Challenge Magazine 041

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@ The magic of liftwood.

@ Plastic ships.
The first game in the Space: 1889 series,
Sky Galleons of Mars places you in thrilling
air battles high above the red deserts. British
aerial gunboats, armed with sophisticated
naval guns, duel the fmest cloudships the Mar-
tian princes can muster. Rules cover move-
ment and firing, grappling, boarding actions,
critical hits, complete ship design and rating,
and more. Sky Galleons of Mars is played
with large plastic pieces depicting the gunboats
VICTORIAN ADVENTURERS and cloudships involved.
Ten assorted figures dressed for adventure GDW: ISBN 0-943580-73-0'
in the of space: 1889, included are an Boxed ................................................
army officer with revolver, army officer with
sword, navy officer, inventor with pistol, thug,
missionary, lady with revolver, lady in travel-
ling clothes, gentleman in top hat, and Hill
Martian brave. The set comes with a back-
ground booklet which includes a quick-and-
easy painting guide.
GDW: 1821. ISBN 1-55878-046-7.
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One complete Canal Martian war band (20
figures) as organized in the Soldier's Com-
panion, suitable for use as Syrtans, Gaaryans,
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squabbles between Martians or battles against
British colonial troops. Twenty metal figures
in 10 different poses are included, along with
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GDW: 1842. ISBN 1-55878-048-3. SOLDIER'S COMPANION
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$22. The life of the soldier exemplifies the spirit of
Space: 1889: the image of the noble-born English
SOLDIERS OF THE QUEEN officer, his native troops at the ready, standing
One complete British infantry company (20 against hordes of savage primitives in the name
figures) as organized in the Soldier's Com- of Queen and Empire. The Soldier's Companion
panion, the miniature wargame rules written is dedicated to depicting the lives of colonial
specifically for these figures and Space: 1889. soldiers, from their organizations and locations
These colonial troops are equipped for battles on Venus and Mars to their varying stores of
with savage Martians, Venusians, or renegade equipment. An extensive color section serves as
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ed, along with a background booklet which in- for expansion of the battle fleets in Sky assemble your armies of miniatures. Also, Sol-
cludes a quick-and-easy painting guide. Galleons of Mars. Includes more than four dier's Companion introduces the mass combat
GDW: 1841. ISBN 1-55878-047-5. different kinds of ships. Comes with a back- and miniatures rules for Space: 1889-as the co-
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The Magazine of Science-Fiction Gaming

D. Acre
Players help establish a little piece of civilization in the face of approaching chaos.
This generic village environment can be used in Europe, Iran, and the United States.

Surprise at Clearwater
Bret Foland and Lester W. Smith
Red Captain Ronald Whitfield is a source of constant irritation to the Oenotrian
Empire. To date, his Cloud Leopard has captured a dozen prizes, all Oenotrian, and
caused great damage to the sky fleets of the empire.

The Puzzle
of the Shard
Loren K. Wiseman
The twisting, turning streets, alleys,
and back roads of the market at Meroe
lead the adventure seeker along a
thousand paths to intrigue, fame, and

The Madlash 33
Kevin Shriver
Meet the Madlash, a prairie-dwellinggrazer. When the herd is threatened, look
out-few predators will brave the adults' protective ring when they circle around the
calves with their tails facing outward.

Feedback Results ...........29 Classifieds ...................
Traveller News Service ...30 Product Distribution .....79
Reviews .......................... 74 Next Issue ....................80
Macrocombat 34
David Nilsen
Resolve large-scale battles more quickly and easily than ever before. Based on
the 2300 AD combat rules, the macrocombat system yields the same kind of results
as would the role-playing system, but with less time and complexity.

The Sweet Trade in Space: Piracy 42 -

Erick Melton
In any time period when unbridled economic and colonial expansion outrun gov-
ernmental authority to oversee or protect it, some individualswill find it easier to take
advantage of others' honest labor with some dishonest labor of their own.

Dragon's Flight 48
C. W. Hess
Encounter an alien menace whose actions threaten to bring war between the UFP
and the Romulan Empire in this exciting Star Trek adventure.

Paid in Full
Lester W. Smith
Crime lords and loan sharks are
notoriouslyuntrustworthy, always
looking for some way to take the
payment and still seize a ship,
even if it requires murder. If you
are brave and resourceful, you
might survive this adventure!

Iceriver Guards Chapter 69

John A. Theisen
New Coventry, a hostile and frigid world on the edge of the galaxy near the lmpe-
rium's frontier, can best be described as a cross between extreme arctic wilderness
and a Death Worid.
4 Challenge GDW
GDW Challenge

he player characters require a place to winter, or

a firm base, or a safe place to allow members of
their party to recover from injuries or wounds.
Basically, the village can serve as a link between
adventures or can be a starting point for new adventures.

The village should not be located near a major road, nor
should it be located in the middle of a forest or in the moun-
tains. It may have a railway line nearby which has been WELATS BENING
abandoned since the nuclear phase of the war. The referee Basically, someone is testing the effectiveness of poison
should create a map of the village based on the description gas. This research is being conducted under the auspices of
in this article. a largerorganizationthat does not want its enemies'to know
that it is capable of manufacturing such weapons. This or-
THE ENCOUNTER ganizationcould be tailored to fit the locationof the campaign,
Members of the party are travelling along a trail near dusk so it could be DGB, CIA, New America, or the Margraf of
when they see a young girl (15 to 17 years old) lying on the Silesia, the point being that it is a covert operation. Due to
trail ahead of them. She is wearing a dress that looks like it the covert nature of the setup, the player characters will not
has been torn by bushes; she is shoeless, and her feet are find any indication of the sponsor-identification marks on
bleeding. When the characters stop to examine her, they can the vehicles have been erased, and soldiers are wearing a
see that she has received a superficial bullet wound to her wide variety of uniforms. For our purposes, the village is in
upper right arm. She is barely conscious due to exhaustion Poland.
and loss of blood. As the characters bandage her, she will
regain enough strength to tell them that they are in danger THE FACTORY SETUP
and ask them to take her to the village. It is important that the If questioned, Maria can describe the location of the fac-
party stop, so if none of the player characters want to, an tory and other basic information. However, she is not a trained
NPC should suggest it. observer and will make some errors in the description. For

The girl tells the party her name, Maria, and states that
she was kidnappedby banditswhile working in the fields near
her village. She and 11 other villagers were seized before
the village militia could intercede. They were taken to an old
factory where they were imprisoned in a compound. Over
the next two days, they were joined by other prisoners-
villagers and refugees who surrendered to these well armed
and numerous bandits. On the third day, 10 prisoners were s DISCOUNTS ON NEW GAMES FROM: TSR, GDW,
taken from the compound, and a short while later, those left GAMES WORKSHOP, STEVE JACKSON, CHAOSIUM,
behind heard thumps quickly followed by a whistling noise COLUMBIA, FANTASY GAMES, FASA, HERO, IRON
and explosions. Then they heard machinegunsfiring.All this CROWN, LEADING EDGE, MAYFAIR, NOVA,
happened out of sight, but, needless to say, the remaining WEST END AND MORE.
prisoners were terrified. * WE HAVE OUT-OF-PRINT GAMES FROM: S.P.I.,
The next day, Maria was among the 10 prisoners selected. G.D.W., O.S.G., BAPTLELINE,.YOQUINTO, INTERNA-
They were led to a field behind the factory and told that they TIONAL TEAM, AVALON HILL, WEST END & MUCH
would be free if they could reach the far end. Behind the SPORTS GAMES AND GENERAL INTEREST GAMES
prisoners were three men in a pit, grouped around a "can- Q MAGAZINES FROM: THE DRAGON, DUNGEON, WHITE
non" (really a 120mm mortar). The gunners then raised a WOLF, GATEWAYS, SPACE GAMER, CHALLANGE,
"shell" to the mouth of the cannon and told them to start. As BATTLETECH, ANIMAG, BREAKOUT, WHITE DWARF
the prisonersstartedto run, she heard athunk, then awhistle, Q WE BUY GAME COLLECTIONS
then she saw an explosion midway down the field. The WE SPECIALIZE IN OVERSEAS SHIPMENTS
explosion wasn't that big, but she saw a large cloud of smoke. Q FOR HISTORICAL GAMES ASK FOR A CATALOG
The prisonersclosest to the smoke started choking. She held FROM OUR AFFILIATE:
her breath and ran to the woods to her left, clawed her way
through some barbed wire, and ran away. She didn't notice
that she had been shot until she was well away from the
factory area.
6 Challenge GDW

example, the armored car will be describedas a tank and the alcohol to fuel the vehicles in the spring. He would like to see
mortar as a cannon, and she will not know the number of the factory destroyed, as the village would not be safe if the
men in the weapons pits. She will also state that no bandits maraudersdecidedto use poison gas against them in retali-
are bivouacked in the factory itself. ation for freeing the prisoners.
If the player characters decide to conduct a reconnais-
sance, they will determine the following information. TEE P AnAGW.
@ Sentry dispositions: The party should be able to approach and conduct a good
Three men in each PD position. reconnaissanceof the objective if they have not already done
One man in the turret of the BDRM 3. so. Lechwill ask to go with them and will discourage any other
Two men at the door of the factory. villagers from accompanying them. He will explain that he
One man walking between the various sentry posts and served in the airborne branch, and his Recon skill will allow
buildings. him to move with the party without increasing the chance of
4# They estimate a total of 30 marauders. it being detected. He will suggest that the main militia party
@ The off-duty marauders sleep in the two-story factory carry any heavy weapons and meet them in a clearing in the
off ice building. woods about one kilometer from the factory.
4B The other buildings seem to be used for storage. The players can suggest a plan for the assault, and the
referee should considerwhetherit is realistic. If it is too risky,
ENGOmTERING THE WLLAGE Lech will suggest the following plan.
If the players have not taken Maria to her village yet, they A party of 15 militia, led by Lech and equipped with two
should now do so, as the defenses of the factory are too RPGs, will crawl to the edge of the woods to the east of the
formidable for the average party to take out. As the charac- armored car. Once in position, they will take out the sentries
ters approach the village, they will note that with the fields in front of the factory, the armored car, and the PK post north
surrounding it, it has good fields of fire but is also quite of the factory. They will also positiontwo snipers to cover the
exposed to incoming fire. They will also note that the village northern and eastern sides of the factory office. Once their
has escaped the ravages of war objectives are destroyed, they will escort the prisoners to
When the characters are about 50 metersfrom the village, safety.
they will be slopped by a sentry. He will ask them to state The player characters, augmented by five militia, will
their business and will be wary of strangers. He is about 17 positionthemselves at the northwest corner of the gap, where
years old and armed with a double-barreled shotgun. When they can fire on the mortar position, and the southern and
he sees Maria, he will become very animated and yell to the western sides of the factory off ices. They will also be respon-
villagers that it is okay-they found Maria. He will escort the sible for taking out the PK post at the southwestern corner of
party in. the gap. The factory offices are about 70 meters from their
Upon reaching the village, the sentry will lead the party to position, well within rifle, grenade, RPG, RAW HE, RAW
the town hall and will instruct someone to get Lech and the HEAT, M203, and machinegun range. The effect of such a
doctor. He will aid the party in bringing Maria inside and barrage of explosives on the surprised occupants of the
making her cornlottable, all the while asking her questions offices would be quite devastating. Of course, survivors will
about her ordeal. Maria is very tired, and someone inthe party probably have to be cleaned out with grenades and bayo-
should step in and tell him what they know. After a short wait, nets, but the approach to the offices should not be too dan-
two men will enter, and any villagers who followed the party gerous if the characters use the other buildings for cover.
in will be told to leave. The older of the two men will tell the This plan allows for maximum use of surprise and over-
sentry to go back 'lo the post. whelming fire power to demoralize and destroy the enemy.
The younger man will immediately check the extent of If the enemy is not expecting an attack, the plan should be
Maria's wounds and, if required, will rebandage them. He is rather successful. If,however, the reconnaissance party got
the village doctor (in reality, a medic with a Med skill of 80%). involved in a firefight with the enemy, the marauders will be
The older man will introduce himself as Lech, the mayor of wary and have at least one party of 10 men sweeping the
Ihe village. He will question the players about their back- woods, and will post extra sentries and man the mortar pit.
ground and will ask them about their encounter with Maria.
If the players have not scouted out the factory, he will FORCES
request that they do so. He will also ask their aid in freeing Forces lor the militia and marauders are as follows.
what villagers remain as prisoners. He will tell the party that Militia: One Elite NPC (Lech) with one RPG and four
the village can supply about 20 men to aid them, but they do rockets; four Veterans with one RPG and three rockets, two
not have heavy weapons. These men are his most experi- AK-74s, and one M I 6; eight Experiencedwith four Mausers
enced, and most have spent some time in the army. He has and four AKMs; seven Green with three shotguns and four
little to offer the players except the hospitality of the village. Mausers with 30 shots each. EachVeteran has one grenade,
They would be able to stay on as part of the militia, and, if the and Lech has two smoke grenades.
harvest permits, he may be able to provide them with some Marauders: 10 Veterans, 10 Experienced, 10 Green, all
GDW Challenge 7

armedwith AK-74s. Each hastwo grenades. They also have

a total of two PKs, one 120mm mortar, two RPGs, and a e
BRDM3, all well suppliedwith ammo. Those men not on duty 0
are relaxing or sleeping in the factory off ice building. @ @I

@ @
Once the attack is over, the wounded treated, and prison- @
ers set fee, Lech will interrogate any surviving marauders
priorto orderingthem killed. They will not be able to tell much
except to say that they were hired by Captain Wojowinski, AGGIEWmCE
If any of the players object to the killing of the surviving If the attackwas successful and the characters got along
marauders, Lech will ask them if they could think of a better with Lech, they have establishedtheir usefulness to the vil-
way to ensure that whoever is behind this project won't be lage. Lech will honor his offer of food and shelter to the
informed about the attack. characters. He will give them a brief history of the village and
Lech will instruct his men to gather up all the equipment offerthempositions inthe militia. With the weapons they have
and weapons. This will be loadedon the captured trucks and just captured and the leadership of the player characters,
transportedto the village, which will take two trips. The booty the security of the village will be significantly increased.
consists of three military trucks, two PK machineguns, two
RPG 16s, one 120mm mortar, 30 AK-74s, office supplies, RECENT HISTORY OF THE GE
400 kilograms of domestic food, cooking supplies, 20 jerry Before the war, the village was a min t for the
cans, a small chemistry lab, various tool sets, a small ma- farmers of the region. The district school, the district bureauc-
chine shop, 10 belts of 30mm ammo, six cases of 5.45mm racy, and the local market were all located in the village. The
ammo, four cases of frag grenades, 250m of barbedwire, 60 shops catered to the farmers who lived within five to 10 kilo-
120mm HE mortar bombs, 18 RPG HEAT rockets, a surgi- meters of the village. Apart from the service-based indus-
cal kit, four doctors' medical kits, four 2km hand radios, 40 tries , the only other major employer was a small food-proc-
sets of webbing with sleeping bags and gas masks, clothing, essing plant, where local produce was canned, preserved,
a small still, and eight cases of 7.62mm bloc (belted). or, in the case of potatoes, bagged.
The three unused buildingswill contain most of this equip- The town also containeda movie theater, acommunity hall,
ment as one was used for storage, one as a chemistry lab, a church, and a small inn. The town didn't grow too fast due
and one as a maintenance garage. The weapons and web- to its isolated location, but it was, to the locals at least, an
bing will come from the dead marauders, the wire from the important center of the area. When the war broke out, the
woods, and the office supplies and sleeping bags from the communitywas allowed to continueto exist as it always had.
factory offices. The farmers continued to produce food, and the factory
The militia will also find 20 yellow painted mortar bombs in packaged it and loaded it on the trucks the government sent.
the lab, and Lech will insist that they be destroyed. This can
be accomplished either by firing them into a vacant field,
making sure the wind is blowing away from the firing point,

explosives at the bottom, and, after covering the hole, set-

ting off the explosives. This is an ESY:CBE task. The BRDM
will also be cut off and used. If the damage was less exten-
sive, the vehicle could be repaired. The referee should note
8 Challenge GDW

A few of the merchants received draft or call-up notices and become captain of the militia. He is not worried about a
went off to join their units, but the majority of the population possible takeover by these soldiers as the militia is composed
was engaged in "protected" jobs and thus was relatively im- of villagers who would not turn on their own. He will, how-
mune to callups. As the war progressed,the village received ever, become wary if the player characters start recruiting a
fewer and fewer messages from the government. Gasoline large numberof outsiders into the militia. If he interprets this
and fertilizer became scarce, and the farmers returnedto the action as a possible bid to take over the town, he will inter-
use of horses or oxen for plowing and transportation. The vil- cede and exile the foreigners without their equipment. That
lagerswhosejobs became redundant became a poolof labor is, however, a worst-case option. Lechwill support the player
for the fields. characters and become a very reliable friend as long as they
The village was never occupied by any of the armies, but don't plot against the village.
foraging partiesfor the various armies appeared periodically,
and the village gave themwhat they demanded. About a year
ago, a band of deserters came to town and took hostages. The population of the village is 188, divided into 61 house-
They ruled the village harshly, killing people without reason, holds. An exact breakdown is found in the Occupation and
attacking the women. Some farmers banded together to Demographics by HouseholdTable on page 10. This should
remove the deserters, but their attempt failed, and many allow the referee to provide more backgroundto the players.
villagers were killed in reprisal.
About a month after the deserters took over, Lech came THE ECCBNOm
home. He had been the manager of the factory before the The primary occupation of the village is food production-
war and had been called up. He served inthe airborne forces, grain, corn, and vegetables are grown. There is also a dairy
but after two years of constant combat and the virtual de- industry, pork, and some sheep. Each farmer is responsible
struction of his unit, he decided to return home. His wife was for a portion of the land outside the village and owns the
one of the hostages, and a farmer told him of the situation in produce from the land. The cattle and swine are kept in the
the village as he approached it. The first night he was back, village, and the care of the herds is the responsibility of the
during curfew, he somehow enteredthecommunity hall, killed village government. In addition, each household has its own
seven deserters he found there, freed the hostages, and by vegetable garden. Draft animals are mostly privately owned,
daylight was stalking the remaining four deserters who fled but the village has a pool of oxen and horses that can be
to the woods. He returned by evening, carrying four extra rented by the farmers for a nominal fee. The village stores
weapons. the food over the winter, recording how much each farmer
Lech will not go into detail about how he killed the desert- contributed. If there is a surplus, the village acts as a broker
ers. He will state that "he dealt with them." If the player in trade with merchants.
characters ask the villagers about the incident,they will state The village council is responsible for providing medical
that he killed all the deserters silently, moving through the care, day care, and schooling for the children, as well as for
shadows and returning covered in the blood of the bandits. paying for the standing militia, the factory workers, and the
The villagers regard Lech' s actions as almost supernatural, small council bureaucracy. For these services, the village
and the player characters will not find anyone who can give charges a tax of 20 percent of all grain produced and 40
a better description of the action. percent of the products from the herds (milk, cheese, pork,
Lech sought out and held trials for any voluntary collabo- beef, and wool). Inthis way, food production is maximizedby
rators. If they were guilty, they were executed. He also orga- allowing good farmers to become relatively wealthy, while
nized the militia, formed a town council, rationalizedthe food ensuring that basic services are available to all.
production, and basically became the guiding force for the The only other businesses in the town are the innlbar, the
town. mechanic, the vet, the blacksmith,and the merchanvbroker.
All these are privately run and pay taxes to the village. The
ROLE OF THE PMUERS one exception is the broker, who conducts all the negotia-
Lech is getting very weary of the multitude of tasks he has tions for the town with visiting merchants and receives a
taken on. He would like to spend more time on food produc- percentage of the goods to stock his store. This monopoly in
tion, as well as on the development of some light manufac- dealing with outsiders allows the village to get better prices
turing in the town. He has plans to form some sort of mutual as the visiting merchant can deal with no one else and, thus,
defense pacts with neighboring villages and towns, and cannot undercut the price of the village goods.
maybe some sort of common market for dealing with mer-
chants from outside the area. WkkAGE ImUSTRIES
He is also looking for some soldiers who could relieve him The town doctor and his assistants provide free medical
of the defensive tasks so that he could concentrate on the care to all inhabitants to the extent of their ability and phar-
other equally important tasks that will ensure the village's maceutical supplies.
long-term survival. It is for that reason that he will ask the As about 25 percent of the population is under 14 years
highest ranking or most mature of the player characters to old, the village pays the wages of the various teachers and

day-care workers who look after the children while the par-
ents are at work. These teachers are either prewar teachers
or the best qualified villagers.
The old factory is the site of the village industries, which
includes a mill, a large still to make methanol, cheese-pro-
duction facilities, meat preparation (smoking, salting), and
the conversion of animal and human wastes to fertilizer. In
addition, saltpeter is collected from the waste and used to
make gunpowder.
The standing militia is a force of 20 villagers who form the pion SMG in a shbulder holster. He also has a silencer for it,
core of the village's defense. While the farmers go armed which he keeps at his home. Lech is an excellent leaderwho
into the fields and assist in sentry duties at night, the stand- is motivated by the desire to ensure the survival of the vil-
ing militiapatrolsthe area, mans the heavy weapons, super- lage.
vises the armory, escorts wood-gathering parties, and acts
as the police force. As the standing militia members are free Victor Kowalski
of the food-productionduties, they are able to be trained year- Victor is the innkeeper of the Plowman' s Rest. He is a
round, as opposed to the farmers, who can be trained only large man, around 45 years old, and has been in charge of
during the winter. The militia headquarters is located in the the inn since his father died almost 20 years ago. Due to his
basement of the town hall. virtual monopoly on nightlife in the village, he is one of the
best-informedpeople in the village.
PERSONALITIES Victor has two small stills in a shed behind the inn where
The following are important NPC personality descriptions. he produces vodka and whiskey. He also brews small
amounts of dark beer. His wife does all the cooking for the
Lech Stravinski patrons, and his children help in serving food, cleaning the
Born in a major city, Lech is not a native of the village. In rooms, and tending the bar when Victor is otherwise occu-
fact, he only came to the village pied.
10 years ago, upon completionof Victor is one of Lech's greatest supporters due to his
his management degree. He agreement with Lech's goals, as well as the fact that Victor
started as the assistant manager had his leg broken for refusing to serve the deserters when
of the factory but was quickly pro- they controlled the town. Victor still walks with a limp from
moted after proving to be an that experience.
excellent organizer and planner. Victor is an Experienced NPC who is loyal to Lech and his
He increased production through goals.
the use of incentives and by re-
ducing labor strife. He also in- Adam KaroviLelta
volved himself in municipalaffairs Adam is the village storekeeper, probably the wealthiest
and, despite being a ''foreigner," man in the village. He is about 55
became one of the village' s most years old and can always be
influential citizens. found in his shop. A shrewd bar-
Due to his prior military service gainer, he negotiates inthe name
(he had been an officer in the special forces before getting of the village with all outsiders.
his degree), he was called back to the army upon the out- Due to his monopoly of access to
break of the war. He will not speak of his service during the the produce of the village, he
war, but he saw much action. In 1999 he realized that the does extremely well in his nego-
war was over, with no government to direct the military. Thus, tiations. He is able to stock his
he disbanded his unit and left for home. store from his portionof the profit
After killing the deserters who had taken over village, he made, as well as from the pro-
found himself de facto mayor of the village and reorganized ceeds of negotiations for goods
it in order to improve its chances of survival. He has many not considered essential for the
plans to diversify the economy of the village, to make alli- survival of the village (and thus
ances with other villages, and to implement other plans that not supervised by the council).
would improve the chances of the village surviving the Adam also profits from kickbacks provided by the outsibe
approaching dark ages. merchants in exchange for better deals. The council is not
What he doesn't have is the time to carry out his plans aware of this as the kickbacks and reduction in profit are not
unless effective and qualified subordinates can be found. that large. Adam resents that the most useful trade items
Lech is an Elite NPC and always carries a hidden Skor- (food, alcohol, ammo) are so strictly controlledand is attempt-
10 Challenge GDW

Occupation and Demosaphies

By Household
Adults Children Adults Children
H (M/F) (M/F) Occupation H (WF) (M/F) Occupation
1 21/21 - Militia, childcare 33 55,22/48 131- Farmer, farmer, militia
2 23/20 Militia, childcare 34 36, 76/36 1612 Farmer, farmer
3 32/28 - Factory, factory 35 56/46, 27 71- Farmer, farmer, militia

10 64/65 - Factory, childcare 40 43/46 -17,lO Farmer, farmer

11 66/65 - Clerk, librarian 41 52/47 14/21 Farmer, farmer, militia
17 70165 Farmer. farmer 42 42/45 -15.1 0 Farmer, farmer

17,10113 Farmer, herdsman

18 29/24 - Militia, factory 48 45/43 20,12114,22 Farmer, farmer, militia,
19 33/30 - Farmer, farmer herdsman

. ... . .........
25 46/34 101- Farmer, farmer 53 -139 17/12 Farmer, farmer

1 26 42/39,79 -117
27 40137 101-
Farmer, farmer, factory
Farmer, farmer
54 -142
55 201-
Farmer, farmer

Each household refers to a primary family grouping: father, mother, and children. Some house-
holds have agrandparent, and some have only one parent, while others are nonfamily, such as a
child living on his own. The numbers referto the age-those to the right of the slash are males, and
those to the leftare females. The occupation column states the occupation of the adults in the order
they are listed. All children under 17 are considered to be in school, and most seniors (over65) act
in an advisory role to the farmers, providing advice on crop rotation, fertilization, etc.
H: Household number.
GDW Challenge 11

ing to find some way of increasing his access to them.

