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Summarization..1-2 Themes.3-4 Characters5-8 Plots.9-14

Billy Elliot is one of the best movie that we ever seen. It tells us how we feel when we are dancing. How we feel when we know that we are talented to be as a great dancer? Set against the background of the 1984s Miner Strike, this story is about a young talented boy, Billy who through his unexpected love of dance, embarks on a journey of self discovery in the world of picket lines, cultural stereotypes, a family in crisis and also have to face a headstrong ballet teacher. He is an eleven year old boy who stumbles out of the boxing ring and onto the ballet floor. He faces many trials and triumph as he strives to conquer his familys set ways, inner conflict and standing on his toes. One day while he was training, Billy stumbles across a local ballet class that comes to share the village hall with his boxing club, something in the magic of the movement captures his imagination, he was soon ditching his boxing gloves to sneak in at the back Mrs. Wilkinsons lesson. With a sharp eye for talent, Mrs. Wilkinsons zest for teaching is revived when she sees Billys potential. Rather than forgetting the other ballerinas, she was drawn into teaching her raw new protg. Meanwhile, Billys father (Jackie Elliot) and his eldest brother (Tony Elliot) are participating in the strike, whose mother has died quite some time ago and his grandmother is not completely aware of what is going on. Billy does not like the brutal boxing lessons at school. Instead, he falls for the girls ballet lessons. When he folks find out about his unusual love of his, Billy is in trouble.


Being supported by the ballet teacher, Mrs. Wilkinson he keeps secretly while the work situation as well as the problems at home get worse. Finally, Mrs. Wilkinson manages to get Billy an audition for the Royal Ballet School but now he also has to open his heart to his family. However, his father and brother pent up frustrations finally explode when they discover Billy has been misspent his boxing money on less than manly pursuit. Billy relationship with his school friend, Michael deepens into touching friendship, while new pal Debbie whose Mrs. Wilkinsons daughter, awakens frightening but not unpleasant, feelings in Billy. Mrs. Wilkinson eventually persuades Billy to accept private training for free. The emotions release in their intensive routines nearly breaks the both of them, but when the audition comes, Billy is tragically forced to miss it as a result of Tonys scuffle with the police. Taking matters into her hands, Mrs. Wilkinson calls on Billys father to explain the extraordinary chance his son is missing but thrown out by an irate Tony, much to Billys humiliation. Distraught by his familys lack of understanding, Billy unleashes his feeling in a dance meant only for Michael to see. However, he was caught mid- routine by his father. Rooted to the spot by the power and animation of his sons talent, Jackie solemnly agrees to ensure Billy gets another chance by auditioning in London. With support from the other miners, Billy and his dad finally go to London for the grueling audition, returning home to anxiously await the ballet schools decision. After past few days, he got answer from ballet school and he was succeed to register in the ballet school. Fifteen years later, Jackie, Tony and Michael watch with pride as the curtain rises on Billys premiere leading role in Londons West.


We had found three themes in this story. First of all is the impregnability in someones heart when go through a lot of challenges in their life. It is shown in Billys heart when he is very confident that ballet dance is his soul, his interest not boxing. He struggled to break away from the "norm" and shows the pressure that everyone is under to conform to what is expected of them. He willing to practice secretly with his teacher, Mrs. Wilkinson although he knows that if his father knew about it, he is going to die. It is not easy to tell a tough mining family that you have hung up your boxing gloves for a pair of ballet shoes. That is a risk that he has to take and seriously, he take the challenge. It shows how brave he is. Furthermore, Billy courageously goes through a lot of family problems. For instance, while his brother, father and neighbors are on strike and clash with riot police, he continues to take dance lessons. This is because dance is his interest and he also want to change his family life. Besides, impregnability also shows in Jackies character whom is Billys father. When he saw that his son was very talented, he goes to Mrs. Wilkinsons house to discuss Billys prospects as a dancer. He confirms Billy's talent, but is not sure either he would get into the Royal Ballet School or not. They discuss the cost of tuition, an amount well beyond Jackie Elliot means. He leaves questioning his working-class pride and the future mining has for his boys. Jackie decides the only way to help Billy is to return to work. It shows actually him willing to sacrifice anything as long as his children got what they want since his beloved wife no longer alive.


