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ISSN 00978078, Water Resources, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 5, pp. 595–610. © Pleiades Publishing, Ltd., 2010.

Original Russian Text © V.N. Mikhailov, M.V. Mikhailova, 2010, published in Vodnye Resursy, 2010, Vol. 37, No. 5, pp. 515–530.



Delta Formation Processes at the Mississippi River Mouth

V.N. Mikhailova and M.V. Mikhailovab
Moscow State University, Leninskie gory, Moscow GSP1, 119991 Russia
Water Problems Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, ul. Gubkina 3, Moscow, 119333 Russia
Received November 26, 2009

Abstract—Specific processes of delta formation at the Mississippi River mouth are discussed. In the last
7000–8000 years, a series of large deltaic lobes was formed in succession at the Mississippi River mouth under
the condition of high river sediment runoff and stabilization of the ocean level after its sudden postglacial rise.
In the midXX century, the formation of a new deltaic lobe began at the Atchafalaya Branch mouth. Over the
last centuries, the processes of delta formation at the Mississippi River mouth slowed down as a result of the
river sediment runoff decrease after flow regulation of the Missouri and Arkansas tributaries; in some parts of
the deltaic plain, these processes gave way to degradation of marshes and seashore erosion under the impact
of intense land subsidence. The current processes of delta formation are under the great influence of local
economic activities.

Keywords: river, sea bay, delta, water and sediment runoff, delta formation, tides, hurricanes and
storm surges, land subsidence, degradation of marshes, coastal erosion.
DOI: 10.1134/S0097807810050015

INTRODUCTION dikes, urbanization of the delta, pumping out of oil

and gas, etc.) on the delta structure and regime.
The Mississippi River delta is one of the most
extensively studied deltas of the world. The Coastal The analysis of experience and results of studies of
Studies Institute, Lousiana State University, in Baton hydrological and morphological processes in the Mis
Rouge dedicated many decades to the studies of this sissippi River delta may be of great interest in the
delta. The efforts of geologists, geomorphologists, course of further development of the theory of mouth
hydrologists, ecologists, and representatives of other and delta formation processes. This analysis is useful
specialities were aimed at studying the delta geological for specialists engaged in studying the river deltas of
history, the stratigraphy of deltaic deposits, the devel Russia and working out the measures on use and pro
opment of delta drainage system during the Holocene tection of their natural resources; the more so that the
epoch, the morphological structure and hydrological information on the processes in the modern delta of
regime of the modern delta, the processes of land sub the Mississippi River is scanty in our literature, except
sidence in the delta and degradation of wetlands, the for some data presented in [2, 4]. The purpose of this
environmental conditions of marshes, etc. In the sec article is to give an analytical review of the results of
ond half of the XX century, the interest in studies of the American studies of the Mississippi River delta
delta formation processes at the Mississippi River
mouth became more intriguing for the following rea
sons: first, the river sediment runoff decrease as a HYDROGRAPHY OF THE MISSISSIPPI
result of flow regulation of the Missouri and Arkansas RIVER DELTA
tributaries had a distinct impact on the delta processes;
second, the relative sea level rise was speeded up by the One of the largest deltas of the world is at the mouth
eustatic ocean level growth caused by the climate of the Mississippi River, the greatest river of North
warming and intense land subsidence in the delta; America (the river basin area is 3238000 km2, the
third, the processes related to the degradation of wet length of the Mississippi River proper is 3766 km and
lands, which are of great economic and environmental together with the Missouri River it amounts to
value, became more intense; fourth, the beginning of 5970 km [23]). The Mississippi River delta is located
a new cycle in the development of the Mississippi del in the state of Louisiana, USA. According to the
taic plain was revealed, this development was caused recent American assessments [8], the delta area is
by the activation of the west delta branch of Atchafa 23900 km2.
laya; fifth, the impact of local economic activities Currently, the head of the Mississippi River delta
(construction of different canals, manmade regula and the entire vast deltaic plain of this river (Fig. 1) are
tion of flow at the delta head, construction of defense located at the point of separation of the short (about



4 DH

5 30

12 10 27
31 24 26
11 15 29
16 17
28 19

Gulf of Mexico 23
20 21 8
22 1
0 30 km
6 7

Fig. 1. Schematic map of the Mississippi River mouth area. Rivers: (1) Mississippi River; (2) Red River; delta watercourses:
(3) Mississippi Branch, (4) Old River Bypass, (5) Atchafalaya Branch, (6) Southwest Pass, (7) South Pass, (8) Pass a Loutre; lakes:
(9) Lake Pontchartrain, (10) Lake Maurepas, (11) Grand Lake, old channels (bayou): (12) Bayou Teche, (13) Bayou Cypremort,
(14) Bayou Sale, (15) Bayou Lafourche; bays: (16) Vermilion Bay, (17) West Cote Blanche Bay, (18) East Cote Blanche Bay,
(19) Atchafalaya Bay, (20) Caillou Bay, (21) Terrabonne Bay, (22) Tembalier Bay, (23) Barataria Bay, (24) Lake Borgne, (25) Bre
ton Sound, (26) Chandeleur Sound, (27) Mississippi Bay; islands: (28) Marsh Island, (29) Chandeleur Islands; towns: (30) Baton
Rouge, (31) New Orleans. DH is delta head. (1) is delta boundary