Adam does not think the situation outside the village is as
bleak as Lech does and feels that the restrictions on trade,
the rationalizing and taxes, and the emphasis on defense
are reducing the potential for profits. At town meetings he
frequently argues against Lech' s proposals, to little avail.
Adam feels he would be a better leader than Lech, and
while he will not actively oppose Lech, he may be willing to
provide covert support to those people who would. Adam
would attempt to become mayor should anything happen to interested in curing the sick and working on his manual. He
Lech and could become a real problemto Lech's successor. is well liked by everyone in the village and enjoys his present
Adam is motivated by greed and lust for power. He is an occupation. Despite his obvious potential as a warrior, he
Experienced NPC who keeps a double-barreled shotgun refuses to act in a military capacity, claiming that he is inter-
beneath the store counter. ested in saving lives, not taking them. He may accompany
any military expeditions but only as a medic. Although armed
C ~ s h p hH r with an M i 6 with an M203 attached, he will only use it to
Chris Harris was working on a Ph.D. in chemistry at Har- protect the wounded in his care.
vard when the Soviets invadedChina. He immediatelyjoined Chris is an Elite NPC, motivated only by the desire to care
the army and requested employ- for those in need of medical assistance.
ment as a medic in the special
forces. Uponfinishing histraining, PLACES OF INTEREST
he was postedto Germany, were The village has a number of buildingsthat stand out above
he was in combat almost continu- the rest. These are described below.
ously from the start of the NATO The Town Hall: The town hall is the second most impor-
intervention. In 1999 , his A team tant building in the village (after the factory). This two-story
was supporting a partisan group brick building is where the village records are kept, where
in Latvia when it received orders
to delay a Soviet divisionthat was
approaching the front. This mis-
sion was beyond the capacities
of the partisans, but they were
promised support and reinforce-
ment once engaged. The rein-
forcements never arrived, and the A team and the partisans
were destroyed by the Soviets in a series of glorious but futile
engagements. Chris was the surviving American, and when
he made the final report requesting aid and describing the
situation, he was told that he was recommendedfor a DSC
and that further orders would be forthcoming.
Angered by the lack of support, the impossibility of the
tasks, and the attempts to "buy him with a **** medal," he
destroyed his radio, gathered his equipment, and "walked."
Where he went and what he did during the next months is a
bit hazy. He describes this period as "when he was m a d and
suffering from severe battle stress. He somehow overcame
the trauma and wandered into the village about a month after
Lech took over.
Chris is now the town doctor and spends his free time
writing a manual of emergency medicine which he intendsto
distribute to other villages that lack doctors to allow them to
treat their ill and wounded. His chemistry knowledge is ex-
tremely valuable, for he is including chapters on the manu-
facture and administrationof various drugs. Chris also spends
some time researching herbal cures and alternative uses for
folk remedies.
Chris does not involve himself in village politics. He is only
12 Challenge GDW

the village council meets, and where the doctor maintains AIDS TABLE
his clinic, as well as the headquarters for the militia. Task Man Hours
The Village Armory: The village armory is located in the Two-man slit trench 6
basement and contains the ammunition and heavy weap- Two-man slit trench with overhead cover 10
ons of the militia. Permanent trench additions (revetting, etc.) 8
In addition, the farmers bring their personal weapons Digging 100m of communication trench 150
(hunting rifles, shotguns, and .22s they carry into the fields) Revetting 100m of communication trench 150
for periodic inspection, and repair or replacement. Emplacing mine 5
The militiacarry personalweapons with them but store any Emplacing 1OOm of barbed wire 6
additional weapons there. Currently, the armory contains a Constructing bunker 50
set of gunsmith tools, eight Mausers, five double-barreled
shotguns, four .22-caliber rifles, two M16s, three G3s, one Revetting refers to reinforcing the sides of the trench with
HK69, two RPG-16s, two ADMs, 15frag grenades, six smoke sandbags, corrugated iron, or timber. It is required for the
grenades, three antitank grenades, 60 homemade frag gre- constructionto be permanent. The timings are in man hours.
nades, one claymore mine, two cases of 8mm Mauser ammo, Thus, two people can work on a given task at a time (six
four cases of 12-gauge ammo, two cases of .22-caliber people working on one trench would get in each other's way).
ammo, 120 shots of 5.56mm, 300 shots of 7.62mm NATO, In addition, only one person should be used to emplace a
four 40mm HE grenades, eight rockets, five cases of 7.62mm given mine. The village can supply approximately 100 hours
Bloc, one case of 7.65mm ammo (for Skorpion),one case of a day to build defenses. This does not include any time the
.45-caliber ammo, 30 shots of 9mmP ammo, two rifle gre- militia uses, but if all 20 permanent militia are building de-
nades, and one RAW HEAT. fenses, who is being trained or is on sentry duty?
Another task is to rehearse defensive drills: Who occupies
MISSION GUIDEL what trench? What isthe warning system? Where do the non-
The players have a multitude of possible missions to combatants go, and who guards them? Are there assembly
accomplish. More specifically, Lech will provide them with points for reserves? Who is responsible for what? This is
objectives, and the players will plan and execute the mis- important, for if the village suddenly came under attack, the
sion. defense would not be conducted in accordance with the
The overall objective is the survival of the village, which player characters' wishes unless they had developed stan-
can be broken down into specific tasks. dard operating procedures and drills. Most of the villagers
Training the Militia: This would be in the form of using would run about awaiting orders, or hide in their cellars, or
instruction skills and the scheduling of priorities, in terms of rush to the scene of the firing, possibly responding to a
skills to be taught, as well as a rotation of personnelthrough diversion.
the courses while continuing to protect the village. Remem- Ensuring the Security of the Area: The players should
ber, if everyone is on course, who will be on sentry? realizethat the only way to allow the farmers to work unham-
Obtaining Weapons by Trade, or by Raiding Maraud- pered is to locate, identify, and deal with threats as far away
ers or Militar~rCamps: This requires the player characters from the village as possible. Thus, the players should estab-
to search for weapons and to find out whether the present lishobservationpostson key defiles. In addition, they should
owners will trade for them and what they want in trade. The conduct patrols on a regular basis in order to locate anyone
players may find it easier to steal the weapons, but they had who may have slipped through. Remember, any band of
better cover their tracks afterward. Another source may be marauders big enough to threaten the village is likely to
by policing the battlefield after an engagement. In this way approach on the main roads or at least through clear terrain,
the village will increase its supply of arms and reduce the due to the need to save fuel, the difficulty of moving heavy
number of potential enemies. Weapons are also valuable weapons through woods or across rivers, and the ease of
trading items-thus, the village is always interested in ob- command and control.
taining more. If such a security zone is to be effective, some means of
Planning the Defense of the Village: This task is mani- reliable communications must be set up. This may mean a
fold. The player characters should list the emplacements of search for radios or the laying of cable for field phones.
the defensive stores, their nature (e.g., bunker with field of Mutual Defense With Other Communities: Lech feels
fire covering...) and the priority of their construction. Remem- that the security of the village can be improved through de-
ber, it takes time to build these positions, and players must fensive alliances with other villages. In this way, the arc of
determine what is to be built first. observation and responsibility can be reduced for each vil-
If the village is under attack, the permanent militia will be lage, and the various militias can combine to support each
augmented by the rest of the villagers who are armed. Position other in the face of large threats. To the player characters,
must be constructed for these people as well. As a rule of this means they will have to scout out the nearby villages,
thumb, the time to build or emplace defensive aids is listed determine who is in control andwhat sort of a benefit or threat
in the Defensive Aids Table. the other villages pose, and provide an escort to the repre-
sentative sent by Lech. It could also mean overthrowing the
existing group in control, especially if it is a gang of maraud-
ers which is ruling through terror. Lech will determine what
action is to be taken based on the information the players
In general, he will attempt to overthrow any government
that is not of benefit to the majorityof the villagers. If a nearby
community contains a group of deserters or soldiers who
defend the village in exchange for food and fuel, and do not
interfere in the lives of the inhabitants, Lech is likely to CONCLUSION
negotiate with them. If they have taken hostages and be- The village provides an environment for players to help
have as criminals, Lechwill want to overthrowthem and install establish a little piece of civilizationinthe face of the approach-
a local council. ing chaos. Many adventures are player generated, for they
Escorting Wood-Gathering, Hunting, Trading, and Dip- have a lot of work to do to improve the security of the village.
lomatic Parties: This sort of mission is self explanatory and The normal ecounter tables may keep the players busy, but
relatively common. if things slow down, the referee can always send them off to
Scrounging: If the village requires replacementsfor bro- trade or scrounge. The village also provides a place for the
ken machinery, drugs to combat an epidemic, or other items players to rest, to winter, or to be reinforced. It allows the
that cannot be manufactured in the village, Lech will ask the players to plan ahead and offers depth to adventures that
player characters to mount an expeditionto obtainthem. He focus around battles and mere survival.
may have an idea of where these items may be found and, The village should provide a basis for many exciting
if required, may provide the player characterswith money to games. The key, of course, is the village's ability to ration-
buy, or a person with the expertise in scrounging, that par- alize and place events in a context of doing something good
ticular item. for a group of people who require help. SZ

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14 Challenge GDW

Red Captain Gary

is a source of constant irritation
to the Oenotrian Empire.
ver since Ronald Whitfield this increased threat by stepping up
first became a Red Captain, efforts to locate and destroy the Cloud
he and his kite, the Cloud Leopardandits companionvessel. With
Leopard, have been a source great numbers of Oenotrian warships
of constant irritationto the merchants of searching for them, Whitfield and Phil-
the Oenotrian Empire. To date, the lips recently headed north to prey upon
High Martian pirates until the ire of the
Oenotrians had cooled a bit. Unfortu-
natelyforthe two Red Captains, a num-
berof Oenotrianwarships pursuedthem
all the way to the Meroe Badlands.
A few days before the beginning of
this scenario, the Cloud Leopard and
the Sky Lynx stumbled upon a pair of
Sky Runner-class vessels. The Red
Captains heavily damaged the two
ships, but in the fighting, the Sky Lynx
took a boiler hit, and the Sky Runners
were able to escape.
Most of the drinking water on both
Red Captains'ships went to replace that
lost from the Sky Lynx's boiler. With the
crews on short water rations, Whitfield
and Phillips decided to set a course for
the city of Mylarkt to replenish their
water and pick up other supplies.
While heading for Mylarkt, however,
the Red Captains discovered an aban-
By Bret Foland Cbud Leopard has captured a dozen doned High Martiankraag and stopped
prizes, all Oenotrian, and caused great to explore it. Upon entering the kraag,
and Lester Smith damage to the sky fleets of the empire. they found a spring at its bottom. With
As well, Whitfield's old first mate, An- the CloudLeopard keepingwatchover-
drew Phillips, soon became a Red Cap- head, the Sky Lynx set down and re-
tain in his own right, commanding the plenished its water supply. Then, the two
Sky Lynx, a small screw galley refitted ships switched places, and the Sky Lynx
with a steam engine. By working to- kept watch. While the Cloud Leopard
gether, the two Red Captains have been was thus occupied, aviolent sandstorm
able to defeat more dangerous oppo- swept through the region. Unable to
nents than ever before. climb above the turbulence, the Sky
The Oenotrian Empire responded to Lynx was forced to set down as well.
GDW challenge 15

Battlefield Terrain
16 Challenge GDW

Lve9sEnd 3

Wood Wood

w 300 Tons 300 Tons

Bridge HlBlElElDD Screw Bridge EiElaElDlD Screw

Deck 000 Deck 000 @I
Maneuver q q q Maneuver q q

Mull Hull
Hits Marines Hits Marines
HOO 0000 HUO 0000

Cloud Leopard Kite Sky Lynx Aerial Gunboat

Smoke Screens Smoke Screens

220 Tons 0 I
Spike Droppers
mmm 200 Tons

Bridge HlBlElElD Masts Bridge HlBlmEl Screw

q @I
Deck 00000 Deck 00 El
Maneuver q !3 Maneuver q
q !a
q Ed
w Null
Nits Marines Nits Marines
VHOO miil~1uo HO Fluon
GDW Challenge

Once the storm had passed, the two Crack, two Trained, and one Green gun
vessels preparedto get under way, but crew (to be distributed as the Martian
a trio of Oenotrian warships had fol- playerdesires).The marines on all three
lowed close on the heels of the storm. ships carry muskets and are Trained.
Spotting the two ships on the ground,
the Oenotrians closed in for the kill. SETUP
At this point the scenario begins. SHIPRECORD FORMS for all ships in this
scenario are included with this article,
THE RED CAPTMNS' as is a map of the terrain overwhich the
VESSELS battle takes place. To play this scenario, but the get 1 point for each ship they
THECLOUD LEOPARD is simply a Swift- you will need to reproduce this map on destroy and 2 points for each one they
wood-class kite that has been refitted a two-inch hex grid (if this is not practi- capture.
with British weaponry. The Sky Lynx cal, the Kraag Barovaar map from Sky
was originally built in a Martianyard, but Galleons of Mars may be substituted,
was later refittedwith a British steam en- in which case the starting points will You CAN EASILY make specific models
gine and weapons. have to be changed). The Cloud Leop- for the ships included in this scenario
The Cloud Leopard has Crack crews ard begins at Low altitude at point 4. The using the standard Sky Galleons of
on its four-inch long gun and the spar- Sky Lynx begins on the surface (one Mars sprues.
mounted six-pounders. Its other gun step below Very Low altitude) at point Extra sprues of these ships can be
crews are Trained. The Sky Lynx has 5. purchased from GDW in the packages
Crack crews on all its guns. Marines on Marian 1 begins at point 1, at Medium of Martian CIoudShipS and Aerial
both vessels have modern rifles and are to High altitude. Martians number 2 and Gunboats.
Trained. 3 enterthe map at points 2 and 3 respec- To make a Life's End, simply replace
Bothvessels have a number of smoke tively, duringthe Martian player's move- the forcastle of a large screw galley
screens and spike droppers, as indi- ment phase of the second game turn. model with the forcastle of a small kite
cated in their respective ship record They also begin at Medium to High al- model,thencarve or sandoff the lobgun
forms. (Details of these two items are titude. mount.
described in Challenge 36.) The Sky Lynx can be built from the
VICTORY CONDITIONS hull of a small kite and the tail of an
THE OENO THEOENOTRIANS get 1 victory point for Aphid. Remove the fore gun from the
THETHREE Life's Ends in this scenario driving the Sky Lynx from the map, 2 kite and glue the tail of the Aphid in its
are new designs, not encountered by points for destroying the vessel, and 4 place to create a quarterdeck. Finally,
the Red Captains before. One of these points for capturing it. They get 2 vic- fill in the mast hole and sand it smooth.
vessels is equipped with a thunderbolt tory points for driving the Cloud Leop- The CloudLeopard is built as if it were
(described in Challenge 40) and has ardaway, 3 points for destroying it, and a Swiftwood, following the instructions
exchanged its forward heavy gun for a 6 points for capturing it. included with MarPian Cloudships.
rod gun. The Red Captains get no points for Paint the ships to your individual
Each of the three ships has one driving an Oenotrian vessel off the map, taste, and enjoy the game. L2

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GDW 'Challenge 19

The Puzzle of the

he market at Meroe, while not TME CRUSTAL

as large as the bazaar of THECRYSTAL is hexagonal in cross
Syrtis Major, is still an impres- section, about two inches long, and one-
sive place. Almost 50 acres half inch in diameter, ending in a blunt
g, turning streets, alleys, and point at either end. The surface is dirty
back roads lead the adventure seeker and pitted, but thecrystal seems to glow
along a thousand paths to intrigue, slightly, more at one end than the other.
fame, and fortune. If the crystal is cleaned, the glow will
This adventure begins late in the increase; if the crystal is exposed to
evening, in one of those back alleys, bright sunlight, a faint beam of light will
behind a tavern catering to the worst of extend a few inches from the glowing
both human and Marian tastes. Here, end. Coveringthe dark end causes the
the characters stumble upon two thieves
engagedin a spiritedtug-of-war overthe
body of their latest victim. The two are TME S D
actively disputing possessionof a small BOTHFIGURINES are about four inches THESHARD is of the same type of crys-
leather pouch and exchanging com- in height and are carved from the base tal, but it is a portion broken from one
ments on each other's ancestry. One section of an eegaar horn (the material end. If the large crystal is proportional
thief concludes his argumentwitha knife is quite unique in appearance and is to the small one, it was originally over
blade, and the other joins the victim on easily identifiable). Old Mars hands will one foot long. The shard is also dirty
the ground but will not release his hold know them to be Homindaar,good-luck and pitted, and filled with fine hairline
on the bag. Noticingthe approach of the charmsfound practically everywhereon fractures that seem to diffuse light-
players, the upright thief drops the bag Mars for a penny or two, and so com- perhaps this explains why it does not
and flees, vanishing into the rabbit mon as to be worthless to a serious glow like its smaller cousin when ex-
warren of alleys and streets. Pursuit collector of Martian curios (but popular posed to light.
seems pointless. with tourists). Both carvings are very
common motifs: One shows a Martian A RnSTERY
THE BAG water monk at prayer, kneeling over his THECHARACTERS will discover that the
THESECOND THIEF and his victim are holy pan in the meditative postureof his crystal is one of a rare type called the
both dead. When the characters man- sect. The other shows a Martian ped- "Tears of the Sun." It can be used to
age to pry the bag loose, they will find it dler carrying a bundle of his wares on focus and concentrate the rays of the
contains a handful of small coins of all his back. Bothwere carved by the same Sun into a powerful weapon. How the
nationalities, two small figurines of artisan (indicated by the maker's mark victim came into possessionof them is
carved eegaar horn, and a small,folded on the base of each), and both are done a mystery. Clues soon leadthe charac-
parchmentsealed with wax and contain- to a high standard, indicating that they ters to the city of Polodaar, where they
ing something hard and angular. Inves- might fetch several times the normal learn that the map is not a completely
tigation of the bag will reveal that it is a market value of such objects (perhaps accurate guide to thecrystals, and they
cheap affair made of tanned gashant sixpence for the pair). will need someone experienced in the
hide, available just about anywhere. northern Martian wilderness to guide
The coins total just under three shillings them.
in value. The parchment package con- THEPARCHMENTis actually acrude map, The characters' search for a guide in
tains a small, dirty, semitranslucent showing what seems to be a canal, a Polodaar will bring them into contact
crystal and a shard from a much larger city, a number of small villages, and a with Damien Van Owen, a prospector
crystal of the same type. Prudence dic- location markedwith a small drawing of whose knowledge of the wilderness will
tates that a dark alley in the depths of a the crystal. It is not labeled, however, be very useful in the search for the
bazaar is not a good place to perform a so it will be a matterof some diff iculty to crystals. Van Owen, it will transpire, is
detailed examination of anything, and determine what area of Mars the map untrustworthy, and they will soon have
the PCs rapidly retire to their quarters. depicts. to cope with both his treachery and the

Loren K. Wisernan


dangers of the Martian ice cap in order capacitor, soaking up energy until the In their natural state, as the charac-
to locate crystals. front facets can no longer hold it back, ters will discover, the crystals are pitted
Their quest will lead them to a canal and it discharges in a narrow beam. In and dirty, and will not absorb or dis-
that runs under the surface of the ice, smaller crystals (those shorter than a charge energy. Likewise, cracked or
ultimately taking them to a long-forgot- few inches), this beam is enough to broken crystals are similarly useless.
ten city in an isolated valley forever cause fires at a few hundred feet. The Only relatively undamagedcrystals will
frozen in the ice. Here, however, Van largercrystals, however, are much more do anything more than glow.
Owen will finally realize that his only powerful.
chance of getting a share in the crys- Usinggiant crystals, the ancient Mar-
tals lies with the characters, and he will tians are able to use the rays generated THESCENARIO detailed in the players'
change from enemy to friend. to melt rock and cut the canals over the introduction on page 19 is only one of
face of their planet. This was accom- many alternatives. The referee is free
T OF THE SUF4 plished as follows: A single gigantic to devise other methods for getting the
THECRYSTAL and the shard are indeed crystal,three orfour yards in length,was shard into the hands of the characters.
boththe same substance and are called suspended in a framework slung under How the characters come into posses-
Shineek Kar (Tears of the Sun) in Mar- a large sky barge. The upper surface of sion of the shard isn't important. What
tian legend.These crystals, longthought the barge carrieda systemof dozens of matters is that they realize the profits to
to be apocryphal, are the secret to the huge mirrors, reflectors, lenses, and be made from a larger crystal.
canal-building barges which Jules concentrators (smaller crystals), which Likewise, the adventure need not be-
Verne and other humans have specu- gathered sunlight and focused it at the gin in Meroe, either. The referee should
lated about for years. receiving end of the crystal. The dis- adapt the beginning sequence to fit the
If the naturallyoccurring facets of the charge of these large crystals was needs of the players and the individual
crystal are carefully cleaned and pol- powerful enough to melt the rock of the campaign. As long as they eventually
ished to mirror smoothness, light enter- surface of the red planet. Properly arrive in Polodaar, all will be well.
ing one end of the crystal is polarized, aimed, the crystal could dig a canal in a
concentrated, and reflected continu- remarkably short time. The main draw- CLUES
ously inside the crystal, causing it to back to such a device was that it was THECHARACTERS will presumably wish
glow. Because of its crystalline struc- clumsy. By charging the crystal almost to investigatethe interestingobjects that
ture and polished facets, the crystal to the discharge point, then covering have just come into their possession.
allows light and heat to enter with ease, and uncoveringthe mirrors at the proper Just how they go about this is for them
but they cannot exit as readily. As more instant, the operatorsof the barge could to decide. The following paragraphsare
light is fed into the crystal, it acts as a fire the crystal at will. a summary of the various results.
The Map: Adetailed examination of
the map by someone knowledgeable in
Martian geography will identify the city
as Polodaar and the point indicated by
ORIGINS the crystal as somewhere to the north
THECRYSTALS, called "Tears of the Sun," were formed as a result of a rare at the edge of the Martianpolar ice cap.
combination of pressure, material, and temperature eons ago in the remote The map is obviously a very crude one,
prehistory of the red planet. Long before life arose on Mars, the conditions since it is not done to a consistent scale
that gave birth to these crystals ceased producing them. Most of them are and the locations of certain landmarks
quite small, less than an inch in length, but afew large ones (morethan a yard are inconsistent.
in length, rarely longer) made it to the surface. The crystals are like quartz A guide who has some familiarity of
or volcanic glass in that they are quite hard and, at the same time, very brittle. the area north of Polodaar will be nec-
The crystals are brought to the surface as a result of conventional geologi- essary.
cal processes, and occur in surface or near-surface deposits in certain loca- The Carvings: If one of the charac-
tions on Mars. All known deposits of the crystals were mined out generations ters decides to take the carvings to a
ago, during the period of the canal builders, when they were used in the con- dealer for an evaluation, the dealer will
struction of the canals (see the explanation in the main text). No examples remark that the carvings are of excep-
of the crystals are known to survive, and they were thought to be mythical by tionally fine craftsmanship and will of-
most humans (and not a few Martians). fer four pence for the lot. If questioned
(or bribed), he will identify the maker as
a well known artist from Polodaarwhose
work sometimes makes it to Meroe. This
may be enough to persuade the char-
acters that the solution to their mystery
probably lies in Polodaar.
The Crystal and the Shard: If the canal runs through the city, but only the
characters display the crystal andlorthe stretch south of the city is maintained.
shard at the same shop they show the The only traffic from the north is the
carvings, the merchant will show annual flood water (in uncontrolled
momentary surprise, but will quickly surges) that has often threatened to
recover. After examining them for afew wash away the city entirely. Travel
moments, he will remark that they are a northward from the city is fairly easy,
curiosity of slightly greater value than however, since the canal is scoured
the carvings, especially if a large one clean of debris by the annual torrents of
can be found. He will offer a shilling for melt water. Nomads bring in hides are saidto store sunshine during the day
the one the players have and will inquire throughout the spring and summertrap- for use as lamps after dark).
where they got it. Further events will ping seasons and trade them in the The Map: If the characters consult a
depend on the characters' actions. But market for manufactured goods and personknowledgeablein Martian geog-
the merchant will know the true value of luxuries.Afew smallfarming villages still raphy, they will learn the same things
the crystals and will try to steal the char- exist, scratching out a sparse living in noted on page 20.
acters' map (unless they are fool the short and chilly growing season. The Crystals: If the characters have
enough to give it to him.) Depending not consulted anyone about the crystals
upon what the characters tell him, the POSSIBILITIES in Meroe and do so in Polodaar, the
merchant may decide to have them MULTIPLE PosslBlLrrlEs are open to the referee should simply transfer the
followed, send a gang of thugs to steal characters once they arrive in Polodaar. events in the merchant's shop from that
the map and the crystals, or offer to These depend, to a large degree, on city to here. The merchant will express
come along on an expedition to find what actions the characters took in some slight interest, all the while se-
crystals. But he will not reveal the true Meroe while investigating their collec- cretly plotting to steal the map from the
value of the crystals. tion of artifacts. characters. Otherwise, the characters
The Carvings: The purpose of the will learn little more than they already
THE TRIP TO POEOD two carvings is to draw the players' at- know.
ASIDEFROM A possible ambush by tention to Polodaar and get them to Searching for a Guide: If the char-
thugs, the characters' trip to Polodaar guess that it is the city shown on the acters ask about a guide to the territory
should be uneventful and swiftly con- map. Trying to trace down the artist who in the north, they will eventually be led
cluded by whatever transport the char- made the carvings will prove to be a to Damien Van Owen (who seems best
acters have at their disposal. The nor- dead end (but the referee should not suited to the job). If the merchant has
mal Martian encounter tables can be discourage such action). Hewill be fairly suggested the characters contact
used until the players arrive in Polodaar easy to locate and will readily identify Damien, the human and the Martian will
(modified at the referee's discretion). the work as his own, but he will know be confederates; otherwise, Damienwill
Depending on how vigilant the charac- nothing further about them. He makes be acting on his own. The players can
ters are, they may notice that the mer- hundreds of such carvings a year and possibly be followed by the Meroen
chant has hadthemfollowed. If the char- has no way of keeping track of them merchant'sthugs and the Polodaar mer-
acters have not arousedthe merchant's after they leave his shop. He will know chant's thugs, and be the subject of
suspicions by showing him the crystal, nothing about the map and will know Damien's plottings all at once (but this
the referee may still wish to implement only vague legends about the Tears of may be a little complicated for most
an encounter with a marauding group the Sun (he will tell the players that they referees).
of bandits, just to keep the group
alert.The merchant may have recom-
mended a contact in Polodaar, either
Damien Van Owen or some other indi-
vidual. If this is the case, the ambush EQWPMENT
by thugs seeking the map will not occur MOSTOF MARS is decidedly warm, but the polar regions are a different matter
(at least not until later). entirely. The local inhabitants wear much more clothing than their southern
cousins, and certain items of equipment are required for travellers in the icy
THE CITY OF POLBD north of the red planet. Tents and several blankets are required, of course.
THECITY OF Polodaar is one of the The characters might find a couple of other items useful as well.
northern-most city-states of the old Clothing, Cold Weather: Primarily, this consists of thick woolen under-
empire, and it presently owes its exis- garments, a long, heavy coat, mittens, knit mufflers, scarves, earmuffs, and
tence to the regional fur trade. Most of so on. Weight: 12 Ibs. Price: f1 .
the city is deserted, and the population Stove, Portable: This is a small, liquid-fuelstove designed to be used to
is less than one-tenth of what it was heat a tent or other small enclosure. Weight: 4 Ibs. Price: 816.
during the height of Seldon's empire. A
22 Challenge GDW

As DESCRIBED in the sidebar, Damien
DANdIEN V 'O m N (Experienced NPG) is a grizzled, old prospector with some
DAMIEN VAN OWEN is a standard fixture experience in the region, although he
in manyfrontier settlements,the broken- has never been to the specific area
down old man who has spent his life indicated on the map. If the players
chasing rainbows and has ended up in show him the map, however, he will
the gutter. Van Owen was bitten by the immediately recognize several of the
gold bug in the 1840s and was one of key landmarks and will know exactly
thousands who went to California after where the crystals are to be found. He
the discovery of the rich deposits near will not revealthis fact to the characters,
Sutter's Mill. Like many others, Van however, intending to betray everyone
Owen did not strike it rich in California, concerned and keep the crystals for
but he did manageto scrape out enough himself.
of a living in the gold fields to whet his Damienwill pretend to be a little slow,
appetite for more. Since that time, Van just enough to convince the playersthat
Owen has sought gold in Colorado and he is too stupid to be anything but
Australia, emeralds in Venezuela, ivory honest. At the same time, he will dis-
in the fever-ridden interior of the dark play considerable knowledgeof the area
continent, and fire jewels on the high and its dangers, enoughto convince the
plains of Moab. characters that he will make a good
It is not for lackof ability or intelligence guide.
that Van Owen is still searching. Like If Damien and the merchant are con-
,F.. . many men, he has found afortune many federates, the prospector will be plan-
times, and he has always squandered it ning to betray him as well. If the mer-
while seeking more. Usually he finds just chant has had the players followed by
enough to get a grubstake for his next trip, which he believes will be the one his gang of thugs (but Damien is not in
where he finds his Ophir, his El Dorado, his Cibola. Although Van Owen is cahoots with him), Damien will notice
very intelligent, he has never realized that it is the search he enjoys above this fact immediately and call it to the
all else. Findingthe Tears of the Sun, however, might be just what it takes40 characters' attention, as a means of
satisfy him and make him settle down. Van Owen will initially intend to betray convincing them of his loyalty.
everyone concerned to get the crystals, but upon arrival in the Valley of the Observant players may be able to see
Crystals, he will realize he needs help to accomplish this goal. through Damien's act. How this comes
about is for the referee to decide. The
Attributes Skills best way to work it is to have Damien's
Str: 5 Fisticuffs 4, Throwing 2, Close Combat 3 (edged weapon) actions seem odd, but not to reveal too
Agl: 2 Stealth 1, Marksmanship 1 (rifle) much at any one time.
End: 6 Wilderness Travel 5 (foraging), Fieldcraft 1, Swimming 1 Whatever happens, if Van Owen is
Int: 4 Observation 3 still with the group when they arrive at
Chr: 3 Linguistics 2 (Koline 1) the Valley of the Crystals, he will un-
Soc: 1 Leadership 1 dergo a change of heart as he realizes
that he needs the cooperation of the
Motives: Frugal, Stubborn, Ruthless. characters to get the crystals (and the
Appearance: Van Owen is a short, stocky man in his sixties who looks wealth they represent) back to civiliza-
about a decade younger. He is bald and has a short but bristly beard (which tion.
was originally auburn but has been bleachedto a grayish yellow by the years Damien will advise the characters on
and the Sun). His skin has been burnt brown as a nut by years of living in the the equipment they will need for a trip
wilderness, and his nose shows signs of having been broken once or twice. to the ice cap, primarily warm clothing
At first glance, he might appear to be just like a hundred other battered old and ample stocks of food. Ruumet
prospectors,but on closer examination the players will notice several things breehrcannot survive the cold very well
that give the lie to this impression. For one thing, his limbs are powerfully and are not used in the area around
muscled, and he is stronger than many men half his age. For another, his Polodaar.
eyes are sharp as a gimlet, and he has a piercing stare that shows intelli- The players will need to acquire
gence lurking behind the senile facade. Van Owen carries a pair of heavy gashants (a specially acclimatized
revolvers, a 12-gauge shotgun, and a throwing knife in his boot. northern breed, readily available in
Polodaar) if they are to travel by land.
GDW Challenge 23
24 Challenge , GDW

If the players are to travel by flyer or

canal boat, the trip will be easier in the
initial stages, but Damien will suggest extract the victim, and it will be neces-
sary to stop, pitch a tent, and dry out the
in case ("Tha' make good eatin', 'fit
comes to that.").

