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Easy Light

Executive Summary
Lights have been used Ior various reasons. In the past they mainly used to illuminate open
spaces. As time went by this idea was soon improved and the idea oI light was used Ior various
purposes. The lights were being more speciIic such as disco lights, street lights, bathroom lights
and Ilood lights. They come in diIIerent sizes and colours and consume less power nowadays. As
a result this idea was born aIter it was noted that it is actually diIIicult o type in the dark as most
laptop keyboards do not have illuminated keypads. Laptops on the other hand have become
better and cheaper and so they are popular and aIIordable. Most users nowadays preIer laptops
Ior their mobility and light weight. They use them in diIIerent conditions and at times in low lite
places such at night in bed or on the train or car. This magazine was a result oI improving the
use oI laptops in low lit areas.
reate awareness oI the existence oI Easy light. Since Easy light is a new product
customers do not know it and thereIore one oI the objectives will be to make the
magazine known.
To have occupied 15 oI the market share supplying USB lights aIter 3 years.
To increase the market share to even 50 aIter 5 years so that other products can be
produced and the market tapped into.
arket Segmentation
According to our market segmentation our product is very much related to computers
speciIically laptops because they work through the USB port. This means that our related
products are laptops and our targets are laptop users. This users include but not limited to
students and working people. Nowadays laptops are very popular and there Ior our target market
will not be Iocusing only on this group but all other laptop users as well.
ustomer Analysis
Most oI customers are opting Ior laptops Ior their size and mobility. This is because they do not
want to have extra baggage because oI the number oI gadget one has to carry these days. As a
result it was noted that the only way Ior laptop users to get USB lights it is only iI they are
smaller, lighter and cheaper. Most laptop users are not aware oI the existence oI USB lights.
They do not doubt it is possible they idea exist, but they are not Iully aware oI its Ieatures and
ompany Analysis
The Iounders oI Easy Light want establish themselves as the leaders oI innovation and creativity
in the making accessories oI IT related equipment Ior personal use. One oI the business cultures
is comIort and Iunctionality. Easy light will be environmental Iriendly and will consume less
power to save the earth. The company has a vision to be one oI the Iuture leaders in the IT
industry to bring comIort and Iunctionality in the other areas oI electronics. One oI the missions
is to grow and expand. The company should be able to sustain itselI and cover new markets.
arketing Strategy
The Marketing strategy that was used Ior this Easy light is The Marketing Mix also known as the
Iour P`s. This was chosen as it was Iound that it was most appropriate Ior a marketing plan.

This is a not bulky product and thereIore it will not be diIIicult to transport to diIIerent locations
as the demand requires. The product will be available to both the customer and the vendor.
Direct sales will be used to make available the product to the customer without the intermediary.
ustomers can walk into any oI our stores located in major urban areas and purchase the Easy
light. There will be a sales team on-site to assist customers in purchasing the light.
or those who wish to purchase Easy Light online they can always visit our website to view and
purchase the product. rom the time oI submitting the order it will take 48 hours to deliver the
product to our customer. And those outside the country it will take not more than 3 shipping
days. The online store will allow us to cover more geographical areas as there are customers who
live long distance away Irom our stores and product vendors.
Our stores will be Ieatured in many electronics` malls as this is where a majority oI computers
users Irequent. ustomers can also Iind our products in specially selected vendors. or a Iull list
oI our product vendors customers can reIer to our website or call directly our customer service.
Most oI our competitors sell products that oIIer the same Iunctionality but they sell them in their
physical stores together with other goods. As a result the product is not easy to notice as it is
surrounded by other thousands oI electronic products. However we will use a diIIerent approach
oI selling only our product and its accessories. This will make it stand out as customers will
know exactly what to Iind when they arrive at our stores.
The prices will vary depending on where it was purchased. However consideration was taken to
make not oI competitor prices selling the same line oI products. osts oI production, logistics
and advertising were also put into consideration. It was noted that we are the only company that
specialises in this product and thereIore we Iully reap the beneIits oI specialization. Quality and
price were evaluated and the average price Ior a USB light is RM 17.00 (Malaysia urrency).
The value oI our product or total cost oI ownership is RM 10.00 (Malaysian urrency). This
price is lower than our competitors because we keep our inventory low and most oI our stores
will be on the internet thus reducing costs.
or those customers who wish to but the product Irom our website it will cost them an extra RM
2.00 including delivery charges. As customers have the ability to order online and get the
magazine at any oI our stores they can always take note oI a special code given aIter ordering
and present it to the sales person when getting the magazine in the store. These customers will be
given a discount oI 10. However Ior those customers who have not ordered online prior will
be charged our standard charge oI RM 10.00 per light.
'endors can adjust the price oI the vendor as they incur costs oI supplying the light. The extra
charge however will not be more than RM 2.00 as this is the price that has been agreed on by all
During special promotions, launching, trade Iairs and other events Easy light will be oIIered at a
discounted price. The price will vary Irom time to time at this point but stay below the standard
charge oI RM 10.00. ustomers who have their discount coupons Irom advertisements can
redeem certain amount oI discount Ior the light reIlected on their coupons.
Initially we will product our product during special events and activities. During trade Iairs we
will have booths with a sales Iorce at such venues to educate customers and vendors about Easy
light and how it can beneIit them. During these events customers will be able to buy the product
at a reduced price as this is a new product and thereIor customers can be skeptical about new
products and so prices need to be attractive. Road shows will be conducted in stops in various
universities and malls to promote the product coupled with entertainment to attract the attention
oI the crowd. Locations oI our stop overs will be broadcast over the radio and published on our
Ian page so that those customers that are in the vicinity can take opportunity to Iind out directly
Irom our team about the product.
Our product will be promoted through both the traditional media oI radio and print media such as
newspapers, consumer magazines, trade magazines and a logo. Electronic media through the
internet will be used as well.
During the week oI the launch we will be running radio shows where competitions Ior lucky
contestants will be aired live during peak radio times. There will be advertisements placed
regularly to attract customers and make them aware oI the beneIits oI the product. oupon
advertising will be used on magazines and newspapers as well as this can reduce the cost oI
We will have a company website where the customers can Iind out more about our product. This
will be helpIul in making its presence as most customers use the internet daily to do their
shopping. On our website customers can subscribe to our monthly newsletters to let them know
about promotions, specials and Iuture products. Our website will have a weekly content oI
competitions that will be running concurrently with the live radio competitions.
We will have a Ian page on the popular website acebook as this seems to be the current trend
Ior millions oI users. On the Ian page users can click on an icon labelled like to receive news and
other special oIIers. This is also some Iorm oI viral marketing as acebook is a social site and so
it will help our customers let their Iriends know that they recommend our light. As this will be
the only product that we supply advertisement will be cheaper in the long run as most oI it is
Iocusing on marketing Easy Light.
The marketing mix has proven that the product will succeed. However there risk measures that
has been taken to ensure that it is a success.

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