10 km long) Old River Bypass from the river upstream from the Pass a Loutre: the North Pass runs to the left
of the town of Baton Rouge. and the Southeast Pass runs to the right. The parame
ters of watercourses in the Balize delta are different:
The present channel network of the delta consists the width varies from several meters to 1km and the
of two main branches: the left main Mississippi depth varies from 1m to 30 m. The natural depth at
Branch (a continuation of the river within the delta) mouth bars of passes is usually less than 3 m.
and the right branch, including the Old River Bypass
and the Atchafalaya Branch (Fig.1). The Mississippi The total length of the delta right branch (the Old
Branch about 515 km long [31] empties into the open, River Bypass and the Atchafalaya Branch) is about
very deep part of the Gulf of Mexico, thus forming a 220 km, the Atchafalaya branch accounting for
number of large branches and small watercourses 210 km. This branch begins from the confluence of the
within the boundaries of the Balize delta of “bird foot” Old River Bypass and the Red River (the basin area is
type. Each large branch here has its tribal name of 241000 km2, the length is 2080 km). The Atchafalaya
pass, which means a fairway, a navigable channel. The Branch runs through a system of lakes, of which the
main maritime branches (from west to east) are the main lakes are Grand Lake and Six Mile Lake. Down
Southwest Pass, the South Pass, and the Pass a Loutre. stream of these lakes, the Atchafalaya Branch bifur
The area, where these passes leave the main channel of cates and forms two new watercourses: the larger, left
the Mississippi Branch, is called the Head of Passes; it Lower Atchafalaya Branch and the smaller, right
is located 35 km from the gulf when counting along the branch running though the manmade Wax Lake and
longest Southwest Pass. Small watercourses run away having the name of Wax Lake Outlet. This watercourse

WATER RESOURCES Vol. 37 No. 5 2010


represents a manmade canal meant to discharge through the Southwest Pass, and its mouth bar. This
excess water from the Atchafalaya Branch system and canal permits heavytonnage sea ships to reach the
to protect Morgan City from inundation. Both water towns of New Orleans and Baton Rouge.
courses empty into the Atchafalaya Bay, where two The width of the Mississippi mouth shelf, which is
small bayhead deltas are intensely developing now. bounded from the south by the isobath of about 120 m,
In addition to the existing deltaic branches, the approximates 160 km from the west to the east of the
remains of ancient channels (the main branches of modern Balize delta (mean bottom slopes in this stripe
large deltaic lobes formed in the past) are observed on being i ~ 0.75‰). The bottom slopes are less and
the deltaic plain surface. At present, these ancient amount to 0.3–0.4‰ within the shallowwater coastal
channels look like small, very sluggish watercourses, zone of the shelf (0–20 m), this zone is 50–75 km
often overgrown. They were transformed in places into wide. The continental slope (i > 15‰) begins outside
small canals for water supply to the delta. These of the isobath of about 120 m.
ancient channels are called here bayou. They are The modern delta of the Mississippi River, i.e., the
mainly located in the western part of the deltaic plain Balize delta, is located near the shelf edge and is prac
(Fig. 1): Sale, Teche, Cypremort, and Lafourche tically progradated onto the continental slope. The
(their names coincide with the names of correspond bottom slopes of the nearshore zone of this delta are
ing ancient deltaic lobes). considerable (more than >20‰). According to [2],
There are many lakes in the deltaic Mississippi the nearshore zone facing the modern Balize delta
plain (Fig. 1). Some of them represent residual water may be considered to be very deep (i > 1‰); as for the
bodies, i.e., elements of the estuary bay formed during rest part of the delta, it may be considered moderately
the intense Holocene transgression of the ocean. The deep (i varies from 0.1 to 1‰).
largest lakes are Lake Maurepas and Lake Pontchar
train located east of the Mississippi Branch, Lake Sal
vador located west of this branch, and Grand Lake, FACTORS OF DELTA FORMATION
through which the Atchafalaya Branch runs. AT THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER MOUTH
Vast areas called wetlands or marshes make up an Specific Features of Delta Formation at the Mississippi
important part of the drainage system of the Missis River Mouth
sippi River delta. The Mississippi River delta formation and evolu
The following main sea bays are located along the tion of all the deltas of the world are under the impact
delta coastline of the Mississippi River from the west to of a complex of natural and humaninduced factors.
the east (Fig. 1): Vermilion Bay, West Cote Blanche The greatest impact on deltas is exerted by the river
Bay, East Cote Blanche Bay, Atchafalaya Bay, Caillou water runoff and sediment runoff and their natural and
Bay, Terrabonne Bay, Tembalier Bay, Barataria Bay, humaninduced variations, the rise or fall of the mean
West Bay and East Bay (at the coasts of the modern level in a receiving water body as well as tides, surges,
Balize delta), Breton Sound and Chandeleur Sound sea waves, water management activities within a delta
(separated from the Gulf of Mexico by a system of bar [2].
rier islands of the same name), Lake Borgne and Mis Up to the midXX century, the Holocene delta of
sissippi Bay. the Mississippi River mainly formed under the impact
Apart from natural water objects, the Mississippi of fluvial factors. According to the classification of
River delta has many manmade watercourses, deltas [17], the Mississippi River mouth was qualified
including navigable, irrigation, and drainage canals. as a water object with distinct predomination of the
There is a reach of the wellknown navigable Intrac fluvial impact (river sediment runoff) with a certain
oastal waterway among them; it connects coastal ports influence of sea waves and nearly total absence of tide
of the open part of the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of influence.
Mexico. Lying within the boundaries of the deltaic The high runoff of the Mississippi River predeter
plain, this waterway runs from the Mississippi branch mined the rapid delta switching (with breaks in the
near New Orleans to Morgan City located at the channel and successive formation of deltaic lobes)
Atchafalaya Branch and then goes on to Houston in over the last 7000–8000 years. The formation of a
the state of Texas. To the east of the Mississippi series of overlapping (formed on the surface of the old
Branch, the Intercoastal waterway goes from New delta) and adjacent (formed at the periphery of the old
Orleans to Mobil and then in the direction of the delta) distinct deltas is typical of the mouths of rivers
Atlantic coasts of the United States. having high sediment runoff at the sediment concen
Manmade components of the drainage system of tration exceeding 0.8 kg/m3 [2, 4] (the rivers of Hua
the Mississippi River delta may also include the regu nghe, Amudarya, Terek, Ili, and others). Not long ago,
lation hydraulic structure in the Old River Bypass, the Mississippi River mouth could be also referred to
numerous defense dikes along branches (particularly, this type of mouths.
in the lower reaches of the Mississippi Branch) and In the second half of the XX century, the correla
coasts of some lakes, as well as a deep navigable canal tion between the influence of fluvial and marine fac