Valleys: For various

over, but before the large-scale flood- polar ice pack. These valleys are usu-
ing that will make travel along the canal ally the result of vulcanism bringingheat
more hazardous. It is also assumed that from the depths of Mars to keep the ice
the characters have no canal boat or from buildingup. In these small valleys

gashants. If necessary, the referee coloniesof plant and animal lifesurvive, a rogue eegaar,drivenfromthe herd for
should adjust the situation to reflect the surrounded by thousands of square some reason such as disease or age.
characters' earlier actions and deci- miles of barren ice and drifted snow. Eegaar Herd: These creatures are as
sions. described in Space:1889.
Eelowaan: These creatures are as
ENGOBTE9TERS PO TERS described in Space: 1889.
ON THE W N THEWLAR REGIONS of Mars are differ- Flying Skrill: These creatures are as
north of Polodaar, use ent than similar locales further south. described in Space: 1889.
The climate is cooler, and the region is Lone Gashant: This encounter is
lessdenselypopulated.Theanimalsen- with a rogue gashant, one driven from
countered bear some resemblance to the herd for some reason such as dis-
their more southerly relatives, butthere ease or age. It is one of the northern
are significant differences.Use the en- variety, described below.
counter table on page 25. Gashant Herd: Wild gashants en-
. \

countered north of Polodaar are of the

specialized northern variety. These
gashants are more adaptedto the colder
climate of the polar and semipolar re-
the red planet where precipitation falls gions. The main adaptation is a thicker
is at the poles, in the form of snow. As layer of insulating fat than is found on
snow builds up, its own weight com- their more southern cousins. They tend
presses it into ice. Sometimes this ice to be darker in color than their southern
pack is trapped by various geological counterparts, possibly as an adaptation
features and remains static. Most of the Ancient Wreck: This encounter can to absorb more heat from the Sun.
time, however, it begins to move in an represent the wreckage of an ancient Great Kommota: These creatures
ice formation known as a glacier. The canal barge from the time of the dete- are a
movement isvery slow (hence, theword rioration of the empire. It was picked
"glacial"), but it can be ovewhelmingly clean long ago but may still be of ar-
powerful as well. Duringepochs known chaeological interest and may be worth
as "ice ages," glaciers on Earth have a second expedition. The condition of
periodically moved down out of their the wreckand its specificdetails are left
birthplaces to grind mountains to pow- up to the referee to describe.
der and have scouredthe plains of North Camp:This encounter representsthe
America into the flatlands forwhich they discovery of a temporary camp of a
are famous. Because of the known group of valley people. The results of
power of glaciers on Earth, it was be- this encounter depend upon the char- Hibernating Cissawaans: This far
lievedthat nothing could live in the polar acters' actions. north, cissawaans are active only dur-
regions of Mars except a few bands of Covered Pool: This encounter rep- ing the warmer months of the year.
Hill Martians and the thinly scattered resents a pool in the surface of the ice, During the colder periods, they hiber-
game they pursued. This was a mis- concealed from view by a thin crust of nate in large lumps in caves and shel-
taken notion. ice and coating of snow. The only way tered burrows. They are readily awak-
GDW Challenge ..-..:;..--:g,~r 8@.
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ened, however, and can come bursting inclined to share secrets with him.
out of their shelters to take unwary trav- Quicksand: This encounter is with a
ellers by surprise. pool of quicksand, which can trap and
High Martian Hunter: This encoun- drown the unwary. Fast action is needed
ter is with a solitary hunter from one of in order to extract the victim, and res-
the mountain kraags of the far north. cue is usually achieved at the sacrifice
High Martian Hunters: The High of any equipment carried.
Martians of the northern mountains Roogie Pack: These creatures are
have little contact with humans. Never- as described in Space: 1889.
theless, they will be slightly hostile. Snow-worm: This encounter is with C'ttTRIOUSER
Impassable Crevasse: This is a a single large snow-worm, as described CURIOUSER
wide, deep chasm in the surface of the on page 26. THELOCATION MARKED by the drawing of
ice. Its walls are too steep to climb or Valley Hunters: This encounter is the crystal proves to be the mouth of a
descend, and it is too wide to jump. Par- with a group of three to six huntersfrom small feeder channel forthe main canal
ties on the surface will have to detour one of the anomalous valleys of the to Polodaar. Investigationof this area
around this hex. polar ice pack. Their reactionto humans will reveal a number of small sandbars
Lone Hunter: This encounter repre- will be similar to that discussed under and other deposits containing small
sents a single nomad hunter, and is the next entry. Tears of the Sun (an inch or less in
identical to the lone nomad entry in the length) and broken fragments of larger
Martian wilderness encounters of crystals, evidently washed down from
Space: 1889. higher up the channel. Any crystals the
Nomad Hunters: This encounter charactersfind (this number is left up to
represents a group of nomads on a the referee) will be pitted and cracked
hunting expedition, and it is identical to to such an extent that they are useless.
the nomad hunters entry in the Martian The obvious course of action at this
wilderness encounters of the Space: time is to follow the channel upstream,
1889 rules book. because somewhere up its course lies
ProspectorILost Prospector: This the source of the crystals. The polar ice
encounter does not represent the indi- Village: A relatively permanent vil- soon becomes visible on the horizon, a
vidual so much as traces of his pres- lage of a few dozen valley dwellers in faint white line at first, gradually increas-
ence. The region around Polodaar is an anomalous valley. Their knowledge ing in thickness as the characters ap-
not well known for its mineral wealth, of humans will mostly be basedon hear- proach.The channeldoes not meander
and the prospectors in this region are say and limited contact with a prospec- like a natural stream-it seems to have
not as numerous as elsewhere. In the tor or fur trader. At the referee's option, been cut into the bedrock, like a smaller
case of a lost prospector encounter,the they may be openly hostile or cautiously version of the canals. It points straight
group has run across a prospectorwho curious. If good relations can be estab- toward the ice wall on the horizon.
has lost his bearings and is wandering lished, they can prove to be valuable From time to time as the characters
aimlessly. Van Owen may or may not guides and reliable sources of informa- travel along the channel, they will find
know the prospector, but he will not be tion about local conditions. more crystals (always small, cracked,

Ice Pack/Glacier Anomalous Valley
Encounter# 1
Encounter Type
Prospector Prospector High Martian Lost Prospector Snow-Worm Snow-Worm
Nomad Hunters High Martian Hibernating Covered Pool Village
Hunters Cissawaans
Lone Hunter Prospector Flying Skrill Quicksand Lone Eegaar Eegaar Herd
Roogie Pack Roogie Pack Eelowaan Roogie Pack Valley Hunters Camp
Lone Eegaar Ancient Wreck Great Kommota Hunter
Gashant Herd
26 Challenge GDW

THESNOW-WORM is one of the most mysterious and little known creatures on Mars. The beast's metabolism is unique
in that its blood contains a naturally occurring compound that counteracts the effects of the region's extremely low
temperatures. This compound enables snow-worms to remain active in temperatures that would leave other beasts
frozen solid, even though they are not warm-blooded.
Despite this, snow-worms could not survive in the barren polar regions if it were not for the existence of the anoma-
lous valleys scattered throughout the polar landscape, which provide them with a relatively constant food supply.

Wounds Save
Snow-Worm 1

and useless) and occational large frag- experience in travelling on the ice cap the course of the channel from the top
ments. At some point, to keep up their and will suggest that they turn back. of the ice, but travel there will be very
spirits, they should be allowed to find This is a lie, of course. Although he has slow because of a thick layer of snow.
one or two small crystals in good condi- not travelled extensively over the polar In 10 minutes, any unencumbered
tion, suitable for polishing (which they ice and has never been to this particu- human may climb to the channel or to
are not capable of doing in their pres- lar section before, he has had more ex- the top of the ice. Using ropes and a
ent location). As they approachthe ice, perience at such travel then he lets on. block-and-tackle arrangement, they will
the weather becomes colder and colder, This is a ruse to get the players to be able to bring up packs, gashants, and
and they soon find a thin layer of snow abandon the search for the crystals so any other equipmentthey have brought
on the ground. The snow gets thicker he can return later and claim them. along. This will prove to be equally dif-
the closer they approach the ice. If pressed, he will exaggerate the ficult, regardless of which course is
Finally, the characters arrive at the dangers involved and argue against taken. Van Owen may (at the referee's
edge of the the ice and find that the continuing, but he will acquiesce to the discretion) attempt sabotage by arrang-
channel emerges from a hole about 20 characters' demands if it becomes ing an "accident" during the hoisting
feel up the icy slope of the glacier's obvious that they intend to continue process. He is no fool, of course, and
edge. At this time of year, a small stream without him. will not take any overt action that will
of water trickles from the opening and expose his plans. Likewise, he will do
Slows down a small groove in the ice D CHOICES nothing that will get himself killed (e.g.,
slope. The hole from which it emerges Two OPTIONS are now open to the destroy vital supplies such as fuel and
is oval in cross section, and about 30 players. They can enter the channel in equipment). If the PCs have barges or
feet wide and 10 feet high. Sand, silt,the ice and follow it wherever it goes, or boats, they will not be able to use them
and gravel are being washed down out they can climb to the top of the ice and to travel in the subsurface channel or
of the glacier, and the channel downthetry to follow the channel from above. A along the top of the ice. It will be impos-
frozen slope is lined with such detritus.
short investigationwill revealthat the ice sible to trace the course of the channel
Also, fragments of crystal are sprinkled
allows a small amount of light to pass from the air, and the PCs will need to
down the slope-their source obviously through to the channel, so the interior send at least part of their group on foot
lies inside the glacier. will not be totally dark (contrary to what ifthey have an aerial craft.
Van Owen says), although it will not be
EXCUSES possible to see more than a few dozen THE SUIBSURFKE OPTION
VANOWEN,upon arrival at the edge of yards down the tunnel. Investigations MELTWATERS form ice rivers on top of
the ice, will claim that he has had no will also revealthat it is possibleto trace the ice during the summer. Often, the
GDW Challenge 27

surface will freeze over inthe fall before VmLEY OF THE GRUSTaLS
the flow has completely stopped, form- IFTHE CHARACTERS follow the channel
ing a cavern-like channel just under the successfully, they will eventually come
snow. The channels will become more to the source of the trickle of melt water.
or less permanent features of the land- This is one of the anomalous valleys of
scape, detectable from the surfaceonly the region. The characters'arrival in the
by careful inspection of the ice. These valley assumesthat they have success-
channels almost invariably follow the fully ignored Van Owen's attempts to
old imperial drainage watershed which dissuade them from continuing.
leads to the canals, feeding them water The valley is surrounded by impass- ing glacier replaces as fast as it melts).
each season. able walls of ice. The only way in or out The resulting water drains down the
Travel beneath the surface of the ice is the subsurface channel, which the subsurface channel.
will be somewhat easier than travel on locals considerto be the passageto the The volcano occasionally spewsforth
top of it: The characters will not be afterlife and imbue with mystical char- showers of ash (replenishing the soil)
exposed to the wind and weather dur- acteristics. The heat from volcanic hot and (rarely)crystals, which are taken to
ing the trip. Asmall trickle of water flows springs enables small-scale agriculture be gifts of the gods and put to use as
down the channel, but not enough to in the valley, but the food produced is field markers, landfill, building materials,
cause problems. limited; strict population controls are etc. depending on their size and condi-
Van Owen will pretend to fear a sud- necessary. tion. Small and broken crystals will be
den flash flood, but this is a ruse to per- Heat from the hot springs constantly sent down the channel as offerings to
suade the characters to turn back. The melts some of the ice (which the mov- the dead.
floor of the subsurface channel will be
lightly coated with silt and sand, and
crystals will be found embedded in the
ice from time to time. Most of these will
be unusable, but the referee should
allow enough good ones to keep the
characters' interest.
The light level in the channel will
change from time to time as the thick-
ness of the ice overhead changes (visi-
bilitywill rangefrom several dozen yards
to afewfeet, unlessthe characters have
thought to bring some form of artificial
illumination). Sometimes the ice over-
head will open up completely, only to
close again after afew miles. Inthis way,
surface encounters can be justified
while travelling underground.


TRAVEL ON THE SURFACE will be half the
normal walking rate, due to the deep
snow on the surface. Once each day,
the characters must check to see if they
keep on track with the subsurface chan-
nel (use the best Observation in the
group for the roll). Failure means that
the group must backtrack for a day to 0Priests' Quarters
regainthe trail. An impassable crevasse
Other Buildings
encounter while following the channel
should be interpreted as an opening
leading downward to the subsurface
channel. This presents the PCs with the
option of entering the channel or con-
28 Challenge GDW

from the ice tunnel, they will be greeted

as representativesof the gods of death.
In either case, the humans will not be
considered gods themselves-merely
THEPCSWILL COME OUT of this adventure with interestingstories and at least messengers or servants of the gods
one small crystal (which will make a nice cigar lighter). Also, the characters (there is a great deal of difference).
should get the normal experience points for their actions. If the characters arrive duringthe day,
If the PCs made it to the Valley of the Crystals, they can raise a little money they will be discovered immediately. If
(and not inconsiderable renown) giving lectures and publishingarticles about they arrive during the night, they will not
the society there. The Royal Geographic Society or some other group may be discovered until daylight. It will be
fund an expeditionforfurther study of the polar regions, especially in the light extremely difficult for the characters to
of the discovery of the isolated anomalous valley cultures. The characters remain hidden in the valley, since every
will be in a good position to act as guides with such an expedition. square yard is used to its fullest extent
If the characters get away with the large crystals, they have three options. for cropland, storage, or living space. It
First, they could give the crystals to the government of their choice as a will be diff icult to find a place to hide. On
demonstrationof their loyalty, trusting said government to rewardthem prop- the other hand, the locals do not have
erly. Second (more likely, given the way most characters think) they could sentries on patrol-life is so controlled
sell the crystals (preferably exercising some discretion-it wouldn't do for that there is no need for guards except
such weapons to end up in the hands of that rascal Bismarck, would it?). to prevent vermin from eating the crops
Third, they could keep the crystals and try to build their own heat ray. or the stored food.
Building a heat ray will be quite a job. How to polishthe crystalsformaximum During nighttime, any character may
capacity, how to mount them, how many times they can be used before they remain concealed unless he performs
shatter from stress, how long they must be exposed to the sunlight to charge some blatant act, such as firing a gun
them, etc. can only be learned by experimentation and careful study. or attempting to enter a storehouse.
It is no easier to invent a heat ray with the crystals than it is without them, During daylight, any moving character
but the final product will be 20 percent lighter. A heat ray of the type de- must roll against Stealth to remain
scribed in Space: 1889will require one large crystal and three one-foot crystals concealed. If the characters are spot-
as concentrators. Smaller crystals are simply scientific curiosities. ted, they will be immediately identified
as strangers.
Strangers in the valley can only be
Society: Government is by council the gods of life anddeath. The altarcon- messengers of the gods, and it is im-
of elders, primarily priests. Since out- sists of a raised platform of rammed portant that the priests interview them
side attack is not possible, soldiers are earth, crowned by two large (four-foot- immediatelyto determine what the gods
unnecessary, except as enforcersof the long) crystals, buried broad end (receiv- want. Within minutes of their discovery,
council's will. Hunters exist only to kill ing end) downward. The left crystal the natives will approach the players,
vermin that eat crops. Farmers make represents heatllife;the right represents bowing and showing other signs of great
up the rest of the population, except for ice/death. Each large crystal is sur- respect.
a few craftsmen who live and work in rounded by a ring of four smaller (one- They will greet the characters in a dia-
the temple. Everyonehas his place, and foot-long) crystals, representing the lect of Old Gaaryani (the nearly extinct
the society cannot afford experimenta- lesser gods of the local Martian language of the old Martian Empire).
tion or revolutionary changes. pantheon. Burial customs involve inter- They will then explain that the priests
Religion: The local religionholdsthat ment in small caverns at the base of the did not expect a visit and will ask the
the world consists completely of ice, and ice wall, precededby ceremonies at the messengersto follow. The Martianswill
the inhabitants of the valley are the last mouth of the subsurface ice channel be puzzled if the strangers do not un-
members of the Martian race in exis- (the gateway to the afterlife). Over the derstand, but after a minute or two they
tence. The volcano embodies heat, and years, natural movement of the glacier will signal their request by insistent ges-
therefore life, and is the physical repre- carries these graves away. tures.
sentation of spirits and gods of life. The
ice embodies cold, andtherefore death, BPeRWar, BEFORE THE COmlTCEL
and is the representative of all the spir- How THE CHARACTERS are greeted and THEPCSWILL BE taken to the council,
its and gods of death. treatedwhen they arrive will depend on which meets in an open space in the
The priests use ceremony and sac- what route they take. If they arrive from center of the valley, before the altar to
rifice to maintain a careful balance the surface (lowering themselves by the gods of life. After a voluminous
between heat and cold, light and dark, rope down the sheer ice walls of the greeting and small ceremonial chant-
and life anddeath. Part of the means of valley), they will be greeted as represen- ings, the characters will be brought
maintaining this balance is the altar of tatives of the gods of life. If they arrive beforethe priests, who will askwhat the
GDW Challenge GD1 L!BWhLy 29

gods wish to tell their children (also in a allowed to gather2D6crystalseach (roll

dialect of Old Gaaryani). 1D6x2 for length in inches) from scrap
Anything that indicatesthat the mes- heaps, field boundaries, etc. If they try
sengers have been damaged (such as to take the larger crystals, they will en-
the fact that the messengers can only counter four difficulties:
speak gibberish--cannot speak Old 68 The guardianlpriests at the altar.
Gaaryani) or a sign that the gods are @ Digging without being discovered.
testing their priests (such as the state- 6%) Getting them out of the valley.
ment that the gods want their symbolic @ Dealing with priests (engaging in
crystals back) will require the priests to night-long rites) at the channelentrance. Carryingthe Crystals: The two large
take the proper steps. The proper re- Time will be an important considera- crystals each weigh about 300 pounds,
sponse, in either case, is to return the tion. It will take one person 10 turns to and the foot-long crystals weigh about
messengers and hope the gods try loosen and free each large crystal; two three pounds each. Two or three char-
again. If they came from the realm of people can halve this time (additional acters will be needed for each crystal,
death, they must be killed and returned workers don't help). One turn will be depending upon the characters'
in that fashion. If they came from the enoughto loosenand extract fourof the Strength and the other load they carry.
realm of life, they must be sent skyward smaller crystals. It is just under one-half mile (800 yards)
by throwing them into the volcano. Alarm and Pursuit: The six guard- from the alterto the nearest icewall, and
On the other hand, if the messengers ianlpriests at the alter (Trained NPCs about the same distance to the channel
can speak properly (that is, if one or armed with clubs) must be dealt with entrance. Ifthe alarm has been given,
more of the characters speak Old Gaar- swiftly and silently, but they will not be roll against the worst Stealthcharacter-
yani, even with an accent) and they give expecting treachery and will be easy to istic in the group every fourturns for dis-
an innocuous message ("the gods wish surprise (roll once against each attack- covery. If the alarm has not been given,
us to watch you for time," or if they pres- ingplayer's Stealth, implementinga +I). roll for discovery every 10 turns. Dis-
ent some trinket and say " the gods have If surprise is achieved, the defenders coverywill be by a party of 4D6 Martians
sent this gift to their children") their can be killed or rendered unconscious (Green NPCs armed with clubs).
reception will be different. They will be within fourturns without agunshot being The Channel: The 10 ice priests at
conducted on a guided tour of the val- fired, and no alarm will be raised. If the the entranceto the subsurface channel
ley and shown that everything is being fighting lasts longer than four turns or if (TrainedNPCs arrnedwithclubs) will be
done properly. This will include a short a gunshot is fired at any time, the alarm engaged in purification rituals and will
tour of the altar and a description of the will be raised, and the PCs will havefour be easy to surprise, unless the alarm
upcoming "return the messengersto the turns before reinforcements arrive. has been given. If the alarm is given,
gods" ceremony, which will be con- ReinforcementswiIIbe 406 Martians theywill be alert (surprisingthem will be
ducted tomorrow, after a night of cleans- (Green NPCs armed with clubs and a Difficult task in this case). Once the
ing and purification rites. The charac- farming implements). Every five turns, characters have escaped down the ice
ters' reactions to this news are predict- roll 2D6 for more reinforcements. tunnel, they will not be pursued. &2
able. The 10 fire priests will conduct
their rites at the lip of the volcano, the
10 ice priests at the mouth of the chan-
nel. The central altar will also be puri-
fied and cleansed at dawn, just before
the ceremony begins.
Subsequent events will be left to the
referee.The PCs will be allowed free run
in the valley through the night (provid-
.ingthey don't upset the purification ritu-
als), and some activity, otherthan sleep,
is expected.
As to how they make their escape,
there are a number of options.
The Wall: To climbthe sheer cliff wall,
they must roll against Agility or Moun-
taineering skill, whichever is greater.
Characters are allowed two tries; failure
on both means they have run out of time.
The Cysfials: The characterscan be
30 Challenge GDW


f Three Solomaniwarships which entered the system four days ago have ended their rein of terror and destruction within
the Berange star system.
7 The three ships have been identified as the Solomani Cruisers Donetsk and Abidjan with the support of the light cruiser
BaffinBay. These ships were attachedto Sobmanifleets battling Margaret'sforces in Old Expanses sector and are apparently
breaking out through Hinterworlds in the face of stepped-up offenses out of Delphi.
f Upon entering the system, the three vessels destroyed several system defense boats around gas giant Ythhi and per-
formed frontier refueling.
$I Obviously well informed as to the Berange system's industrial base, the ships then proceeded directly to Ryathian,
Ythhi's third moon and home of Nummen Industries'systemdistribution point. After destroying communication stations, the
Solomani vessels took the moon hostage for 37 hours, ravaging the facilities there for spare parts and other supplies. The
vessels jumped out of the system before approaching Ral Ranthan ships could reach the besieged moon.

AKIISPINWARD MARCHES (2035 B443987-9) Date: 153-1119

n Aslan forces have crushed a bloody rebellion among the warlike Kritin faction of the ruling houses of lords.
1The faction's forces, led by Tyrar McTavish Kritin, forced their way into the Aslan diplomatic compound, slaughtering
several dozen ihateigovernors and their retainers.The Kritin held the compound for five days, encouraging other acts of
violence against the unwelcome Aslan overlords; sporadic outbreaks of unrest wracked the entire planet during the long
87-hour night of Aki. With the help of Aslan marines, the Aorlakht recaptured the diplomatic compound, executed the Kritin
captured there (including Tyrar), and brought the state of emergency under control.
f The unrest has, however, halted several expeditions of ihateifurther into the remote regions of the world, and many
have begun returning to the diplomatic compound seeking safety in numbers from a possibly dangerous subject popula-

KAGGUSHUSIMASSILA (0402 A877A88-D) Date: 162-1119

1It was reported today that elements of the 160th and 200th reserve fleets engaged and destroyed a large force loyal
to the pretender Strephon. Inthe engagement, an enemy flagship was obliterated by missile fire, and prisonersinterrogated
suggest that the imposter himself may have been among its casualties. The imposter's own propoganda suggests that he
would personally lead his warships, much as the true Strephon often said he would in times of great struggle.
f TheAdmiralty will not confirm the death of the imposter Strephon but suggests that careful attention be paid to his fol-
lowers in the wake of this incident.

ESALINISPINWARD MARCHES (1004 C565673-8) Date: 163-1 119

@JThe rumored reorganization of Zhodanifleets has been further evidenced by a recent cut in the numberof patrol vessels
in the Esalin system.
fl When questioned on the matter the representative of the Zhodani ambassador said, "A general reorganization of our
fleets is in order, favoring newer, more powerful vessels. Older ships are being removedfrom active service, nothing more."
7 Vice Admiral Thurougood, however, said the Zhodani are doing exactly the opposite, pulling modern ships out of the
line and apparently replacing them with other ships. It is rumored that the Zhodani may be in the throes of an impending
change of government, possibly violent, or putting down a rebellion against psionic rule.


fl Chorschuv, popular leader of laasiv's 33 billion inhabitants, announced today that he has completed a long-term pact
with the Hiver government to build large cargo vessels to accommodate human passenger and freight service.
1The Hiver representatives have agreed to gradually increase the capacity of the shipyards from E to B, a process that
should be completed in five years
fl Ships built at laasiv will generally be put into service along the Alike Run and the Bruia Diagonal, crewed by laasivans,
and managed by Chorschuv for the Hiver owners.The boom to the system will probably lead to a gradual increase of local
technology as well, according to the planetary accounting office.
1More than 500 large vessels, totalling more than 11 million tons, will be built to fill the Hiver order; the jump drives will
not be built at laasiv but will be obtained from the Hiver Federation. R
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35 Traveller: The S ~ i c of
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: Equipment List, Weather, Inside the Society. BattleTech: AFT 1B Afterburner. Star
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gade Legion: The 9867th Renegade Armored
Support. Star Trek: Spaceports in Star Trek.

30* Traveller: The Ware-

house. Stormriders, The Fall of the
36* Traveller: The Green Hills of Earth,
Starship Design Notes. Twilight: Red Maple,
Imperium, There When You Need Them. Equipment for Armor Crews. 2300 AD: Devil in
the Dark, Anatomy of a Missile. Space: 1889:
Darkness Falls from the Air. Star Trek: Dop-
pleganger. BattleTech: 'Mech Alternatives. War-
hammer: 40,000: Sunstroke. Paranoia: Plan 9
from Out-R-SPC.

3 1* Traveller: Hazardous Cargoes.

