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College of Engineering and Technology, SRM IST.

ODD Semester, 2023-24

Lab code & Title : 18ECO106J - PCB Design and Manufacturing Lab

Year & Semester : 3rd and 5th semester

Project Title : Clap Switch Circuit

Lab Supervisor : Eswaran P

Team Members Registration No & Name:

Reg. No & Name RA2111026010227 RA2111026010250 RA2111028010196
Rayala Manogna Shravani Maskar Affan Roshan
Mark split up

Novelty of the
project (5 marks)

Circuit Schematic
(10 marks)

PCB CAM file

(SS/DS) (10Marks)

PCB Fabrication and

Assembly (Hardware)
(15 marks)

Project Report
(10 Marks)

Total ( 50 Marks)

Date: Signature of Lab Supervisor


The objective of a PCB clap switch circuit project is to create a sound-activated

switch that can turn a device on or off in response to clapping or other loud
sounds. The specific objectives may include:

1. Designing a Printed Circuit Board (PCB): Create a custom PCB layout to

accommodate the clap switch components, ensuring efficient and compact

2. Sound Sensing: Develop a sensor or microphone system that can detect sound
levels, particularly claps or loud noises.

3. Signal Processing: Implement signal processing to distinguish claps from other

ambient sounds and convert the audio signal into a digital form for analysis.

4. Control Logic: Design the control logic that interprets the sound input and
triggers the switch mechanism for turning a device on or off.

5. Switch Mechanism: Incorporate a relay or electronic switch component to

control the device's power supply.

6. Testing and Calibration: Fine-tune the sensitivity and response time of the clap
switch and perform rigorous testing to ensure it functions accurately.

7. Documentation: Document the circuit design, components used, and assembly

instructions for future reference.

8. User-Friendly Design: If applicable, consider user interface features such as

adjustable sensitivity or feedback indicators.

The primary objective is to create a functional and reliable sound-activated switch,

while secondary objectives may involve customizability, user-friendliness, and
efficiency in power consumption.

The PCB clap switch circuit project aims to design and develop an innovative
sound-activated switch system. This project focuses on creating a printed circuit
board (PCB) that incorporates a sound sensor capable of detecting specific sound
patterns, such as clapping or loud noises. The core objective is to enable the switch
to respond to these sound inputs, effectively turning electrical devices on or off.

The project involves the design and fabrication of the custom PCB layout, the
integration of a sensitive sound sensor, and the implementation of signal
processing and control logic. The switch mechanism, typically a relay or
electronic switch component, is utilized to control the power supply to connected

Through meticulous testing and calibration, the project ensures the reliability and
accuracy of the clap switch, making it a convenient and energy-efficient solution
for various applications. Comprehensive documentation of the circuit design and
assembly instructions accompanies the project, making it accessible to enthusiasts
and DIY electronics enthusiasts.

The PCB clap switch circuit project not only showcases an engaging blend of
electronics, sound sensing technology, and automation but also serves as a
valuable addition to the realm of home automation and control systems.

The PCB clap switch circuit project is an exciting endeavor that combines
electronics and sound-activated technology to create an innovative and
user-friendly solution. This project revolves around the development of a
sound-activated switch that responds to specific sound patterns, such as clapping
or loud noises. It offers a practical and convenient way to control various electrical
devices with just a clap, making it a valuable addition to the field of home
automation and control systems.

The project's core objective is to design and implement a custom printed circuit
board (PCB) that integrates a sensitive sound sensor, signal processing, and
control logic. By accurately detecting and analyzing sound inputs, the switch
mechanism, typically a relay or electronic switch component, can toggle the power
supply to connected devices, offering both an on and off functionality.

The key features of the PCB clap switch circuit project include compactness,
energy efficiency, and user-friendly design. It promises to cater to a wide range of
applications, from turning on lights in a room to automating appliances, thereby
enhancing convenience and energy conservation.

This introduction sets the stage for an exciting exploration of the PCB clap switch
circuit project, showcasing its relevance in modern automation and its potential to
improve everyday living

The PCB clap switch circuit project primarily focuses on the hardware aspects of a
sound-activated switch. However, some software components play a crucial role in
its functionality. Here's a brief description of the software requirements and their
roles in the project:

Microcontroller Programming: To facilitate the sound recognition and switching

operations, a microcontroller is typically used in the circuit. Software is required
to program the microcontroller to analyze sound inputs from the sensor and
control the switch mechanism. The programming language and environment
depend on the microcontroller chosen for the project.