The other theme that we can discuss in this story is, a strong friendship between two people, Michael and Billy. Michael is beginning to grasp he is homosexual. He persuades Billy to have fun with him by dressing up in womans clothing and disdaining the restrictive inhibitions of their working class community. Left alone with Billy in the Community Centre, Michael reveals he has feelings for him, but Billy explains that although he likes ballet, he is not gay. Nonetheless, he lets Michael give him a kiss on the cheek. Michael leaves, and Billy feels like dancing for the first time since the day of the aborted audition. Although Michael becomes like that, they never fight each other in fact, he always give support to Billy to achieve his passion and dream. For us, it is really touching friendship. He also forms friendship with Mrs. Wilkinsons daughter, Debbie Wilkinson. Last but not least is, earnestnesss teacher to give knowledge and to teach her student to be a successful ballet dancer. It is show in Mrs. Wilkinson character, who is very headstrong teacher. Mrs. Wilkinson, recognizing Billy's talent, privately suggests he come to the studio for free solo lessons, and he improves to a level beyond that of the rest of the class. Eventually, she encourages him to audition for the Royal Ballet School in London. She is willing to do everything for him. So, these are all the themes that we are discovered in this story.


Characters of Billy Elliot

Billy Elliot
Billy Elliot is an eleven year-old boy live with his father, elder brother and grandmother. He is caring and loving person which can be seen when he made breakfast for his grandmother and look for her when she is not in her room that morning at the beginning of the story. Billy also determined and passionate of dancing because he continues secretly even he is forbidden to dance by his father after he discovered that Billy was skipped boxing class. Other scene is when he expressed his anger with dancing. Other than that, he also a patient boy who portrayed when his brother, Tony Elliot, scolded him for played the gramophone and his father scolded him for played the piano because he felt annoyed after arguing with Tony, he just kept quiet and let it be. His courageous can be seen almost the whole story because at his age, he survived such a tough life without a mother. At the moment he depressed, he felt his mother existed at the kitchen. That shows he need and missed his mother a lot. He also has to overcome Jackie and Tony who did not helped him to achieve his dream. On the other hand, Billy also shows the willing to sacrifice when he missed an important audition for the Royal Ballet School because Tony was arrested during a confrontation between police and striking miners. Lastly, he is a good ballet dancer because he was accepted to the Royal Ballet School and he finally succeeds to dance in the Swan Lake performance.


Jackie Elliot
He is a widower and father of Tony and Billy Elliot. His strictness was portrayed when he slapped Tony and forbid Billy from ballet dancing. On the other hand, he do love his sons which can be seen when she scolded Tony because he does not want Tony to get caught by police for the striking and when he return to work for the sake of Billy. He wants Billy to achieve his dream. Other than that, his understanding was portrayed when he is touched at Billys dancing then he realized and understand Billys talent and dream. At last, he also supports Billy which can be seen when he wanted to take Billy to the Royal Ballet School audition by himself.

Tony Elliot
Tony Elliot is the only brother of Billy. He is the first son of Mr. And Mrs. Elliot. He also one of the miners and the strikers. He is a tough, handsome guy and good at boxing. His hottempered and impatient can be seen when he scolded Billy for played his gramophone. Other scene is when he had an arguing with his father, Jackie Elliot, late at night and he becomes infuriated when he saw Jackie crossed the picket line. Besides that, he is a loving brother. He said Ill miss you to Billy but Billy did not heard that because he is in the bus. Tony also show his support to Billy when he is so excited to watch Billys performance of Swan Lake at the end of the story.


She is a widow, mother-in-law of Jackie and maternal grandmother of Tony and Billy. She was taken care well by Billy. Her loving character can be seen when she interfered Jackies anger at Billy. That show she could not bear watched Billy is being scolded. Besides that, her patient was portrayed when she just kept quiet after being scolded by Jackie for interfered when he babbling at Billy.