Twisting Tech Levels, Wrong Way Valve. 37* Traveller: A Body Swayed to Music.
MegaTraveller: Designer's Notes. Twilight: Portable Air Lock. Twilight: 2000: Tyger, Tyger,
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38 Traveller: Prize Court. Monitor-Class

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light: 2000: Twilight: 2000 Air Module. Trek: Beta Antarae Sector. Renegade Legion:
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33 Traweiler: Project Farstar, IRIS. Twi-

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he Madlash is a prairie-dwelling grazer native to ring. In addition to self-defense and mating functions, the
Argol, an arid world noted for its large herbivores. powerful tail is used to dig shallow pits where herd members
The species, long considered a nuisance by Ar- huddle together for warmth at night. Madlashes also dig for
gol's farmers, has recently received legal protec- salt and for minerals necessary to grow stout tail spikes.
tion from the Argol Council of Nobles. Business interests Madlashes will go to great lengths to keep warm. They
have establishedherds on several other planets becausethe sometimes bed down for the night with other herbivore
creature's oily hide makes an excellent leather. species who tolerate them because the digging exposes
A muscular tail with a row of horny spikes running along edible roots, grubs, minerals, and, occasionally,, water.
either side is the madlash's most prominent feature. It is a Madlash diggings become ponds during the brief rainy
thick-set, warm-blooded quadruped with a beaked face, season which also attract other species.
sensitive ears, and a short temper. Unfortunately, the qualities that make the madlash an
There are two genders. Madlashesmate with several part- attractivecompanion for other animals lead to humorous and
ners each breeding season. During this time, coloration dangerous interactions with human colonists. In addition to
changes from tawny brown to slate gray. Herds migrate to destroying crops, Madlashes have been known to cuddle up
rockier nursery grounds, where females battle for a limited to the warm vehicles and prairie dwellings with disastrous
number of nursery pits. These spectacular battles , in which results. One widely circulated story tells of a scout who
the females madly lash at one another with their tails, are chased awarmth-seekingmadlashfrom his campsite. When
the origin of the beasts' name. Afemale will bear one to four he returned from prospecting late the next day, the scout
young. Lactating mothers will care for any calves that hap- discovered that the offended madlash had sneaked back to
pens to be nearby, not just their own. the unguarded camp and demolished his An/.
Madlashes secrete an oily mucus from their eyes, nostrils, Adventurers may encounter the madlash in the drier por-
and throat to remove the fine dust that permeates Argol's tions of medium-sizedworlds (UPPcodes 5 or 6 )which have
atmosphere. When they aren't eating they spend most of their standard or standard tainted atmospheres (UPP codes 6 or
time cleaning each other with their long tongues.When the 7).
herd is threatened, adults encircle the calves with tails fac- Type:Grazer Size:1600 kg Hits:39/11 Wounds:22 Weap-
ing outward. Few of Argol's predators will brave this deadly 0nry:Thrasher Armor: None Characteristics: F8 A2 S2. i 2
34 Challenge GDW

David Nilsen

he 2300 macrocombat system is designed to al- Defense: This is the same as 2300 AD armor.
low quick, realistic resolutionof battles on a larger Signature: As in 2300 AD.
scale than the role-playingcombat rules allow. This Missile Va1ues:These values include range, homingvalue,
system is based on the 2300AD combat rules and and an evasion for vehicle targets, and are the same as in.
gives the same kind of results as would the role-playing 2300 AD.
system, but it is less time-consuming and complex. Size:Size, used in reference to units on foot only, is avalue
Scale: Macrocombat is intended for use with either mini- from one to eight.
atures or a hex grid. The standard unit of distance is 100 Sequence of Play: The sequence of play consists of an
meters. Depending upon the scale of the miniatures used, initiative phase and two player-turns per turn. At the begin-
100 meters can be any scale length. On a hex grid, 100 me- ningof the game each player rolls one die and adds the Tactics
terswill be the size of each hex. For simplicity, the 100- meter skill of the commander of his force. In addition, the defender
unit will be hereafter referred to as a hex. adds one if he is defending on familiar terrain, while the
Unit size is one vehicle or one to eight personnel. designated attacker always adds two. The winner has the
Unit Values: These can be recordedon an off-map index initiative, and each turn chooses whether to take his turn first
card orwritten on homemade counters. They are computed or second. This way he can choose to take two turns in a
from 2300 AD values as follows. row, exploiting a breakthrough or the like.
Unit Quality: Average the Coolness Under Fire or primaj During the initiative phase of each subsequent turn, the
skill (e.g., Ground Vehicle for vehicle crews or Combat Ri- attacker rolls one die. On a roll of one, it is time to roll for
fleman for infantry) and compare it to ihe NPC Table to es- initiative again, but without the attacker's +2 bonus.
tablish experience level. The referee must decide on acase- Initiative can change back and forth any number of times.
by-case basis whether skill or Coolness is more relevant. Low Each player-turnconsists of three phases.
Coolnesslhighskill units might be placed at an intermediate Qb FirstAttack Phase: The player may fire with any of his
level. If using Coolness, add appropriate levels of compo- units.
nent personnel and round to nearest whole number. @ Movement Phase: The player may move any of his units,
provided those that fired in the first attack phase move no
WC.a'ABLE more than half their MPs. His opponent may conduct reac-
Level Experience tion fire against them.
1-4 Green @ FinalAttack Phase: The player may fire with any of his
5-6 Experienced units which did not fire in the first attack phase and moved no
7-8 Veteran more than half their MPs in the movement phase.
9-10 Elite Thus any unit may firelmove half, move halflfire, move full,
or fire only. Any unit that does not move in a player-turn is
Movement Factoc For vehicles this is four times the 2300 eligible to conduct reactionfire in the following enemy player-
A 0 movement in meters per action. Multiply this figure by turn.
1.2 for Experienced units, 1.4 for Veteran units, and 1.6 for Movement: One movement point is expended per hex
Elite units. Round to the nearest 100 meters (exact figures entered. Some hexes cost more and are listed below.
can be retained for miniatures combat). Walkers move as @ Urban, Woods, Broken, Rough: +2 MPs.
vehicles, but they omit the experience modifiers. For foot @ Crossing Stream at Ford: +I MP for tracked and
units, movement is one hex walking, two hexes running. wheeled, +O MP for ACV.
Atfack: For 2300AD,use the DPVfrom the unit's primary @ Crossing River forACV: +1 MP.
weapon. All personnel in one unit must use the same pri- Vehicles may drive evasively; this allows them to elude
mary weapon, although individuals may possess secondary attacks from missiles. An evading vehicle moves at one-half
antivehicle or antiaircraft missiles. its movement points (actually zigzagging a lot and wasting
Range: For 2300 AD, use the effective range from the movementpoints) and uses its evasion rating as listed in 2300
unit's primary weapon. AD.
GDW Challenge 35

Detection: Some units must be detected before they can

be attacked. These include units in coveringterrain-woods
and towns-which have not fired from that position, or tar-
gets, such as aircraft, beyond visual range. Sensors can
detect a target within their listed range on a roll of 1O+; this
is modified by the signature of the unit being detected and
the sensor's own quality. At half range or less, 6+is required.
Fire Combat: A unit can conduct fire combat during the
first or final attack phase of its own player-turn, or during the
movement phase of the enemy player-turn (reaction fire). A pressed or pinned unit, or any unit fulfilling the criteria for
unit that is to fire in its own player-turn can only move one- reaction fire. Other units, even ifin covering terrain, are not
half its movement points during its movement phase. Infan- considered in the cover unless they fulfill the above criteria.
try (foot) units are an exception; they can move two hexes Roll 1D l 0. If one or two hits are indicated, go to the Per-
during a player-turn and still conduct area fire, although at a sonnel Casualty Table on page 36 if firing on infantry, or to
disadvantage. A unit that is to fire reaction fire during the the Vehicle Damage table on page 38, and roll again.
enemy movement phase must not have moved at all in the For the PersonnelCasualty Table, choose the columnthat
immediately preceding player-turn. correspondsto the target's defense subtracted fromthe firer's
36 Challenge GDW

DPV. Then roll fordamage inflicted, and add or subtract DMs may conduct antiaircraft reaction fire at this time.
to the die roll as appropriate. (Seethe list of DMs at the bottom Some infantry units carry secondary weapons, such as anti-
of the Personnel Casualty Table.) In the case of adding per vehicle or antiaircraft missile launchers. These weapons may
size of target unit less than 4, for example, a target unit with be fired at any time in addition to other fire or movement at
size 2 would add two to the die roll (4-2=2). no penalty.
A suppression result indicates the unit stops what it is doing Antivehicle fire takes armor face into account. Compare
for the rest of the turn (includingmovement if the hit result is the line of fire to the target's current line of travel to see which
caused by reaction fire during its movement phase). It may face is impacted. Ordnance fired from above (from aircraft
only fire in response to the unit which damaged it, and that or vehicles at higher elevation) may strike a vehicle's over-
at 2R shift. head armor; overhead attack-angle missiles do so in all cases.
Pinned units are suppressed for one complete turn and Ammunition Supply (Optional): For increased realism
may not move; they can fire, but at 2L. and complexity, ammunition supplies can be accounted for.
Quality level loss indicates the immediate reduction of the Basically, each unit carries 15 "shots" worth of ammunition.
unit to the troop quality level one step immediately below its Eachtime a unit conductsfull automatic area fire, it expends
previous level (e.g., Elite is reducedto Veteran, Experienced three shots worth of ammo.
to Green). This takes place immediately. Units which are not lndirect Fire Combat: lndirect fire involves calling in
suppressed by reaction fire might still be prevented from (usually off-map) artillery or air strikes. Forward observing
completing their planned movement as their movement points units on the map that have direct visual or sensor observa-
are reduced by quality loss. Units which lose a quality level tion of the target can do this. Using the troop quality of the
are automatically suppressed. unit doing the forward observing, roll on the Direct Fire Hit
Attempting reaction fire requires that a unit spend the pre- Table and shift 2R.
vious friendly turn not moving and setting up a covered firing If a hit on a vehicle, damage is resolved normally on an
position. It may then fire once at any enemy unit that moves upper surface.
within range in the ensuing enemy movement phase, inter- If the hit is on an infantry unit, it is on that unit in particular,
rupting the enemy unit's movement at any opportune but other units in the same hex or neighboring hexes may
moment.An exception to this rule is antiaircraft fire. Due to take collateral damage (see below). Find the EP value of
the speeds involved, aircraft will often only appear during the the warhead, and (from the lndirect Fire Combat Table) find
enemy movement phase. Any unit with antiaircraft missiles its automatic and total concussion, and primary and secon-

The Fate of a
GDW Challenge

Part 1
Modified (DPV - Armor Level)
Roll 0.I 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
-3 S S S S S S S S S S
-2 S S S S S S S S S S
-1 S S S S S S S S S S



Bart 2
Modified (DPV - Armor Level)
Roll 1.2 1.6 1.7 2.0 2.2 2.6 2.7 3.0 3.2 3.6 3.7 4.0+
-3 S S S S S S S S S S S S
-2 S S S S S S s S S S S s
-1 S S S S S S s S S S S S



Abbreviations: S: Unit rolls for suppression for the remainder of the turn on 1D l 0: Green, 4+; Experienced, 6+;
Veteran, 8+; Elite, 1O+. P: Unit automatically suppressed, roll for pin for one full turn: Green, 3+; Experienced, 5+;
Veteran, 7+; Elite, 9+. PC?:Automatic pin and possiblequality loss. Rollto avoid loss of one troop quality level: Green,
3+; Experienced, 5+; Veteran, 7+; Elite, 9+. QL: Unit loses one troop quality level. If of Green quality, the unit is
destroyed outright. The unit is also suppressed for the remainder of the turn. DE: Experienced units and below are
destroyed outright. DV: Veteran units and below are destroyed outright. DA:Any unit is destroyed outright.
Die Roll Modifiers: +1 if target unit Experienced or Veteran; +2 if target unit Elite; +size of firing unit more than 4;
+size of target unit less than 4; -size of target unit more than 4; +1 for each previous quality loss.
38 Challenge GDW

dary fragmentation radii (for miniatures), or coverage per- same hex as the targeted unit, and roll 2D10 for a percent-
centages (in 100-meter hexes). These figures show the age to see if these units are within certain lethality areas.
amount of a 100-meter hex covered by each round of the Compare the one-time percentage roll to the coverage list to
warhead in question. The Indirect Fire Combat Table lists see which areas a unit falls within. Note that each unit can
EP range, automatic and general concussion radii, primary be in one of each concussion and fragmentation area, but
and secondary fragmentation radii in meters, coverage per- not two of each. Thus, in the example of an EP8 shell, a unit
centage of a single hex by the automatic concussion and rolls 15%. This unit would be outside the automatic concus-
general concussion (exclusive of the coverage already sion area but still in the general concussion area (4<15<25),
counted in automatic concussion), and primary and secon- and within the primary fragmentation radius (15<16). A unit
daryfragmentation effects, not includingthe coverage already which rolled 3% would be within both automatic concussion
counted against automatic concussion. and primaryfragmentation;aunit which rolled 20°/~wouldbe
If the unit in question is hit, apply the automatic concus- within general concussion and secondary fragmentation
sion (or general concussion if there is no automatic concus- (16<20~64); a unit which rolled 65% would be free of all ef-
sion) or primary fragmentation effects to it. fects.
Even if the fire mission misses, deviation might still leave These computations are easier for miniatures, as they
the unit within the area of effect (if it lands in the same hex, involve a simple measurement from the impact point to the
see Deviation on page 39). physical location of the unit.
To use thelndirect Fire Combat Table, find any units in the The effect of automatic concussion is the immediate de-


(El) (Vt) (Ex) (GO
Roll 7L 6L 5L 4L 3L 2L IL 00 IR 2R 3R
1 H - - - - - - - - -
2 H H - - - - - - - - -
3 H H H - - - - - - - -

10 2H 2H 2H 2H H H H H H H -


RON -0 1-5 6- -15 16-20 21-25 26-1- EP Radii Coverage
1 - - - - DA DM DA 1 Om110ml5ml1 Om 0%/4%/1%/4%
2 - - DA DM DA DM 2 Omll5mll OmI20m 0%/9%/4%/16%
3 - - DA DM DA DM X 3-6 5rn/2Orn/15rn/3Om 1% / I 6°/0/9%1360/0

9 DM* X X X X X X 193-384 35m/50m/45m/90m 49%/100%/81%/324%

10 DM* X X X X X X 385-768 40m/55rn/50m/100m 64%/121%/I 00%/400%

Direct Fire Hit Table Abbreviations: H: Hit, consult Personnel Casualty or Vehicle Damage Table. 2H:Two hits,
consult Personnel Casualty or Vehicle Damage Table twice. -:Miss. El, Vt, Ex, G c Nonshifled starting columns for
Elite, Veteran, Experienced, and Green quality units.
Vehicle Damage Table Abbreviations: -:Superficial hit, no effect. DA: Damaged, armament. Main armament
destroyed. DM: Damaged, mobility. Ability to move destroyed. DM*: If DPV is greater than suspension armor value,
ability to move is destroyed. X:Vehicle completely destroyed.
GDW Challenge 39

struction of the unit within the area.

General concussion automatically suppresses any units
in its area of effect and forces them to roll for pinned status
as in fire combat, above.
Units within primary fragmentation radius roll for a +1 at-
tack (plus other applicable DMs) on the 0.4 column of the
Personnel Casualty Table.
In the case of multiple rounds, the shells land in a pattern
designed to cover as much area as possible; add five me-
ters to each over one. For coverage, square the new radius, the advantage to PCs. Certain vehicle-mounted direct-fire
then divide by 2500. If the forward observer roll fails, the weapons listed in 2300AD can be used against infantry using
round(s) will deviate a number of hexes in the direction the indirect fire burst rules. Ifthey perform direct fire, they
indicated by a D6. use the Direct Fire Hit Table as normal.

Die Roll Hexes
1-2 0 hexes (it lands in the same hex but is not a direct
hit on the unit in question)
3-5 1 hex
6 2 hexes

Note that if laser designationis used or if the attacking ord-

nance was homing missiles, deviation is unlikely. Laser
designation takes a 6L shift on the Direct Fire Hit Table on
page 38.
Wasps: Wide-area saturation projectilesuse the indirect
fire rules, as above, but have a single radius of effect and no
concussion. Personnelunits within the radius (coverage =ra-
dius2/2500)of effect take a -4 attack on the DPV 4 column
of the Personnel Casualty Table, while vehicles take an at-
tack on the appropriate column of the Vehicle DamageTable.
Missile Fire: Aunit whose primary armament is a missile,
or an infantry unit which carries an auxiliary missile, may fire
it as part of the fire phase or in reaction. Use the values given
in 2300AD for homing, range, and evasion. If a hit is scored,
roll for damage on the Vehicle Damage Table.
Plasma Guns: These fortunately rareweapons introduce
a complicationto the game. Any unit equipped with plasma
guns fires direct fire on the DPV 4 column of the Personnel
Casualty Table, and in addition does blast damage as per in-
direct fire rules. Plasma guns have EP of 1,2,3,4,6, and
15. Roll fragmentation using these values, but roll concus-
sion effects using the next lower line.
Melee Combat: Melee occurs only when two opposing
units are in the same hex. Each rolls on its starting column
for troop quality on the Direct Fire Hit Table, then rolls nor-
mally for personnel casualties but cuts the number in half.
This is done simultaneously for both sides each attack phase
until one unit has broken.
Grenades: Any infantry unit adjacent to an enemy unit
may elect to add grenades to its attack, if its to hit roll (rolled
as direct fire using troop quality) is successful. The unit may
add a 2 EP indirectfire attack on its opponents. Such attacks
may only be made twice per game.
Notes: The 2300 AD macrocombat system places PCs
and NPCs on equal footing, while the role-playing rules give
40 Challenge GDW

ROLDHNG ACTION ReinlorcerneMs: On turn five, two Ranger Riders, each

T STRIP with an LMG, arrive on the east edge of the map, carrying
Texan forces must retrieve or preserve from destruction four highway patrolmen (Veteran NPCs) and eight colonial
expensive equipment in place at the dry lakebed strip. A rangers (Experienced NPCs) armed with Type-79 assault
portable control tower and refueling facilities, all trailer rifles.
mounted, and six electronic beacons must be snatchedfrom Special Rules: The train, heavily loaded, can only man-
the advancing Ebers. age 20 kph (3 MP) at game's start. No map is provided; the
Texas Forces: Defending familiar ground; all start in terrain is rolling hills, except for the train's tracks. The train
marked spot. always moves straight east on the track at top speed, which
Vehicles: Three utility Ranger Riders and one APC, each increases one hex each two turns to a maximum of 9. It has
with LMG. armor 2 all around; the cars have armor 0.3. The Ranger
Personnel: Eight Texas highway patrolmen (Veteran Riders will be moving at their halved cross-country speed.
NPCs) and eight colonial rangers (ExperiencedNPCs) armed The train is only one hex long, but for purposes of melee
with Type-79 assault rifles and armor 1. on board, consider each car a separate hex. The rollfor Eber
Eber Forces: Attacking; start from marked spot. units to jump from horse to train and then from car to car is
Vehicles: 24 horses. treated as fire combat on the Direct Fire Hit Table according
Personnel: 200 mature Eber warriors, 21 subchiefs, and to theirtrooptype (Youthfu1:Green Mature:Experienced Sub-
three chiefs, all armed with javelins and napalm grenades, chief: Veteran Chief: Elite). Hittingthe locomotive with lances
plus lances for the subchiefs and chiefs. is treated the same way.
Victory: The Ebers will try to run their horses alongside
Special Rmles the train to jump across or to charge the locomotive with
A Texas truck must spend one turn stationary beside a lances. The train must make it to New Austin.
beacon to retrieve it and one turn beside any of the three
trailers to hook it up to the truck. Onlyonetrailercan be pulled SQBJAmERS9RIGHTS
pertruck, and speed is reducedto 70 percentof normal values Agroup of Ebers has moved overnight into New Austin's
when one is hitched. The dry lakebed is considered smooth outer, unprotected fields. In the morning, the Texans try to
enoughforthe trucks to use their maximum road speed at all drive them out to retrieve their crops for the coming siege.
times. Ebers must spend one turn stationary beside an object Texas Forces: Attacking over familiar ground; all start on
to destroy it.Eber javelins and grenades have range of 528 the north map edge.
meters; javelins have DPV 1.1 thrown using direct fire; lances Vehicles: Two APC Ranger Riders with LMGs.
have DPV 4 and move at the speed of a horse; and napalm Personnel: Eight highway patrolmen (Veteran NPCs)
does DPV 1.5 and uses indirect fire. Use these valuesfor all armed with Type-79 assault rifles, 16colonial rangers (Green
subsequent scenarios below. NPCs) armed with FC-70s.
Victory: The Texans must retrieve the three trailers and Eber Forces: Defending;all start in the center of the map.
six beacons and get them off the east map edge. The Ebers Vehicles: 40 horses.
must prevent the Texans from doing so by destroying the Personnel: 240 mature Eber warriors, 12 sub-chiefs, and
equipment or preventing it from being retrieved. four chiefs, armed with javelins, napalm grenades, and
lances. Also 24 porters.
TED3 GRErBT N ROBBERY Special Rules: The Ebers were just waking up, so they
A Blacksky locomotive pulling construction equipment and fight at one left column shift for the first three turns. Each
workcrews is ambushedby a raidingparty 12kilometerswest porter can resupply four Ebers who are out of one type of
of New Austin. It is defended by three Texans, who have ammunition (grenade or javelin).
called for help, which is on its way. Victory: TheTexans must drive the Ebersfromtheir fields.
Texas Forces: Defending. The Ebers must inflict severe casualties (50 percent) on the
Vehicles: One primitive locomotive towing 10 cars. Texans and avoid being destroyed themselves.
Personnel: Four locomotive crewmembers (noncombat-
ant NPCs); 20 construction Ebers (equivalent to Youthful U P AGAINST THE W&L
NPCs) armed with hammers, picks, shovels, crowbars, etc. The southern wild Ebers have massedfor an attack against
(long weapons, DPV 0.3 to 0.6); and three highway patrol- NewAustin itself. TheTexans are defendingfrom the earthen
men (Veteran NPCs) armed with Type-79 assault rifles. flood-control levees that surround the city.
Eber Forces: Attacking. Texas Forces: Defending on familiar ground.
Vehicles: 12 horses, plus 12 additional horses each three Vehicles: One utility and one APC Ranger Riderwith LMGs.
turns. Personnel: Eight highway patrolmen (Veteran NPCs) and
Personnel: 12 mature Eber warriors waiting for the train 12 colonial rangers (Veteran NPCs) armed with Type-79
to pass through; 12 additional Eber warriors mounted on assault rifles; 24colonial rangers (VeteranNPCs) armed with
horses appear to the east each three turns. All are armed FC-70s; four colonial rangers (Veteran NPCs) armed with
with javelins and knives. Rockwell 12-81s and Type-81 storm guns; 80 colonial rang-
GDW Challenge

ers (GreenNPCs) armed with Traylor Model 10s and SS-7s.

Also 10 claymore mines emplaced prior to game start.
Eber Forces: Attacking.
Vehicles: 40 horses.
Personnel: 576 mature Eber warriors, 32 subchiefs, and
eight chiefs, armed with javelins, napalm grenades, hook
spears, and lances. Also 80 porters.
Special Rules: The levees are earth piled over reinforced
concrete forms, and have an armor value of well over 4. The
gate takes one turn to open and one turn to close in addition NPCs (Bert and Bubba), and seven ExperiencedNPCs (Bart,
to any time taken for units to pass through. It can easily be Bobby Joe, Billy Bob, Boone, Boyce, Brad, and Biff) armed
opened from the inside, even by Ebers. Ebers can scale the with Traylor Model 1Os, FC-70s, and one Rockwell 12-81.
earthen wall to its crest by spendingtwo turns next to it. During Eber Forces: Attacking; all start surrounding the build-
that time they cannot be hit by humans except those who ing.
stand exposed atop the wall to shoot straight down. Each Vehicles: 12 horses.
Porter can resupply four Ebers who are out of one type of Personnel: 160 mature Eber warriors, 10 subchiefs, and
ammo (javelin or grenade). two chiefs, armed with javelins and napalm grenades. The
Victory: The Ebers must get past the wall; the Texans chiefs also have lances.
must prevent this. Reinforcements: Two utility Ranger Riders with four
highway patrolmen (Experienced NPCs) and 10 colonial
THE REUEF OF MRS. JOHNSONS HOUSE rangers (ExperiencedNPCs), all armedwithType-79assault
Mrs. Johnson and her nine sons are surrounded on their rifles, appear on the edge of the map on turn 5.
farm by a tribe of Ebers, but they are holdingout in their house. Sp&lal Rules: The farmhouse is a heavy concrete block-
They must be rescued. house, armor 0.5. It takes five turns for the Ebers to burn it
Texas Forces: Defending familiar ground; all start inside down. The ATV in the shed is unarmed but does 10 DPV
the house. crushing damage if it runs over anyone. Bert or Bubba must
Vehicles: One improved Explorer A N (armor all around get to the shed to drive it.
2) modified into a tractor and bulldozer, in the shed. Victory: The Johnsons must survive. The Ebers must
Personnel: One Elite NPC (Mrs. Johnson), two Veteran burn their house to the ground. C2

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42 Challenge GDW

n any time period when un- to modify available ships, acquire stores what they cannot afford to buy. In such
bridled economic and colonial and supplies, and bribe the necessary afashion a government-controlledblack
expansion outruns govern- government officials. Such individuals market for these goods can be created.
mental authority to oversee or normally come from two different These syndicates also allow local gov-
protect it, some individuals will find it sources. One source of sponsorship is ernors to make limited war on the ship-
easier to take advantage of others' a criminal organization wishing to ex- ping of rival countries. Note the differ-
honest laborwith some dishonest labor pand its base of operations. A notable ence between piracy, the unrestricted
of their own. example is that of AmeriCo, the Ameri- attackof space-going vessels of any na-
And so, just as the people of the late- can-based, one-time cosmetic com- tionality, and privateering, which is the
15th and early-16th centuries on Earth pany, which now serves as a front for a operation against the shipping of a
foundthemselves learningthe meaning wide range of smuggling operations in specific country or countries during a
of the words "buccaneer" and "free- theAmericanArmof explored space. It time of war, sanctioned by a Letter of
booter," and what was meant by the is now widely held among law enforce- Marque.
"sweet trade," the far flung colonies of ment and naval officials that AmeriCo When one's vessel is being boarded
the nations of Earth are relearning the sponsors one of the largest pirate syn- and one's cargo is being stolen, the
effectof piracy on commerce in the early dicates operating in the Chinese Arm. difference is often one of semantics. At
part of the 24th century. It is believed that AmeriCo uses its pi- one time the government of Indonesia
rate syndicate to help find markets for adopted a policy of supporting such syn-
PIUTE dicates as a means to
S'YNDIGATES limit the expansion of
Just as pirates of The Sweet Trade rival nations and make
centuries back found it a place for itself in
convenient to band space.
together to increase It learned to regret
their profits at selling this policy when the
time by allowing for major space-going
greater amounts of nations banded to-
cargo to be taken, so gether in an unwritten
too do the space hijack- agreement to limit the
ers of modern days Indonesian presence
come together for mu- in space. Now the leg-
tual support. This has acy of this ill-conceived
lead to-the develop- course of action is the
ment of well managed organizations its smuggling operations, and to take fact that even today most captured pi-
known as pirate syndicates, which advantage of the lucrative potential of rate vessels are of lndonesian registry;
account for the majority of space hijack- the "three-armed trade" upon which and despite having a supply of tantalum
ing today. most pirate operations are based (this and a small space-going fleet, Indone-
Similar to the organized crime fami- will be discussed later). sia has yet to establish a successful
lies of the 20th century, pirate syndicates The other group from which sponsors colony in space.
are close-knit organizations designed can be found are, ironically,the business Once the syndicate is established, its
for the purpose of supporting a small communities and local governments of first move is to create some sort of front
fleet of vessels in their operations the colonies. This is especially true of company or organization to display to
against free commerce. The "family" those colonies which operate under the public. If the sponsors are linked to
aspect becomes even more noticeable some type of space trade act which a colonial government, they usually
when one realizes that most members limits their trade with goods manufac- operate as a freight company with a
of pirate syndicates, especially those tured by the owning country or carried license to carry government stores.
more closely involvedwith the actual hi- on ships owned and licensed by the Independent sponsors will set up a
jacking of the vessels, are brought in by owning country. trading house, or merchant banking
word of mouth by someone in the or- Under such restrictionscertain items, arrangement, usually located in the
ganization. The term "sweet offer" refers such as luxury goods and high-tech business section of the main spaceport
to the initial approach made by a syndi- components not manufactured by the facility. This allows them easy access
cate member to a prospective pirate. country on Earth which controls the lo their vessels, while keeping a look-
A pirate syndicate is formed when a colony, can become exorbitantlyexpen- out for potentialtargets, and monitoring
person or group of persons comes up sive. Traders and colonial officials cir- the presence of revenue cutters or pi-
with the initial investmentmoney to start cumvent this problem by sponsoring rate suppression forces from the local
the organization. This money is used small pirate syndicates to basically steal navy.
GDW Challenge I
43 ir
Once established,the business of the
syndicate can be brokendown into three
areas of operation-the acquisition of
goods, their transfer and sale, and the
support of the ships in the field.

