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First and foremost, I would like to thank God. He has given me strength and

encouragement throughout all the challenging moments of completing this dissertation. I

am truly grateful for His unconditional and endless love, mercy, and grace.

I would like to express the deepest appreciation for my Ph.D. advisor and

committee chair, Professor Chen, for his continual supervision and valuable feedback. He

has provided me with insightful comments on my research that have been a substantial aid

in this accomplishment. Without his guidance and persistent support, I would never have

been able to complete my dissertation. Further, I extend my gratitude to my committee

members, Professor Weiss, Professor Shi, and Professor Mao, for their careful instruction,

novel inspirations, and constructive advice. Without their guidance, this dissertation would

not have been possible.

Most of all, this dissertation is dedicated to my beloved family. My wife, Yoojin,

has been extraordinarily supportive and has made countless sacrifices throughout the entire

process. My two children, Noel and Ethan, have also motivated me to accomplish this

dissertation in a timely manner. I hope I have made you both proud. I wish to express my

sincere gratitude to my parents and parents-in-law for their exceptional love and support.

Their constant prayers for me and my progress during this entire journey have allowed me

to successfully complete this project. Without such a supportive team behind me, I know I

could never be where I am today.


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