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Food Research International 41 (2008) 930–936

Sensory and instrumental assessment of Chinese moon cake:

Influences of almond flour, maltitol syrup, fat, and gums
Chunli Jia a, Yang Soo Kim a, Weining Huang a,*
, Guangwei Huang b

State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, School of Food Science and Technology,
International Exchange and Cooperation Program, Jiangnan University, Wuxi, Jiangsu 214036, China
Almond Board of California, 1150 9th Street, Suite 1500, Modesto, CA 95354, USA

Received 30 March 2007; accepted 23 October 2007


The objectives of this research were to investigate sensory and instrumental (texture and color) quality attributes and their relation of
newly formulated Chinese moon cakes: California almond flour and maltitol syrup were used as the replacement of wheat flour and
sucrose syrup, respectively and gum was added as the fat-replacer. Sensory analysis showed that addition of almond flour had the most
significant (P 6 0.05) effects on the properties of moon cakes, and the 70% replaced moon cake was most favored by the sensory panel:
almond flavor, color, shininess, stickiness, oiliness, and chewiness increased and hardness decreased. Sweetness and moon cake color
decreased significantly as maltitol syrup replaced sucrose syrup. The reduction of fat decreased shininess, stickiness, and oiliness but
the addition of gums alleviated the impaired attributes. The instrumental data were highly correlated with those from the sensory analysis
for hardness, chewiness, and stickiness (R2 = 0.97, 0.96, and 0.71, respectively).
Ó 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

Keywords: Chinese moon cake; California almond flour; Sensory analysis; Maltitol syrup; Gums; Sugar substitute

1. Introduction optimum texture and shininess, it is not until this time that
they are consumed. However, Guang-style moon cakes are
Moon cake is a baked product that is unique in shape traditionally high in sugar and fat. As the economy of
with various patterns of special Chinese cultural design China is improving rapidly, people demand healthier prod-
on a shiny surface (Huang, Jia, Huang, & Saitama, ucts (Han, 2006). Chinese baking industries are facing the
2004). Moon cake consists of two parts: the inside portion, challenges of producing the moon cakes low in sugar and
the filler, can be a red bean paste, mung bean paste, egg fat, but with similar or better taste than a traditional one.
yolk, etc.; and the outside layer, the skin, is made from In 2003, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
wheat flour dough. Well established as traditional snacks approved a health claim that consuming a diet low in
in China, moon cakes are largely consumed during Mid- saturated fat and cholesterol may reduce the risk of heart
Autumn day, a traditional Chinese holiday, with sales over diseases. The almond, at 11 g per serving size for either
15 billion RMB (nearly US $2 billion) each year in China. whole or chopped almonds, is low in both saturated fat
There are several types of moon cakes. The Guang-style and cholesterol and thus meets the FDA requirement.
moon cake is most popular, comprising 80% of the total American California almonds contain about 20–30% pro-
consumption of moon cakes in China. Since fresh baked teins, 45–55% fats with over 90% of unsaturated fatty
Guang-style products require several days to reach their acids, 10–15% dietary fibers, and abundant minerals, vita-
mins, sterols, and tocopherols (Lapsley & Huang, 2004).
Corresponding author. Tel./fax: +86 510 8531 9139. Sugar syrup, produced by dissolving sugar in water and
E-mail address: (W. Huang). hydrolyzed with a dilute acid or enzyme, is a key ingredient

