiru" meaning “the
things that belong to woman,”
If it is in women to women anybody who is not a woman
talk, such euphemisms are would not understand what
they are talking about.
1.Mashiru meaning “that that International Journal of
belongs to Wanjiru-Wanjiru Humanities Social Sciences
(Shiro) being a popular and Education (IJHSSE)
Page | 191
female Kikuyu name.
2.Kuona meaning "to see."
Some euphemisms on
menstruation in Kikuyu are
Bible version through the anus. disastrous effect that
especially in the The act is generally could befall anybody
Rita Njeri Njoroge &
book of Leviticus regarded with a who makes use of
Ayub Mukhwana 15:19, the following cultural distaste polluted water. For
statement is found:- among the Kikuyu, instance, Kikuyu
The researchers also and people in this people are aware of
found that some In Kikuyu
community are the fact that polluted
terms are frankly "Ningi mundu wa nja fastidious about water can lead to
used by respondents angikoruo niekuura, defecation and waterborne diseases.
because they simply na gukoruo ni generally wish to
mean what they say. There are various
thakame ya ihinda perform the act in
For instance if a terms used to refer to
riake ria mweri-ri, seclusion and in a
person says "am defecation in Kikuyu
agaikara e mugiro designated location
bleeding", this is mithenya mugwanja known as "Kioro" language. Consider
exactly what is na mundu o wothe meaning "toilet." the following;
happening. The uria ukamuhutia When in polite Taboo
researchers found out agatinda e na thahu company, the word Kumia
that euphemisms to ngunya o hwai-ini. is avoided as it is
do with menstruation Nakio kindu o giothe considered as a face Euphemism
like “kuona" kiria agakomera threatening act and Gwiteithia
meaning "seeing" are ihinda riu e na instead one would Kahinda kanene
so used to hearing mugiro excuse himself or
them that nigikagwatwo ni herself and say; International Journal
respondents did not thahu, o nakio kindu "Ndathii gwiteithia of Humanities Social
think of them as o giothe kiria literary meaning; "I Sciences and
euphemisms agaikarira am going to help
anymore. Generally Education (IJHSSE)
nigikagwatwo ni myself”.
speaking however, Page | 192
euphemisms on Among the Kikuyu,
menstruation are Gloss as the researchers
used because, as a lot found out, the
If a woman has an
of women community treats as
issue and her issue is
respondents put it, taboo an act of an
in the flesh be blood,
they are not adult passing stool
she shall be apart
comfortable with inside the house or at
seven days, and
being direct about the doorstep. In such
whatever toucheth
such things as a case a fat goat
her shall be unclean known as "ngoima"
menstruation. until in the evening. is to be slaughtered
Kikuyu women From the statement and eaten by old men
while in this state of on menstruation who are past the
menstruation, also above, we can find reproductive age to
use euphemisms like the euphemism, "a revoke the taboo
"I am sick" in order woman has an issue" created and the wrath
not to disappoint used to replace the of the gods led by
their husbands and tabooed phrase Ngai the supreme
make them "menstruating Kikuyu God.
uncomfortable about woman." It is used
the subject. From the It is also taboo to
figuratively to keep defecate in water.
study, the the reference of
researchers found out The Kikuyu saying
tabooed bodily "uyu ananite akamia
that male effluvia away. The
respondents are rui na iguru,"
euphemism of a meaning, this one is
uncomfortable with woman having an
the entire concept of so naughty that he
issue in Kikuyu is excretes in the river
menstruation `kuona mweri ' and is
whether tabooed or obtains. The above
literally translated saying expresses two
euphemized despite back to English to
their having truths; first the
mean "seeing the saying expresses an
girlfriends, wives, moon."
sisters and even extremely
mothers. 4.2.Defecation mischievous person
who excretes in
Some euphemisms to Defecationis the water. Secondly, it
do with menstruation process of shows that the
in Kikuyu are eliminating solid or Kikuyu people
derived from the semi-solid waste possess hygienic
Bible. In the Kikuyu from the body knowledge on the
it, so as not to differently by ucio wa urume, the one who
annoy or irritate medical no muhaka comes in
Euphemisms on
those who are practitioners hathambio contact with
Body Effluvia in listening. In and na ,mai, nayo somebody's
Kikuyu many cultures, euphemisms for nguo io itinde fluids then, the
Kikuyu being it are age and iri na thahu person should
As can be seen one of them, gender specific. nginya o hwai- regard
from the men urinate ini. Ningi himself/herself
euphemisms for while standing mundu murume as unclean and
and women Ejaculation angikorwo seek cleansing.