WATER RESOURCES Vol. 37 No. 5 2010


Table 1. Distribution of the Mississippi River water flow within a year (at the Vicksburg gauging station) over the period of
1928–1983 [20]
Jan. Feb. Mar Apr. May June July Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year
Qmean, m3/s 16900 20040 23830 27380 24200 18570 14210 9630 7840 7810 9080 12340 15980
Qmean, % 8.8 10.5 12.4 14.3 12.6 9.7 7.4 5.0 4.1 4.1 4.7 6.4 100.0
Qmax, m /s 35900 55000 42300 52300 52400 43100 35800 24000 17100 15600 23100 32600 27810
Qmin, m3/s 4250 3680 3410 11500 9650 6110 5610 4040 3600 2890 3730 3660 8870

tors substantially changed. The construction of large however, it does not take into account possible trans
dams and reservoirs in the Mississippi River delta has formation of the water runoff along the Mississippi
resulted in a noticeable decrease in the river sediment Branch, which is rather long but is still poorly studied
runoff. At the same time, the impact of the eustatic because of the lack of data. The following data charac
ocean level rise and, more important, the impact of terize the runoff value and its share in two main delta
natural and humaninduced subsidence of deltaic branches: 381 km3/year (65.5%) for the Mississippi
deposits on the delta increased. As a consequence, the Branch and 201 km3/year (34.5%) for the Atchafalaya
progradation of the active part of the delta into the Branch (with regard to the runoff of the Old River
Gulf of Mexico slowed down, while the degradation of Bypass and Red River).
deltaic lands in the rest part of the delta became more According to [23], the tributaries of Ohio
intense. The Mississippi River delta gradually loses its (7957 m3/s, 251 km3/year, or 43%), Missouri
status of a delta having the dominant fluvial impact. (2158 m3/s, 68.1 km3/year, or 11.7%), Red River
(1590 m3/s, 50.2 km3/year, or 8.6%), Arkansas
(1161 m3/s, 36.6 km3/year, or 6.3%), and Illinois
River Water and Sediment Runoff (800 m3/s, 25.2 km3/year, or 4.3%) make the greatest
Water runoff. The information on the value of the contribution to the mean water runoff of the Missis
Mississippi River water runoff available in literature is sippi River (18430 m3/s, 582 km3/year).
rather contradictory. The publications offer the fol Longterm and seasonal variations of the Missis
lowing values: 15360 m3/s (485 km3/year) [9], sippi River water runoff in the lower reaches of the
515 km3/year [29], 530 km3/year [24], 17740 m3/s river can be judged from the results of measurements at
(560 km3/year) [8], and 610 km3/year [13]. In the the gauging station of Vicksburg (about 750 km from
opinion of the authors of this article, the difference in the gulf, the basin area is 2964000 km2, 91.5% of the
values was caused by the fact that the river water runoff total area of the river basin). Over the period of
was recorded at different cross sections and calculated 1928⎯1983 [20], the mean water discharge here was
for different periods of time. 15980 m3/s (504 km3/year), no trend in variations of
According to the recent and complete data of the mean annual discharges was revealed. The most water
United States Geological Survey [23], the mean water abundant years of that period were the years of
discharge of the Mississippi River at the delta head is 1973 (27810 m3/s), 1950 (24790 m3/s), and 1945
16790 m3/s (530 km3/year). The system of the Red (23040 m3/s), while the most waterdeficient years
River and the Atchafalaya Branch receives 4730 m3/s were the years of 1931 (8866 m3/s), 1934 (8870 m3/s),
(149 km3/year) of water from the Mississippi River and 1954 (9259 m3/s).
through the Old River Bypass. In this way, 530 – 149 = High water (spring flood from February to June,
381 km3/year of water enter the Mississippi Branch five months) and low water (low flow from July to Jan
downstream of the delta head. uary, seven months) periods, which account for 59.5
According to [23], the mean water discharge of the and 40.5% of the annual water runoff, respectively, are
Red River at the head of the Atchafalaya branch (i.e., clearly defined in the seasonal variations of the Missis
at the confluence of the Old River Bypass and the Red sippi River water runoff (Table 1). The most water
River) is 1590 m3/s (50.2 km3/year). The water runoff abundant months are April (14.3% of the annual run
of the Atchafalaya Branch at its head is 50.2 + 149 = off), May (12.6%), and March (12.4%); the most
199.2 km3/year. According to [23], the water discharge water deficient months are September and October
in the lower reaches of the Atchafalaya Branch is a lit (4.1% of the annual runoff in each). The maximum
tle higher (201 km3/year). mean monthly water discharges may reach 52000–
Thus, the total water runoff of the Mississippi 55000 m3/s in February, April, and May. The mini
River, which enters the Gulf of Mexico, is 381 + 201 = mum mean monthly water discharges are observed in
582 km3/year (18430 m3/s) [23]. This calculation October (about 2900 m3/s).
takes into account the Red River runoff and a certain After World War II, a series of large dams and reser
change in the runoff along the Atchafalaya Branch; voirs was constructed at the tributaries of Missouri (in