0963-9969/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

C. Jia et al. / Food Research International 41 (2008) 930–936 931

and improves color and texture of the Guang-style moon water absorption (66.6%), development time (14.0 min),
cake. Maltitol is a low-calorie functional sweetener pro- mixing stability time (18.9 min), and setback (20 Brabender
duced by hydrogenating-reducing maltose, and has only Unit, BU).
10% to thermal value of sugar (Zhang, 1997). Replacing The almond flour was provided by the Almond Board of
sugar syrup with maltitol syrup will reduce the calorie of California, USA. The other ingredients were purchased
the moon cakes. from various companies in China, i.e., sugar syrup
Fat improves mouthfeel, tenderness and shininess of (GuanZhong Food Ltd., Shanghai), maltitol syrup
moon cakes. However, fat, because of its high-calorie (GuanZhong Food Ltd., Shanghai), peanut oil (Jiali Grain
source, has been replaced with lower-calorie substitutes and Oil Industry Ltd., Shanghai), ‘kansui’ (alkali water
such as a gum or a mixture of gums in many baked goods. containing sodium and potassium carbonates, pH 12.6)
Gum, a carbohydrate, has strong adhesion and improves (Guangzhou Xingu Refined Chemistry Ltd., Guangzhou),
the structure of the moon cake by absorbing water, which and Xanthan and Arabic gums (Danisco Co., Kunshan).
makes a food system smoother; similar to the function of Brix of both sugar and maltitol syrup were determined
fat (Yang, Yu, & Gao, 2002). Since it is difficult to replicate with a refractometer (WZS-I, Shanghai Optical Equipment
the properties similar to fat using only one gum, two or Industry, Shanghai) according to ISO Approve Method
more gums are usually mixed for fat substitution. Xanthan 1743–1982 (1997). Their Brix values were 76% and 78%,
gum mixed with other gums is the most widely used in bak- respectively, for sugar syrup and maltitol syrup.
ing products (Glicksman, 1991; Lucca & Trepper, 1994;
McClemets & Demetriades, 1998; O’Carroll, 1997; Ward,
1997). 2.2. Methods
The objectives of this research were: to formulate Chi-
nese moon cakes using California almond flour and malti- 2.2.1. Formulations and baking
tol as the replacement of wheat flour and sucrose, A traditional formulation of Guang-style moon cake
respectively, and the addition of gums as the fat-replacer; includes 100 parts of wheat flour, 50 parts of sugar syrup,
and to investigate their influences on some quality attri- 30 parts of peanut oil, and 1 part of kansui. From the tra-
butes of newly formulated moon cakes; and to investigate ditional formulation, the various amount of almond flour
how well the sensory analysis data will relate to those mea- replaced the wheat flour at the 10%, 40%, and 70% levels.
sured by an instrumental texture analyzer and a Minolta Maltitol syrup replaced 10%, 50%, and 90% of sucrose
camera for color values, so that the sensory attributes syrup. The fat content was reduced by 5%, 10%, and 15%
can be estimated from the instrumental testing method. of the total oil content, i.e., to the peanut oil content of
28.5%, 27.0%, and 25.5% of flour weight and the gum mix-
ture was added at the 0.1%, 0.2%, and 0.3% levels (Table
2. Materials and methods 1). The gum mixture contained Xanthan and Arabic gums
at a ratio of one to one.
2.1. Materials Syrup and kansui were mixed in a mixer (Shanghai Zao-
miao Ltd., Shanghai), then peanut oil was added, and
2.1.1. Ingredients and their properties finally flour and gums were added into the mixer to make
High-gluten wheat flour was purchased from Fortune dough. The dough was rested 2 h and was weighed to
Family Food Company (Zhangjiagang, China). Dough 30 g each. Seventy grams of red bean paste was wrapped
properties, determined by a Brabender Farinograph with the dough to make one piece of 100 g moon cake
according to International Organization for Standardiza- dough. Before the moon cakes were baked in the oven, a
tion (ISO) Approved Method 5530-1-1988 (1997), were thin-layer of water was sprayed on the surface of the

Table 1
Experimental design of moon cakes with four ingredients and three levels
Experimental design Almond flour replacementa (%) Maltitol syrup replacementa (%) Peanut oil reductionb (%) Gums additionc (%)
F1 10 10 5 0.1
F2 40 10 10 0.2
F3 70 10 15 0.3
F4 70 50 5 0.2
F5 10 50 10 0.3
F6 40 50 15 0.1
F7 40 90 5 0.3
F8 70 90 10 0.1
F9 10 90 15 0.2
Percent of almond flour replacing wheat flour and % of maltitol syrup replacing sucrose syrup.
Percent of fat reduced based on total oil content (30% of flour weight).
Percent (of flour weight) of a mixture of gums (Xanthan gum and Arabic gum = 1:1) added.
932 C. Jia et al. / Food Research International 41 (2008) 930–936