Catch and Carry

The means most favored by syndi-
cates today is the use of two vessels
assignedto supporlone another. Called
"catch and carry" teams, the vessels are
assigned specific roles in the process
of running down a target and getting its
cargo to a friendly port.
The "catch" vessel is a small, well
armed vessel, usually a modified cou-
rier capable of atmospheric landing.
These vessels display the characteris-
tics of maneuverability,speed, and low
detection profile. With the addition of a
high-intensity laser, they are usually
more than capable of handling the
average unarmed freighter. Contrary to
modern military doctrine, most catch
vessels do not opt for a missile system
as their primary weapon: The objective
of the catch vessel is not to destroy the
target vessel, but to capture it and its
cargo intact. The more damage done to
a cargo ship, the greater the chance of
the cargo being damaged or destroyed,
and the less profit that will be made.
Pirate captainswill try to target the cargo
ship's power plant or stutterwarp unit.
Missile systems are too powerful and
are launched from too great a distance
to allow for such precise firing. Some
catch vessel captains do, however,
equip themselves with two or three deto-
nation laser missiles to help them es-
cape in the event of pursuit by the au-
thorities. Even then it is usually seen
as a last act of defiance, as most naval
vessels assigned to piracy suppression
patrol are far better equipped, and their
crews far better trained, for the pirate
vessel to have much of a chance of
victory in an even fight. Catch ships will
have enlarged remote pilot stations lo
handle the control of additional sensor
drones. These are used to help the
catch ship spot potential targets and
monitorthe activity of local naval patrols.
The "carry" vessel is a standard light
freighter. The Maiduguiri-classfreighter
Challenge GDW

cracking gear and extra fuel storage of programs used to override securityinterested in the deeds of derring-do or
space, and the carrying of spare parts programsguarding accessto more sen- the thrill of tweaking the nose of the local
and portable repair frames to act as a colonial governor. He is interested in
sitive parts of the ship and to prevent
make-shift tender to the catch vessel. drive monitoringcomputersfromdetect- profit; and that involves getting the
The last is an important aspect of the stolen goods to a market where he can
ing unauthorizedaccess. Areas of their
carry vessel's job, as the catch vessel bodies have also been modifiedto carry
sell them with little or no questions
is usually limited in the number of port some of the tools and devices needed asked.
facilities it can visit safely. Carry ves- for their job. The most pressing obstacle the pi-
sels will have a semiregular trade route The purpose of all this is to combat
rate syndicate faces in addressing this
to run and will often carry legitimate the growing trend among shipoperatorsproblem is one of time. The first re-
cargo. Their primary function is to be to have any material which could be sponse of local authority, once a
able to move in when the catch vessel used in such a fashion held in storage
freighter has reported a hijacking, is to
has acquired a target, remove the for the duration of the flight. send copies of the cargo canister ship-
capturedcargo, and quickly retumto as- How spikers get on-board the target
ping labels to neighboring systems via
signed space lanes before any aid can vessel usuallydepends on the situation
fast stutterwarp drone. These labels,
come to the pirated ship. at hand. Posing as a passenger is a which identify the contents, purchasing
Dividing the work load between two standard approach. Hiring on as a ship
agent, destination, and insurance car-
such vessels has several advantages. hand is another option, although new rier of a presealedcargo canister, make
The catch vessel doesn't have to allow crewmembers are normally kept under it easy to trace stolen goods. They are
for excess room for stolen goods. Nor close scrutiny. However, if a ship finds
very difficult to either forge or remove.
does it need to worry about the loss in To avoid the problem of these control
itself short due to the sudden disappear-
drive efficiency when such goods have ance or injury of a shipmate, an event
ships, the syndicate will often be forced
been taken, and the need for a fast get- all too easily arranged from the syndi-
to go outside the local stellar neighbor-
away is paramount. The carry vessel, hood to sell its goods. This, however,
cate's point of view, it is possible for a
with its larger storage space, can carry spiker to get close to sensitive areas of
brings up the problem of the basic in-
a much greater portion of a captured the ship. Stowing away in a prepared stability of pirate syndicates. Unlike
vessel's cargo, thereby increasing the cargo canister, even attaching them- legitimatetrading concerns, syndicates
profit margin on an expedition. If oper- cannot afford any delay in receiving
selves to the outside of the hull, are also
ated with care, the carry vesselcan also means spikers have used at one time compensation for their work; more
spy out potential targets while in port. or another. importantly,the longer the stolen cargo
is kept on hand, the greater the likeli-
Spikers a'hree-hmed Trade hood of the law catching up.
Another means by which syndicates Popular holo-vid representations In response to these problems, most
will bring a target vessel under control aside, the common pirate is not terribly syndicates have used the solution that
is by putting their own personnel on- has come to be known as three-armed
board before the ship leaves port. trade. A prearranged network is set up
Called "spikers," after the much-used with another syndicate or agents of
tactic of "spiking" the target vessel's life one's own organization, with buyers in
support system to render all on-board another arm of explored space. The
unconscious, these individuals will in- carry vessel, with its hold with stolen
filtrate the target vessel and attempt to goods, will rendezvous with another
disable the ship and/or crew in order to vessel in a relativelyuntravelled portion
make the intercept much easier. of space. They will then transfer the
They are the most specialized mem- stolen goods for some predetermined
bers of a pirate syndicate, having few form of payment. Most often this comes
space crew skills beyond some basic in the form of computerized money
training in ship drive and power plant chips, guaranteed at an established
engineering, while specializing in vari- banking location, or some other form of
ous forms of armed and unarmed goods. The "legitimate" carrier will then
combat, forgery, and infiltration. Arrest return to its portion of space, transfer-
reports indicate that there is a growing ring the stolen goods into "updated"
trend among spikers to have their nerv- canisters. The carry vessel will then
ous systems "hardened" by implanting proceed to port and deposit the money
computer interface ports intheir system chips, or dispense with whatever it
and micro processors in their cerebral gained in the transfer. The pickup ves-
cortex. These chips will have a variety sel will then continue on its regular cargo
GDW Challenge

run, or act as a carry vessel for one of Dock rocks come in a variety of
its syndicate's catch ships, or go make configurations, depending on the pri-
another pickup in some other system. mary use they serve for the syndicate
In such a fashion a considerable pirate teams. The most common is the
profit can be made. For example, a emplacement of an automated passive
pirate syndicate in the ChineseArm will sensor cluster. Left for long periods of
transfer its goods via pickup ships to time, they basically fill the role of slow-
ports in the French or American Arm. moving sensor drones, collecting infor-
The profits can be used to manufacture mation on the patterns of in-system
and/or purchase drugs, weapons, ille- traffic to helpthe pirateteam assess the allow the catch vessel to lie in wait for a
gal bio-mods,orwhatever the syndicate possibility of target acquisition and of greatly extended period of time, there-
finds itself dealing in, which can then be determining the search pattern of local by increasing the opportunity for lucra-
smuggled and sold to the proper buy- picket ships. tive targets. One rather impressive ex-
ers. Money made here is used to pur- Another common use of dock rocks ample was captured by the Manchurian
chase legitimate, high-techitems much is to provide long-term fuel cracking Space Navy last year. Discovered in the
in demand on frontier colony worlds. stations. This becomes necessary if the Qinguyuan system, it was foundto have
Once the freighters have emptied their catch vessel doesn't have any inherent two portable repair frames, living quar-
holds of their legitimate goods, they then refueling capabilities. Placed on float- ters for 20 crewmembers, passive sen-
proceed to rendezvous with carry ves- ing chunksof ice, the stations slowly re- sor array, a cargo area partially dug into
sels for another hold of hijacked cargo, duce the hydrogen and water into the surface of the asteroid, used for the
and the whole process begins anew. useable fuel for MHD turbines. Before storage of spare parts, and empty space
leaving the system the catch vessel will for the holding of captured cargo.
Doelk Rocks place the mechanismon another chunk Though not confirmed by Manchurian
The most pressing problem facing of ice. officials, there was at least one report
pirate syndicates is that of supporting Other configurations include hidden that the syndicate which controlled the
their vessels in space. This problem is caches of spare parts and ordnance, dock rock had begun construction of a
especially difficult for the catch vessel. repair equipment and supplies; even point defense laser system!
A carry vessel, when it needs servic- survival canisters have been discov-
ing, and if it has kept a suitably low ered. These allow the crew to stretch Hunting Grounds
profile, can usually enter the dockfacili- out, and they lessen the strain on the Pirates do not operate everywhere
ties of any orbital station. It is much vessel's life support system. Though in known space with equal impunity.
harder to explain a fast, highly armed, cramped and uncomfortable, they do Basically, piracy occurs where there is
and often unregistered vessel requiring allow for a small change of scenery. a high ratio of available cargo to the
service. If a pirate syndicate is being More importantly to the syndicate, they number of naval vessels running piracy
sponsored by one of the colonial gov- suppression operations. The Core
ernments, then arrangements can be worlds, with their teeming populations
made at naval facilities; however, even and abundant supply of both goods and
this creates problems as colonial gov- capital, have countless tons of free
ernors must at least pay lip service to shipping. They are also the home ports
the idea of fighting piracy. of all manner of fighting starships of the
Pirate syndicates alleviate this prob- space-faring nations. Such a presence
lem through the use of "dock rocks." can make any passing thought on fol-
Essentially, these are repair and sensor lowing the sweet trade a truly passing
units placed on small asteroids orbiting one.
either in the target system or in a sys- Newly explored systems usually
temon a minortravel route. The biggest have a very low military presence but
advantage of using dock rocks is their also a high number of places where
low profile. Placed on floating bits of pirate captains can tuck themselves into
debris common to most star systems, hiding. However, they have no com-
they are very difficult to spot by law merce to speak of, and newly settled
enforcement authorities. Barely big worlds tend to export high-bulk, low-cost
enough to be placed on navigation goods such as agricultural products and
charts and without sufficient mass for unprocessed ore. With the obvious
stutterwarp discharge, these asteroids exception of tantalum, such cargos are
are large enough to provide adequate not worth the effort required to grab
sensor cover for a vessel lying doggo. them.
Challenge GDW

Piratecatch and carry teams usually perpetrators under control. A number trade inthe FrenchArm. In addition, the
operate in systems which have made a of rather spectacular incidents have Imperial French Navy has announced
number of capital improvements and already taken place as a result of this that any pirate ship which accepts a
which have a high influx on new colo- policy. Letter of Marque to hunt Kafer vessels
nists. This is indicative of a settlement What is a concern is the fact that a will receive afull pardon for all previous
which is hungry for high-tech, low-bulk, growing portion of the smuggling activ- activity and protectionfrom future prose-
high-cost items which pirates love to ity that takes place in the AmericanArm cution. Although protested by some
capture. And while there is some form can be traced to the larger pirate syndi- national governments, especially the
of space guardor commerce protection, cates. This is especiallytrue inthe area Americans and Australians, these raid-
it is of a much lower density when of narcotics, which are manufactured ers have proven so effective, not only
compared to the volume of space and purchased using money gained in their attacks on Kafer shipping, but in
needed to be patrolled. from selling cargo stolen from hijacked finding ways to circumvent Kafer inter-
The relative newness of the system freighters. With the revelation of the dictions of stranded colonies, that the
can also mean that a number of safe smuggling/pirateconnection,both gov- detractors of this policy have been si-
places can be staked out and used on ernments have a much stronger resolve lenced.
a continuing basis. Having a high mix- to stop allforms of piracy,wherever they
ture of national and cultural groups in a may occur. They have even taken the GKjnese Arm
sector of space also works to the advan- controversial step of sending special The Chinese Arm, with various
tage of pirate syndicates-it allows for flotillas into the other two arms, hunting competing national interests and grow-
the exploitation of nationalistictensions down those syndicates with known ing economic expansion, and without
that develop. It is a well knownfact that smuggling connections in Australian- the burden of the Kafer War, has be-
during the Warof German Reunification American space. come the happy hunting grounds forthe
a number of Bavarian colonial officials modern, space-goingfreebooter. What
with unification sympathies looked the Fmmh is especiallydistubing is that apparently
other way when known pirates came With unbridled colonial expansion, not all the hijackings have been purely
snooping into their systems, as long as coupledwithtensions that were fostered for economic gain. A number of them,
it was understood that they restricted in turn by the War of German Reunifi- small but growing, have been for the
their activities to French commerce. cation, the Central Asian War, and the sole purpose of taking the people on-
Joian Rebellion, piracy was a booming board. The most famous incident oc-
PPRAGU business bythe endof the century. The curred when a vessel containing mem-
IN THE N S advent of the Kafer excursions, along bers of the Manchurian Olympic Team
With these influences in mind, what with the increased cooperation and was seized while on its way to partici-
follows is a general overview of piracy military presence it has brought, has pate inthe Paris Games. The damaged
in the three major sectors of human almost completely wiped out the sweet flight recorder indicatedthat the hijack-
explored space. ers rounded UD the crew and other Das-
sengers into space. The cargo, w'hich
Aarze~ean was found on the ruined vessel, was
With the limited access of the space intact.
lanes, the basically closed nature of the There has been some speculation,
arm itself, and the relatively homoge- all of it so far remaining without evi-
nous population, piracy on the Ameri- dence, linkingthis growingtrend with the
can Arm of space is a relatively minor recent upswing in terrorist activity along
problem. Added to this is the almost the arm.
wolfish attitude the American Space A growing influx of pirate ships from
Fleet and the Royal Australian Space the FrenchArm has changedthe nature
Navytake toward space hijackers. Both of pirate activity in another way. Unable
governments allow their space fleets to to continue operations due to the Kafer
operate underwhat is called a "freedom War and unwilling to accept a French
to fire" policy. pardon, these displaced hijackers have
Any navalcommanderwho believes come into conflict with already estab-
he has discovered evidence that a lished syndicates. A series of "pirate
vessel is participating and/or assisting wars" has broken out as the established
a piratical action has complete permis- syndicates defend what they consider
sion to use whatever means are at his to be their private hunting grounds,
disposal to prevent and/or limit the along with their attendant safe places,
extent of such action, and bring the dock rocks, and buying contacts. i2
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48 Challenge GDW

n stardate 212304.12, the do they care, that they will cross into
Sellain Colony was estab- Romulan space and thus begin a chain
lishedtosurveyfindingsof a of events that may very well lead to
long-deadcivilizationappar- interstellar war between the United
ently wiped out by a war thousands of Federationof Planets and the Romulan
years ago. The scientific colony found Star Empire. They only know what they
and cataloged ruins all across the must do.
planet, making a startling find late in
212406: A number of large structures INTRODUCTION
were detected beneath a range of jag- In this adventure, the player charac-
ged mountains. Rather than reporting ters are officers aboard astar Fleet ves-
this finding immediately, the leader of sel. Encounters take place in space, as
the scientific colony decided to further well as on planet, while the characters
investigate the range. The scientists battle an alien menace whose actions
managed to uncover a section of the threaten to bring war between the
undergroundstructure and attemptedto United Federation of Planets and the
cut through. Little did they realize that Romulan Empire. The players will be
the structure they were cutting into involved in determining the nature and
housedthe civilization's old, though still intentions of this threat, and will have to
active, defense complexes. Frozen for anticipate its moves to stop the menace
thousands of years by a computer mal- before it is too late. This adventure does
function, the complexes' automated not require any particular type of ves-
systems were freed by the scientists' sel, nor does it contain any pre-gener-
actions, unleashing weapons of terror ated playercharacters,so it can be eas-
and destruction. With the first cut from ily utilized by an existing Star Fleet
A Star n e k a hand phaser, the scientists had adventure group and their ship.
Ahendure opened a Pandora's box. Fromwithin a To the gamemaster, "Dragons' Flight"
half-collapsed cavern came a tremen- is a free-form adventure. Unlike linear
dous boom. Moments later, a huge scenarios, which are designed to carry
winged creature emerged, screeching, the adventure through a specific set of
from the cavern. What appeared to be plot lines, "Dragons' Flight" leads the
a dragon took to the sky, followed by players up to a major crisis point and
others. Soon, nearly two dozen mon- leaves them there to determine their
sters began clearing the invading own fate and to resolve the crisis which
humans from the their world. They has been unleashed upon them.
burnedthe humansenlementswiththeir The referee should read through all
breaths of plasma flame and ripped backgroundmaterialprior to the start of
down the buildings with talons of steel. the game in order to understand what
When the attack stopped, only a dozen the dragon fleet is, what it does and why,
or so colonists were alive to watch the how the Federation and the Romulans
dragons head up into the sky. will react to it, and so on. These can be
The few survivors are still in shock, found in the Gamemaster's Information
tryingto pullthemselvestogether. Inthe section.
meantime the dragons, actually auto-
mated alien attack ships, have already
begun a long journey across interstel- TheAdventure
lar space to visit the homeworldof their
ancient enemy. Though the enemy has SEWING THE STAGE
also been dead for thousands of years, As the game begins, the players are
destroyed by the same war, the drag- enroute to the planet Beta Reticuli Ill, a
ons' programming has not changed. world located roughly 4.5 parsecs from
They must carry out their mission to the Romulan Neutral Zone and site of
destroy the enemy, even though the the scientific research station of the
target world is no longeroccupiedby the Sellain Colony. The ship is under orders
enemy, but by a Romulan agricultural to deliver a cargo of special equipment
colony instead. They do not know, nor needed by the archaeological survey
GDW Challenge

taking place on that planet. EVfENTS

The colony has been studying a OF THE T DAYS
number of ancient ruins dating back The following paragraphs describe
before the formation of the UFP, possi- the events which led to the unleashing
bly even before the human race ven- of the dragons. Much of this information
tured into space. The players' ship is will not be known to the surviving colo-
travellingat warp 6 and is five days away nists, but is for the gamemaster's
from the colony when the communica- benefit. The players may learn of the
tions officer receives a message from events through tricorder logs, physical
the colony. evidence, questioning the surviving hole. The man screamed, then lost his
The message is badly distorted, and colonists, and so on. grip and fell to his death. None of the
the voice at the other end is obviously The alien underground complex was other peoplewere close enoughto him
terrified and nearly hysterical. In the accidentally discovered by colony sci- to actually see the laser beam strike his
background are the sounds of thunder entists on Stardate 212406.21.Tricorder head. As the group stood in shock, an
and of people screaming. "Help us. readings indicated massive under- inhuman roar came from within the
Dragons, dozens of them. Horrible. ground structures made of a dense chamber.
Destroying everything. Hundreds, material opaque to tricorder scans. Up Terrified by what they might have
dead. Bodies, horrible, burned." to this point, the researchers had little unleashed, the people fled. They sent
A loud, inhuman roar is heard in the more than piles of ruins and a few word of what had happenedto the other
background, and the voice screams in handfuls of artifacts uponwhich to base colonists via communicator, but they
terror. Static blasts the channel, then their studies. never reached their base. Within min-
nothing more is heard. Then the signal This new discovery was of tremen- utes, a loud explosion resounded from
is lost. dous importanceto everyone involved. within the cave, and a huge, winged
The colony leader, Dr. Alan Moxley, creature emerged--by all appearances,
ARRIVaL wanted to know more about what they a tremendous black dragon. As it took
AT THE SEL had found before letting the news out. to the air, it sounded out a horrible roar.
When the players arrive at the Sellain The research had been plagued by too It chaseddownthe fleeing colonists and
Colony, they will find it completely deci- many false alarms, and Moxley wasn't let out a fiery breath of white hot plasma.
mated. Where buildings once stood, about to let it happen again. Organized The dragon left the charred bodies and
only scorched and cratered ground into survey teams, the researchers continuedto fly around, lookingfor other
remain. Pools of melted steel are splat- probed the area in hope of finding shal- invaders. Soon more dragons emerged
tered about. Hundreds of charred re- low ground. He found what he was from the cavern until there were 20 in
mains of the colonists are scatteredeve- lookingfor in a huge, partially collapsed all. They proceededto destroy the col-
rywhere. Nothing remains standing, and cavern. Utilizing existing colony equip- ony, killing nearly everyone, and leav-
only a handful of people managed to ment, a work party was able to uncover ing not a single building or vehicle in-
survive the tragedy. The survivors, 15 part of a structure. Findingno openings tact. The survivors could only watch as
in all, are still in a state of shock and are and impatient over this new finding, he the dragons destroyed the colony and
in need of medical attention. They are used phasers on the structure. With then fled into the sky.
scattered about the countryside and phaser Ils on full power, he was able to
have been cowering in shadows since cut open a man-sized hole. Attempting S E C O m DISTRESS
the day of the attack. None of them have to visually probe the interior, the scien- While the players are locatingthe last
eaten or have had much sleep, too tists found a tremendous chamber with of the survivors they will receive a dis-
afraid to go out into the open and proportions so large that none of the tress call from the Remora-classescort
spooked by every sound. Some may be walls or the floor could be seen with the U.S.S. Tigershark. The vessel was
carrying hand phasers and will, more lighting on hand. respondingto the distress at the Sellain
than likely, shoot first and askquestions Tricorder scans indicated that the Colony when it ran directly into the
later. chamber was roughly two kilometers dragon fleet. The vessel immediately
If any of these survivors are rescued, long and nearly 200 meters tall. While comes under attack and is swarmed.
they will describe the events of the at- trying to see the floor of the chamber, The communicationsofficer of the Tiger-
tack and those that led up to the attack. the scientists heardthe sound of some- shark manages to broadcast a mes-
Each survivor's story will differ some- thing stirring in the darkness. Aglint of sage: "Mayday, mayday. This is U.S.S.
what, with some greatly exaggerating reflecting light from the scientists' lamps Tigersharkcalling. We are under attack
details, and others being in such a state showed movement. Asone man peered by a swarm of alien--objects. Shields
of shock that they remember nothing. in through the opening, trying to see are gone, maneuvering is gone, many
The actual events are described in the what lay below, there was a flicker of casualties. The captain is dead. We
following section. light and a small puff of smoke from the need help, please."The message ends
Challenge GDW

with the sound of ripping metal and shows in detail all of the action that spond. As many objects as possible will
rushing air. The last sound heard is that occurred on the bridge during the en- be engaged by the fleet as long as at
of voices screaming in a mixture of terror counter. least sixdragonships, includingthe four
and pain. The sound fades andthen the command ships, are still in reserve. This
signal is lost. A successful communica- TRE DRAGONFLEET mainbody will continue on course, while
tions systems operation roll will give the The dragonfleet is a force of 20 semi- dragonships engaged in combat will
players the coordinates of the vessel. intelligent robotic starships which re- continue fighting untilthe fleet is outside
At this point the players are at a major semble dragons of earth mythology. of sensor range. Engageddragonships
crossroads. They may stay at the Sel- They were constructed by the natives will then break off combat, if possible,
lain Colony to further investigate the of Beta Reticuli Ill to provide defense and returnto the fleet. If threateningves-
disaster there; they may head for the against planetary invaders and to carry sels pursue, the dragonships will strike
Tigershark to look for survivors; they out strike missions against enemies of out again and then break off. They will
may try to chase afterthe alien menace; the race. The fleet has been housed maintainthis cycle until the threat drops
or they may even leave a detachment within the protective confines of the behindor until the dragonfleet is clearly
of personnel to investigate the planet undergroundhangar complex for many in sensor range. In the latter case, the
while the players' vessel goes off to do centuries. Only recently has it been threat will then be fully reengagedagain.
something else. The gamemaster must released to once again carry out a Dragonships will also disengage from
now guide the players through the ad- mission to defend, or in this case, targets which are considered destroyed
venture as they searchfor away to stop avenge, the race. The dragonfleet is or neutralized.A target is destroyed if it
the dragonships. presently enroute to a world located produces no power output. The dragon-
across the Neutral Zone in Romulan ships can be fooled by tactics such as
space. The journey will last approxi- shutting down the ship's engines.
Gamemaster's mately 87 days as the fleet makes a However, they do possess a limited
direct dash at warp 6. Each dragonship memory and can recognize vessels they
Information within the fleet has the location of this fought with in the past. Dragonshipsare
world recorded in memory and is pro- semi-intelligent, and because of this,
TIGERSHMK grammed to let nothing slow the prog- they sometimes are able to temporarily
The U.S.S. Tigershark is the first ress of the fleet. The dragonships are bypass their standard programming to
vesselto encounterthedragonfleet. The identical in appearance and function do something unexpected. The game-
ship was a Remora Mkll-class vessel except for four command ships. These master may simply throw in a tactical
that was responding to the distress call have navigation and communications change or may roll percentile dice
from the Sellain Colony. Unfortunately, gear which is slightly more advanced whenever a programming decision is
the vessel's course brought it head on than the others. Though they appear made, such as breaking off from com-
into the dragonfleet. The ship was sur- identicalto the other vessels, a success- bat. There is a 10-percent possibility of
rounded by the oncoming fleet before ful communications systems operation a temporary tactical alteration at each
the crew knew what was going on. The skill roll will uncover a high-frequency major decision point.
dragonships attacked immediately and burst signal occasionally being broad-
quickly crippled the vessel. That is when cast from these ships. This roll should The DragonsMps
the Tigershark transmitted its distress be made once per hour, and the fleet A dragonship is not really a ship as
call. The dragonships then closed in, must be within sensor range of the ship. much as it is a semi-intelligent machine,
hitting the vessel with their energy When a vessel of the fleet detects a or robot, which resembles the winged
beams and blasting it with their plasma possibly hostile object, it will relay sen- dragons of ancient earth mythology.
bolts. One of the dragons rippedthe ship sor information to its command ship. These machines have dimensions very
open with its powerfultalons. The bridge Four dragonships are under each com- similar to medium-sizedstarships; they
was completelytorn openduringthis at- mand ship, and one of the command possess the capability of warp travel,
tack, along with many other areas of the ships additionally directs the other com- and carry weapons and shieldingjust as
ship. mandships. Informationis relayedto the a combat starship does. The primary dif-
As a last action, the Tigershark's first primary command ship, which decides ference between a dragonship and an
officer had the ship's recorder log how to react to the threat. If the primary average starship is that the dragonship
ejected clear of the dying vessel. This command ship is destroyed, then an- does not have a crew, so it is unable to
object is similar in appearance to, other command ship will take over for effect repairs quickly. However, it can
though much smaller than, a photon it. Normally,two dragonships will be sent still make some repairs to itself using a
torpedo. As it is equipped with its own in to destroy any object which outputs maintenance robot which roams its in-
locator beacon, it can easily be detected more than five points of power. If the terior. Also, a dragonship is controlled
among the debris floating near the hulk detected object outputs more than 20 by an semi-intelligent computer and is
of the Tigershark. The recorder log points, a second pair of ships will re- capable of performing some sophisti-
GDW Challenge 51