Mrs. Wilkinson
She is Debbies mother and the ballet teacher of Billy. She is the one who recognized Billys talent at dancing. Besides that, she is very supportive person which portrayed when he privately suggests Billy come to the studio for free solo lessons. She also gave some advised to Billy when he depressed. Other than that, she encourages Billy to audition for the Royal Ballet School at London. She believes that Billy can go far with ballet. She is the one who helped Billy so much in attempt to achieve his dream.


Michael Caffrey
He is Billys best friend. He began to grasp that Billy is homosexual so he persuades Billy to have fun with him by dressing up in girls clothes and put make up. Other than that, he confessed to Billy that he has feelings for him, but Billy explains that although he likes ballet, he is not gay. Nonetheless, he kisses Billy on the cheek. On the name of friendship, he came to Billys performance of Swan Lake at the end of the story.

Debbie Wilkinson
She is the only child and daughter of Mr. And Mrs. Wilkinson. She also took the ballet class with Billy. Debbie also the one who support Billys dream to be a professional ballet dancer. At the same time, she fell in love with Billy.


Plots Expositions
Plot is an arrangement or causal sequence of event that happened in a story. What had we found was, the events in Billy Elliot story that was arranged by the writer are starting with their exposition that is tell us it happened to a young boy, growing up in a small North East mining town. Set in the background of the miners strike during 1984, Billys father and brother are hard line union officials. Both his older brother and father are out on strike, his mother is dead, his grandmother is senile, and his friend is acting strange and if that was not bad enough Billy gives up his boxing lessons to join the ballet class. As if this eleven-year-old boys had not got enough to tend with. It is no surprise that Billy keeps his newfound interest a secret. It is not easy to tell a tough mining family that you have hung up your boxing gloves for a pair of ballet shoes. While his brother, father and neighbors are on strike and clash with riot police, he continues to take dance lessons, keeping it a secret from his family. Billy forms a friendship with Mrs. Wilkinsons daughter Debbie. Billy is taken to the boxing gym by his father, but he finds out that he does not really like the sport. Part of the boxing gym is used by a ballet class because their usual studio in the basement of the sports centre is being used as a soup kitchen for the striking miners. He is drawn in by the ballet teacher, and with her help, secretly starts taking ballet class. Billys father finds out after the boxing teacher makes comment of Billys absence. Billy is then forbidden to dance but continues secretly because he is becoming passionate about it. These expositions needed to understanding the story.


After that, we have to show the complication in this story. The complication is whereby the catalyst that begins the major conflict. Most complicated is when the boxing coach informs Billy's dad that the boy has not been to practice in months, and Mr. Elliot erupts, realizing Billy has spent the money he gave his son for boxing on something else. When he discovers where his son has been, he storms into the ballet class and forbids Billy from attending and Mrs. Wilkinson, who is supportive of the boy, from teaching him. Mrs. Wilkinson, recognizing Billy's talent, privately suggests he come to the studio for free solo lessons, and he improves to a level beyond that of the rest of the class. Eventually, she encourages him to audition for the Royal Ballet School in London. Meanwhile, Billy's father and brother Tony are engaged in daily battles with riot police that often turn bloody. They struggle to support the family with very little in strike and union pay, a difficult task that goes on for nearly a year. When the day of the Royal Ballet School audition comes, Mrs. Wilkinson arrives to pick up Billy. However, his family and some members of the community have gathered at the Elliot home, and she is forced to reveal that she has been teaching Billy ballet in preparation for this very day. This news upsets Billys father and Tony, who pushes the boy around, calls him names and embarrasses him in front of everyone. This set back sends Billy into a rage, and for nearly a year he stays away from everything related to ballet.


Other than that, the complicated scenes also happened when Billy's best friend Michael is beginning to grasp he is homosexual. He persuades Billy to have fun with him by dressing up in woman's clothing and disdaining the restrictive inhibitions of their working class community. Meanwhile, Billy's father and Brother Tony are engaged in daily battles with riot police that often turn bloody. They struggled to support the family with very little in strike and union pay, a difficult task that goes on for nearly a year.

