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Bilingualism (ENG512)

Fall 2023
Total Marks: 20
Lectures: 26-29


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Q. Read extensively on the topic ‘Bilingualism and Translanguaging’ and

answer the following question: (5+15=20)
Why do bilinguals code-switch? Does code-switching affect their identity
and communication in a bilingual community? Elaborate your point of
view in detail.
Bilinguals code-switch for various reasons, and this phenomenon
significantly influences their identity and communication within a bilingual
Reasons for Code-Switching:
1. Pragmatic Functions: Bilinguals may code-switch to convey thoughts
more effectively, especially when one language offers a more nuanced
expression for a particular concept or emotion.
2. Linguistic Need: Sometimes, certain terms or phrases might only exist
or feel more natural in one language than the other, prompting
individuals to switch to communicate more precisely.
3. Social Context: Bilinguals might code-switch based on the social
context or the language proficiency of their conversation partners,
aiming for better comprehension or connection.
4. Cultural Affiliation: Code-switching can reflect a bilingual individual's
connection to their cultural heritage, using specific terms or
expressions from each language to maintain a link with their cultural
Impact on Identity and Communication:
1. Identity Expression:
- Positive Influence: Code-switching can affirm a bilingual individual's
multifaceted identity, enabling them to express different aspects of their
personality linked to each language and culture.
- Negative Influence: Some may feel pressure to conform to linguistic
norms, leading to identity conflicts if they don't code-switch as per
societal expectations.
2. Social Integration:
- Positive Influence: Code-switching facilitates communication within
bilingual communities, fostering a sense of belonging and inclusivity.
- Negative Influence: Over-reliance on code-switching might create
barriers for those less proficient in either language, impacting effective
communication and inclusion.
3. Professional and Academic Impact:
- Positive Influence: Bilinguals who code-switch strategically might
gain advantages in professional or academic settings, demonstrating
flexibility and adaptability in communication.
- Negative Influence: In some contexts, frequent code-switching might
be perceived as unprofessional or lacking fluency in either language,
affecting career or educational opportunities.
4. Emotional Connection:
- Positive Influence: Code-switching can deepen emotional
connections, allowing bilinguals to express emotions and experiences
more authentically.
- Negative Influence: In certain situations, code-switching might
distance individuals from others who do not share the same language
proficiency, leading to communication barriers and potential
Code-switching among bilinguals is a complex and dynamic process
influenced by linguistic, cultural, and social factors. It serves as a tool for
effective communication, identity expression, and cultural preservation within
bilingual communities. While it can strengthen connections, it's crucial to
strike a balance, ensuring that code-switching doesn't create barriers or
reinforce linguistic hierarchies that may impact effective communication or a
sense of belonging within the community. Appreciating the diversity and
richness that code-switching brings to language use can foster inclusivity and
understanding within bilingual environments.

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