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Royal United Services Institution.


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Secretary's Notes

To cite this article: (1913) Secretary's Notes, Royal United Services Institution. Journal, 57:419,
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JANUARY, 1913.

The following officers joined the Institution during the month of
December, 1912, &. :-
Colonel \V. R. Clifford (h.p.), late Cheshire Regiment.
Captain G. I;. Phillips, Duke of Cornwall’s Light Infantry.
Lieutenant F. V. Holt, Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire
Royal United Services Institution. Journal 1913.57:1-3.

Light Infantry.
Captain A. R. G. Gordon, Royal Irish Regiment.
Lieutenant F. E-. Byrne, R.N.
.Lieutenant R. E. Wilson, R.A.
Lieutenant J. B. H. IVOOdCoCli, Pcmbroke Yeomanry.
Captain R. \V. Harling, late Connaught Rangers.
Captain J. H. Gibbon, R.F.A.
Sub-Lieutenant R. H. V. Buston, R.N.
Lieutenant W. J. Whitworth, R.N.
Lieutenant J. \V. L. Sprot, The Royal Highlanders.
Captain 0. H. Delano-Osborne, Royal Scots Fusiliers.

The Council have pleasure in reporting that during the past year 232
officers joined the Institution (against 261 in 1911).
There were 121 withdrawals and 106 deaths (of whom 35 were Life
Members), making an increase of 5 on the year.
The details of members joining were :-
Regular Army . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
Territorial Force (including Yeomanry) . . . . . . 32
Royal Navy .................. 28
Special Reserve .................. 8
India and Colonial Volunteers ......... 7
Royal hfarines .................. I
Royal Naval Reserve ............... I

Total ...... 232

111.-THE W A R GAME.
The Council has arranged that sets of maps and pieces for holding
a War Game can be lent to any Regular, Special Reserve and Territorial
Unit, or recognized Society of the same, at a fee of 10s. per occasion,
the Unit or Society paying carriage both ways and making good any
loss or damage incurred. Umpires, assistant umpires, schemes and all
other arrangements to be made by the parties engaged. Should it be
desired a room a t the Institution can be placed a t the disposal of the
players after 5 p.m., at a charge of 10s. per evening. but not less than
a week’s notice should be given in respect of it.
The Council has recently passed the following standing order : “ A
hlember in arrear with his annual subscription after March 31st of each
year, shall not be entitled to use the Institution buildings, receive the
JOURNAL, or participate in any of the privileges accorded to hlembers.”


(338j). Officer’s Shako of the 1st Durham Militia, ISp-Deposited
by Lieutenant G. C. Darwall, Royal Canadian Regiment.
(6517). An Engraving of the Emperor Napoleon I. in his state
robes, from the painting by Isabey. The ornamentation
round the engraving is by Fragonard.
Royal United Services Institution. Journal 1913.57:1-3.

(Gj18). Officer’s Shako Plate of the 2nd Warwickshire Militia, as

worn from I S j j to 1S6z.-Given by Captain H. Al. hlccance,
late the Royal Scots.
(6j1g). Five Sketchcs in water colour of the Fort of blooltan (N.W.
India), by Lieutenant J. ,L. Heathorn, 3rd hladras Light
Infantry, dated 1849. Here in 1848 hfoolraj Sing, the ruler
of the Sikhs, treacherously murdered hIr. Van Agnew and
Lieutenant Anderson. The City was taken by the British
after a protracted siege on January zznd, 18tg.-Given by
w.s. Coutts, Esq.
The following Lectures have. been arranged :-
fl7edriesday, Jaiiciary 15th. ‘‘ The Georgian Bay Canal from a Military
and Imperial Standpoint.” By
hIcLeod Stewart, Esq., h1.A. (Ex-
hiayor of Ottawa). General Sir E. P.
Leach, V.C., K.C.B.,K.C.V.O., in the
Wedmsday, Jaituary 2211d. ‘‘ Railway Systems of West Africa.” By
Captain H. 0. AIance, D.S.O., R.E.
Wednesday. Fe b riia ry I 2 t A. “ The Organization and Training of British
Cavalry.” By Major C. L. Graham,
4th Q. 0. Hussars.
li’cdiiesdny, Febriiary r g t l i . ‘‘ Aeronautical Progress.” By Colonel J.
D. Fullcrton, R.E. (retired).
Wednesday, February 2Gfli. “ T h e Balkan War and its Lessons.” By
Colonel C. B. hIayne, R.E. (retired).
Major - General W. R. Robertson,
C.V.O., C.B., D.S.O., Commandant
of the Staff College, in the chair.
Tuesday, ilfarclz 4th. 4 P.w. Anniversary Meeting. To receive the
Annual Report, Election of New Mem-
bers to the Council, and announcement
of the Gold hIedal Essayist, 1312.
Ii’edriesday, Sfarch 12th. “ Benedeli in 1866.” By Professor H.
Spenser Wilkinson, h1.A.
TVcdiiesday, March xgth. I‘A Xational Cadet Army.” By Captain
J. Atkinson, 1 s t Hants Cadet Battalion.
li’ediiesday, Afril 2nd. ‘‘ Secrecy and Discussion during Peace
Time as aids to preparation for War.”
By Commander Carlyon Bellairs, R.N.