Signal Processing: Sound signals captured by the sensor need to be processed to

distinguish claps from other ambient noise. Software algorithms are developed to
filter and analyze the audio data, detecting specific patterns that correspond to
claps. This processing is essential for accurate switching.

User Interface (Optional): In more advanced versions of the project, a user

interface software may be developed to allow users to configure sensitivity settings
or monitor the switch status. This software could run on a computer or mobile
device, providing a convenient way to interact with the clap switch.

Documentation and Testing Tools: Software tools such as text editors, CAD
software, and simulation tools are essential for documenting the project, creating
PCB layouts, and testing the circuit's functionality. Proper documentation aids in
the assembly and replication of the project.

It's important to note that while software plays a critical role in signal processing
and microcontroller programming, the project's primary focus is on the hardware
components, including the PCB design, sensor integration, and switch mechanism.
The software requirements are meant to enhance the functionality and usability of
the clap switch circuit.

When designing a PCB clap switch circuit, there are several design constraints and
considerations to keep in mind to ensure its functionality and reliability:

Sensitivity: The circuit must be sensitive enough to detect the sound of a clap, but
it should also filter out other background noise.

Power Consumption: The circuit should be energy-efficient, especially if it's

intended for battery-powered applications. Minimizing power consumption is
essential to prolong the battery life.

Response Time: The circuit should respond quickly to a clap, ensuring that the
connected load (e.g., lights) switches on or off promptly. Slow response times can
be a constraint, especially in applications where quick actions are required.

Calibration: It should be easy to calibrate the sensitivity of the circuit to adapt to

different environments and noise levels. This constraint ensures that the circuit can
function effectively in various conditions.

Noise Immunity: Design constraints should include measures to make the circuit
immune to false triggers caused by electrical noise, electromagnetic interference,
or other external factors.

Size and Form Factor: Depending on the application, the size and form factor of
the PCB must be appropriate. Compact designs may be essential for integration
into small spaces.

Cost Constraints: If the circuit is intended for mass production, keeping the
components and manufacturing costs low is crucial.

Reliability and Durability: The circuit should be designed for long-term reliability
and durability. Components should withstand continuous use without frequent

Safety: Safety considerations are important, especially if the circuit controls

high-voltage devices. Proper insulation and safety measures should be integrated.
User-Friendly Interface: If the circuit is part of a larger product, the user interface
and controls should be intuitive and user-friendly


The PCB clap switch circuit typically consists of a microphone or sound

sensor to detect the clapping sound, a signal conditioning circuit, a
microcontroller or timer, and an output relay or device control.
When a clap or noise is detected by the microphone, the signal conditioning
circuit amplifies and processes the signal.
The microcontroller or timer interprets the processed signal and triggers a
relay to switch a connected device on or off.
The circuit successfully responds to clapping or noise, activating or
deactivating the connected device as intended.
The design can be customized to adjust sensitivity, response time, and the
number of claps required for activation.


PCB clap switch circuits are popular for their hands-free and convenience
features, commonly used for controlling lights, fans, or other home
The microphone's sensitivity can be adjusted to detect specific sound levels,
making it important to fine-tune for the desired response.
The signal conditioning circuit ensures that the circuit responds accurately to
the detected sound, reducing false triggers.
The microcontroller or timer component provides flexibility in setting the
number of claps required, timeout periods, and other control parameters.
PCB clap switches are energy-efficient as they often operate in standby mode
when not triggered, making them suitable for home automation and energy
The circuit's reliability depends on the quality of components used and
proper PCB design to minimize interference.
In summary, a PCB clap switch circuit is a practical and fun way to control
devices through sound. The design and component selection are critical to
ensure accurate and reliable operation. It offers a hands-free and convenient
solution for various applications, particularly in home automation and smart
home systems.

The clap activated switching device functions properly by responding to both

hand claps at about three to four meter away and finger tap sound at very
close range, since both are low frequency sounds and produce the same pulse
wave features. The resulting device is realizable, has good reliability and it’s
relatively inexpensive.


1. We can increase the range of this equipment by using better Mic.

2. We can use this as Remote Controller.



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