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Modernism as a literary convention: Eva Figes Ghosts

1. Formal features un/typical of modernism?

2. Thematic content un/typical of modernism?

3. Look at the list below. Put a tick next to the items that in your opinion adequately
characterize modernism (think of Ghosts as a representative modernist work but bear in
mind that each work of art is unique and not everything that is true of Ghosts will be
true of each and every modernist novel). If you think that something is missing feel free
to add the relevant descriptive phrases to the list. Next put a plus + or a minus – next to
those items you have ticked or added (+ stands for what you consider an advantage of
the convention, − stands for a disadvantage).

- offers a deep study of the human psyche (especially of the deep levels of consciousness and
possibly of the unconscious),

- pursues the mistaken aim of representing pure consciousness (free of any content),

- liberates the author from the authority that has been attached to the profession; the author
may freely admit to his/her cognitive limitations,

- encourages the reader to actively and critically approach the text, the reader is no longer
taught what to think by the author,

- is difficult and sophisticated as regards artistic techniques, hermeticist, separated from life
and popular fiction,

- liberates the novel from the fixed, out-dated techniques of realism (such as a well-knit plot,
external omniscient narrator or average characters with whom the reader can easily identify),

- aims to represent the reality of human subjective experience (its whatness and howness),
perceives man as an individual (not merely part of society),

- faces the truth about human neurosis, the conflicted nature of human inner needs, desires,
belifs, the complexity of human inner life,

- often deals with problems that very sensitive and artistically-gifted people may experience,
which are alien to most people,

- propagates the naive belief in rationality, technological progress & science, to the exclusion
of the past,

- is escapist: refuses to be socially and politically engaged,

- embodies aestheticist style of art for art’s sake, exhibits purist interest in form (to the
exclusion of the subject-matter relevant to human life), has therefore an alienating and
dehumanizing effect,

- is concerned with cognitive issues,

- ....

In toto?

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