defecation, happens when
urinate while akomanitie na Consider the
Kikuyu squatting down, the male mundu wa nja
genitalia are following terms
language tries thus the akoimwo ni as used in
difference of stimulated or hinya wa urume
and tends to be Kikuyu
urinals and excited and the no muhaka acio
polite in the use language for
toilet seats for seminal fluid is eri methambe
of terms like forced to flow ejaculation and
going to help men and na mai nao the related
women down in the matinde me na
ones self simply actions.
respectively. urinary tract thahu nginya o
put as “Guthii and out of the
This must be in hwai-iini. " International
guiteithia”. body. From the
However, it a secluded Journal of
study, the Gloss
should be noted place away Humanities
from the public, researchers “When a man
that it is only found out that Social Sciences
the aged and as urination in has an emission
among the body and Education
cultured among public is treated of seed, he must
as a face effluvia bath his whole (IJHSSE)
the Kikuyu who processes the Page | 193
threatening act body in water
use the only one known
which can and he will be
euphemisms to give
result in unclean till
above for consistent
punishment. evening. Any
defecation. pleasure is clothing or
Children and Consider the ejaculation. In leather that has
medical following the Kikuyu semen on it
practitioners community the must be washed
lexicon on
call things the main aim of with water, and
way they urination: ejaculation is it will be
literally are. reproduction unclean till
4.3.Urination but it has a evening. When
secondary a man lies with
Urine is a clear function too of a woman and
amber solution a recreation there is
of the waste session with a emission of
product cooperative
Kururta munyororo semen, both
resulting from partner. must bathe with
the filtration water, and they
process that In the Kikuyu
Version of the will be unclean
takes place in till evening.
the kidney and As can be seen Bible, and in the
it is the act of from the Old Testament, In this Bible
passing it out euphemisms on documents in verse, there is
that constitutes urination above, Leviticus 15:16-
18 say, "na riri, use of
urination. Thus, there are
general mundu ona euphemism
this is a very
euphemisms for uriku angiumwo where instead of
important body
both sexes ni hinya wa ejaculation the
process. The
while there are urume-ri, no
researchers Kikuyu version
also male muhaka
found out that Bible uses
specific ethambe mwiri
urination is not “emission of
euphemisms for wothe na mai,
a process that seed" and it
urination. An nake atinde ena
one can talk advices that the
example is thahu nginya o
about openly, emission of
kurugama (to hwaini. Nayo
especially in seed should be
stand). Like nguo iria yothe,
polite company, kana ruua followed by a
and if need defecation,
ruothe, haria bath regardless
arises to use it, urination as a
hangikoruo of how it came
one must get a taboo topic is
hagiite hinya about. The
euphemism for treated
Bible says that
with distaste handkerchie tract through flatulation
and are f to cover the anus. It are Kikuyu
Rita Njeri
bothered him/herself is often people with
Njoroge & about public when accompanie substantial
Ayub breast sneezing. d by some amount of
Mukhwana feeding. In The noise. Western
the course of researchers education
Among the
the present found out and the
Kikuyus, it
research, the that when euphemisms
is socially
researchers one sneezes, are therefore
noted that one is universal in
to flatulate
some expected to nature.
in public and
women name Consider the
it is
regard their someone
considered a following
breasts as who he
face terms used
sexual blesses, and
organs only sneezing for
act. This is
This study and find the once is seen flatulation in
due to the
found out idea of as a sign of
foul smell of Kikuyu
that during breastfeedin bad luck.
sexual g repellant. The
intercourse, following
The term gases.
both men term is used
"iria" in
and women for sneezing The
Kikuyu is
do come used to refer in Kikuyu: researchers
(ejaculate). to breast found out
However, milk while that Kikuyu
Kikuyu lactation is children are
being a male It is not taught from
referred to clear
dominated as a young age,
whether the Journal of
community kuongithia through
above term songs, that it Humanities
despite mwana
being for sneezing is wrong to Social
meaning to
matrilineal, in Kikuyu is flatulate in Sciences and
make a child
ejaculation taboo or an public and if Education
suckle. The
is regarded a euphemism ordinary they do it, (IJHSSE)
male affair used for word that they are
can be used Page | 194
and the breasts in mocked
above Kikuyu is anywhere through
euphemisms borrowed any time. songs.