cated thoughts. It can carry out its onship, it will pass sensor data onto its
missionand can handle most situations. command s h i ~which
. will. in turn. relav
However, its actions are controlled by the informatiohto the prim&ycom'man~
its preprogramming. In cases of major ship. The primary command ship will
operations, a central computer unit with then decide how to respond to the
more complex programmingwill trans- possible threat. The level of the re-
mit orders to the dragonships through sponse relies primarilyon the size of the
the use of an extremely powerful set of detected object and its energy output
transmitters. The range of the dragon- levels. An object that is less than 1,000
ships' sensors is slightly less than the tons will be completely ignored unless Dragonships may maneuver in a tight
average sensor range of most Star Fleet it comes within close sensor range formationwith two ships sharing a single
vessels. When an unknown object (about four hexes in the Starship Com- hex. When in this formation, these
comes to within sensor range of a drag- bat Simulator)of any dragonship. Larger vessels can overlap their shields and
objects will be noticed out to maximum thus gain protectionfrom both. In order
detection range (about 20 hexes in the to use this tactic, two vessels must have
Starship Combat Simulator) if they the same facing and must travel to-
produce more than 5 points of power. If gether for a full turn. A ship which is
a dragonship is in pursuit of a vessel, it shielded by another ship receives one-
will continue to track and pursue until third protectionfrom that ship's shields.
the object pullswell out of sensor range All fractions are roundeddown. Any hits
(25 hexes). If a dragonship is in the midst taken by the ship go proportionallyto its
of combat, it will not stop until all power own shield as well as to that of the
output from a ship is reduced to zero. shielding ship. All ships must maintain
The standard combat tactic for an at- the same movement point allowance
tacking dragonship is to close with the and the same course in order to stay in
enemy for as long as possible, then this state. For example, two dragon-
open fire as soon as the enemy ship is ships are stacked together and are over-
within eight hexes or as soon as the lapping their forward shields. Vessel A
dragonship is fired upon. When attack- allocated 12 points, while vessel B allo-
ing, the dragonship will close as much cated 6.Total forward shield strength for
as possible, doing damage with the A is 14 points: 12+('/3x6). Total forward
plasma jet and maneuvering onto its shield strength for B is 10: 6+('/3XI2). If
target. If at the end of a movement ship A takes a 7-point hit, ship B's
phasethe dragonship is inthe same hex shields would take 1 point of damage,
as its target, it will make a physical at- while its own shield would take the
tack with its talons. To determine if the remaining -/-ship B is providing only
dragonship successfully hits with these, one-seventh of the shielding for ship A.
the gamemaster must roll one die for
each talon. If the roll is equal to 8 or less,
then the target receives 1 point of su-
perstructure damage. Shields may pre-
vent this damage. To determine if they
do, divide the strength of the shield the
dragonship came through by two, and
roll one die. If this roll is less than or
equal to the die roll, then all physical at-
tacks are blocked for this phase.
The Plasma Jet Damage Chart to the
right should be usedwhen resolvingfire
from the dragonship's plasmajet. These
weapons work on the same principles
as the Romulan plasma bolt weapon,
and the rules for conductingfire are the
Dragonships have a special capabil-
ity which makes them even more pow-
erful in a group than individually.
52 Challenge GDW

h i d e the Dragonship by and may have to try several times

The accessible areas within the before the conditions are exactly right
dragonship are almost entirely mainte- andthe code is accepted by the primary
nance access passageways. These command dragonship.
long narrow corridors meaiure a little
over a meter wide. The walls of the
corridors are all lined with what appear The Mien
to be large access panels, conduits, and
piping.The largest open area within the Complexes
dragonship is the control room, which
provides access to the ship's contolling These underground complexes were
computer and can also be used to pilot built by the natives of Beta Reticuli IV
the ship. Entry is through two doors lo- thousands of years ago as a strategic
cated on the port and the starboard forces control center-sort of the alien
walls. The conkol room is normally dark equivalent of NORAD.These were built
except for a circle of light surroundinga to protect the planet from invaders and
large control panel in the center of the also as a central command center for
room. As soon as someone steps into mounting strikes against enemy worlds.
this light, a number of view screens on The entire complex consisted of a
both the forward and aft walls will acti- hangar complex for housingthe planet's
vate. These screens show the view in robotic combat vessels, a pair of plane-
front of and behind the dragonship. tary defenseweapon stations, acentral
Smaller screens show actual parts of the computer control complex, andthe alien
ship's exterior. Afinalview screen shows command center. The great war which
a sensor display of all objects within brought an end to the aliens' civilization
maximum sensor range. The dragon- destroyedthe command center and one
ship's computer not only controls the planetary defense station, and left the
ship, but also contains a great deal of other damaged. With the loss of the
information that the players might be command center, the central computer
able to use to stop the dragonfleet. In automatically took control of what was
getting information from-the ship's left of the alien complex. However, a
computer, a character will have to use freak malfunction in the computer pro-
the same.methods as described in the gramming caused it to lockup, unable
main complex brain unit description of to performits missionof sending a strike
The Alien Complexes section. The in- force to the enemy homeworld. When
formationcontainedwithinthe computer the Federationscientific team broke into
will include missiondata, target coordi- the hangarcomplex, the event broke the
nates, recall instructions, and move- computer out of its critical loop andfreed
ment instructions. A tricorder can be it up to perform its mission. The follow-
used to store the information, or it can ing section details the underground
be sent to the players' ship's main complexes found on the Sellain Colony.
computer through use of a tricorder. For more details on the planet itself, the
Successful analysis of this information gamemaster should consult the Sellain
will require a successful Computer Colony section.
~~eratibn skill
s roll, which may be at-
tempted once per hour. The results of
the analysis will be the isolation of the Hangar
dragonship's recall code. The players
may then be able to transmit this code Complex
to the other dragonshipsto signal them
to return to their base. However, this The hangar complex is the most likely
must be done in such a way as to match location of entry into the alien complex.
the approximate signal strength and The complex is hidden beneath a jag-
wavelength as the ground-based trans- ged mountainside. Entry into the com-
mitteron Beta Reticuli Ill. For a starship plex is through a huge, natural-looking
to do this, it would have to be fairly close- cavern. This dark entrance measures
GDW Challenge

about 300 meters wide and 200 meters dark and gargantuan with areas that are
high. The cavern itself is about 2500 clearly lit from a distant source. The
meters deep, narrowing to 200 meters remaining dragonships will be launch-
wide and 50 meters high about two- ing withintwo hours, but the playerswill
thirds of the way in. Located about 500 not necessarilyfigure this out. For play-
meters into the cavern is a large door in ers in need of help, the gamemaster
the floor, measuring200 meters square. may hype up the readying sequence to
This passage will be closed, but will further indicate that the ships will be
open when approached by a craft of any launching-perhaps warning alarms,
size. When closed, the door is indistin- lights, and ships powering up. The located at the south wall of the hangar.
guishable from the floor. In the center dragonships can be damaged by accu- A set of four symbols will flash on one
of the door is a man-sized hole. A sec- rately placedphaserfire, but if the play- of the screens in regular intervals-this
ond door is located 1000 meters further ers do not knock them out quickly is a countdown timer. The symbols are
into the cavern. Beneaththese is a huge enough, a pair of security robots will be numbers,with the left digit countingfirst.
underground hangar. sent into defendthem. Also, the dragon- After one complete cycle, the next digit
The Hangar: The hangar is a huge ships may be brought to life. will change, and so on. The alien math
underground building measuring 2600 The Hangar Building: The hangar is based upon the number 6, so there
meters long by 800 meters wide with a building is the primary place to explore are a total of 6 different symbols, instead
ceiling clearanceof 190 meters. Numer- within the area of the hangar complex. of our 10.
ous lights shine down from the ceiling, It is a large, single-storybuilding meas- Security RobotIMaintenance Ro-
producingcircles of light on the floor 25 uring 300 meters long, 100 meters wide, bot Room: These two rooms are lim-
meters in diameter. This lighting, how- and 10 meters high. Two main en- itedto authorizedpersonnelonly, so the
ever, is not bright enough to illuminate trances into the building are located in players will not be able to enter in the
the tremendously high ceiling of the the center of the east wall and the north usual manner, as the doors will not open
hangar. Located in the ceiling of the east wall, with doors of the type normally for them. They are nearly identicalin ap-
end of the hangar and also near the familiar to the players. They are very pearance, and are both simply storage
center of the hangar are large doors heavy and operate by sliding openwhen rooms with three two-meter-squareplat-
covering 200-meter-square openings. someone is detected close to the door. forms located next to one wall.
These are dimlyoutlined by a thin string In addition, three large cargo storage Inside the security robot room is a
of lights. Directly below this is a pile of room doors are located on the north globe-shaped security device located
rocks identical to those found in the wall. All of the outer doors will work on the ceiling. This device will attack any
cavern above. Somewhere beneaththis automatically, with the exception of the unauthorized personnel. It is equipped
pile is the body of the first colonist who cargo doors. These are set to open only with a single standard laser and will take
was killed during the excavation.At the forthe maintenance robots. Most of the 100points of damage before it no longer
west end of the hangar is a set of three interior of the hangar building is dimly functions.
platforms, illuminated among the dark lit. The walls are of a smooth, plastic- Alien Cubicles Room: This room
surroundings. Upon two of these are like material which has the strength of contains a row of cubicles set into the
dragonships in various stages of repair. reinforced concrete. All interior doors east wall. On the opposite wall is a set
Inside one of the dragonships is a are of the hiddenlopen type that is of geometric shapes painted in varying
maintenancerobot handlingsome elec- described in the common locations and shades, mostly dark. As forthe cubicles
tronics repair. Next to the center of the objects section. themselves, they each measure ap-
south wall are parked three dragon- Main Hallway: This large corridor is proximatelythree meters square. There
ships. These vehicles have just been lined with structural supports forming is a panel on the northwall of each and
repairedand are being readiedto launch triangular archways every 20 meters. a picture on the south wall. If anyone
to protect the system from invading The corridor has no apparent purpose, enters the room, a doorwill close off the
vessels. Maintenance robots are load- as there are no doors into or out of it, west end. This door will only open for
ing the ships with fuel and other sup- except for the main ones which lead out the occupantwhen he attempts to leave.
plies. This will take them two hours to of the building. Gamemaster's Notes: These are
complete after the players arrive. The Flight Control Room: This room is privacy cubicles used by they aliens for
robots are getting the supplies from a very dark. A single spotlight will illumi- just about everything from eating to
building in the southwest corner of the nate apedestal inthe centerof the room. sleeping. The panel controls lighting,
hangar. This large building seems to be This light will operate as long as some- temperature, music, food output, and so
the source of a faint humming noise. one is inside the room. If someone on. A waste disposal door is located in
Gamemaster's Notes: The hangar stands in the light, the walls of the room the floor but is not visible, like most stan-
area is meant to be the first spooky will come alive with images of the han- dard doors. This door is controlled by
location within the alien complex. It is gar deck, focusing on the dragonships the panel on the wall.

Security Monitoring Room: The en- added to the list of active vessels and If all the people in the room step onto
trance to this room is locked, and pas- will be displayed on the screen. The the lit platform, then they will be trans-
sage is given only to authorized person- views will concentrate on the three ported immediately to the transport
nel. If the players manage to get in, by dragonships parked in the hangar. room in the main complex. If other
wits or by force, they will find a large, Status displays will be shown as the people in the room are not on the plat-
dark room. Surroundingthe center of the three ships appear to be coming to life. form, then the unit will delay for 20
room are three panels, each illuminated The room is only to monitor the ac- seconds. Any persons on the platform
in its own circle of light. If a person tivities of the fleet. If the players destroy will become surrounded by a forcefield
stands in any one of these circles, the anything in this room, it will have no which is unaffected by phaserfire. After
wall screens will activate, displaying effect on the status of the fleet itself. about 15 seconds, transport will take
changing imagesof the hangar complex Brain Room: This room is the access place.
and the building. center to the semi-intelligent computer Life-Suppofl Room: This narrow
At least one picture will always show which controls the hangar complex. This room is brightly lit (comparatively speak-
each group of characterswherever they unit does not controlthe dragonfleet, nor ing) and contains a single panel in front
may be, including in this room. If any does it control the planetary defenses. of the long west wall. On the wall itself
action takes place, it will be displayed It will, however, control the launch of the are four large indicators. These devices
here. Also, an overall map of both the dragonships now in the hangar and all are vertical bars reaching from the floor
hangar complex and the buildingwill be systemswithin the hangarcomplex.The to the ceiling. A red bar reaches from
displayed, indicatingthe positions of the room is smaller than most rooms in the the floor halfway up each indicator.
security robots as well as any intruders buildingand is unusuallywell lit.Asingle This is the life-supportsystem control
(the characters). panel is located in the center of the roomfor the entire hangar complex.The
Maintenance Monitoring Room: room. Onthe east, south, and west walls first of the indicators shows tempera-
This room is open to entry. It operates are large, translucent columns which ture; the second, pressure; the third,
exactly like the security monitoring display shifting patterns of colors in humidity; and the fourth, ionization lev-
room, except that the images shown on correlation to activity by the brain unit. els. While the control panel can alter
the screen will be from the point of view The walls encasing the brain unit are these levels, a built-in safety feature
of the maintenance robots. A view will shielded by a powerful force field. This prevents these from changing danger-
show the loading of the three dragon- field will absorb any normal phaser fire, ously.
ships, as well as the electronics repair but a fully charged phaser I1 set to Power Room: This large room lo-
of another dragonship. A large map of overload will knock down this shielding. cated at the far west end of the hangar
the hangar complex indicatesthe posi- The control computer is thenvulnerable building serves to fulfill all the power re-
tions of the dragonships and the main- to normal phaser fire. However, the quirements of the entire hangar com-
tenance robots. instant the shield is dropped, security plex. Taking up most of the floor space
Combat Monitoring Room: This robots will be sent to protect the brain in the west side of the room is a huge
room is opento entry. It operates exactly unit. shaft leading down into the darkness.
like the security and maintenancemoni- This unit can be deciphered and This is the core of the main power
toring rooms. However, this room is controlled in the same manner as the generator.
slightly smaller and contains only two brainunit inthe main complex. However, The shaft is 120 meters deep and is
panels. The view screens will project this unit only controls the hangar and the lined with energy field conductors,
any images transmitted by the fleet. hangar building, as well as the launch- control equipment, monitoring sensors,
Because of the great distances, there ing of the three remainingdragonships. and so on. The shaft is dark, but the
is a time lag of several days, so the Storage Room: The storage rooms walls contain numerous lights running
images will be several days old. These are large rooms accessible only to au- their lengths.
images will be constantly changing, thorized personneland maintenancero- Behindthe north and south walls are
showing views of the fleet, short- and bots.The rooms are stackedwith crates the hangar building's energy converters
long-range sensor scans, and ship and containers holding various repair and power storage units. Each of the
status displays. Also displayed here is parts. None of these are usable by the walls themselves have three large
a star map. A successful Astronomy or players. panels reaching from floor to ceiling.
Astrogation rollwill identifythis as a map Transport Room: This relatively These panels glow with a color indicat-
of the local sector. Ablinking light points small room is dimly lit and contains four ingtheir power storage status: Greenfor
out a star system in Romulanspace, and large, triangular platforms on the west low, blue for medium, and red for high.
a red triangle shows the position of the side. One of these platforms has a All these will normally be red unless
dragontleet. It is headingdirectly for the pulsating glow to it. This platform is the altered by a high power draw from the
blinking target. only one contained in a circle of light. brain unit, heavy use of the transport
Just as the players are about to leave Also, a faint humming sound can be device, charging and repair of the robots
this room, another set of ships will be heard coming from it. or dragonships, and so on.
GDW Challenge 55

corders to give false readings. At the

base of one of the transmitters is a
Main Complex locked access panel. Behindthis panel
is part of the transmitter circuitry. A
The main alien complex is the con- successful Communications Systems
trol center forthe dragonfleet and all the Technology rollwill revealthat this is an
planetary defenses. The complex is external tie-in to the transmitters. The
located 200 meters beneath a desert players will be able to tap into this cir-
plain. Four ventilator shafts lead up from cuit if a successful Communications
the complex to the surface; however, all Systems Technology roll and an Elec- standard door. Inside the lift car is a
of these have been long covered over tronics Technology roll are both made triangular panel which controls the
by the desert. at one-fourth skill level. This may be destination of the car. Pressing a part
attempted once per hour. The circuit of the panel will activate the lift. Reach-
LEWL OlaTE may then be used to broadcast signals ing the destination will take approxi-
Transmitter Devices: These large to the dragonfleet. mately 10 seconds per level travelled.
devices line the walls of the first level. Central Core: The central core is a Ventilation Shaft: This wide, deep
On the front wall of each is a pair of cross-shaped room which contains the shaft is located in the middle of the cen-
columns covered with large, window- complex's main life-support ducting, tral core. It is approximately 10 meters
like panels. These flicker and glow power conduits, and control equipment. square and runs from level one all the
moments before the devices begin In betweeneach of the arms of the cross way down to level two, 165 meters be-
transmission. is a large, round column that seems to low. The opening has a lighted band
When this occurs all nearby electronic be sunk into the walls. These are the surrounding it.
impulses on the planet's surface will be shafts for the complex's powered lifts. A horizontal band of light rings the
scrambled. Inside the complex, the Liftshafts:Each liftshaft contains six shaft at 20-meter increments.The walls
transmissionswill simply make commu- lifts lining the walls, each in its own cy- of the shaft are lined with ventilation
nications impossible and will cause tri- lindrical tube. Entrance is through a ducts, conduits, access ~anels,service
56 Challenge GDW

platforms, and so on. None of these will LEWL TTVO other containers which carry various
be of any major use to the players. The The Brain Unit :The maincomplex's spare repair parts and supplies. These
shaft ends at the ceiling of leveltwo, 15 brain unit occupies an area ringing the are used by maintenance robotsfor up-
meters off the floor. central core between levels one and keep and r e ~ a iof
r the complex.
two. This unit controls all the operations ~ a i n t e n a n c e l ~ e c u rRi to~b o t
of the complex, as well as the planetary Rooms: These rooms are identical to
defense systems and the dragonfleet. their counterparts in the hangar build-
If the casing which houses the brain ing except for the number of robots lo-
unit can be penetrated,someone might cated in each.
figure out how this computerworks. It is Transport and Life Support Rooms:
alien in design; however, many of the These rooms are identical to those
components are similar to those found found in the hangar building.
in modern Federation computer de- Alien Chamber: Located at the east
signs. If someone studies this device, end of level three is a large chamber
utilizingat least a sciences tricorder, the room containing a number of triangular
research may yield some results. For boxes. These are one meter high and
each day of study, a character must havetransparenttops. Inside each is the
make a Computer Technology roll and body of an alien being. A row of indica-
an ElectronicsTechnology roll, both at tors at the side of each show the vital
one-fourth skill level. A successful set signs of the occupant. The aliens are all
of rolls will indicate that the character dead, their now-reactivated life support
has managedto decipher the alien com- units having failed some centuries ago.
puter system and may be able to make
it operate as needed.
Making the computer operate prop- Locations
erly will require a successful Computer
Operation skill roll at one-fourth skill and Objects
level. This can be attempted only after
the computer system has been deci- Walls: The walls of the complex are
phered and can be retriedonce per hour. made from an extremely strong mate-
rial that feels like plastic, yet is very
L E m L THREE resistant to all forms of damage. The
Power Room: This room contains wall will absorb all damage from weap-
access to the complex's main power ons which do less than 50 points in a
plant. In the center of the triangular- single hit. Any damage beyond this will
shaped room is a huge shaft leading have a cumulative effect on the wall.
down about 225 meters, very similar to After the wall has received 200 points
the one in the power room of the han- of damage it will be holed; 200 additional
gar building. Located on either side of points will create a hole large enough
the shaft are panels usedto monitor and for an average-sized person to go
control power output. through. For these purposes, a phaser
Power StorageIConverters: Lo- set on disintegrate is assumedto do 100
cated inthe north and south ends of this points of damage.
level are the energy converters and Doors: Most of the doors within the
power storage units for the main com- alien complex are actually sections of
plex. On each of the walls facing the the wall which are equipped with a
central shaft are three large panels device similar in operation to the trans-
reaching from floor to ceiling. These porter. These units will automatically
operate in the same manner as those dematerialize the section of the wall
within the power room of the hangar when a person steps within one meter
building. These units provide power for of the door. Some doors are locked and
the complex, the brain unit, and the will only open to persons carrying an
transmitters. authorization device. Security and
Storage: These rooms are only ac- maintenance robots are both equipped
cessible to authorized personnel. Lo- with such devices.
cated here are numerous crates and Control Panels: All the control pan-
GDW Challenge em LIBRAW 57

els within the complex have a smooth, The laser weapon used by the security
solid surface. Apanel is divided up into robot has the same range characteris-
many control surfaces which are like tics as the hand laser. The stunner on
buttons, except that they are part of the the security robot has the same range
panel face and activate by sensing the characteristics as the phaser I-A set to
heat from the operator's touch. The stun.
internal electronics of these are similar
to modern Federation technology.
Deciphering one of these panels will Encounters
essentially require a successful roll on
a skill relatedto the function of the panel, in the Complex
giving the character studying the panel
enough knowledgeto figure out what the While the players journey within the
panel is for. This roll may be attempted alien complex, there is a chance of en-
once per hour, then a roll may be made counters occurring with the robotic in-
to decipher the exact controls on the habitants. The gamemaster should
panel. check for an encounter once every 10
This requires a successful roll on a minutesthat the characters move about
relatedskill, but at one-fourth skill level, inside the complex.
and it may again be attempted once per If the characters stay put in a single
hour. Operating the panel requires a location, the gamemaster should only
successfuI roll on the same skill, atone- roll once every 20 minutes.
half skill level. This may be attempted The primary encounter regionswithin
once per turn (10 seconds). the alien compiex are the maincomplex,
MaintenanceRobots: Maintenance the hangar, and the hangar building. The
robots are 1.8-meter-tallunits which are gamemaster should choose the appro-
usedto provide maintenance and repair priate table for each encounter and roll
within the alien complex and also on- one die.
board each of the dragonships. These
units are powered by stored energy and
will operate for 72 hours before need- The AZien Race
ing recharging. If the robot is inactive,
this can be stretched into several weeks. The people who once inhabited the
It will take two disintegrate hits to planet Beta Reticuli Ill, presently re-
destroy a robot. The first hit will immo- ferred to as the Sellain Colony, called
bilize it, while the second hit will destroy themselves the Ralkyde. This ancient
it completely. These robots will not at- race was something of a cross between
tack unless provoked. Even then, they humans and reptiles. The average
will only do so to defend themselves. Ralkyde was shorter and slimmer than with the lower digits to the left and the
Security Robots: Security robots a human, with longer, thinner arms and higher digits to the right. So that their
are 1.5-meter-tall, mushroom-shaped more powerful legs. Mentally, the Ral- "16 is equivalentto the standard human
units which are used to capture or ter- kydes were very much like humans, with number 61 (except that the 61 is abase-
minate any intruder within the alien slightly higher psionic capacity. They six number). The alien numbers are rep-
complex. These units are powered by also tended to have a bit more strength resented as the standard symbols
stored energy which must be replen- and endurance than humans and had a shown on the Alien NumericTable. Fol-
ished once every 48 hours. higher dexterity. lowingthese are some examples of the
The security robot's armor will absorb However, they were also much alien numerics translated into base six
100 hit points per turn from any weapon shorter-lived than humans, with an and decimal-based equivalents.
attacks. A disintegrate hit on the armor average life span of 40 years, and The Ralkydes were very group ori-
will completely destroy the armor only. possessed much less luck and cha- ented, with each individual working
Any further attacks will begin to dam- risma. One of the their most notable toward the betterment of himself
age the interior. When damage gets physicalfeatureswas the possessionof through the betterment of others. They
through the armor, the first 250 points only two fingers and an opposingthumb were also very isolationistic, not liking
done to the robot's interior will immobi- on each hand, which led to the race's to be disturbed by other races and not
lize it. If it takes an additional 150points, development of math based on the liking the fact that other races occupied
it will be completely out of commission. number six. Alien numerals are read the galaxy.
58 Challenge GDW

When the Ralkyde met their greatest eachother. The only examples left of the Federation can do to convince the
adversaries, the T'Lachnam, a race of Ralkyde are the bodies which are kept Romulansotherwise.Even if the Romu-
warrior humanoids, they were not sure inside hibernationcapsules inthe cham- lans are convinced that the dragonfleet
what to do. They did not want to make ber located at the bottom level of the is alien, however, that won't be enough
contact, but the T'Lachnam gave them aliens' main complex. for them. They will still hold the Federa-
no choice. The Ralkydewanted to push tion responsible for using the dragon-
away other races, while the T'Lachnam fleet as a tool of opportunity against the
wanted to conquer. The two races Romulan Star Empire, or will claim Star
fought for control over the local area of Fleet to be incompetent for not being
space and finally ended up destroying able to handle the situation. If the
212408.09: The dragonfleet leaves Romulans believe that the Federation
Sellain Colony and heads for Romulan can stop the dragonfleet,then they will
Space. threaten to attack Federation outposts
212409.18: The Lexena Transport unlessthe dragonfleet is stopped. If it is
S.S. Lufkin encounters the dragonfleet not stopped, then they willcarry out their
and comes under heavy attack. The ship threats.
broadcasts a distress signal, but is In the end, however, neither side is
destroyed before it is completed. really preparedfor war and will attempt
212410.06: The dragonfleet enters to prevent the situation from escalating
the Neutral Zone. The Shassarik con- greatly. The Romulans will settle for
tinues to tail it by order of Star Fleet. A getting even, or at least showing that
Romulanpatrol immediately attacks, but they are not weak. The Federation's
is nearly wiped out by the-overwhelm- goal is to stop the dragonfleet. If that
ing forces of the dragonfleet. fails, then it will simply try to keep the
212410.11:.ARomulanfleet is group- Romulans from doing too much dam-
ing, with the mission of making a age.
counter-attack should the Federation
not stop the dragonfleet.
212411.02: The dragon fleet destroys Combat Forces
the Romulan outpost and begins its
journey back to Sellain Colony. Those gamemasters with the neces-
sary materials and interest may wish to
enact some of the battlesthat may occur
Reactions betweenthe Federation, Romulan, and
alien fleets. For this purpose, a basic
As the game begins, the Romulans order of battle has been provided.
will know nothing of the ordeal as it is The Federation forces will not be all
occurring in the UFP. Once the grouped together, but will generally be
dragonfleet is spotted by a Federation split up into task groups spread out
starship and is determined to be head- across the border area.
ing for the Romulan Neutral Zone, Star The Romulans,on the other hand, will
Fleet Command may be under the im- probably be grouped into one or two
pression that the ships are part of a attack fleets if they move into Federa-
Romulan raid returning to base on the tion space.
other side of the Neutral Zone. Much
speculation will be flying about the in-
tent of the raid: Why did they attack? A Last Word
How long have they been operating in
Federation space? Are they all headed The gamemaster is encouraged to
back, or are there still more in Federa- readthrough this scenario carefully and
tion territory? It will be up to the players add onto it and fill in some of the details
to determine the true origins of the as he sees fit. This could include things
dragonfleet. like generating NPC stats for the sur-
In the meantime, the Romulans will viving colonists, adding hostile animal
consider the dragonfleet to be a crea- life to Beta Reticuli Ill, and so on.
tion of Star Fleet. There is little that the If the gamemasterwishesto put inthe
GDW Challenge 59

extra work, he may modifythe scenario

so that some of the aliens are still alive
to make things interesting and add a
new twist to the situation. This will also
require a great deal of work on the part
of the gamemaster.
~umerous details must be covered in
acase likethis, includingalien stats, per-
sonalities, reactions, technology, his-
tory, and so on. I had thought about Finally, the dragonships are a power-
putting this into the scenario, but to do fulforce to contend with, and even after
so would make it too large to print here. the scenario is resolved, it is quite likely
So, this is left up to the gamemaster. that all the ships will still be sitti~g
on a
The important point when actually world in Federation territory.
running the scenario is to keep up the Perhapsthis can leadto future adven-
mystery of the dragons. The players tures dealing with these ships.
should not know what they are facing- o Is the main computer still active?
keep them guessing and try to keep cr, Can it still command the dragon-
them worried. The trails of death and ships?
destruction left behind by the dragon- @ If the dragonships return, will they
ships should indicate something beyond simply sit forever waiting for orders, or
the usual Romulan, Klingon, or Orion will they take up other actions?
confrontation, but it should not lead the These are just some of the things to
players into thinking that this is simply a think about. Good luck and have fun. I
D & D adventure in the Star Trek uni- hope you enjoy playingthis scenario as
verse. much as I did writing it. SZ

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GDW Challenge 61
Challenge GDW

