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CBPM Form B-5 Request for Quotation for Goods


Additional Financing
Office of the Barangay Development Council – Technical Working Group
Barangay: _____________
Municipality: _____________
Province: Occidental Mindoro


(For Personal Serving)

Date: _____________

To: _________________________________
(Registered Business Name of the Supplier)
Address: _________________________________________

May we request you to indicate your prices for the items listed below. Please return this form to
the canvasser in sealed envelope or submit it to the Barangay Development Council – Technical
Working Group (C/BDC-TWG) at the Barangay Hall on _____________________________
(insert date and time of deadline for submission)

Name of Sub-project : __________________________________________________

Location : __________________________________________________
Contract Package No. : _____________________________________
Delivery Period (in Calendar Days):______________________________
Total Delivery Period: (for staggered delivery only)___________________
Estimated Budget for the Package:______________________________

Description/Specs of Items Qty Unit Unit Cost Total Item Cost

1 Portland Cement Type 1, 40 kgs 936 bags

16mm dia x 6.0 m RSB

2 (deformed bar) 35 pcs
3 16mm dia x 6.0 m Round Bar 19 pcs
4 Grease/Tar 2 lit
Prefabricated PCCP Side Form
200x50x2mm C-Purlins with
1"x1"x3/16thk Angle Bar as side
kicker spaced @ 300mm spacing
5 O.C. 12 sets

10mm dia x 6.0 m RSB

6 (deformed bar) 11 pcs
7 2"x4"x2 mm G.I. Tubular Bar 1 pcs
8 2"x2"x1/4"thk Angle Bar 4 pcs
9 Hacksaw Blade 4 pcs
10 Nylon # 70 4 rolls
11 tie wire #16 15 kgs
12 Level Hose Green 3/8" 20 m
13 Asphalt Sealant 125 kgs
14 Shovel Round 4 pcs
15 Shovel Flat 4 pcs
16 Rain Boots (black) 10 pairs
17 Plastic Blue Drum 2 pcs
18 cotton gloves 12 pairs

Hard Hat with vent & strap ( 2

19 white, 2 blue, 10 yellow) 14 pcs

First Delivery Period: To be delivered within _______ CD from the Acceptance of PO.

1 Portland Cement Type 1, 40 kgs 936 bags

Second Delivery Period: To be delivered within 10 CD from deadline of 1st delivery.

1. Only those suppliers of good standing are qualified to join. Supplier of good standing is
one who is known in the community to be in the business of providing the goods or
executing the works to be procured; duly registered with the DTI, SEC or CDA, PCAB
(Works only) and has valid business/mayor’s permit/municipal license from the supplier’s
principal place of business. No outstanding record of blacklisting by any government
agency or local government unit and with relevant experience in completing a single
contract of at least 50% of bid amount. In case of previous or existing suppliers to
KC-NCDDP sub-projects, they should have satisfactory performance or completed all
contracts awarded A copy of a valid DTI Certificate of Business Name Registration
and Mayor’s/Business Permit shall be submitted by the winning supplier prior to
signing of Purchase Order (PO).

2. Quotation must be valid and fixed for 30 calendar days.

3. Prices quoted must include taxes and other incidental expenses.

4. Supplier is: (To be accomplished by the supplier).

Non-VAT VAT Registered VAT Exempt

5. Cost of delivery: (The BAC/PT shall check one.)

to include (delivered on designated location) not to include (for Pick-up)

6. Award shall be made: (The BAC/PT shall check one.)

on per item basis on per package basis

7. A Suppliers’ conference shall be held at the (venue as determined by the BAC) on

(insert date and time) (if applicable)

8. Mode of Payment: By Crossed Check

9. The Estimated Budget for the Package (EBP) is the budget allocated for the package
as indicated in the Community Procurement Plan. However, EBP is not the price ceiling
of proposals. Those bidders whose bids/quotations that exceeded the budget are not
disqualified for the evaluation. If found to be responsive to the procurement requirements
and fund is available to cover the additional cost, contract award can be made.

9. A supplier who withdraws his quotation during the validity period and/or refuses to
accept the award of contract without a valid reason will be disqualified for at least 1-
year or a period to be determined and agreed by the Barangay Assembly, from
participating in any KC-NCDDP funded community projects.
10. A Notarized Statement that “none of the officers / directors / controlling stockholders /
members /owners of the firm are related by consanguinity or affinity up to the 1 st civil
degree to the BDC-TWG Chairperson or employees of KC-NCDDP Regional Program
Management Office (RPMO) or National Program Management Office (NPMO) who
have direct access to information that may substantially affect the result of the bidding,
such as, but not limited to the members of the Bids and Awards Committee (BAC), the
members of the Technical Working Group (TWG), the Procurement Team (PT), and the
designer/s of the Sub-project” MUST be submitted by the winning supplier prior to
signing of contract/PO. Thus, a supplier affected by this condition/requirement is not
allowed to submit quotation for this package.
11. Only those price quotation/s written in Ball Pen will be accepted as Financial
Proposal/Price Schedule/Quotation.

Chairperson, C/BDC - TWG

After having carefully read and accepted your General Conditions, I/We quote you on the item/s
at prices written above.

Canvass Submitted by:

(Signature Over Printed Name)
Registered Owner

Registered Business Name:________________________

Date of quotation of the Supplier:__________

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