dough, the skin of the cake. The moon cakes were baked 3– and taste both reference and samples. Water was used for
5 min (Xinmai Mechanical Ltd., Wuxi, China) first in the rinsing the mouth and palate between each sample. Each
oven with 200 and 175 °C, top and bottom temperatures, sample was duplicated and analyzed in a duplicate.
respectively. When the surface (skin) color of the moon
cakes became golden, the moon cakes were taken out and 2.2.3. Instrumental measurement: texture analysis and color
cooled for 15–20 min. After cooling, a thin-layer of egg measurement
was brushed on the surface of the moon cakes, and then The skin (2-mm thickness) of the moon cake was tested
baked for another 8–12 min at 200 °C until brown color. for its textural parameters using a texture analyzer (TA-
After baking, they were cooled to 50–60 °C, then wrapped XT2i, Stable Micro Systems, Godalming, UK) at room
using plastic sheet and were stored at room temperature. temperature. The size of the probe was 1.27 cm (0.5 in.),
The sensory analysis (SA), texture profile analysis (TPA), the pretest speed was 5.0 mm/s, test speed was 2.0 mm/s,
and color measurement were conducted on the third-day and the post speed was 5.0 mm/s. The moon cake surface
after baking. skin was compressed to 60% of its original height and twice
continuously. Hardness, cohesiveness, and chewiness val-
ues (all in the unit of g-force) were computed automatically
2.2.2. Sensory analysis (SA)
by the data-processing software, obtained with the instru-
The SA of the moon cakes was conducted, on the third-
ment, i.e., Texture Expert Version 1.20.
day after baking, according to the method described by
The color (L*, a*, and b*) of moon cake surface skin was
Stone, Sidel, Oliver, Woolsey, and Singleton (1974). The
measured at four different locations of each sample by a
SA was carried out at the Sensory Laboratory of the
Minolta Chroma Meter (PG-PIIG, Optical Equipment
School of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan Univer-
Co., Beijing), which was calibrated by using standard white
sity, Wuxi, Jiangsu, China. The panel of eight judges was
board and the mean value was recorded. L* expresses the
first introduced to the general guidelines of sensory,
darkness or lightness (0 is darkness and 100 is lightness);
descriptive sensory evaluation, and the experimental proce-
a*, +a*, b*, and +b* represented the green, red, blue
dures, without disclosing information about the samples.
and yellow color, respectively.
The panel was then trained to evaluate sensory attributes
Means for each sample evaluated were calculated for all
and intensity ratings based on reference moon cakes of
sensory attributes (n = 18, nine designs, as shown in Table
the Guang-style with the traditional formulation. Eight
1 and two replicates) as well as for instrumental parameters
sensory attributes were color, shininess, stickiness, almond
(n = 18, nine designs, as shown in Table 1 and two
flavor, hardness, oiliness, sweetness, and chewiness and the
terms of descriptive sensory attributes were chosen through
discussion among the panel (Table 2). Six reference scales,
2.2.4. Experimental design and statistical analysis
developed by the panel, were chosen by comparing the
L9(34) orthogonal statistical design with 3 levels of 4
samples and the reference and were corresponded to the
variables was used (Table 1). The effects of different com-
intensity ratings of 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 (0 = the least
ponents on the sensory attributes and textural and color
intensity and 50 = the most intensity), respectively. The
parameters were analyzed by analysis of variance
maximum intensity score of 50 was assigned to the refer-
(ANOVA) and the least significant difference (LSD) test.
ence Guang-style moon cake for all attributes. The surface
The results of sensory and instrumental analysis of moon
skin of the moon cake, 2-mm thickness, was carefully
cakes were summarized with principle component analysis
removed for further testing. All of the skins of the moon
(PCA). The relations between sensory attributes and
cakes were coded using three-digit numbers and were
instrumental measurements were determined with a simple
served randomly. The panel was allowed to approach
linear regression. All statistical analysis were conducted at
a significant level of P 6 0.05 with the statistical analysis
Table 2 system for Windows (SAS Institute, Cary, NC).
Sensory attributes and their definitionsa
Attributes Definitions 3. Results and discussion
Color Scale yields from light to dark
Shininess Degree to which the sample shines on surface of sample 3.1. Sensory analysis
Stickiness Degree to which the sample sticks or trends to stick to
anything that touches it ANOVA indicated four independent variables, amount
Almond Aromatic associated with almond of almond flour, maltitol syrup, gums, and amount of
reduction of fat, significantly (P 6 0.05) affecting several
Hardness Force required to bite through the sample after one bite
with the molars sensory attributes and data from the texture analyzer and
Oiliness Fat layer in the mouth minolta chroma meter. However, there were no significant
Sweetness Sweet taste of sucrose interactions (2-way, 3-way, and 4-way interactions)
Chewiness Amount of work to chew sample to point of swallow observed among four variables for both sensory and instru-
Intensity scale is 0 for the least and 50 for the most. mental measurements (data not shown).
C. Jia et al. / Food Research International 41 (2008) 930–936 933