WATER RESOURCES Vol. 37 No. 5 2010


Table 2. Suspended sediment runoff, million t/year, in the Mississippi River basin before the construction of reservoirs on
the rivers of Missouri (in 1953–1967) and Arkansas (in 1963–1970) and regulation structure in the Old River Bypass (in
1963) and after these measures (1970–1978) according to [21]
Watercourse Measurement site Before 1953 1970–1978
Missouri R Hermann 318.8 86.4
Mississippi R. St. Louis 319.9 109.9
Arkansas R. Little Rock 92.8 11.4
Mississippi R. Arkansas City 420 168.6
Mississippi R. Vicksburg 470 225.3
Mississippi R. Delta head, upstream of branching of the Old River Bypass 394 217
Old River Bypass Sourse 95.0 56.0
Red River Alexandria 37.6 35.1
Mississippi Branch Downstream of delta head, Tarbert Landing 299.0 161.0
Atchafalaya Branch Simmesport 135.1 93.9

1953–1967) and Arkansas (in 1963–1970) with a view As follows from the data [24], the flow regulation of the
to control floods, generate electric power, irrigate Missouri and Arkansas tributaries resulted in a decrease in
lands, and improve navigation conditions. The largest suspended sediment runoff at the Mississippi River mouth
hydraulic structures were constructed at the Missouri by more than one half. At the end of the XIX century, the
River: the Fort Peck Dam reservoir (filled in 1939, the river carried about 500000000 t/year of suspended sedi
full storage capacity is 23.9 km3, the area is 980 km2) ments at its mouth; in the first half of the XX century, it car
[1], Lake Sakakawea and the Garrison Dam (1954, ried about 400000000 t/year; in 1900, the suspended sedi
29.4 km3, 1240 km2), the Oahe Dam (1963, 29 km3, ment runoff was as low as 210000000 t/year [24].
1505 km2) [1], Lake Sharp and the Big Bend Dam According to [24], before 1953, the Mississippi
(1966, 2.2 km3, 230 km2), Lake Francis Case and the and Atchafalaya branches carried together
Fort Randall Dam (1956, 7 km3, 413 km2), and Lewis 394 000 000 t/year of suspended sediments into the
and Clark Lake with the Gavins Point Dam (1957, Gulf of Mexico; after 1963, this value decreased to
0.56 km3, 130 km2). 231300000 t/year. More reliable information on the
Because the water runoff of the tributaries of Mis radical decrease in suspended sediment runoff at the
souri and Arkansas accounts for 11.7 and 6.3% of the mouth of the Mississippi River in the second half of
water runoff of the entire river, respectively, the con the XX century is given in [21] (Table 2). The data in
struction of the reservoirs mentioned above did not Table 2 show that, before the flow regulation in the
have a noticeable effect on the mean longterm runoff Missouri and Arkansas tributaries, suspended sedi
at the river mouth and on the flow redistribution ment runoff at the Mississippi River mouth approxi
within a year. mated 400000000 t/year but, after the flow regulation,
it dropped to 217000000 t/year. This was mainly
Sediment runoff. The available data on the Missis caused by a decrease in sediment runoff in the Mis
sippi River sediment runoff are even more contradic souri and Arkansas tributaries 3.7 and 8.1 times,
tory than the water runoff data. The publications offer respectively.
the values varying from 210000000 [24] and
240000000 [8] t/year to 610000000 [9] t/year. The The cited data [21] on the texture of bed load in the
reasons for such difference are the following: firstly, as lower reaches of the river and active Balize delta reveal
in the case with the water runoff, the places of the sed two regularities (Table 3): the grain size of bed load
iment runoff recording are often unknown; secondly, noticeably decreases toward the gulf, while the share
the Mississippi River sediment runoff considerably of fine sand and mud in this load increases in the same
decreased after the construction of reservoirs at the direction; after the flow regulation in the Missouri and
tributaries of Missouri and Arkansas. The input of Arkansas tributaries and a radical decrease in the river
these tributaries into the total sediment runoff of the sediment runoff, the grain size of bed load also
river is incomparably greater than the water runoff decreased.
input (according to [21], the sediment runoff in these
tributaries under natural conditions was no less than Sea Level Variations and Land Subsidence
90% of the Mississippi River sediment runoff). There
fore, the humaninduced decrease in the sediment During the last glacial regression of the World
runoff in the tributaries drastically affected the sedi Ocean 18000–20000 years ago, the level of the Atlan
ment runoff variation throughout the river length. tic Ocean was much lower than now. During the ensu

