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MONDAY, AUGUST 21, 2023 North Bay Business Journal 23



6 keys to a financially sound employee benefits package

At first glance, Employee Benefits position — both in physical and financial When employers match a percentage of financial challenges by offering advice on
Programs appear to be a “dime a dozen, health — is more productive. When the that contribution, it serves as an additional debt management, budgeting and finan-
one-size-fits-all” proposition. Employers burden of worrying about affording health incentive to save for retirement. The com- cial planning. Most EAPs also connect to
offer health, dental and vision plans to be care or planning for the future is reduced, pounding of long-term investments aids resources to address specific needs. By
competitive. Today, in addition to offering employees have more energy and peace employees in building a nest egg, helping to confronting stress proactively, EAPs con-
competitive salaries, organizations recog- of mind to focus on the work. Likewise, ensure they have a comfortable retirement, tribute to, and promote, job satisfaction and
nize that one crucial aspect of a solid bene- investing in your team builds a culture that worry less about their future and are much reduce the risk of financial crises.
fits package is the role it plays in promoting nurtures loyalty and creativity, thereby less likely to face financial difficulties.
employee financial security. reducing turnover and the costs associated EDUCATIONAL BENEFITS
How can a benefits program build em- with recruitment and training. Devel- FLEXIBLE WORK ARRANGEMENTS Tuition reimbursement or access to
ployee financial security? Here is our take: oping a reputation for a commitment to Work-life balance is particularly import- skill-building courses allow employees to
development attracts a talented workforce. ant as we recover from the stressful years improve their qualifications and increase
INSURANCE, WELLNESS PROGRAMS Employees also want a clear career path of COVID. We understand that flexible work potential for career growth and higher
A healthy workforce is a productive work- and opportunities to move up the ladder. arrangements allow employees to better salaries. Further, investing in the ongoing
force. Offering well-rounded and expanded However, if your more seasoned staff isn’t manage their personal and financial com- education of employees expands their
health insurance plans safeguard against retirement-ready, they will stay in their mitments. These include such initiatives skills and empowers their commitment
catastrophic medical expenses.We see again positions longer than they would otherwise, as remote work options, variable hours or to your organization, enhancing financial
and again that Access to preventive care and limiting growth opportunities for others. In compressed workweeks. Providing greater security in the long term. Organizations
medical remedies leads to early detection of these situations, workers ready for more control over schedules, where feasible, that support continuous learning create
issues when treatments are less costly. This challenges are blocked from moving up. leads to less stress and more productivity. an environment of growth, with employees
helps to significantly reduce the financial This has a cascading effect throughout an In addition, reduced commuting costs and who feel valued and motivated to stay with
burden on employees, allowing them to organization, which can cause talented lowered child care expenses resulting from the company in the long term.
focus on their work without worrying about employees to leave for greener pastures. working hours more fitting for families fur- Investing in your employee’s financial
health care costs. Taking it further, wellness ther contribute to overall financial stability. well-being is an investment in the financial
programs — including gym memberships, RETIREMENT, INVESTMENT PLANS health of your organization itself. It is truly
counseling, preventive care and health Building a financially secure future is EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS a win-win for everyone.
screenings — encourage employees to adopt a huge priority for most people. Benefits Employees' financial struggles can ex-
healthier lifestyles. This prevents chronic packages that include retirement savings tend beyond the workplace and impact their Andrew McNeil (andrewm@arrowbene-
health conditions, and in the long term, plans such as 401(k) or pension plans are overall mental and emotional well-being., 707-992-3789) and Rosario
contributes to employees' financial security. important in promoting long-term financial Employee assistance programs (EAPs) Avila (rosarioa@arrowbenefitsgroup.
security. These plans allow employees often provide access to confidential support com, 707-992-3795) are senior benefits
FINANCIAL WELLNESS to contribute a portion of their earnings for team members and their families. These advisers at Arrow Benefits Group in
A workforce that feels secure in their to a tax-advantaged retirement account. programs can help individuals navigate Petaluma.

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