Table 3
Effects of replacement levels of wheat flour by almond flour and sucrose syrup by maltitol syrup on sensory attributes of Chinese moon cakea
Sensory attributes Almond flour replacement (%) Maltitol syrup replacement (%)
10 40 70 10 50 90
Almond flavor 31.7a 39.3b 47.7c 39.3 39.7 39.7
Color 30.0a 37.0a 41.3b 41.6c 37.3b 29.3a
Shininess 26.7a 32.7b 40.3c 33.3 33.3 33.0
Stickiness 13.7a 20.3b 26.3c 20 20.3 20.0
Hardness 23.7c 17.0b 11.0a 17.3 17.0 17.3
Oiliness 7.0a 12.7b 15.7c 12.7 11.3 11.3
Sweetness 18.3 18.0 18.3 24.0c 19.0b 11.7a
Chewiness 10.0a 14.7b 18.3c 14.3 14.3 14.3
Mean values of two replicates in the same row for each ingredient followed by different letters were significantly different (P 6 0.05). Intensity scale:
0 = least; 50 = most.

3.1.1. Effects of almond flour replacing wheat flour cake (Lapsley & Huang, 2004). Among sensory attributes,
The three replacement levels of almond flour affected all shiny appearance and hardness, the biting force, are the
sensory attributes except sweetness significantly (P 6 0.05), first two attributes acknowledged by consumers. The sen-
as shown in Table 3. The intensity of almond flavor, color, sory panel had assigned the highest intensity to the six
shininess, stickiness, oiliness, and chewiness increased while attributes and the lowest hardness (the softest) intensity
hardness decreased, as the replacement amount of almond for the moon cake made from 70% of wheat flour being
flour increased (Table 3, Fig. 1). It was reported that the replaced by almond flour.
baked almonds contain a unique volatile compound, 2-
methyl-butyraldehyde, which is responsible for the strong 3.1.2. Effects of maltitol syrup replacing sucrose syrup
almond flavor (Jia et al., 2005). With an increasing content The replacement amount of maltitol syrup significantly
of almond flour replacement, the dough contains higher fat decreased the sweetness and color of the moon cake (Table
content, contributed by the almond flour and thus, it may 3, Fig. 1). The sweetness of the moon cake with the lowest
cause significant increases in oiliness and shininess of moon replacement level of maltitol syrup, i.e., F1, F2, and F3 (see
Table 1, Fig. 1), was the highest; while the sweetness of the
moon cake with highest maltitol syrup, F7, F8, and F9,
was the lowest (Table 3, Fig. 1). The sweetness of the moon
cake decreased as the level of maltitol syrup replacing sugar
syrup increased, because the sweetness of maltitol syrup is
80–90% of sugar syrup, as reported by Zhang (1997). Fig. 1
and Table 3 also showed that the more maltitol syrup was
used to replace the sugar syrup, the lighter the color of the
moon cake was, when the amounts of all other ingredients,
including almond flour, were constant for all three levels of
maltitol syrup replacement. Maltitol syrup cannot brown
the moon cake nearly as much as sucrose syrup, because
it cannot induce a Maillard reaction even when mixed with
amino acids and proteins under heating (Zhang, 1997).