for it are from From the Although it
male Swahili and research, it sometimes
inclined. is shakura clearly becomes
ya mtoto comes out hard to
4.5.Lactatio meaning a that there control
n child’s food. are not flatulation,
many the noisy
New born 4.6.Sternuta
euphemisms discharge is
human tion for sneezing often heard
babies Sneezing is as body causing
receive caused by effluvia embarrassm
nourishment irritation of among the ent; and
in the form mucous Kikuyu among
of fluid membranes people and polite
secreted by of the nose. the one used company it
the lactatory Despite the frequently is is
duct within health "athimura" considered
their aspect, the 4.7.Flatulati lack of
mother's Kikuyu respect and
breasts. community on lack of good
Human milk does not Flatulation is morals.
is highly seem to be the release Mostly,
nutritious uncomfortab of gaseous those who
but the le about material use
Kikuyu sternutation from the euphemisms
regard provided lower on this topic
lactation one uses a intestinal of
nt to present, euphemiz However, from a euphemis
onlookers as a way ed to it is relatively ms in
. This has of mean interestin early age. Kikuyu
ms on therefore blessing urinate in g to note language.
Body Men are
to be the giver, the phrase that there
not 4.10.Regu
Effluvia in avoided. the old "gutua are no
expected rgitations
Kikuyu Public person mata" euphemis
to cry or
spitting is would ms in What
Saliva shed tears
It should generally spit just a Kikuyu goes
may also as this is
also be regarded little language down the
come out, seen as a
noted that as being saliva on currently human
way of
besides disgusting his/her unconscio for body may
education, and chest. The usly when "mata” come up;
weak or
age is an Kikuyu researcher and "ruta" and this is
normal being a
important people are s also particularl
adults are 4.9.Lacri coward
factor in highly found out y true
mation which is
the use of discourag that the a sleep with
euphemis ed from Muslims and this is Human digested
the norm
ms for doing it as among eyes are food that
referred in the
flactulatio the saliva the capable of may on
to as Kikuyu
n in may have Kikuyu moving occasion
“ruta”. society.
Kikuyu. some and within be
Such a
Children disease elsewhere Being their discharge
simply put causing in the considere socket. d,
cannot be
it as it is germs world are d taboo For this to vigorousl
supposed which forbidden "ruta" is happen y upwards
by the
to be. may be by the highly smoothly, through
people in
passed on religion forbidden they have oesophag
4.8.Saliva the
to other from and to be kept us and
tion people. swallowin ridiculed constantly mouth.
This is the In Kikuyu g among lubricated Babies
On the
emission culture, it anything the by the also
is wrong during Kikuyu as secretion regurgitat
of a fluid hand, the
to spit on daylight was of the e milk
from the researcher
someone. hours in reported tears. frequently
s gathered
mouth. This is the month by the Humans , but this
From the considere of responden lacrimate is
present d an Ramadan. ts in this excessivel generally
study, the assault So if they study y in considere
are able to
researcher and thus have because response d to be
use crying
s found the act is excess of the to pain, normal
as a
out that if punishabl saliva, the tabooness sadness or and
one e; that is, customary associated extreme convenien
ry tactic
happens the person way to with mirth. t among
during an
to leave who is dispose of "ruta". A This the
the mouth spat on it is by person appears to Kikuyu.
They also
open, for can cause spitting it with be partly use tears Among
instance a fight. out, and "ruta" a to gain the
during Although in order to around voluntary attention, Kikuyu,
sleeping, spitting in reduce the the mouth response. like it there is
excess public is a face is All happens distaste
saliva can face threatenin discourag healthy in for vomit
drool out. threatenin g act, they ed from babies do copulatio especially
This g act are cooking it but the n. by mature
drooling among advised to for researcher
have a "Maithori people
of excess the anybody s found
piece of " is the when in
saliva is a Kikuyu, it among out that in
cloth on Kikuyu public and
face is a the the
which to term for people
threatenin contentio Kikuyu Kikuyu
spit. The tears. Just tend to
g act and us issue. people communit
Kikuyu like mata react in
can cause The unless he y this
word for and ruta, disgust
embarrass researcher or she function
saliva is maithori once it
ment to s found washes is often
"mata". does not happens.
