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children's story about magical and imaginary beings and lands; a fairy story

Maybe my observations are not groun-breaking, but I have some of them.

So, the place of action in fairytale in usually unknown, and the same is in Aerial;
we cannot find on a map this city from the movie. This is rather an imaginary
world. As we sorted out at the beginning it is not a realistic movie. The same is
about the time; if I remember correctly there was mentioned phrase " in the year
XX" but this is quite vague. Ok, I guess that in some way it is related to the
previous century, but we have no direct data, no direct indication.

Another obvious thing is the presence of non-realistic situations and

characters. I was really confused because of a baloon-men (what is going on),
after that about the Rat-Men (it was also strange), just this idea of hypnotising
the masses is a fairy-tale-style. And of, coure, sombody have to break the spell.

So, this fantastic elements are not disturbing for the characters, this is the
element of their world. Like in fairytale.

Another thing is a simple plot. In fairytales a plot is rather linear, with no

additional short stories and branches. In the Aerial situation is the same i think.
Additional anecdotes are minimised and if recipient is confused it's rather
because of estrangement (defamiliarisation) not because of complex plot.

Another thing is happy ending. Farytales always offer the happy end. When this
homework was announced for me it was a spoiler in this sense that I knew that
when we are suppose to observe here the elements of a farytale, then there
must be the happy end and that good characters will win. Mamybe this happy
end is confusing, but still - everything was repaired, they regained their voices,
so this is a kind of happy end. So I wasn't fully wrong in my predictions.

And the last thing - the main characters show a positive moral values; Ana and
her family know that they should save Tomas because he is defensless and
because only the boy is able to save the city, namely his Voice can do it. In
fairytales also is clear which kind of behavior is good, and who is a bad
policeman and not merciful emperor.

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