PLAMERS' IENa7RODUCTBON earn the credits necessary to pay off his It is also on this planet that the party's
It is mighty handy having smugglers debt. If the PCs do not have a smuggler smuggler was born. From here, he
join the Rebel Alliance. For one thing, intheir group, however, they can receive launchedout into space in hope of mak-
smugglers are experts at getting items this mission as an assignment from ing his fortune. If he can get Egot Pai-4-
past Imperial customs agents. For Rebel leadership, andthe smugglercan Yem's metaphorical claws out of his
another, they tend to be very seasoned be played as a non-player character. If pocketbook, he might yet succeed.
pilots and navigators-talents that the one of the party members is a smug-
Rebellion always has a demand for. gler, you should fill him in beforehand The Planet Hamidan
Perhaps most importantly, however, on some of the background information Harridan is aworld of wild, rocky cliffs,
smugglers bring numerous small, pri- for this adventure. He should know dim forests, and tempestuous seas. Its
vate vessels to the Alliance, allowingthe something about the world-if he has inhabitants are primarily human, al-
Rebels' other ships to concentrate on not already chosen a homeworld, Har- though there is a healthy mix of alien
larger actions. ridan can serve as his own. The smug- types as well-some almost never seen
People tend to forget that smugglers gler should also be somewhat familiar in other parts of the galaxy. The planet's
are often in hock up to their eyelids to with the description of Egot Pai-4-Yem, cities tend to be haphazardly laid col-
less than savory "businessmen," indi- the crime lord who holds the title to his lections of buildings made from all sorts
viduals who would love to seize the ship. Finally, the smuggler will need to of materials, ranging from wood to stone
smugglers' ships shouldthey default on be cognizant of Egot's instructions for to plastisteel and formex. Almost all
their loans. Naturally, a smuggler's making contact so he can explain them business is conducted by small, in-
dream is to gather enoughcreditsto pay to the rest of the group. tensely independent firms, and many of
off his indebtedness, but making the The instructions are, as revealed them operate on the very edge of Har-
payment is often extremely dangerous. below, to arrive at Spaceport City, check ridan's few laws. Population in the cit-
Crime lords and loan sharks are notori- into the Lullaby Motel as honeymoon- ies is extremely high, and traffic reflects
ously untrustworthy, always looking for ers, and wait for further instructions. Ob- this fact. Spaceport City's twisted
some way to take the payment and still viously, a mate is going to be neededto streets, for example, are full almost
seize the ship, even if it requires mur- keep up the fiction of being a newlywed around-the-clock with all sorts of traffic,
der. In this adventure, you will have a couple. If no members of the opposite rangingfrom pedestrians to foot-drawn
chance to travel to the planet Harridan sex are in the party, or if none will sub- taxis to expensive hover vehicles. Listed
with a smuggler friend and help him find mit to playing the part of the smuggler's prices for goods and services are also
the crime lord he is indebtedto in order new spouse, an appropriate NPC will very high in these cities, but it is ex-
to make payment infull. If you are brave have to be convinced to help out. This, pected that the customer will haggle
and resourceful,you might even survive in itself, could comprise a whole sepa- them down to a reasonable level.
the experience. rate episode, andthe GM should be pre- Weapons are often seen in public, but
pared for such possibilities. as is the case throughout the galaxy, us-
ing weapons unthinkingly or carrying
Adventure Background large weapons and heavy body armor
NG! Located on the fringe of Imperial in public are sure ways to draw unwel-
If you intend to space, the planet Harridanwas original- come attention to oneself. And Harri-
ly used as a prison colony in the dim dan's police forces are more than ready
be a player in this ages past..Even after it was opened to to dispense their own brand of justice
adventure, you should full colonization, it continuedto draw the on the streets.
read no further. The rogues and rebels of the galaxy. To-
gether, they built a society in which laws Egot Pai-4-Yem
material that follows were kept to a bare minimum, and cun- Egot Pai-4-Yem is a tall, almost skele-
reveals information ning and daring were the two most tal humanoid with large, staring eyes
only a gamemaster admired qualities a being could pos- and saggy, corpse-colored skin. His
sess. It was on this wild and woolly lisping voice echoes deeply from his
should possess. frontier world that the perfidious Egot large, bony chest. Behind his mournful
Pai-4-Yembegan, just afew years ago, appearance, however, lurks a quick,
to set up his criminal empire, in the very cruel mind that has ordered the deaths
GME: TIER'S heart of Harridan's capital, Spaceport of hundreds. Egot cannot stand to admit
IN17RODUCTION City. Egot quickly came into conflict with defeat, and as a consequence, he
It is best if the player characters' party the city's various ruling powers, but he sometimes lakes incredible risks in
already includes a smuggler, and the has demonstrated a real talent for elu- order to gain the upper hand in a situ-
smuggler has, in working for the Rebel siveness, always remaining just out of ation. Numerous scars attest to the
Alliance, had enough opportunity to the authorities' (such as they are) reach. number of dangerous scrapes he has
GDW Challenge g;h@
\ - g$
i-f@Rfi&y 63

gotten into because of his pride. Due to approaches. Just before it closes to
his cadaverous appearance, and also tractor beam range, the PCs should be
because of his deadliness, Egot is of- able to make the jump to hyperspace,
ten referred to on Harridan as "The leaving Egot to face the Empire alone.
Boneman," a fact that will be very im-
portant to the players in this adventure. EPISODE ONE:
Adventure Summary At the urging of the group's srnug-
Having decided to help their buddy gler, the player characters are con-
pay off his debt to the evil Egot Pai-4- vinced to journey to the Harridan sys- not they have come on a fool's errand.
Yem, the player characters accompany tem to pay off a debt of 25,000 credits But in the spirit of a Star Wars adven-
their smuggler friend to the planet Har- to the evil crime lord Egot Pai-4-Yem. ture, do not tediously play out each hour
ridan. Their plan is to land quickly, Along the way, the smuggler player can of waiting. Instead, mentionthat an hour
contact the crime lord, pay him his tell the rest of the group what he knows passes, then two, then six, and so forth,
money, and quickly leave again. Imme- of Harridan and Egot Pai-4-Yem, ex- then jump aheadto the next stage of the
diately upon entering the Harridan plaining in particular his instructionsfor episode.
system, however, the PCs discoverthat contactingthe crime lord. All the smug- That next stage is brought about
things are not going to be that simple. gler knows for sure is that he was told when a bottle of very cheapchampagne
For one thing, there is an Imperial Vic- that if he ever needed to contact Egot, is sent to the "honeymooners." A card
tory-class destroyer, the Titan, orbiting he and acompanion of the opposite sex attached simply says, "From a friend."
Harridan, indicatingan Imperial interest were to check into the Lullaby Motel, a Enclosed in the card are two tickets to
in the world. Cautiously passing the sleazy establishment just outside the the Museum of Flight on Nelson Boule-
destroyer, the party lands in Starport spaceport's bulk cargo gate. When vard.
City and follows Egot Pai-4-Yem's in- checking in, he and his companion are
structions concerning how to contact supposedto sign the motel's registeras The Snaftcher
him. In so doing, they may end up chas- "Henry and Martha Buntwhistle." Then When the PCs step out into the
ing a purse snatcher, visiting a museum, they are simply supposed to wait for street to haila taxi for Nelson Boulevard,
brawlingin a cantina, traversing the city further instructions. They are expected a purse snatcher grabs the satchel full
sewers, and holding a firefight with to be able to re-
blasters in an abandoned warehouse, spond at a mo-
a firefight that is cut short by the arrival ment's notice, so
of scores of Harridan's police. they should have
In the ensuing confusion, Egot and a satchelwith the
his closest bodyguards escape, acci- 25,000 credits
dentally leavingthe title to the smuggler inside at hand at
PC's ship behindwhere the Rebels can all times.
easily pick it up. If they don't pick up the
title, the police will--either way, it's out Contact
of Egot's hands. Decidingthat they hon- The GM can
estly tried to pay the debt and that pos- have Egot's rep-
sessing the ship's title frees them from resentatives take
Egot's power, the player characters some time, may-
should be able to lift off from Harridan be several days,
and prepare to return home. For some to make contact mer support you deserve, like individual
reason, the Imperialdestroyer, Titan,or- with the "newly-
bitingthe planet, gives them a thorough weds." This time
going over as they leave and follows of waiting may
them as they head for their hyperspace make the smug-
entry point. As the PCs pass Harridan's gler begin to feel
small moon, a tiny fighter craft attacks a little foolish,
their ship in a kamikaze-likeeffort to de- and it can gener-
stroy them. The group is quick to learn ate some light-
that it is Egot Pai-4-Yem trying to gain hearted fun as
vengeance for their having brought the the rest of the
police to his doorstep. Drawn by the group wonders
battle, the Imperial destroyer quickly aloud whether or
64 Challenge GDW

of credits and begins running through from pullingout blasters and blowingthe consists primarily of a circular edifice
the crowds and traffic. (For the snatcher away. Describe the heavy surrounding an outdoor aviary. But
snatcher's statistics, see page 68.) crowds of innocent bystanders through extending to either side along the front
Naturally, the PCs follow him. After which the snatcher is running. Explain entrance of the building are two straight
chasing him for several blocks (and to them that the difficulty number to hit wings (see the diagram). Upon enter-
probably becoming scattered in the the snatcher in such circumstances is ing the museum's front doors, the PCs
process) the group's faster members at least 30 and that they cannot use a find themselves facing another set of
begin to close on the snatcher, and he Force Point to increase their chances double doors that leads to the central
drops the satchel and melts into the without being awarded a DarkSide point courtyard. Through the large windows
crowd. The PCs take a few moments to for using the Force irresponsibly. Tell in these doors an immense outdoor
make sure all of the credits are there, them that the streets are full of young aviary can be seen, filled with hundreds
then they probably reassemble and re- children who have just been let out of of colorful native birds.All the building's
sume their trip to the museum. What the school. Do whatever is necessary, but interior corridors are lined with exhibits
group does not know is that the purse don't let them shoot the snatcher. The of flighted things, including paintings,
snatcher was a plainclothes police players have no way of knowing it, but sculptures, photo displays, and even
officer who grabbed the bag simply to their survival in the warehouse scene dioramas. Included in the displays are
plant a bug on it. The bug is a hair-thin might depend uponthe police havingfol- native birds and insects, a gliding lizard
wire that has been slipped into one of lowed them. The referee should use the the size of a doberman, and models of
the bag's seams. (If someone very same tactics to keep the PCs from man-made objects such as kites, glid-
closely inspectsthesatchel, they should shooting the disguised police who trail ers, planes, repulsorlift vehicles, and
make a Perception roll to find the bug. them throughout the adventure. If they even spacecraft. The plaques beneath
The referee may have to find another do shoot the police, they may have to the displays identify them all as having
way to get the police to the warehouse make a genuine escape from jail at the sprung from Harridan. Strangely
scene later in the adventure.) Fromthis end of the adventure. enough, in the northern wing, near the
point on in the adventure, members of end, there is even a model of the smug-
Spaceport City's police force will be EPISODE TWO: gler character's ship.
following the player characters at all THE TMUSEeTNd OF FLIGI-IT If the Rebels examine this model
times, and the more perceptive mem- After retrieving the satchel full of (andthey certainly should),they will note
bers of the party might notice this, al- credits from the purse snatcher in the that the plaque beneath it identifies it as
though they will have no way of know- last episode, the Rebels continue on to the Minnow Hawk, a primitive glider in-
ing that the shadowers are the police. the Museum of Flight. Arriving at the capable of sustained flight for more than
In running this portion of the episode, museum, they have some time to ex- 20 seconds at a time, and then only if
the referee should workto keep the PCs plore the place. The Museum of Flight the winds are still. A closer look at the
GDW Challenge 65

display and a successful Perceptionroll umguards'statistics.) However,through

of Very Easy difficulty will revealthat the the exit, just across a narrow alley, the
model is not actually attached to the group will spot the entrance to a sleazy
pedestal upon which it rests. In fact, little cantina with a sign that says, "The
there is evidence that a previous model Boneman's Rest."
was here but was torn off the pedestal,
leaving some splinters of plastic and EPISODE THREE:
wood behind. At this point, if the GM THE B O m 'S REST
desires, a museum security guard can The Rebels have had a couple of
accost the group, demanding that they tense moments (the Victory-class ship, break up the fight. With all the con-
"please refrain from touching the dis- the purse snatcher, and possibly some scious brawlers cooperating, the em-
plays." If his interest is drawn any more trouble with guards at the Museum of ployees quickly find themselves hard-
(suchas by party members arguingwith Flight). They have had a puzzle or two pressed. What is more, a few of the
him), he will notice the splinters and to solve, but probably have been in no sleazier looking customers begin to
accuse the PCs of breakingthe display, real danger. When they enterThe Bone- stalk the waitresses. It is assumed that
then leave to report them to the museum man's Rest, however, they find them- the PCs will attempt to aid the belea-
director. This event can be especially selves stepping into the middle of afight.
guered employees, recognizing that
useful in getting the party moving again, Inside the cantina, a dozen customers those employeesare likelyto be the next
if its members have been stalling or are engaged in a spirited brawl, and a link in their attempt to reach Egot Pai-4-
wasting time.) bartender and a waiter are wading Yem. If they do not choose to join the
Finally, if someone in the Rebel through the press, wielding blackjacks fight, some of the brawlers will begin to
group succeeds at a Moderate difficulty on the ringleaders. Three barmaids attack the PCs. As new entrants in the
rollversus his Perception, it will become stand near the door to the kitchen, with fight, the Rebels can conduct one
obvious that the modelof the smuggler's expressions ranging from disgust to complete round of actions before the
ship has been positionedto point toward jaded boredom. (See the map of The brawlers become aware enough of their
the exit at the end of the wing. The only Boneman's Rest and the cantina occu- presence to fight back. If, despite these
problem is that the exit bears a big sign pants' statistics.) advantages, the PCs still find them-
that says "Use This Exit Only in Case of selves fighting a losing battle, the GM
Emergency." Opening the door will set Joining in the Brawl can have afew new cantina employees
off a raucous alarm, bringing museum As the Rebels take this in, they will enter the scene from the main entrance.
security people runningto the area, and notice the brawlers begin to turn their These additional employees have come
causing spectators to mill about in attention from each other to the bar- to relieve the earlier shift of workers in
confusion. (See page 68 for the muse- tender and waiter who are trying to running the cantina.
Challenge GDW

Mter the Brawl business. Flanking Egot are two huge ception will reveal the title to the smug-
After the fight is finished, the can- bodyguards, and a quick glance around gler's ship layingout on Egot'stable, left
tina's bartender will call the local police the warehouse reveals another dozen behind in his sudden flight. If the PCs
to come and collect the brawlers. Since guards watching the streets outside are still in the building when the police
the PCs fought on the side of the em- through the grimy windows. (Statistics break in, the police will size up the situ-
ployees, the policewill be content to let for Egot, his bodyguards,andthe dozen ation, and, realizing that the PCs are
them remain after a quick questioning guards are given on page 68.) fighting Egot's men, they will not fire
forfacts.The waiter will show the Rebels Shortly after the PCs enter the upon the PCs unless the PCs attack
to a table and hand out menus. While warehouse, Egot will call down to them them first or try to escape (through the
the PCs look them over, a few new from his perch atop the office structure. tunnel-all other exits are covered by
customerswill enterfromthe street, and "Stan'ware jue arrh he says, "Ahh (in- police outside).
soon the cantina will be conducting sert smuggler's name, suitably slurred), If the PCs succeed in escaping down
business as if nothing untoward had mah fren, id iz zoe goot to see jue again. the tunnel, either before or after the
happened. Jue brod yeh creditz?" Upon receiving police enter the warehouse, they will
Only a pile of a few broken chairs an affirmative answer to this question, have a few bare moments before the
remains near the kitchen door as testi- Egot orders that one PC (a female if one police follow them. Ifthe Rebels escape
mony to the earlier action. Lookingover is present) bringthe bag upto him, while from the police, they will be sought
the menu, the Rebels will quickly spot the others remainwhere they standwith throughout the city. Only if they quickly
"Egot's Lava Crab Feast (price variable their hands in open view. Before the leave the planet will they escape. If the
with season)." Anyone who orders this chosen Rebel can act, however, a new police capture the PCs, they will ques-
dish will be asked, "Would you please factor enters the situation. One of the tion them thoroughly, giving them avery
come backtothe kitchento pickoutyour guards watching out the windows at the tough time about associating with a
crab?" front of the buildingsuddenly turns and notorious crime lord. During their time
In the kitchen, the group will be cries, "Hey boss! The streets are with the police, the Rebels will learn of
shown to an aquarium containing afew swarmin' with cops!" Egot leaps to his the bug that was planted by the purse
rock crabs. The waiter will pretend to feet, shouting at the Rebels, "Jue led snatcher in the first episode. After a few
look themover, then tell the Rebels, "I'm yem here doo trrap me!" Then, as he hours the police will let the Rebels go,
sorry, but our selection appears to be and his two bodyguards prepareto flee, warning them to choose their acquain-
very poor at the moment; perhaps you he points at the PCs and orders hisother tances more carefully, and confiscating
would like to speak to the manager men, "Kill yem!" the 25,000 credits as "evidence against
about it." Upon receiving an affirmative the crime lord." Any argument on this
reply from the PCs, he will lead them to The Battle point will result in threats of detention
a trapdoor in the kitchen floor and bid in the Warehouse and even of beingturned over to the Im-
them enter. Under the trapdoor, the As the battle begins, Egot and his perials in orbit as troublemakers.
group finds a ladder leadingdown about two bodyguards disappear beyond the The GM may wish to remind the
15 feet into the city sewer-a subsur- edge of the platformon which they were playersthat, on Harridan, the police are
face tunnel that leads toward the east. standing. They are headed for the little betterthanthe criminalsthey battle.
hangar near the back to escape in a Assuming that the Rebels are not de-
ODE F waiting fighter craft, the Razorshark. tained by Starport City's police, they are
TS (See page 68 for details on this craft.) A free to leave Harridan.
Following the tunnel, the Rebels few rounds after the action begins, the
walk about 200 yards before coming to building will be shaken by the takeoff of
its opposite end. There they find another Egot's escape craft. While nine of Egot's
ladder leadingto atrapdoor above them. guards turn and fire upon the Rebels, The Rebels did what they could to
If they listen at the trapdoor, they will the remaining three (those nearest the complete their mission, having lost the
hear, at most, a muted echo as of dis- warehouse's main entrance) concen- 25,000 credits to police but perhaps
tant voices in an enormous space. trate on holding off the police outside. having found the ship's title they came
In each round, one of the three door for. Even if no one picked up the ship's
Egod9sLair guards will be incapacitatedby fire from title in the warehouse, police will proba-
Upon exiting the tunnel, the PCs the police, and on round four the police bly have confiscated it, so it is no longer
discover themselvesto be in the middle will actually enter the warehouse (or in Egot's possession. The Rebels now
of a vast, nearly empty warehouse. (See sooner if the GM needs them to save have only to leave the Harridan system
the diagram for the layout of the ware- the PCs). The details of what happens and head back to headquarters.
house.) At the north end is a group of duringthe firefight will depend uponthe
offices. Atop this is another open area, actions of the PCs. If any of the Rebels Irmpedal Inspeetion
and it is here that Egot Pai-4-Yem sits, make it to the platformuponwhich Egot Lifting off from the planet will be no
like a king on his throne, conducting had his seat, an Easy roll versus Per- problem, assuming that the PCs have
GDW Challenge

spoken with the police about the fight in actuality, the destroyer has no reason
Egot's warehouse or, if they ranfrom the to suspect the PCs of any wrong-doing.
police, that they have wasted no time in This event is merely included to in-
getting back to their ship. Once in or- crease the players' tension as they
bit, however, they find that the Imperial prepare to leave the Harridan system
destroyer, Titan, takes a very close in- and to make sure they realize the de-
terest in them for some reason. The stroyer is watchingthem-afact thatwill
commander of the Titan demands that be important during the next event.
the PCs halt and allow a customs in-
spection team aboard to look their cargo Egot's Revenge quickly draws the attentionof the Impe-
over. If the PCs comply, the customs of- Leavingthe Titan behind, the Rebels rial destroyer once again, and it ap-
ficials will come aboard and conduct a continue on toward their hyperspace proaches rapidly, disgorging TlEfighters
very superficial inspectionbefore return- jump point. Along the way, they pass as it comes. Shaken by fire from Egot's
ing to the destroyer. near Harridan's moon. Unexpectedly, ship, the Rebelswork frantically to reach
If the PCs try to escape, the Tifan from the surface of the moon a small their hyperspace jump point before the
will snagtheir ship in a tractor beam, and fighter vessel, the Razorshark,launches Titan's TIE fighters can close and be-
the inspection will be more thorough, itself at the PCs' ship and begins to fire fore Egot cripples their ship.
possiblyfinding any illegal modifications upon them. Over their vessel's com- The GM can play up the dramatic
made to the ship. If this is the case, the municator, the PCs hear the voice of tension of the scene by interspersingde-
Rebels will still be able to avoid trouble Egot Pai-4-Yemswearing"le will dizdroy scription of the RazorsharKs attacks
by paying a bribe to the leader of the in- jue!" with radio messages between the TIE
spection team, who hints very strongly With this, they discover that the Ra- fighters as they close ("Fifteenseconds
that such a payment would be favora- zorshark is the vessel in which Egot to contact: Lock on targeting computers
bly looked upon. Once the PCs'vessel escaped from the warehouse earlier, and arm your laser cannons").
has passedinspection, it will be cleared and he has been lurking on Harridan's Just before theTitan3 TIEScome into
to leave, but just as it is beginning to moon, waiting for this chance for re- range, the Rebel ship will reach its jump
move away, the Titan will radio for the venge. (See page 68 for statistics on the point. If the PCs have not already de-
PCs to halt once again, as the computer Razorshark.) Egot has no real hope of stroyed Egot's vessel by this time, the
check on their vessel's serial number destroying the Rebels' vessel, but he last thing they see as they leave the
has turned up a few abnormalities. has been driven almost to madness by Harridansystem is the TIE fightersfiring
A recheck reveals that the computer his anger at them. Unfortunately, the upon him. With this, they make the jump
operator merely entered an incorrect Rebels do not have the leisure to do to hyperspace and head toward their
digit, and the PCs are free to leave. In battle with Egot, since the fighting next adventure, wherever it may lie.

------ --

Lower Level
68 Challenge GDW


DEXTERITY: 4D Brawling: 3D Brawling: 4D
Dodge: 4D+2 Waiter Weapons: Blackjack (as club) All Other Attributes and Skills: 2D
Melee Pany: 4D+1 Bodyguard Weapons: Blaster rifle, vibro-
PERCEPTION: 3D EGOT PAI-4-YEM axe, bayonet
Hidelsneak: 4D DEXTERITY: 3D+2
Brawling: 4D Dodge: 4D DEXTERITY: 3D
ClimbingNumping: 4D+1 KNOWLEDGE: 4D Blaster: 3D+ 1
All Other Attributes and Skills: 2D+1 Streelwise: 4D+2 Dodge: 3D+2
Snatcher Weapons: Bayonet MECHANICAL: 3D All Other Attributes and Skills: 2 0
Starship Gunnery: 3D+2 Guard Weapons: Blaster pistol
MUSEUM GUARDS Starship Piloting: 4D+1
All Attributes: 2D Starship Shields: 3D+1 THE RAZORSHARK
Blaster: 2D+2 PERCEPTION: 3D Craft: Wyndham Systems small fighter
Museum Guard Weapons: Blaster pistol, Bargain: 4 0 Type: lntrasystem Fighter Craft
club Command: 3D+2 Length: 7.1 meters
- CUSTOMERS Con: 4D Crew: One pilot
All Attributes: 2 0 STRENGTH: 3D Passengers: Three
Brawling: 2D+2 TECHNICAL: 2 0 Cargo Capacity: 90 kilograms
Egot's Weapons: Heavy blaster pistol, Consumables: One day
CANTINA BARTENDER vibroblade Hyperdrive Multiplier: None
All Attributes: 20 Nav Computer: None
Melee Parry: 3 0 EGOT'S BODYGUARDS Hyperdrive Backup: None
Melee: 3D+1 DEXTERITY: 3D Sublight Speed: 6D+1
Brawling: 3D+2 Blaster: 4D Maneuverability: 4D+2
Bartender Weapons: Blackjack (as club) Brawling Parry: 3D+2 Hull: 1D+l
Melee: 4D Weapons: Three laser cannons (fire linked)
C-A WAITER KNOWLEDGE: 2D+1 Fire Control: 40
All Attributes: 2 0 Streehvise: 2D+2 Combined Damage: 5D+1
Melee Parry: 2D+1 Survival: 3D Shields: 1D+2 Q

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GDW Challenge 69

If it may please your most Gracious Lord,

Here is my preliminary research report on Com-
pany A of the Legiones Astartes lceriver Guards
Chapter. Although this is but one of 1000 chapters
found within the Imperium, certain information has
only recently come to my humble attention, includ-
ing notes I have just located on the chapter's home
world, uniforms, and rites, and specifics on its per-
sonnel profiles, equipment, and capabilities.
I realize this information is not complete in every
detail, ~articularlvin the area of cha~terhistory, but
I beg bi you to acknowledge that my project st"dies
remain unfinished. I promise to have more for you
in the future. Chapter
A Marine TO & E

Temple of Vega
By John A. Theisen

o the lceriver Guards, the planet New

Coventry is called home. This hostile
and frigid world, on an edge of the gal-
axy near the Imperium's frontier, can
best be described as a cross between extreme
arctic wilderness and a Death World. When ad-
Not too horribly bad-for a start. vance scouts were searching for a suitable planet
on which to base the chapter, this one was rejected
You may yet prove worthy of the title at first, due to the plethora of unfriendly life forms
inhabitingthe surface. However, a relativelyremote
oceanic island was spotted during the second
overflight. The chapter's Imperial commander
Lord Argus, agreed it could be cleared and settled. In short or-
Instructor of Scribes der, the area was sterilized of native life and a
fortresstrnonastery was established.
The presence of a base on New Coventry is
neither a closely kept secret nor is it widely publi-
cized. Few citizens of the lmperium have heard of
the world, and its existence as a base is not com-
mon knowledge even among members of the Ad-
ministratum. Though officers are at liberty to dis-
close their origin, the guards' standing policy has
been to volunteer information only upon demand.
The fortresstrnonastery is an elaborate complex,
both above and below ground, with sophisticated
quarters, laboratories, and relatedsupport facilities.
Though excellent surveillance is maintained in all
Challenge GDW

directions,the chapter base defenses emphasize protecting 1ST SQUAD

against orbital assaults since this is seen as the most prob- Sergeant
4 4 6 4 3 1 4 1 1 9 9 8 8
able direction of attack. This island is the sole location free Knife, bolt pistol, hand flamer
of native life, and all major landmasses and bodies of water Special Weapons Marine
remainfilled with predators not uncommonto DeathWorlds. 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
To date, the fortress has never been attacked. Knife, bolt pistol, needler
Special Weapons Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, heavy bolter
Regular Marine
The lceriver Guards' color scheme is ultramarine bluewith 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
pea-greenand brown. Armor is generally paintedthis shade Knife, bolt pistol, lasgun (bolt pistol)
of blue with three wavy stripes (green, brown, green) run- Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
ning down the lengthof both sides from helmet to soles. The Knife, bolt pistol, lasgun (bolt pistol)
width of the stripe is an indicationof the wearer's rank--the Regular Marine
widerthe stripe, the higherthe rank. The chapter banner and 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
badge bear the diagram of a tri-colored waterfall. Knife, bolt pistol, lasgun (bolt pistol)
Another badge of honor for chapter marines involves in- Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
jecting a permanent, nontoxic, brownishdye intothe marine's Knife, bolt pistol, lasgun (bolt pistol)
forearm, with aseparate line along the arm, while others have Regular Marine
had it inserted in such a way to form simple skin patterns. 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 / 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, lasgun (bolt pistol)
60 TA~TICS SPORTS Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
Though the chapter occasionallyfights as afull unit, some Knife, bolt pistol, lasgun (bolt pistol)
individualcompanies have become proficient using special- Regular Marine
ized tactics for specific situations. Distribution of personal 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
weapons is more or less standardizedthroughout the chap- Knife, bolt pistol, lasgun (bolt pistol)
ter, and the training thus consists of acclimatingthe marines In addition to its powered armor, this squad also has one bio-
scanner, one energy-scanner, one rad counter, and two suspen-
to certain forms of weather and terrain conditions. Company sors.
A, in particular, enjoys combat in wooded areas, and the 6th 2ND SQUAT)
squad has been equipped with chameleon a r m r and uni- Sergeant
form accessories to aid in this role. 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 9
Company A shares the vehicle transport pool with the Knife, bolt pistols (2), crack grenades
remainder of the lceriver Guards, but asmallwalker has been Special Weapons Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
directly attached to the unit for the captain's personal use. Knife, bolt pistol, multi-laser
On extremely rare occasions, this vehicle will be loaned out Special Weapons Marine
to a squad and employed in its capacity as a recce unit. 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, plasma gun
ORGANIZATION, Special Weapons Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
PROFILES, r n D EQUIPrnNT Knife, bolt pistol, flamer
The table of organization and equipment for the company Regular Marine
is broken down by squads. Each model's ranklposition 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
(sergeant or marine) is given first, followed by the model's Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
creature profile as presented in this format: Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
MVVS BS S T W I A / L d Int CI WP Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 8 8 8 8
Sergeants are assumed to be personalities. Creature Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
profilesfor sergeantswere created usingthe randomheroes Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
rules, assuming random points for a champion added to the Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
basic creature profile. All other marines use the basic crea- Regular Marine
ture profile, unmodified. 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
The second line in the TO & E lists that model's normal Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
personal weaponry. Any weapon appearing in parentheses Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
is that model's personal preference for close combat. Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
The final paragraph for each squad lists any additional In addition to powered armor, this squad also has an infra-vision
equipment available for that squad's general use visor for the sergeant and one rad counter.
GDW Challenge

4 4 4 4 3 1 5 2 / 9 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistols (2)
Special Weapons Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 / 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, flamer
Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (laspistol)
Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 8 8 8 8 5TN SQUAIP
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (laspistol) Sergeant
Regular Marine 4 4 5 4 3 1 5 2 / 9 8 8 8
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 / 8 8 8 8 Knife, bolt pistols (2)
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (laspistol) Special Weapons Marine
Regular Marine 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 / 8 8 8 8
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 / 8 8 8 8 Knife, bolt pistol, multi-melta
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (laspistol) Special Weapons Marine
Regular Marine 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 / 8 8 8 8
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 8 8 8 8 Knife, bolt pistol, heavy bolter
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (laspistol) Regular Marine
Regular Marine 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 / 8 8 8 8
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 / 8 8 8 8 Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (laspistol) Regular Marine
Regular Marine 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 / 8 8 8 8
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 / 8 8 8 8 Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (laspistol) Regular Marine
Regular Marine 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 / 8 8 8 8
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 / 8 8 8 8 Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (laspistol) Regular Marine
In addition to powered armor, this squad also has one bio-scan- 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 8 8 8 8
ner and one energy-scanner. Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
Regular Marine
4 4 4 L z 3 1 4 1 / 8 8 8 8
4TH SQUAD Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
Sergeant Regular Marine
4 6 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 9 9 9 9 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 / 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun, chainsword, blind grenades Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
Special Weapons Marine Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, shuriken catapult Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
Special Weapons Marine In addition to powered armor, this squad also has one bio-scan-
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 8 8 8 8 ner and one enerav-scanner.
Knife, bolt pistol, flamer
Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 / 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
In addition to powered armor, this squad also has one bio-scan-
72 Challenge GDW


Sergeant Sergeant
4 6 5 4 3 1 5 2 1 9 8 8 8 4 4 5 4 3 1 5 2 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun
Special Weapons Marine Special Weapons Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, heavy plasma gun Knife, bolt pistol, D-cannon
Special Weapons Marine Special Weapons Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, las-cannon Knife, bolt pistol, flamer
Regular Marine Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (bolt pistol) Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
Regular Marine Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (bolt pistol) Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (hand flamer)
Regular Marine Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (bolt pistol) Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun, frag grenades (bolt pistol)
Regular Marine Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 I 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (bolt pistol) Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
Regular Marine Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 I 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (bolt pistol) Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (laspistol)
Regular Marine Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (bolt pistol) Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (laspistol)
Regular Marine Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (bolt pistol) Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (bolt pistol)
In addition to powered armor, this squad also has chameleon for In addition to powered armor, this squad also has one energy-
everyone, one energy-scanner, an infra-visionvisorforthe sergeant, scanner and one rad counter.
one rad counter, and one targeter.

