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By Ricot St Paulin

English instructor

Institut Universitaire Quisqueya-Amerique (INUQUA)

ENGLISH Syllabus
ANG100 English I
This syllabus outlines policies common to all areas relating to the English I course at the
INUQUA. Please read it carefully, and ask your instructor to explain any information that you do
not understand.

Course Information

Instructor: Ricot St Paulin

Phones: (509) 3110-2264/ 3472-3083
Duration: 4 months (Nov. – Mars.)
# Hours: 32

Course Description

This English course is designed to develop students’ abilities to think, organize, and express
their ideas clearly and effectively through practical learning. Therefore it incorporates listening,
speaking, reading, writing, research, and critical thinking.

Upon successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:

- Demonstrate an awareness of language as a tool for learning and communication.

- Follow the conventions of standard written English, in sentence structure, punctuation,

grammar and usage (appropriate vocabulary), and spelling.

- Apply critical reading and thinking skills to the writing process.

- Research and critically evaluate information to produce writing with appropriate


- Use technology as a tool for improving language skills.

N.B. The above course schedule, content and procedures in the scope of this English course are subject to change in
the event of extenuating circumstances as determined by the instructor.
By Ricot St Paulin
English instructor

Teaching materials
There is not a required handbook for this course. However, the intensive program is built out of
the following resources:

1. English dictionaries
 Webster’s II New College Dictionary, 2001, 1999, 1995
Houghton Mifflin Company
 Le Robert & Collins Super Senior, first edition 1995

2. “Step Forward” series, Language for Everyday Life

By series director: Jayme Adelson-Goldstein

3. American Accent Training, second edition, 2000

By Ann Cook

4. Silver Burdett English, 1985 Silver Burdett company

5. L’Anglais vivant, Manuel de conversation, 1958
By Genevieve A. Martin

Course Policies

Attend class regularly

It’s of paramount importance to attend class regularly. Please arrive at class on time and
expect to remain until class is over. Your attendance and participation will figure into your
final grade in the form of points assigned for in-class activities.

Keep up if you miss class

It’s your responsibility to keep up with assignments if you miss class. “I wasn’t here last
week” is never an acceptable excuse for coming to class unprepared. If you miss class, check
the syllabus and contact the instructor or another student to collect your assignments.

Papers must be typed

All assignments should be typed (not necessarily double spaced), using 12-point Times
New Roman type, unless the instructor indicates otherwise.

Submit your work on time

In-class assignments, quizzes or home assignments/ homework may not be submitted late.
Late work—if your instructor agrees to accept it—may be penalized by grade-reduction. Should
you have a legitimate excuse for lateness, speak with your instructor in advance.

N.B. The above course schedule, content and procedures in the scope of this English course are subject to change in
the event of extenuating circumstances as determined by the instructor.
By Ricot St Paulin
English instructor

Work must be original to this class

The practice of using or copying someone else's idea or work and pretending that you thought
of it or created it (plagiarism) will be severely penalized.

Cell phone use

Please turn off/ mute and put away your cell phone at the start of class. If an emergency
situation requires you to be available by phone, confer with your instructor for his preference for
handling this situation.

Student Behavior Statement

Students should always conduct themselves in a respectful manner. No conduct will be

tolerated that might endanger or threaten anyone in the class. Disruptive behavior, substance
abuse, downgrading or disparaging remarks, and any other behavior that shows a lack of
respect for the instructor or other students, will not be tolerated. At the instructor’s
discretion, a student causing problems may be asked to leave the class for the session.

Course Grading

Grading criteria are as follows:

100% – 90% A+ (Excellent)

89% – 80% A (Very good)
79% – 65% B (Good)
64% – 50% C (Fail)
0%–49% D (Bad)

Point system

Area scoring
Attendance and participation 10%
In-class assignments/ Quizzes 20%
Homework 10%
Final research work 10%
Final in-class exam 50%
Total 100%

N.B. The above course schedule, content and procedures in the scope of this English course are subject to change in
the event of extenuating circumstances as determined by the instructor.
By Ricot St Paulin
English instructor

Program content

Month Content # Hours Comments

 Syllabus and Introduction to the course

Nov  Reviewing the basics 8 - A 15- minute-quiz will be given to
- Phonetics students after every class.
- Alphabet and numbers
- Vocabularies (daily life), spelling
- Grammar, usage and syntax
 Quotes and idioms
 Grammar review
 Cumulative review

Dec  Reading comprehension 8 - A 15- minute-quiz will be given to

 Quotes and idioms students after every class.
 Grammar, usage and syntax
Audio and video teachings
 Grammar review
 Cumulative review

Jan  Reading comprehension 8 - A 30- minute-quiz will be given to

 Using a Thesaurus students after every two class
 Understanding the university environment
(name and define terms)
 Using computer terms
- Homework will be sent to instructor
 Using sources for research
 Discussion on research paper topics
 Audio and video teachings
 Cumulative review

Feb  Reading comprehension 8 - Homework will be sent to instructor

 Audio and video teachings electronically.
 Using sources for research
 Discussion on research paper topics
- Final research work is a team work. It
 Cumulative review will be submitted by the leader of the
group (3-6 students per group).
 Final research work
 Final in-class exam
N.B. The above course schedule, content and procedures in the scope of this English course are subject to change in
the event of extenuating circumstances as determined by the instructor.
By Ricot St Paulin
English instructor

N.B. The above course schedule, content and procedures in the scope of this English course are subject to change in
the event of extenuating circumstances as determined by the instructor.

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