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How do I love thee
Back Story: Elizabeth Browning
It is easily one of the most famous and recognizable poems in the English language. In the poem,
the speaker is proclaiming her unending passion for her beloved. She tells her lover just how
deeply her love goes. She loves him with all of her beings, and she hopes God will grant her the
ability to love him even after she has passed.

 Love
 Devotion
 Relationships.
From the first lines, it’s clear that this is going to be a love poem. She addresses her listener,
likely her husband Robert Browning, and tells him that there are many reasons why she loves
him and that she’s going to list them out. As the poem progresses the language becomes more
figurative with the poet making various nature-based comparisons in order to depict her love
accurately and movingly.

Death comes into the poem at the end as the speaker talks about the length and durability of their
relationship. She hopes that God will allow her to love her partner even in death. It becomes
clear at the end that her love is a spiritual one as much as it is a romantic one.

Structures and forms:

 ‘Sonnet 43’ is classified as a sonnet because it contains fourteen lines of poetry and has a
fixed rhyme scheme of abba abba cdcdcd.
 This is the traditional pattern of a Petrarchan sonnet, one of the two major sonnet
 The poem also makes use of the usual metrical pattern associated with standard sonnet
forms, that is, iambic pentameter. This means that each line contains five sets of two
beats. The first of these is unstressed and the second is stressed.

Literary Devices:
 Simile
 Alliteration
 Imagery.
The first of these is one of the most impactful literary devices that a poet can use. It can be seen
through the poet’s ability to create images that appeal to or activate the reader’s sense. These are
things that can be seen, touched, heard, or smelt in one’s mind. A good example comes from
these lines “I love thee to the level of every day’s / Most quiet need, by sun and candle-light”.

There is a great example of a simile in this line: “I love thee freely, as men strive for right”. here,
she compares the amount that she loves her partner to the strength with which men “strive” for
what is right, or just.

Alliteration is an effective device that’s used to increase the overall rhythm and rhyme of a
piece of poetry. For example, “purely” and “praise” in line eight.

 1st person.
 One can assume, although it is not 100% certain, that Browning is also the speaker of the
poem since it is well known just how deeply she and Robert Browning loved and cared
for each other. The speaker is talking directly to her beloved in the sonnet; she uses
personal pronouns such as “I” and “you.”

Detailed Analysis:
 Based on the initial line, it appears that the speaker has been asked a question before the
reading of Sonnet 43.
 The first line also serves as the motivation for the rest of the work.

 She then uses the last thirteen lines of the poem to show just how much she loves her
 Lines 2-4 of Sonnet 43 provide the first way in which the speaker loves her husband.

 Here she is describing that her love is as deep and wide and tall as it can possibly be. It is
so deep and wide and tall, in fact, that she cannot even “see” the edges of it: it is infinite.
 She uses consonance in line two in order to convey just how much she loves her
 The repetition of the “th” sound gives the line movement, which signifies that her love
for him is ongoing.
 In the next two lines, Barrett Browning continues to show her husband how much she
loves him.

 These lines are simple. While her love knows no bounds, the speaker also loves her
beloved in ordinary, everyday life. She needs him as much as she needs other basic
of life.
 In lines seven
and eight, Barrett Browning writes of two other ways she loves.
 These lines
of Sonnet 43 give an natural sense of feeling to her love. Just as men naturally strive
to do what is good and right, she freely loves. In addition, she loves him purely, just
as men turn from praise in order to maintain humbleness.
 The speaker does not want thanks or attention for her love; just like good and just
men, she loves because it is what she has to do. Using these two similes in these two
lines strengthens the tone of love and adoration in the poem.

 Barrett Browning’s diction here is interesting, particularly because she is taking the
feelings she has about something relatively negative and comparing it to the feelings she
has for her husband.
 Old griefs can be defined as anything that a person passionately hates. She is telling her
husband here that she has as much passion for him as she does for those things in life that
she just cannot stand.
 She also loves him with the faith of a child, which is a particularly lovely line.
Children’s faith is usually steadfast(strong) and true. Just like a child has faith, so, too,
does the speaker have love for her husband.
 Barrett Browning continues with this religious image in the next lines.

 Her “lost saints” is a reference to all of those people she once loved and adored in her
 The love she once felt for them, that she eventually lost, has now been transferred into the
love she feels for her husband.
 Additionally, she loves him with all that she is: her breath, her smiles, and her tears.
Barrett Browning confesses that she loves her husband with all that has made up her life.
 Barrett Browning ends her poem by acknowledging that she is willing to love her
husband forever if God chooses to allow her to do so.

 Not only will she love him well into eternity, she writes, but she will also love him even
better than she does presently. Her love will continue to grow with the passing of time,
regardless of whether or not she or he is still alive.
 The speaker’s love for her husband is so strong that not even death could destroy it.

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