WATER RESOURCES Vol. 37 No. 5 2010


Table 3. Texture of bed load in the Lower Mississippi Branch according to [21]

Distance Content of fractions, %

from the Site of sampling Period coarse medium
gravel fine sand mud diameter, mm
gulf, km sand grained sand
35 Head of Passes 1932–1934 0 0 1 64 35 0.12
1966–1974 0 0 1 32 67 0.05
500 Tarbert Landing, Missis 1932–1934 2 2 23 68 5 0.30
sippi Branch origin 1966–1974 2 1 20 76 1 0.28
750 Vicksburg 1932–1934 8 2 26 61 3 0.36
1966–1974 5 3 42 48 2 0.44

ing thousandyear periods, the postglacial transgres ues decrease to 3.4–6.9 mm/year west of the Terra
sion occurred, when the ocean level rapidly rose and bonne Bay and to 3.64.5 mm/year east of it. As noted,
5000–6000 years ago it approached the presentday the spatial variations in the RSLR values depend on
level. The tendency for slow level rise remained. the thickness of Holocene deposits underlying the
According to the results of numerous studies, the present coastal lands. The larger this thickness, the
eustatic rise of the ocean level near the Mississippi larger the possible value of the RSLR. The RSLR val
River mouth averaged 1–2 mm/year during the ues at the Mississippi delta coastline are five times
XX century [14, 28, 32–34]. However, late in the higher than the similar values at the rest coast of the
XX century–early in the XXI century, the ocean level Gulf of Mexico and ten times higher than at other sea
rise accelerated as a result of the global climate warm coasts of the United States [25].
ing, intense melting of ice caps, and thermal expan The land subsidence and related RSLR are typical
sion of sea water [5]. Over the period of 1961–2003, of many deltas of the world and are mainly caused by
the mean global sea level increased at a rate of the processes of compaction and dewatering of rela
1.8 mm/year, while from 1993 to 2003 it increased at a tively recent and loose deltaic deposits as well as oxi
rate of 3.1 mm/year. The tendency for the sea level rise dation of organic substances contained in these depos
persists now and, according to the forecasts [5], it may its. In addition to this, the tectonic factor is of impor
become stronger in the XXI century. tance in some cases: many deltas are located in areas of
The subsidence of deltaic deposits plays more slow setting (trough) of the lithosphere. The main
important part in the water level rise at the mouth of cause for land subsidence and high values of the RSLR
the Mississippi River. That is why the actual (observed) in the Mississippi delta is considered to be the com
sea level rise is represented by two components: the paction of deltaic deposits [32, 33]. In the last decades,
lesser component, i.e., the eustatic (absolute) rise of the land subsidence in some areas of the delta was
the level, and the greater component, i.e., the land aggravated by pumping out of oil, gas, and groundwa
subsidence. The observed rise of water levels near sea ter. The intense land subsidence along with the
coasts was named the relative sea level rise (RSLR). eustatic rise of the ocean level was for the Mississippi
The RSLR value at the coast of the Mississippi River River mouth the main cause for the decrease in land
delta is distinctly higher than at many other ocean areas under marshes and the degradation of some parts
coasts, including river deltas [3, 28]. According to the of the delta. This problem will be discussed below.
data from [14, 28], the RSLR exceeds 10 mm/year in
the Mississippi River delta. The maximum RSLR
value amounting to 16.1 mm/year at the coasts of the Sea Waves, Tides, and Hurricanes
Mississippi River delta is given in [32]. According to The Gulf of Mexico, as a receiving water body for
[34], the RSLR at the coast of the deltaic plain of the the Mississippi water and sediments, represents a
Mississippi River approximates 9 mm/year (while the semiclosed water object, which is characterized (as
value of subsidence minus the eustatic rise of the sea mentioned in [6]) by relatively lowenergy sea condi
level approximates 8 mm/year). tions.
The results of more detailed studies of the RSLR at Waves in the Gulf of Mexico are low. The mean
the coasts of Louisiana are cited in [25]. The maxi wave height does not exceed 0.5 m, the maximum wave
mum values of the RSLR over the period of 1908– height is 5m, and the mean wave energy is 0.034 W/m
1988 were revealed in the central part of the coast of [6, 11], which is far less than at delta coastlines of the
the Mississippi deltaic plain, in the area of the Terra majority of oceanic deltas. In spite of the fact that the
bonne Bay (from 10.4 to 11.9 mm/year). In the opin waves are low, they constantly affect the Mississippi
ion of the authors of [25], the RSLR in the area of the delta coastline and cause, first, the formation of
old Teche lobe may reach 18 mm/year. The RLSR val coastal bars and beaches in relatively stable parts of the