After we gone through with expositions and complications, we should have their climax which is the turning point in the story that occurs when characters try to resolve the complications. It happens when the day of the Royal Ballet School audition comes Mrs. Wilkinson arrives to pick up Billy. However, his family and some members of the community have gathered at the Elliot home, and she is forced to reveal that she has been teaching Billy ballet in preparation for this very day. This news upsets Billys father and Tony, who pushes the boy around, calls him names and embarrasses him in front of everyone. This setback sends Billy into a rage, and for nearly a year he stays away from everything related to ballet. At Christmas time in the community centre, the children put on a show disparaging Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, who is seen as the antagonist by the coal miners.


Billy's father gets drunk and sings an old folk song that elicits memories of his deceased wife and the usually stoic man leaves in tears. Left alone with Billy in the Community Centre, Michael reveals he has feelings for him, but Billy explains that although he likes ballet, he is not gay. Nonetheless, he lets Michael give him a kiss on the cheek. Michael leaves, and Billy feels like dancing for the first time since the day of the aborted audition. From the door, his father watches Billy's dance routine and, at that time, Billy was teaching his friend to dance. When his father was so angry, Billy jumped up to the stage and danced. His father was shocked by Billys great performance. Then, his father had made a decision to support Billy with all his strength. Our favourite part is when Billys father was finally touched by Billy. I think this is the most touching and really the climax one because climax is part that the turning point and when the character which is Billy, try to resolve his entire problem with his father. Luckily, his father realized about it. To overcome with emotion, he goes to Mrs. Wilkinsons house to discuss Billys prospects as a dancer. She confirms Billy's talent, but is not sure whether or not he would get into the Royal Ballet School. They discuss the cost of tuition, an amount well beyond Mr. Elliot's means. He leaves questioning his working-class pride and the future mining has for his boys. Mr. Elliot decides the only way to help Billy is to return to work. When Tony sees his father cross the picket line, he becomes infuriated and the two argue over what is more important, unity of the miners or helping Billy achieve his dream.


The argument eventually comes to blows and Billy is hit accidentally. One by one, the miners side with Billy's quest and offer the boy their strike pay, but Billy still cannot afford the bus fare to London. A strike-breaker offers him hundreds of pounds from his wage, and an enraged Tony throws the money on the floor and runs off. Billy and his father arrive at the Royal Ballet School for the audition. While Mr. Elliot waits outside, an upper-crust Londoner highlights the contrast between the Elliot and the families of the other applicants. Mr. Elliot meets a dancer with a thick Northern accent. The dancer confesses that his father does not support his ballet career. He sharply advises Mr. Elliot to "get behind" his boy. Billy nervously finishes the audition with a sinking feeling that he did not do well. As he packs his gear, he lets that emotion overwhelm him, and he punches another auditioned in the face. The audition committee reminds Billy of the strict standards of the school. They have received an enthusiastic letter from Mrs. Wilkinson explaining Billy's background and situation, and they ask him to describe what he feels when he dances. Billy responds with a heartfelt declaration of his passion. They are returning home to anxiously await the ballet schools decision.


Last but not least is the resolution. It is the set of event that bring the story to a close. When they were back in Durham, the Elliott resume life as usual. Billy receives a letter from the school and informs everyone he wasn't accepted. Tony retrieves the letter from the waste bin and discovers that his brother was accepted. At the same time, the miners have decided to return to work resigned to the fact they are a part of a dying industry and a withering community. Billy says goodbye to the miners, Mrs. Wilkinson and thanking her for everything she did to help him and Debbie, who will miss him. Michael arrives to say goodbye, and Billy gives him a kiss on the cheek. Fifteen years later, his father, Jackie, Tony and Michael watch with pride as the curtain rises on Billys premiere leading role in Londons West. It was such happy ending story. The resolution is very simple and easy to understand by every person.


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