the person out that if the "ruta" suppresse
The term have The
and one gave from the d in male
"mata" is synonyms person
amuseme an old face. humans
also or vomiting,
person a
though, is
for being
a sufferer
of a
In Kikuyu
the term
for vomit
ms for
this act so
as not to
hurt the
may turn
out to be
or even be
ic. The
used as
m in
are as put

Journal of
s Social
Page | 195
repulsio or face languag R Manche Principl al
n. This threaten e that ster. es of Jo
is a ing needs E urn
Njeri natural connota interpret F Lakoff, Pragmat al
Njoroge defense tions in ation is E R ics. of
& Ayub mechani Kikuyu. used in (19 Longma Ed
sm Exampl euphem R 73) uc
: n.
since es of izing E ati
na Th London.
epidemi body taboo on
ologists effluvia words N e Mills, S an
As can Lo
teach us that in C (2003): d
be seen to stay appear Kikuyu. E gic Re
of Gender
those away not to In some sea
Pol and
two from cause instance S rch
these face s, loan ite Politene .
terms Allan, K nes
liquids threaten translati and ss. Ge
above s; no
as most ing on, Burridg Cambrid
for of them include especial or sk
e, K mi ge
vomitin are lactatio ly from (2006): o,
abundan n, English ndi Universi G.
g are Forbidd ng
t in lacrimat is used en ty Press. (C
compara yo hie
parasitic ion and in Words: Cambrid
tively a organis salvatio euphem ur f
Taboo p’s ge.
polite ms and n. Thus, izing and Ed
bacteria for a taboo an Mukhw ito
way of Cencori
. body terms d an r).
saying ng of
Howeve affluviu for body q’s a, Co
the Languag
. A nte
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actual Pa an mp
roles in a face in
thing, per d ora
the threaten Kikuyu; Cambrid
s Ka ry
which is human ing act and this ge
fro bir Re
consider body that is done Universi
m u, sea
are very warrant especial ty Press.
ed as a the D. rch
importa s ly by Brown,
face Ni W Ce
nt. That euphem people P and nth (20 nte
saving is why ization with Levinso Re 14) r,
act. This the the substant n, S gio : Au
study concept ial (1978/1 nal “In
is the str
sought of Western 987): Me co
essence euphem culture type of ali
Politene eti ngr
of isms for must be educatio a.
ss: ng uit
euphemi them. consider n. Some Watts, R
of y
sms. The ed. In Univers Ch in (2003):
study the als in ica Ste Politene
5.CONC has Kikuyu Languag go reo
on body ss.
found commu e Usage. Lin typ
LUSION effluvia Cambrid
out that nity, the gui e
From althoug use of Cambrid stic Jo ge
the h euphem ge So kes Universi
above offensiv isms for Universi cie by
sms than ty Press.
discussi e in taboo ty Press. ty. the
others Cambrid Cambrid
on on nature, words Ch Gi
and this ge. ge.
body body regardin ica ku
effluvia effluvia g body Eelen, G go yu
in is an effluvia (2001): Lin to AUTHO
Kikuyu, importa is gui wa
the A RS’BIO
it is nt topic welcom stic rds
degree Critique GRAPH
clear that we ed as it So the
that cannot is seen of cie Gi Y
body do as a Politene ty. ku
the Rita
effluvia without. face Ch yu
terms ss Njeri
words saving ica ”
Not all are Theories Njorog
bring on act. go. in
body distasted e is a
emotion . St. Int
effluvia In all, . Leech,
of Jerome. ern Master
have figurati G
disgust ati of Arts
negative ve (1983):
and on in
Linguist he has
ics taught
holder for the
from last 22
The years.
Univers Dr.
ity of Mukhw
Nairobi ana, a
in Senior
Kenya. Lecturer
She is , also
an holds a
experie B.A
nced degree
High and an
School M.A
teacher degree
for she in
holds a Swahili
Bachelo studies
r of from
Educati the
on same
degree universi
in ty.
ics and
re from
ity in
Njeri is Internati
currentl onal
y a Journal
Senior of
teacher Humanit
at St. ies
in and
Nairobi. Educatio
ana )
(Corres Page |
ponding 196
holds a
ics from
ity of

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