WATER RESOURCES Vol. 37 No. 5 2010


delta coastline and, second, the abrasion of those parts mouth in the past, always had its reference to the level
of deltaic lobes that for whatever reason have stopped of the Gulf of Mexico and moved either seaward or
their progradation into the sea. landward depending on the gulf level change and sed
The mean height of tides in the Mississippi near imentation intensity.
shore zone is 0.43 m [6, 11]; therefore, this mouth can The last glacial low position of the Atlantic Ocean
be referred to the category of microtidal mouths. In level (100–120 m lower than now) was about
spite of the insignificant height, tides propagate along 18000 years ago [6, 28]. At that time, the Mississippi
the Mississippi Branch (which has very small water River valley was downcut in the maritime plain and in
surface slopes) over a distance of 400 km from the gulf. the shelf. According to [6], the delta (or deltas) of the
Over the low flow period, salt water may spread along Mississippi River formed at that time near the shelf
the bottom during the tidal phase over a distance of edge and contributed to the shelf progradation in the
240 km. direction to the south.
Tropical hurricanes sometimes attack the coastal
area of the Mississippi River delta. These hurricanes The ensuing rapid Holocene rise of the ocean level
are accompanied by storm winds, high waves, and (particularly rapid 12000–9000 years ago) resulted in
surgeinduced rise of water levels. This, in turn, leads the delta submergence and displacement of the coast
to inundation of lands, erosion of seacoasts, destruc line to the north. According to [6], a series of deltas
tion of sand dunes, defense dikes, buildings and other formed 18000–9000 years ago, the traces of these del
objects of economic activities. Hurricanes cause great tas were revealed on the modern shelf. Intense deposi
damage to the nature, population, and regional econ tion of river sediments caused the burial of the down
omy. cut valley of the Mississippi River and the upper
In the last 50 years, the most disastrous hurricanes reaches of the canyon, which cut the shelf and the
were Betsy in September 1965, Camille in August continental slope and, probably, was a relic of ero
1969, Frederik in September 1979, and Katrina in sional river channel downcutting over the periods of
August 2005. the very low ocean level in earlier geological epochs
During the hurricane of Betsy, a surge 4.6 m high in
the lower part of the delta propagated upstream of the Seven or eight thousand years ago, the ocean level
Mississippi River delta head over a distance more than rapidly slowed down rising and became closer to the
520 km from the gulf [12]. During the hurricane of presentday level [28]. At that time, the inundation of
Camille, many erosional channels crossing the coastal the maritime plain reached its maximum and the
bars and islands were formed [32]. The hurricane of coastline displaced to the north at a maximum dis
Frederik was accompanied by a surge 3.6 m high and it tance. An estuary bay was located at the site of the
caused heavy erosion in some areas of the seacoast; as modern delta of the Mississippi River.
a consequence, the coast retreated by 15–40 m [32]. Later on, the reverse process began under the con
During the hurricane of Katrina, the surge height in ditions of the almost stable sea level and considerable
the lower reaches of the Mississippi Branch exceeded river sediment runoff; the reverse process included
the height of defense dikes (about 7 m), the dikes were intense deposition of river sediments in the estuary
broken in many places, the greater part of New bay, the formation of the modern deltaic plain, and the
Orleans was inundated [19]. The hurricane was coastline displacement to the south.
extremely disastrous: about 1600 persons died in the
state of Louisiana, the material damage caused by the The Mississippi River delta progradation into the
hurricane exceeded $100000000000. It also caused Gulf of Mexico went on through formation of individ
severe erosion of seacoasts and led to the destruction ual deltaic lobes. As noted in [6, 9], these processes
of some barrier islands. According to numerous assess were first mentioned in the works of R. Russel and
ments, the hurricane of Katrina turned out to be the H. Fisk published in the 1930s–1940s. However, the
most severe natural disaster in the USA history [19]. order of formation of individual deltaic lobes was not
In general, sea waves, tides, and hurricanes do not adequately assessed. The first reliable scheme of for
have a pronounced effect on the processes of delta for mation of deltaic lobes was given in [22] (Fig. 2).
mation; their impact on the delta is usually local but The first deltaic lobe formed at the Mississippi
sometimes disastrous. River mouth was the Sale Cypremort lobe, which pro
gradated southward in the western part of the mouth
area (Fig. 2). Later on after the river flow ran in a new
HOLOCENIC EVOLUTION direction, the Cocodrie lobe formed in the eastern part
OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER DELTA of the mouth. Then, the large lobes of Teche, St. Ber
Similar to the processes at mouths of all large rivers nard, and Lafourche formed in succession (Fig. 2). A
of the world, the processes of delta formation at the depression not filled with river sediments was located
Mississippi River mouth depend on the base level of between these lobes; the Plaquemine lobe and modern
erosion (ocean level) and river sediment runoff. The active delta of Balize formed there later (Fig. 2). At
coastline of deltas that existed at the Mississippi River present, an intense formation of a new deltaic lobe is

WATER RESOURCES Vol. 37 No. 5 2010


92° 91° 90° 89°

Baton Rouge

Mississippi R.