3.1.3. Effect of fat reduction

The reduction of fat in the formulation significantly
decreased the shininess, stickiness, and oiliness. At the low-
est fat reduction level, i.e., 5% reduction (28.5% peanut oil
in the formulation), the sensory panel rated higher intensity
scores for all three attributes, when the amounts of all
other ingredients, including almond flour, were the same
(Table 4). At the 40% of almond flour replacement, the
intensity of the shininess, stickiness, and oiliness was the
weakest for the sample F6 and the medium for the sample
F2, and the strongest for the sample F7 (Table 4). Similar
Fig. 1. PCA of the results of quantitative descriptive sensory analysis. The
first two principal components, PC1 and PC2 explained 74.1% and 18.3% results were found for cakes and cookies (Landis & Alt-
of variability, respectively. F1–F9 are defined in the experimental design, man, 1996). Although Armbrister and Setser (1994) found
as shown in Table 1. that reduction in fat by 50% and 70% increased chewiness
934 C. Jia et al. / Food Research International 41 (2008) 930–936

Table 4
Effects of reduction level of peanut oil and addition level of gums on sensory attributes of Chinese moon cakea
Sensory attributes Peanut oil reductionb (%) Gums additionc (%)
5 10 15 0.1 0.2 0.3
Almond flavor 39.7 39.3 39.7 41.0c 39.7b 38.0a
Color 36.7 34.7 37.0 35.0 38.0 35.3
Shininess 34.7c 33.3b 31.7a 33.0 33.3 33.3
Stickiness 21.7c 20b 18.7a 20.0 20.0 20.3
Hardness 16.7 17.3 17.7 18.0b 17ab 16.7a
Oiliness 15.3c 11.0b 9.0a 11.3 13.0 11.3
Sweetness 18.0 18.3 18.3 19.3c 18.3b 17.0a
Chewiness 14.0 14.7 14.3 13.7a 14.3ab 15.0b
Mean values of two replicates in the same row followed by different letters were significantly different (P 6 0.05). Intensity scale: 0 = least; 50 = most.
Percent of fat reduction based on total oil content (30% of flour weight). The reduction of 5%, 10%, and 15% results in the oil levels of 28.5%, 27.0%,
and 25.5% in the formulation, respectively.
Percent (of flour weight) of a mixture of gums (Xanthan and Arabic gum = 1:1) added.

in cookies, our results did not significantly affect the chew- tems (O’Carroll, 1997; Pangborn, Gibbs, & Tassan,
iness of the moon cakes by fat reduction. It might have 1978). Due to this well-known characteristic of the gums,
been likely that the level of fat reduction in our study the almond flavor and sweetness decreased as the level of
was too small (5%, 10%, and 15% reduction, i.e., 28.5%, gums increased (Table 4). In addition, gums can absorb
27.0%, and 25.5% of peanut oil in the formulation) for water and hold water molecules tightly (Friend, Waniska,
the sensory panel to distinguish the differences in chewiness & Rooney, 1993; Rosell, Rojas, & Benedito de Barber,
or color of moon cakes. 2001), so the addition of which decreased the hardness of
products. Chewiness of the moon cake surface skin
3.1.4. Effects of gums increased with an increase in the level of gums, as a similar
Adding gums significantly affected almond flavor, hard- result has been observed in meatballs (Hsu & Chung,
ness, sweetness, and chewiness of moon cake when the 2000).
same levels of all other ingredients were in the formulations
from the three gum levels of addition: the intensity of 3.2. Instrumental analysis
almond flavor, sweetness and hardness decreased and that
of chewiness increased as the amount of gums increased. ANOVA results of the textural analysis from the texture
For the samples at the 70% replacement of wheat flour analyzer (Tables 5 and 6) were similar to those from sen-
by almond flour, the increasing amount of gums addition sory analysis (Tables 3 and 4).
decreased the intensity of the almond flavor, sweetness,
and hardness of moon cakes: the sample F8 (0.1% gums) 3.2.1. Textural analysis
showed the highest intensity, the sample F4 (0.2% gums) The replacement level by almond flour significantly
the medium, and the sample F3 (0.3% gums) the lowest affected the hardness, cohesiveness, and chewiness values
intensity (Table 4). However, chewiness had a positive rela- obtained from instrumental analysis. Hardness drastically
tion with the amount of gums added (Table 4). decreased, i.e., softness greatly increased while both cohe-
The gums, a high-molecular-weight polymer, could pre- siveness and chewiness values increased significantly as
vent the release of volatile flavor components (De Roos, the amount of almond flour increased (Table 5 and
1997; Ligutom, Mesina, & Ganji, 1999). Xanthan, espe- Fig. 2). As the reduction level of fat increased, the cohesive-
cially, was well-known for decreasing flavor in food sys- ness value increased (Table 6). This result was in agreement

