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Nationalization of industries By 1971, 60% of the country’s industrial assets and 80% of the insurance
business were owned by 22 families. On December 22nd, 1971 passports of the 22 capitalist families were
confiscated. Industrial licenses of more than Rs. 100 million worth issued to 19 companies were declared
Mr. Bhutto issued an ordinance on 2nd January, 1972 under which ten heavy industries were nationalized by
the government. The industries taken over by the government are as under: i. Automobile industry ii.
Chemical industry iii. Consumer goods industry iv. Steel industry v. Heavy equipment industry vi.
Petrochemical industry
directors of 20 industrial units were terminated and their managing agencies were closed
eleven more industrial units were nationalized on 16th January,1972
all insurance companies were nationalized and merged under the control of State Life Corporation on 19th
March, 1972. All the scheduled banks were also taken over by the government of Pakistan on 1st January,
Labour reform
representatives of the labourers were included in the administrative committee, Annual bonus equal to one
month’s salary was announced for labourers. 48 working hours within a week were regulated instead of 54
hours. . Apost of “Stewardship” was created who wasresponsible forsettling differences between the mill
owners and the labourers
Agricultural reforms
The limit of land ownership irrigated by canals, was fixed up to 150 acres and land irrigated by natural rains
was up to 300 acres. The land beyond these limits was confiscated and distributed among farmers and
peasants. By March 1976, 1.5 million acres of land was distributed to the farmers. The land purchased by
Govt. servants during their services of two years after their retirement, was limited up to 100 acres. Financial
aid was given to Anjuman Imdade-Bahami to support mechanised farming in Pakistan
The government of Mr. Bhutto nationalized many of the private educational institutions in the country in
1971. The salaries of the educational staff working in these institutions were very low. Students were given
special concessions in transport fares. Many medical, engineering and professional universities were
established for the better development of the country. Approval was given to set up Allama Iqbal Open

Zial ul haq
1.Shariat Benches were set up in all the High Courts on 10th Feb. 1979. Ulema were appointed as judges in
them. Federal Shariat Courts instead of Shariat Benches were set up in 1980 which hears appeals against the
decisions of their subservient courts and interprets Islam. The appeals against the decisions of the Federal
Shariat Courts are heard by the Shariat Appellate Bench of the Supreme Court.
2. The government passed Shariat Ordinance in 1979. All the matters of stealing, drinking, alcohol, rape and
other crimes would be dealt with under Shariat Law
3. Zakat and Ushr Ordinance 1988, usher in 1983
4. For abolition of interest, accounts were opened on the basis of profit and loss on 1st Jan. 1981 and all
saving accounts were converted to PLS account from 1st July 1984.
5. The study of Islamiat and Pakistan Studies were made compulsory up to B.A. in all the educational
6. Arabic language was made compulsory from Grade 6 to Grade 8
7. The International Islamic University in Islamabad was started in 1981 for Islamic learning and law
8. A shariat faculty was set up in the Quaid-e-Azam University in Islamabad which would provide teaching
of Hadith, Fiqh and Islamic law
9. Prayer arrangements
10. The people not observing the sanctity of the month of Ramazan could be jailed for three months and
fined 500 rupees
11. in Zia’s regime, many religious schools were looked after by the government and they were given annual
grants. Their degrees were considered equal to M.A

General Zia-ul-Haq amended 1973 Constitution from parliamentary to a presidential system. The President
took complete powers and the powers of the Parliament were curtailed. Non-party elections were held for
the National Assembly in 1985. The first session of the National Assembly was called on 23rd March, 1985.
General Zia-ul-Haq took the oath as the President for the next five years, and Muhammad Khan Junejo took
the oath as the Prime Minister.
Ojhri Camp Disaster A sudden fire broke out in an arms depot located between Rawalpindi and Islamabad
in 1988. Many citizens were killed in this disaster. After hectic efforts of one week.
After returning from foreign tour, the Prime Minister called a press conference on 29th May, 1988 at the
airport and answered the questions of the news reporters. On the same day, the President declared dismissal
of the Junejo Government
Afghan Jihad, Refugee Problem and Their Impact on Pakistani Society
The invasion by Russian forces into Afghanistan in 1979 created a new challenge for Pakistan. America and
Russia signed an accord in April 1988 in Geneva. The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Muhammad Khan Junejo
also participated and signed it. Russia accepted its defeat and withdrew its forces from Afghanistan on 15th
February, 1989. This was the end of Afghan Jihad. America and Russia signed an accord in April 1988 in
Geneva. The Prime Minister of Pakistan, Muhammad Khan Junejo also participated and signed it. Russia
accepted its defeat and withdrew its forces from Afghanistan on 15th February, 1989. This was the end of
Afghan Jihad.

Muslim family law ordinance
Constitution presidential 1962, federal, upto march 1969, presidential elections 1965.
PAK india war
Economic dev
Agricul sector. High yielding seeks, chemical fertilizers, lons , tractor harvest, threshers, construction of
cannals, dams, karaiz, tube well introduced.
Industrial sector
Export increased investmen promotion Bureau IPB 1959
Pakistan council of scientific and industrial research h PCSIR
Pak industrial dev bank
Text book bord dev

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