New Orleans


7 29°

Gulf of Mexico

Fig. 2. Schematic map of large deltaic lobes at the Mississippi River mouth according to [22]. (1) Sale Cypremort; (2) Cocodrie;
(3) Teche; (4) St. Bernard; (5) Lafourche; (6) Plaquemine; (7) Balize.

going on at the mouth of the west branch of Atchafa ularities of formation of the socalled overlapping del
laya. tas at mouths of rivers having high sediment runoff like
The available literature offers different information the wellstudied mouths of the rivers of Amudarya, Ili,
on the lifetime of the mentioned deltaic lobes. The lat Terek, and Huanghe [2, 4]. The differences were the
est assessments are given in Table 4. According to these following: first, the development of the first deltaic
data, the development of the Holocene delta of the lobes at the Mississippi River mouth occurred under
Mississippi River began 7500 years ago and the life the condition of depressions preserved over a long
time of each of the abandoned lobes approximated period of time and residual water bodies, i.e., the relics
1700–2500 years. of the Holocene estuary bay; second, the significant
impact on degradation and dying out of old lobes after
Each of the large deltaic lobes of the Mississippi flow switching in a new direction as a result of intense
River generally developed in accordance with the reg land subsidence, which was more intense at the Mis
sissippi River mouth than at other river mouths.
Table 4. Main lobes of the Mississippi River Holocene delta According to [9], a complete cycle of development
according to [6, 9] of each deltaic lobe at the Mississippi River mouth
included two phases: regression (the sea recession is
Lobe Lifetime, years ago Area, km2 meant) with predomination of fluvial impact and
transgression (the sea ingression is meant) with pre
Sale Cypremort 7500–5000 15030 domination of marine impact. The first phase lasted
Teche 5500–3800 15570 for 1000 years, on the average, and included the fol
St. Bernard 4000–2000 15470 lowing stages (during which the water and sediment
Lafourche 2500–800 11310 runoff in the new channel increased): break in the river
channel and new channel direction; successive forma
PlaquemineBalize 1000–0 9930 tion of a lake delta, a bayhead delta, and a delta on the
Atchafalaya–Wax Lake 400–0 2800 shelf. The end of the first phase featured the loss of

WATER RESOURCES Vol. 37 No. 5 2010


hydraulic advantages of the channel because of its DEVELOPMENT OF MODERN BALIZE DELTA
extension, break in the river channel and change in Processes of Delta Progradation
direction, and beginning of formation of a new deltaic
lobe. The second phase began with changes in the old The age of the modern delta of Balize is assessed at
450 years [18] and together with the deltaic lobe of
deltaic lobe, this phase also lasted for 1000 years, on Plaquemine it approximates 1000 years [6, 9].
the average. The old deltaic lobe gradually degraded
The Balize delta area is about 600 km2, i.e., far less
and died out (water and sediment runoff of the old than the dimensions of deltaic lobes formed earlier
channel rapidly decreased). The old lobe dying out (11000–15000 km2 each) (Table 4). However, the
went on in several stages: intensification of erosion of thickness of deposits in the Balize delta (100–120 m)
its outer edge under the impact of waves; formation of is much larger than the thickness of deposits in more
beaches, coastal bars, spits, and barrier islands; inun ancient deltaic lobes (about 20 m). This was due to the
dation of the delta; formation of submerged shoals. fact that the Balize delta formed not only on the shelf
These processes are under the great impact of the rel but it also progradated onto the continental slope.
ative sea level rise value. The first assessments of the intensity of Balize delta
progradation into the gulf were made in [15]. The
Currently, there are simultaneously two deltaic reconstruction of position of the main Southwest Pass
lobes at the mouth of the Mississippi River: the mod of the delta for about 400 years (Fig. 3) revealed that,
ern delta of Balize and a new lobe at the mouth of the over the period of 1550–1947, the pass mouth progra
Atchafalaya Branch, the formation of which began not dated into the gulf by about 40 km at an average rate
long ago. Under the natural course of development, approximating 100 m/year. Over the period of 1838–
the Balize delta, which prograded far into the Gulf of 1947, when reliable maps of the delta were available,
Mexico, would most likely be at the final stage of the the progradation was about 9 km (about 80 m/year).
first phase of its cyclic development. The process of More faithful assessments of the intensity of the
flow redistribution at the delta head of the Mississippi Southwest Pass mouth progradation were made in
[18]: over the period of 1764–1959 (195 years), the
River into the Atchafalaya Branch, which began pass mouth progradated by 15 km with an average rate
400 years ago, indicated the start of the river flow of progradation of 77 m/year. The last quantitative
switching and change of direction. However, the man assessments of this process are given in [6]: over the
made regulation of the river water and sediment out period of 1764–1979 (215 years), the Southwest Pass
flow into the Old River Bypass and the Atchafalaya bar progradated into the gulf by 17 km (79 m/year).
Branch, which was implemented early in the second Over the period of 1959–1979 (20 years), the pass
half of the XX century, disturbed the natural course of became 2 km longer (100 m/year). Thus, during the
the delta formation process. Therefore, it is hardly XVIII–XX centuries, the mouth of the Southwest Pass
probable that the Balize delta will die out under the progradated into the gulf at a rate of 70–100 m/year.
manmade regulated conditions, although slowing Possibly, the progradation of the Balize delta
down of progradation of this delta into the gulf and its branches into the gulf slowed down in the last decades
partial erosion are quite possible. The more intense as a result of a drastic decrease in the Mississippi River
sediment runoff. There is no information about that.
RSLR results in further erosion of the remaining parts
As shown in Fig. 3, the progradation of the Balize
of the delta coastline of the Mississippi River, which
delta branches into the gulf is accompanied by the for
adjoin the abandoned deltaic lobes. mation of thick fingerlike sand bar bodies, which
Studies of the dynamics of the Mississippi delta superimpose the layers of mud and clay deposited ear
coastline [30] showed that, over the period of 1812– lier in the nearshore zone of the river mouth. Accord
1954, the coast of the old deltaic lobes of Teche, west ing to [9, 15, 18], the thickness of sand bodies varies
from 30 to 90 m. It increases in the direction of the
ern and eastern parts of the Lafourche lobe retreated at
Head of Passes; according to [6], this can be due to
a rate of 2.8, 8.2, and 18.9 m/year, respectively. The gradual sinking of the sand body caused by compac
delta coastline east of the area under study and up to tion of underlying layers of mud and clay. Simulta
the modern delta of Balize retreated at an average rate neously, the sand body increases in height.
of 4.9 m/year. The delta coastline at the site of the old
deltaic lobe of St. Bernard, including the Chandeleur
Islands, retreated at a rate of 4.1 m/year. The coasts in Formation of Adjacent Deltas
the areas of abandoned deltaic lobes undergo erosion Concurrent with the intense progradation of the
and coastal bars and barrier islands move landward. modern Balize delta into the gulf, distinct adjacent
deltas (subdeltas in U.S. scientific literature) formed
As assumed in [30], the revealed processes of at its periphery in the coastal zone. This process is typ
retreat of the coastline of the Mississippi deltaic plain ical of some active deltas of the world, which progra
will go on in future. date rapidly into the sea and hence have an elongated

