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Enspired Learning Center

Dear Parents:
I wanted to share some positive observations about your bright and intelligent son, Oliver. His
excellent memory and strong English skills have made a positive impact in our kindergarten class,
and he is a joy to have as a student.
His behavior in class has shown remarkable improvement, and he has taken on a positive
leadership role among his peers.Recently, I've observed Oliver not only focusing on his own
behavior but also gently correcting hispeers when needed. He has been encouraging them to sit nicel
y, showcasing a newfound sense of responsibility and leadership. It's truly heartening to witness suc
h positive growth and a willingness to contribute to the overall harmony of our classroom.This dem
onstrates not only Oliver's own development but also his ability to positively influence his classmate
s. I wanted to take a moment to acknowledge and celebrate this progress.
Oliver's ability to make friends and engage in various activities is commendable. However, I've
noticed a pattern during our craft sessions where he tends to express hesitation and leans towards
saying he doesn't know how to do it without giving it a try. Rather, he often seeks assistance without
attempting the task independently.I believe that encouraging Oliver to try a little harder when
working on his fine motor skills during crafts would be beneficial for his overall development.
Developing a sense of independence in these activities not only enhances his fine motor skills but
also fosters a growth mindset, promoting a positive attitude towards challenges.

Ms. Vivian
Enspired Learning Center
Praying 很开心能和你度过本期夏令营,这些天,我们一起穿梭到了非洲大草原,认识了
许多非洲草原动物,猎犬,狮子,长颈鹿,羚羊,水牛,斑马,鸵鸟...... 不知道宝贝对它

- Ms. Icey–

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