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ANTICOAGULANTS NCLEX REVIEW HEPARIN Antidote: Protamine Sulfate Monitor aPTT: Therapeutic level for patients on Heparin is 1.5-2 times the normal baseline (~60-80) IV or SQ: Rotate sites, do not massage or rub area. Heparin drip is weight-based for proper dosing Monitor for Heparin-Induced Thrombocytopenia (HIT): occurs when antibodies develop against Heparin — results in drop in platelets and new clots or worsening of current clots can occur (emergency) ‘ Educate pt on bleeding 6 precautions i.e. use electric razor, soft toothbrush and report signs o' bleeding (black/tarry stool, easy bruising, hematuria, bleedin gums, coffee ground erie — Antidote: Phytonadione (Vitamin kK) Monitor PT/INR: Therapeutic INR level for patients on Warfarin is 2-3 LOW INR = T warfarin dose HIGH INR = | warfarin dose Oral (PO): Slow onset, started in hospital same time as heparin until INR therapeutic. Pt will be discharged home with warfarin, not heparin Monitor for signs of bleeding Educate pt to maintain é consistent vit K intake. Too much vit K will decrease warfarin's effect and too little can put the pt at a higher risk for bleeding. Foods high in vitamin K include green leafy veg (K for Kale, spinach, broccoli)

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