Table 5
Effects of replacement levels of wheat flour by almond flour and sucrose syrup by maltitol syrup on the instrumentally determined textural and color
parameters of Chinese moon cakea
Instrument parametersb Almond flour replacement (%) Maltitol syrup replacement (%)
10 40 70 10 50 90
Hardness (g) 3359c 1881b 524a 1934 1857 1974
Cohesiveness (g) 0.27a 0.34b 0.40c 0.34 0.34 0.34
Chewiness (g) 185a 606b 1041c 586 668 578
L* 58.7c 55.6b 48.6a 53.6 53.9 55.4
a* 3.6a 3.9ab 6.7b 6.6b 5.3b 2.3a
b* 21.5 21.0 20.5 22.0b 21.1ab 19.9a
Mean values of two replicates in the same row for each ingredient followed by different letters were significantly different (P 6 0.05).
L* value denotes darkness (0) and lightness (1 0 0); a* and b* denote red and yellow colors, respectively.
C. Jia et al. / Food Research International 41 (2008) 930–936 935

Table 6
Effects of reduction level of peanut oil and addition level of gums on the instrumentally measured textural and color parameters of Chinese moon cakea
Instrumental parametersb Peanut oil reductionc (%) Gums additiond (%)
5 10 15 0.1 0.2 0.3
Hardness (g) 1810 1772 2183 2162 1992 1611
Cohesiveness (g) 0.32a 0.34b 0.36c 0.34 0.34 0.34
Chewiness (g) 608 638 586 478a 611ab 743c
L* 54.0 55.3 53.6 55.9 52.2 54.7
a* 5.9 4.4 3.9 4.4 5.0 4.8
b* 21.4 21.3 20.3 20.8 20.6 21.7
Mean values of two replicates in the same row for each ingredient followed by different letters were significantly different (P 6 0.05).
L* value denotes darkness (0) and lightness (100); a* and b* denote red and yellow colors, respectively.
Percent of fat reduction based on total oil content (30% of flour weight). The reduction of 5%, 10%, and 15% results in the oil levels of 28.5%, 27.0%,
and 25.5% in the formulation, respectively.
Percent (of flour weight) of a mixture of gums (Xanthan and Arabic gum = 1:1) added.

related with the cohesiveness values measured by the tex-

ture analyzer (R2 = 0.71).

3.2.2. Analysis of color

The color parameters L*, a*, and b* by minolta chroma
meter are shown in Tables 5 and 6 and Fig. 2. An increas-
ing replacement level by almond flour significantly
decreased the L* value and increased a* value: the color
of moon cake was darkened and the red color was strength-
ened (Table 5): both are desirable quality attributes.
Although the almond flour had a yellowish color, however,
b* value was not significantly different with an increase in
the amount of almond flour.
The increasing level of maltitol syrup to replace sucrose
syrup decreased red (a*) and yellow (b*) color values (Table
5), as the sensory panel found the color intensity of the
moon cake skin decreased with an increase in maltitol level
(Table 3).
The reduction of oil or addition of gums had no signif-
icant effects on the color parameters (Table 6), as were no
significant changes in color intensity by sensory panels
(Table 4).
The R2 value between color values from sensory analysis
Fig. 2. PCA of the results from the instrumental analysis. The two and the instrumental values of L*, a* and b* was 0.59, 0.74,
principal components, PC1 and PC2 explained 68.2% and 24.9% of and 0.06, respectively.
variability, respectively. F1–F9 are defined in the experimental design, as
shown in Table 1.
4. Conclusions

