Writing Ids 3

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Paige Speake

IDS 301

21 September, 2022

Writing: Practicing Integrative Thinking

1. Describe what the problem is, and state why it is complex - what are the parts that

make it unobvious to solve?

The problem I choose is one involving my work environment, which is: How do I find a

balance between making close relationships/friendships with my coworkers when I am

also their boss on shift? This is complex because I want to be friends with a lot of my

coworkers and I am but I do not know how exactly to lead and manage them while also

being their friend. I always feel really weird when I have to talk to them about stuff they

are doing wrong, things they can improve on, and handling conflict between all of them

when I am close friends with most of them. The parts that are unobvious to solve are how

to put aside the friendship when needed but also not making them feel like they can not

be my friend because I am their boss and also how to communicate in the correct way at

the correct time. Another part that makes it unobvious to solve is that I want them to be

able to talk to me as a friend and trust me, when I am their boss it could make them think

they are not able to tell me everything or trust me with certain information.

2. Write down as many different things a potential solution must AVOID doing if it’s

going to solve this problem.

- Being too bossy

- Picking sides in a conflict between coworkers

- Avoiding drama
- Avoiding gossiping

- Listening to other peoples gossip

- Communicating in the wrong way depending on the situation

- Losing their trust

3. Describe two different potential solutions to this problem that avoids those pitfalls,

and tell me why they avoid each pitfall!

Solution 1: Do not become too close or friendly with my coworkers at work, spend more

time with them outside of work where work is not the main topic of conversation in our

minds (Be their boss at work and their friend outside of work). By spending time with

them outside of work, work will not be a sole topic of conversation as it would be when I

am at work. Also when spending time outside of work, tell them that we should not

discuss work. This will allow me to avoid drama, gossiping, losing their trust,

communicating wrong, being too bossy, and picking sides.

Solution 2: Learn how to communicate effectively in every situation that comes up and

also learn when to listen and when to walk away. By learning how to communicate

effectively, it will allow me to handle each situation in the way of a boss or a friend.

Communication and word choice will help me not be too bossy and will allow me to

control how I communicate depending on the situation at hand. Learning when to listen

and when to walk away will help me avoid drama, gossiping, losing their trust, and

picking sides because I will choose to walk away when people are gossiping and talking

about other coworkers.

4. Describe what the ‘reality checks’ are you would need to consider for your solution?

Going with solution 2, the reality checks I would need to consider for this would be:
- Am I actually going to walk away from gossip?

- If I maintain friendships at work and a situation involving my friend arises will I

be able to not pick a side?

- Will I be able to communicate effectively with each situation?

5. Describe a refined solution that takes into account these further pitfalls.

Refined Solution: Practice communicating effectively and learn the best ways to

communicate with a mix of a friend and a coworker, listen when needed, and walk away

when needed. I will also tell all coworkers to keep gossip to a minimum this way gossip

will be avoided all together. I will also tell my coworkers not to come to me if a situation

arises between two people I am friends with and rather go to a higher up manager to deal

with the conflict, to avoid picking sides even if I try not to.

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