December, 1912.
George the First’s Army, 1714-1727. Vol. 11. By Charles Dalton. Imp.
Svo. 21s. Illustrated. (Presented by the Publishers) (Eyre 8:
Spottiswoode, Ltd.). London, 1912.
Royal United Services Institution. Journal 1913.57:1-3.

The People’s Army-National Military Service Made Easy. By Lieutenant

E. Hammond Foot, R.E. (S.R.). Crown 8vo. 2s. Illustrated.
(Presented by the Author). (Gale 8. Polden). London, 1912.
Analysis of the British Campaign in Afghanistan, 1878-1880. With
Strategic and Tactical Cornrnents, By T. Miller AIaguire. Svo.
(Presented by the Author). (C.Harnisworth & Co.). London, IgOj.
Lord Roberts’ Message to the Nation. By Field-Marshal Earl Roberts.
Svo. 6d. (Presented by the Publisher) (John Murray). London,
The Battle of the North Sea in 1914. By I ‘ Searchlight.” Svo. IS. (Pre-
sented by the Publishers) (Hugh Rees, Ltd.). London, 1912.
Records of the 3rd Battalion The Duke of Wellington’s (West Riding)
Regiment, formerly 6th West York Militia. T h e Halifax Militia (in.
cluding Companies of Volunteer Militia, formed under Act 34,
George HI.), 1760-1910. Cdmpiled by Captain N. H. Moore. Svo.
Illustrated. (Presented by .the Author). (Gale 8. Polden, Ltd.).
London, 1910.
West Indian Tales of Old. By Algernon E. Aspinall. Crown Svo. Illus-
trated. (Presented by the Publishers) (Duckworth & Co.). London,
Co=operation Between Infantry and Artillery, a n d the Best Means of
Attaining It. By Lieut.-Colonel E. F. Hale, Commanding 31st
Brigade R.F.A. (Aldershot hlilitary Society). Pamphlet. 6d.
Hugh Rees, Ltd.). London, 1912.
Morocco in Diplomacy. By E. D. hlorel. Crown Svo. 6s. (Smith, Elder
& Co.). London, 1912.
History and Campaigns of the Rifle Brigade, Part I., 1800-1809. By
Colonel Willoughby Verner. 4to. 25s. Illustrated. (Presented by
the Publishers) (John Bale, Sons S: Danielsson). London, 1912.
Bacon’s Excelsior Map of the Mediterranean Lands. Scale, 64.2 miles=
I inch. (Presented by Lieut.-Colonel P. R. hIaunsell, C.M.G.).
London, 1912.
The Campaign of 1805;-UIm and Austerlitz. By Dr. T. hliller AIaguire.
Svo. 2s. 6d. (Presented by the Publishers) (William Clowcs 8.
Sons, Ltd.). London, 1912.
Under the Old Flag-Recollections of Military Operations in the War for
the Union, the Spanish War, the Boxer Rebellion, etc. By Brevet
Major-General J. H. Wilson, U.S.A. 2 Vols. Svo. 24s. (D. Apple-
ton & Co.). New York and London, 1912.
A 2

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