with the findings of several studies (Hughes, Mullen, & A traditional Chinese snack, moon cake, was formu-
Troy, 1998; Pietrasik, 1999). The addition of gums substan- lated by substituting a part of wheat flour with American
tially increased the chewiness values obtained by the tex- California almond flour, which is recognized to have a
ture analyzer (Table 6) as did for the SA-data (Table 4), great health benefit by the US FDA. The amount of
probably because of contribution of gums’ ability to almond flour was the key factor affecting sensory attributes
absorb high moisture (Perry, Swanson, Lyon, & Savage, and textural properties of the moon cake. Sensory attri-
2003). butes, including hardness, chewiness, and stickiness, were
High correlations were observed between the results significantly correlated to the textural parameters, includ-
from sensory analysis and instrumental textural analysis. ing hardness, chewiness, and cohesiveness, measured by a
The hardness and chewiness scores of the sensory analysis texture analyzer. The moon cake containing 70% almond
and those from the textural analysis were significantly flour from the traditional formulation was the most
related to each other (R2 = 0.97 and 0.96, respectively). favored by the sensory panel, evidenced by their intensity
The stickiness scores from the sensory evaluation were cor- assignment on the sensory attributes and it is more than
936 C. Jia et al. / Food Research International 41 (2008) 930–936

enough to satisfy the FDA health claim. The sensory Technology, and the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Tianjin,
panel’s decision was in agreement with the data in Tables China, October 24–27, 2004.
Hughes, E., Mullen, A. M., & Troy, D. J. (1998). Effects of fat level,
5 and 6, showing the highest values for ‘cohesiveness’, tapioca starch and whey on Frankfurters formulated with 5% and 12%
‘chewiness’, and a* value and the lowest value for hardness fat. Meat Science, 48, 169–180.
and L* value, which are desirable attributes. Further stud- International Organization for Standardization, ISO. (1997). Approved
ies may be needed for fine-tuning the most optimum for- methods of ISO (2nd ed). Method 5530, approved 1988, reapproval
mulation of the moon cake with quality desired by 1997; Approved Method of ISO, Method 1743, approved 1982.
Geneva, Switzerland: The Association.
consumers, including the eating quality, storability of the Jia, C. L., Huang, W. N., Yuan, Y. L., Duan, L., Li, X. Y., & Gao, B.
product, i.e., its shelf life, nutritional information in more (2005). Studies on the volatile flavor compounds of moon cakes
details, and also the economical feasibility, etc. before com- containing California almond flour. Food Science Journal in China, 26,
mercial production. The highly significant correlations 400–407.
between the SA and the instrumental measurements show Landis, W., & Altman, L. (1996). Efficacy of fruit purees partial fat
replacements in a chocolate cake and cookie recipe. Journal of
a great promise to be able to develop on-line quality mea- Nutrition in Recipe & Menu Development, 2, 13–28.
suring device to produce products with constant quality Lapsley, K. G., & Huang, G. (2004). Health benefits of almonds. Cereal
attributes of final products, moon cake, under the objective Foods World, 49, 6–10.
quality control system in the plant. Ligutom, H., Mesina, A., & Ganji, V. (1999). Use of seed gums in low-fat
ground pork: Effect on physical and sensory characteristics. Journal of
the American Dietetic Association, Abstract, 99 (Suppl. 1), A28.
Acknowledgements Lucca, P. A., & Trepper, B. J. (1994). Fat replacers and the functionality
of fat in foods. Trends in Food Science and Technology, 5, 12–19.
We thank the Almond Board of California for the finan- McClemets, D., & Demetriades, K. (1998). An integrated approach to the
cial supports and the almond flour for the joint research development of reduced-fat food emulsions. Critical Reviews in Food
Science and Nutrition, 38, 511–536.
O’Carroll, P. (1997). Making it work. The world of Ingredients, 6, 16–18.
Pangborn, R. M., Gibbs, Z. M., & Tassan, C. (1978). Effect of
References hydrocolloids on apparent viscosity and sensory properties of selected
beverages. Journal of Texture Studies, 9, 415–436.
Armbrister, W. L., & Setser, C. S. (1994). Sensory and physical properties Perry, J. M., Swanson, R. B., Lyon, B. G., & Savage, E. M. (2003).
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