4 4 4 4 3 2 6 1 1 9 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, hand flamer, power glove
Special Weapons Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, D-cannon
Special Weapons Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 I 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, flamer
Special Weapons Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, plasma gun
Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (bolt pistol)
Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (bolt pistol)
Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (bolt pistol)
Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (bolt pistol)
Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 I 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (bolt pistol)
Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (bolt pistol)
In addition to its powered armor, the 7th squad also
has one targeter.
GDW Challenge 73


4 4 4 4 3 1 5 1 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun, chainsword
Special Weapons Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, graviton gun
Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (power axe)
Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (power axe) l O T I l SQUAD
Regular Marine Sergeant
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 8 8 8 8 4 5 5 4 4 2 4 2 1 8 8 9 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (power axe) Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun
Regular Marine Special Weapons Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 / 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (power axe) Knife, bolt pistol, needler
Regular Marine Special Weapons Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (power axe) Knife, bolt pistol, melta-gun
Regular Marine Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 / 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (power axe) Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
Regular Marine Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 I 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 3 7 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (power axe) Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
Regular Marine Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (power axe) Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
Except for powered armor, this squad has no other special RegularMarine
equipment. 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 8 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
Regular Marine
! 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 1 8 8 8 8

1 I '
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
Regular Marine

. I
' ' 4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 8 8 8
Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)
Regular Marine
4 4 4 4 3 1 4 1 / 8 8 8 8

Knife, bolt pistol, bolt gun (chainsword)

In addition to powered armor, this squad also has one bio-scan-
ner, one energy-scanner, and one rad counter. rCT
74 Challenge GDW

Julia Martin's

information pathways and can be selected from 16

un steal important data? It archetypes-basiccharacter
ShadowrunTM $28.00. seems that the levelof magic types which have natural
FASA Corporation. in the world varies in a cycli- nicheswahin the background heart of Shadowrun is a skill
Designers: Bob Char- cal manner. Forthe last3000 of Shadowrun(like character check, which the game refers
rette, Paul Nume, Tom years or so, Earth has been classes, but not quite so to as a success test and
Dowd. going through a "magic de- general). which is accomplished by
Complete role-playing pression." If you can't find an arche- rolling a certain number of
game. 21 6-page hard- Duringthat depression, all type that you like, you can six-sideddice and notadding
bound book. the magic dependent races, create your own by rating them together. The numbers
When I heard that FASA like the great dragons, hiber- from 0-4 the five areas which rolled are then individually
was working on a cyberpunk nated in one form or another. define a character (listed on compared to a target num-
genre role-playing game Elves, dwarves, orks, and the Master Character Table) ber-the rolls which equal or
incorporating magic, I trolls began to look just like and then using the resulting exceedthe target number are
thought, "Oh humans, points to build an archetype successes, and those which
no, this is going until (pre- to your liking. do not are failures. A one is
to be sicken- sumably) Dueto some editorial prob- always a failure, and a six
inglycute or too S h a d o w n n. Any move- no one re- lems, the rating system is allows one to roll again and
strange to be ment, action, or series of membered slightly unclear; it is neces- add the result to the six,
believed." But such madeincarryingout beingany- sary to use all the priorities continuing to do so until a
now that Shad- plans which are illegal or thing other available from 0 to &one number which is not six is
owrun is out, I quasilegal. than hu- area (column on the table) rolled.
must admit that -WorldWide Worldwatch, man. With must be rated0, one must be Usually, obtaining one
they've con- 2050 update the resur- rated I, one 2, etc. success means that a char-
vinced me. The gence in An important part of char- acter has succeededat what
backgroundfor the level of acter creation is deciding on he was attempting. More
the game develops a plau- magic on Earth, the sup- yourcontacts, the people you than one success either im-
sible reasonforthe existence pressed traits of elves and can turn to for information proves how well he suc-
of magic in cybertech times. other races have been mani- and help. Con- ceeded or
The presence of fantasy festing themselves; almost tacts run the shortensthe
races (called metahumansin overnight many normal "hu- range from "Never relax. Your run time the task
Shadowrun) like orks, elves, mans" became virtually an- might be over, but someone, takes for
dwarves, and trolls is tied otherraceof being-metahu- gang mem- somewhere, is just starting completion.
togetherwith the resurgence man. Withthe returnof magic Variations
to tribes- his, and the target could be on this sue-
of magic(exp1ainingwhythey also came the return of men to Mr. you. ,,
weren't around for so long). humanity's ability to manipu- Johnsons, the cess test in-
-Kirk Hoff, Street Mage thefol-
Best of all, the elves aren't late it-the "Awakening." To corporate
"cute." They're deadly. give you a glimpse of the feel types who lowing:
of thegame, I'vequotedafew dish out the c@ Resisted
BACKGROUND of the game's nifty "ambi- jobs the corps don't want to success tests, in which, say,
How do they justify magic ence" quotes, like the shad- handle themselves to shad- a target whom a character
in a world where bionic limb owrun definition, throughout owrunners. After selecting shoots gets to make a suc-
replacements arefairlycom- this review. I felt that it was contacts and figuring out cess test to resist the damage
monplace, a new set of betterthan retellingthe entire one's starting money (and caused by the shot.
brand-name cybereyes can game's timeline, which they generating an allergy type @ And opposed success
be purchasedwithout a sec- do verywell inthe book itself. and severity if you're goingto tests, in which two characters
ondthought, and one can link play a metahuman), charac- are trying to succeed at
into a computer through a CTIEm ters are ready to start running something, and one's suc-
fiber optic cable to run its Characters in Shadowrun the shadows. cess must be another's fail-
GDW Challenge

ure (this involves both mak- air"4or instance, all thevisi-

ing a success test, and the bility modifiers for firearms
one with the most successes are multiples of two.
overall "wins"). While grenade-throwingis
The success test system is handled in probablythe most
simple and easy to imple- realistic 'Yeeling" way I've
ment. It doesn't require add- ever seen in a combat sys-
ing large quantities of dice tem, and autofire weapons
rolls together (which Star are also handled elegantly, I
Wars: The Roleplaying ran into one small problem in
Game, unfortunately, does). trying to use the autofire
And it is flexible enoughto ac- rules.
count for many diff erent situ- The effect of firing multiple
ations through basingthe test bursts is to add to a weapon's
on different skills or abilities, recoil, thus worsening the
or the use of different target firer's aim, but nowhere can I
numbers for varying levels of find recorded how many

GOmAT "Watch your back. Shoot

Combat is something a straight. Consewe ammo.
shadowrunner has to deal And never, ever, cut a deal
with often. The combat sys- with a dragon. "
tem in Shadowrun allows -Street Proverb
combat sequences to be
resolved speedily and still
providesfor great situational
variation in character actions. shots are in a burst. Perhaps
It is able to do this because it an errata will clear this ques-
it is based on the same fun- tion up.
damental concept used
throughout the game-the EMAGIC
success test. Variations are While most role-playing
made upon the resisted suc- games have a combat
cess test for the different system, Shadowrun is
kinds of combat-armed unique in that it has both a
melee combat is different magic system and a system
fromfirearmcombat--but the for running the matrix (also
variations are provided by know as netrunning or deck-
utilizing a minimal number of ing). Both systems have their
modifiers which are summa- foundation in the success test
rized on a few (about four, game mechanic, so they
total) pages of easy-to-read mesh easily and completely
charts. with the rest of the game.
The designers have mer- The magic of Shadowfun
cifully tried to avoid modifier comes in two forms: sha-
"overload" by making most manistic and hermetic. Sha-
modifiers either a multiple of manistic mages manipulate
two (+2, -4) or simply a plus the forces of magic through
or minus 1. They have also the help of a totem-a spirit
tried to group into a pattern guide who embodies the
instances when they use a essence of a type of animal.
certain type of modifier. Thus, Hermetic mages manipulate
referees can try to recall the magic through ritual and for-
modifiers without seemingly mula, through learning the
havingto memorizeverbatim proper elements and motions
numbers "drawn from the to complete a spell. While the
76 Challenge GDW

two types of magic come ing into each, sometimes

fromdifferent directions, they easily, sometimes by lighting
can do many of the same Intrusion Countermeasures
things. Both types of magi- (IC).
cian can cast spells, ranging Inside the world of a com-
fromhealingspellstocombal puter system the decker
spells to illusions. They can huntsfor informationusefulto
summon and control spirits or him and his party which he
elementals (spirits for sha- can later sell or which might
mans, elementals for her- provide a clue as to how his
metic mages) who can be party can pull off its latest
bound to do their bidding. shadowrun without getting
And they can journey into killed. Each action that a
astral space and perform decker performs in the sys-
astral combat. Mages are ar- tem could be the one which
guably the most powerful sets it on alert, triggering
characters in Shadowrun; Grey and Black IC which
they are also the most frag- could burn up his deck or his
ile, as too many brusheswith brain.
death can wear down their
ability to use magic until it is NEAT STUFF
gone forever. run is full of won-
derful game goodies. Its
R'LATRM pages of equipment include
Th hnomancer, or cyber equipment, futuristic
decker, also runs in a differ- vehicles and firearms, and
ent world-not one of astral even magical equipment.
beings, but one of electo- The equipment section in-
magnetic impulses connect- cludes some fascinating illus-
ing directlywiththe neural im- trations of how cybertechnol-
pulses of his brain. The sys- ogy is grafted into humans.
tem for running the MatrixTM The section called "Con-
in Shadowrun allows for all tacts" includes illustrations
the challenges and tensions and statistics for many of the
found in such books as standard NPCs player char-
Neuromancer by Brian Gib- acters beginthe game know-
son. ing, and each includes a brief
There's a deck design sys- statement of how that NPC
tem in Shad- "thinks,"
owrun, so that from the
computers- "Magic is not tuxedos, NPC's point
decks-can white rabbits and fake of view. To
be custom de- flowers anymore. It is supplement
signed. PCs Power." the NPCs
usetheir corn- -Arthur Garrett, there is a
puter skill and Chairman, meaty sec-
their person- Department of Occult tion, com-
alized decks Studies, UCLA plete with a
to try to sneak seies of col-
into the nlobal or plates, of
telecom~unicationssystem "Critters," animals and intel-
and from there into a particu- ligent beings of a magical or
iar connected computer sys- supernatural nature, includ-
tem. Once inside a system, ing dragons, elementals,
a character's computer per- krakens, wendigoes, thun-
sona moves from system derbirds, and vampires. Fi-
node to system node, break- nally, a chapter of back-
GDW Challenge 77


ground on Seattle is pro- turns. Each empire type gets design philosophy without becomes obvious. Rather
vided, along with a Shadow- the most points for accom- building too big, too fast, and than constantly having to
runscenario, to provide a ref- plishing its main goal, and thus investing a lot of pre- refer to the rules about when
eree with background for varying lesser amounts for cious EUs in one vessel. acertain order will take effect,
launching his first Shad- completing other goals. Each Other actions include the turn sheet itself tells you
owrun campaign there. empire type has a special spying on the empires you by its very nature.
ability unique to it to aid it in have met, naming systems Space I01 turns run twice
EVALUATION accomplishing its primary previously undiscovered by a month, and while getting a
Shadowrun is a truly hot goal. For instance, the Law- others, declaring war (which turn in on time can be strate-
game. The only complaints I yer empire type can "slap a allows you to claim another's gically advantageous, sub-
have are with some vague lawsuit" on a system which system out from under him if mitting one after the turn's
wording here and there, and forces all other ships in the you know the claim code), beginning date will not result
some thingswhich must have systemto leave 75 percentof and building links, which in it not being run, as in many
gotten dropped out or over- the time, allowing the empire enable a quick sort of move- other games. While some
looked (like the number of to avoid a possibly deadly ment directly fromone linked players might complain that
shots in a burst, or the dam- combat sequence and, if system to another. this is not as fair as simulta-
age for hand razors-which strategically pairedwith other The rules for the game are neous movement, it certainly
is (Str/2)L2 on the Referee's orders, to scout or claim a very readable, clear, and only yields less deadline stress,
Screen, sold separately). It's system with minimal risk. 14 pages long. Turn sheets and, in my experience, more
a great game value, a nicely Space 101 has several are easy to fill out, and part enjoyment, while playing the
put together book, and a lot other factors to consider to of the ease of learning the game.
of fun. I highly recommend it make game strategy more game lies in the fact that the Overall, Space 101 is a
to anyone looking for some- interesting. Each empire type game's turn sequence pro- good value for the price you
thing really new. starts with a certain Eco- ceeds exactly in the same pay, and it provides many
nomic Unit (EU) allowance order that a turn sheet is filled hours of enjoyment without
and receives more EUs for out. Once this is grasped, committing you to a game of
Space 101 controlling systems, which which actions are possible epic saga length. C2
Space 101. C2 Simula- are worth a variable amount
tions. Play-by-mail game. of EUs each. The EU allow-
Rules $3.50, $3.50 a turn, ance is decreased as the
free setup. A complete game goes on, so an empire
game lasts 15 turns. becomes more and more
If you are looking for afun, dependent on the income
easy-to-learn, play-by-mail from the systems it controls.
game from a reliable modera- Players have to balance
tor, I would recommend pursuing the main goal of
Space 101. their empire type with main-
Like many play-by-mail taining control of enough
games, it is set in space systemsto keep building new race with the universe
(obvious from the title) and ships which, of course, cost
involves constructing and EUs. (Previously built ships
directing space ships to scout are constantly lost in battle).
planetary systems, claim The ship-building process
them (or steal them out from is very easy to learn, but
under another player), main- enough variables are in-
tain control of them, and cluded in ships to make de-
destroy other players' ships. signing each ship a chal-
Each of these basic game lenge. Valuesfor movement, overcome.
actions is also the primary offensive power, defensive
goal of one of four types of power, and ecm (sort of like To order the rule book and take your first turn, please send $5.00
empires which a player can early warning radar, with a or $2.00 for book only with your name and address to
direct-Scholars, Lawyers, high value inthis allowingyou
Builders, and Pirates. to strike first in battle) must be Simcoarum Systems
The game is won by chosen and paid for. Part of P.O. Box 520861 Salt Lake City, Utah 84152
amassing the greatest the fun and strategy of ship Turn fees are $3.00
amount of victory points design comes from trying to
within the time limit of 15 out think one's opponents'
78 Challenge GDW

CPassifieds, Chdlenge Magazine, Box 1646, Bloomington, HL 61702 USA

teaches principles of strategy on signs, etc. You send me yours, I'll
Challenge accepts all
a tactical scale. Send $17.95 send latest T-Tech package with
gaming-related classified designs from other participants.
($15.95 plus $2.00 S&H) to Peny
ads, subject to the amount N. Jones, 35 Bates St., No. SASE for more info. No cost, no
of space available and MANY BACK ISSUES of the Brookfield, MA 01535. (39) prices, just trade! T-Tech Ex-
good taste. Challenge Journal, out of printTravellerad- change, C/O Philip Athans, 7783
does reserve the right to ventures and supplements. Send TRAVELLER supplement 9, Kensington Lane, Hanover Park,
refuse any ad. SASE for list. Ted Arlauskas, Box Fighting Ships, in excellent con- IL 60103. (39)
1640, Gloucester, VA 23061. (41) dition, plus Compuserve's Mega
Challenge will not be
held liablefor errors occur- Wars I commander's manual
COLLECTION of painted 15mm (including poster-sized space
ring in advertisements. If Striker figures: 192 Martian Met-
chartandfour poster-sized space
you find an error in your ad, als figures containing marines, TRAVELLER ALIEN module 4,
vessel blueprints). Make an offer
please send a corrected Zhodani, and Vargr. Also 14 Zhodani, in very good condition.
for one or both to Marty Kloeden,
painted vehicles and tanks. Will Maybe trade for other Traveller
version to Challenge. sell only as a set-very reason- Box5335, Springfield, VA 22150-
5335. (39) item(s)! Also looking for GDW's
able price. For details send SASE Trader program disk for C-64. Is
TO P U C E AN AD to John F. Stanoch, 6 Brookfield there such a thing-has anybody
Way, RR 4, Trenton, NJ 08691. MANY TRAVELLER and related
Send the ad, along with converted it? Send info to Who,
products. Send SASE for list of
its classification, to Chal- VARIANT, discontinued RPG available items or send want list. 605 Penitencia St., Milpitas, CA
lenge Classifieds, Chal- fanzine including Traveller $5.00 for miscellaneous Trav- 95035-4222. (40)
lenge Magazine, Box deckplans, character classes, eller grab bag, post paid. Wes
1646, Bloomington, IL Allison, 901 S. Boulder Hwy. 34, ISSUE 25 of Challenge. Either
equipment. All 16 back issues
Henderson, NV 89015. (39) original or photocopy (just Twi-
61702 U.S.A. only $5.00, plus $1.00 postage.
light information). Willing to pay
Sample issue $1.00. Gary Reilly, reasonable price. Call (213) 377-
395 Wimbleton Road, Rochester, 5435 or write to Tyson Harper,
NY 14617. (40) 31042 Hawksmoor Drive, Ran-
Classified ads are free,
and they fun for at least one cho Palos Verdes, CA 90274.
MEGATRAVELLER software for IWOULD LIKE to trade the follow-
issue, longer as space per- Atari ST (color machines only). ing items: Dr. Who RPG (boxed
mits. Any reasonable Alien word generator, plus ran- set), Countdown, (Dr. Who mod- OUT-OF-PRINT Traveller stuff,
length is accepted, but all dom world/subsectorgenerators. ule), The Warriors of Batak (Task supplements, adventures, maga-
All stand-alone STOS Basic pro- Force). I am interested in swap- zines in good condition, or clear
ads are subject to editing.
grams. All three for £6 (£7 over- pingfor Spaceblaster RPGboxed photocopies. Please send your
seas) including disk, postage, and set (Iron Crown), and Akaisha list to Arne Rassek, Berliner Str.
packing (we do not accept blank Outstation(lronCrown), but make 23, 3005 Hemmingen 1, West
For display ads, write to disks). Overseas orders sent air me an offer. Jimmy Nugent, 512 Germany. (40)
receive our rate card. mail. Simon Ward, 8 Kentmere, N. Resident St., Wharton, TX
Greenways, Spennymoor, Co. 1 77488. (40) ALL DECK PLANS for Star Trek:
Durham, DL16 6UB, UK. (40) RPG, especially USS Enterprise
SWAP IDEAS and materials for NCC-1701 (preferably by FASA,
SPREADSHEETTernp1ates:Ap- ' MegaTraveller, 2300 AD, and but Ballantine acceptable). No
PHILADELPHIA TRAVELLER ple II Appleworks spreadsheet Twilight: 2000. I've been running photocopies, please. Good price
group seeks adult players for templates for MegaTraveller, , a Traveller campaign for four paid for best condition. Can pur-
campaign. Willing to teach adult craft design, Spacemasfer star- years and am now switching to chase from U.S./Canadian
beginners the Traveller system. ship design, 2300 ADIStar Cruis- 2300 AD. If you'd like to swap sources through relatives in Can-
Contact Penn Eckert, 624 W.
MoyamensingAve, Philadelphia,
er ship design. Send $2.00 for
each spreadsheet, and either
' designs, scenarios, or ideas for
any of these RPGs, contact Mark
ada. Graham Todd, 36, Deers-
wood Road, West Green,
PA 19148-3231. (40) send $3.00 foradiskorsend your Reily, Box 2, Union Building, Crawley, West Sussex RHl 1

2300 AD PlAYERSwanted in the

EvereWLynwood area of Wash-
owndisk(3 112or5 1/4), andsend
an SASE to Glen Allison, 1306W.
Pearl, Pasco, WA 99301. (39)
1 Newcastle University, Shortland
N.S.W. 2308, Australia. (39)
7JN, United Kingdom. (40)

PHOTOCOPIES of the following

ington state. Contact Michael R. T-TECH EXCHANGE. Free ex- old FASA material: Aslan Merce-
Wheeler, 3211 Grand Ave, Apt 1, PRE-PUBLICATION editions of change of MegaTraveller ship, nary Ships, booklets only,
Everett, WA 98201. (40) Battles, the only wargame that vehicle, robot, equipment de- deckplans for Adventure Class
GDW Challenge -
* "* # s.
,-.= n
;i$ ;:;::. 79

Ships 1 & 2, Fenris, Valkyrie, I

Ththys & Vlezhdath. Patrick J.
Hoye, 343 Washington St., Hol-
liston, MA 01746. (40)

CHALLENGE 25. Please send

price and shipping cost to Yves
ber 8-10, Sydney, New South
Wales, Australia. The MacQuarie
NEW for 2300n~!!!
le Rhun, 8 Rue Gustav Charpen- University Role-Playing Society Detailed Starship Deck Plans In 25mm
tier, 94 240 L'Hay Les Roses, (M.U.R.P.S.) will host this con-
#3W1 - The Virginia-class
France. (39) vention on campus in Sydney. schqonzr is a small but ca-
Macquariecon is Australia's larg- pablecargqvessel,designed
IBM PC PROGRAMS for 2300 est role-playing convention. This totransport massive cargoes
lo distant planets. Defense
AD. Also looking for 2300 AD and year, i t will include AD&D, was not a design considera-
MegaTraveller players in the Traveller, Twilight: 2000, Para- tion however, aglaring omis-
sion when a formation of
Battle Creek, MI area. Rick Sher- noia, Call of Cthulhu, James Kafer Golf-class fighters is
man, 155 Brenbvood Dr., Battle Bond: RPG, Rolemaster, Judge screaming toward your ship.
Creek, MI 49015. (39) Dredd, Star Wars: RPG, and their best, but you may be-
many others. The convention will come'the next target. The
A COPY OF THE original Space- also host boardgames and free- beanstalk is gone, only half
of the reentry cargo contain-
farer's Guide to Aliens. Please forms. Formoreinformation, con- ers have been launched,and
quote a price (including shipping tact M.U.R.P.S., PO Box 1577, the peopledown onthe planet
desperately need those sup-
costs). Contact Bryan Borich, Macquarie Centre, North Ryde, plies. Your options are lirn-
3890 50th St., San Diego, CA NSW 21 13, Australia. (40) ited,but you neverbackdown
92105-3005. Phone (619) 563- from a challenge. You've
only afewmomentstomake
8172. (39) your decision. Confront the

TRIBES challenges of the 2300 uni-

verse aboard your Virginia-

A unique campaign supplement for use

with your favorite FRP sysrem. On heavy
VOYAGES is taking off-broadly 60 Ib. paper, hole punched for binder sror-

covering science-fiction gaming,

age. Fearuring rhe Tribes of Karak b e
Branded Land complete wirh campaign
includingTraveller and 2300 AD, map and background. Addirional v0lume~
available on a quaneriy basis.
and doing so with a dual goal: to
provide usable gaming material,
and to be enjoyableandentertain-
ing just to read. Four-issue sub- Heathen Thorn Enterprises
4711 Luerssen Avenue
scription $9.00 U.S. Starlance
Baltimore, MD 21206
Publications, 50 Basin Dr., Mesa,

GDW Produet Distribution

GDW products (including Traveller) are available through distributors as follows:
(b Ausiralia: lmported and distributed by Jedko Games, 134 Cochranes Rd., Moorabbin, Vic, 3198, Australia.
@ Finland: lmported and distributed by Fantasiapelit Tudeer KY, P Rastitie 6 B 22, 01360 Vantaa, Finland.
e France: lmported and distributed by Jeux Actuels, BP534,270005 Evereux Cedes, France.
ss Italy: lmported and distributed by Stratelibrivia R. di Lauria 15, 20149 Milano, Italy.
rt Japan: Printed and distributed by PostHobbyJapan Co., Ltd., 26-5, Schome, Sendagaya,
Shibuyaku, Tokyo, Japan. Titles published are translated into Japanese.
a, New Zealand: lmported and distributed by Blackwood Gayle, PO Box 28358, Auck-
land, New Zealand.
@ Norway: lmported and distributed by AEH HobbyAS, Pilestredet 7,0180 Oslo 1, Nor-

e Sweden: lmported and distributed by Hobbyhuset, Box 2003, S-750 02, Uppsala, Swe-
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