WATER RESOURCES Vol. 37 No. 5 2010


(а) development of four adjacent deltas, which formed in

the XX century (Table 5).
The evolution of adjacent deltas at the Mississippi
River mouth included the following stages: breach of a
C natural levee along the main branch channel (it usually
А L occurs during high floods), such breaches followed by
the formation of rills or crevasses in the Mississippi

River delta are called crevassing in the English litera

SW Ю ture; gradual filling of a shallowwater (6–10 m deep)
interdistributary bay with river sediments; formation
of a new adjacent delta, its surface, and channel net
work; intense progradation of a new delta into the
0 20 km interdistributary bay; gradual decrease of slopes in the
new distinct delta, loss of its hydraulic advantage,
(b) slowing down and complete cessation of progradation;
h, m B А
0 land subsidence in the new delta, its degradation or


19 complete submergence by sea water. The use of a series






60 15 of maps permitted the detailed description of the his

tory of origination, development, and degradation of
120 the adjacent delta of Cubits Gap [6]. In 1862, fisher
man and oyster catcher Cubits dug a small ditch
180 through the natural levee on the left bank of the Mis
sissippi Branch slightly upstream of the Head of
80 60 40 20 0
L, km Passes. During the flood of 1862, the ditch was eroded
(c) and a new channel 740 m wide gradually formed by
h, mC S SE PL D 1868. The intense formation of a new small delta
0 began in the interdistributary bay of Rondo. By 1884,
60 its channel network has formed. The Delta progra
120 dated over a distance of 20 km and, by 1946, its area
0 10 20 30 40 reached 193 km2 (Table 5). After that, the delta pro
L, km gradation virtually stopped and intense land subsid
1 3 5
ence caused the beginning of the delta degradation. By
2 4
1980, nearly 75% of the delta formed earlier was cov
ered with water.
Fig. 3. Schematic map of modern Balize delta (a) and ver
tical structure of deposits along longitudinal AB (b) and The complete cycle of evolution of the four adja
transverse CD (c) profiles according to [15] with supple cent deltas under study varies from 90 to 160 years.
ment provided by [6, 18]. Deposits: (1) Sands of mouth The period of delta progradation lasts from 31 to
bars; (2) Muddy sands of the lower part of mouth cone; (3) 93 years (Table 5).
Old deltaic clays; (4) Sea sands; (5) Transdistibutary layers
of mud and peat; passes: SW is Southwest Pass; S is South The processes of formation and dying out of adja
Pass; SE is Southeast Pass; PL is Pass a Loutre; A is Head cent deltas at the Mississippi mouth substantially dif
of Passes; L is distance along profiles. Depth in the near fered from similar processes, for example, at the Sulak
shore zone, m. River mouth, where three adjacent deltas formed in
succession (in 1922–1929, 1929–1957, and 1957–
form. The formation of adjacent deltas differs funda 1977) [2, 4]. The adjacent deltas at the Sulak River
mentally from the development of overlapping deltas mouth were not subject to such intense subsidence like
on the surface of a more ancient deltaic plain [2, 4]. at the Mississippi River mouth, and before the begin
ning of the drastic rise of the Caspian Sea level in 1978,
During the XIX–XX centuries, at least six small being abandoned and nearly completely desiccated,
distinct adjacent deltas formed to the left and to the these deltas still existed in the coastal zone in their
right of the Mississippi Branch main channel within former dimensions (except for some small areas
the Balize delta (Fig. 4). They are termed the subdeltas eroded by sea waves).
in the Mississippi delta.
For the first time, the development of these deltas
was described in detail in [7] and then in [6, 9, 34]. Two Sedimentation Processes at the Bottom of the Nearshore
adjacent deltas of Dry Sypress Bayou and Grand Liard Zone of the River Mouth
formed in the period when maps of the Balize delta The intensity of sedimentation is very high in the
were yet nonexistent. Therefore, there is no reliable nearshore zone of the modern Balize delta. During
information on these deltas. However, it became pos floods, it may reach 3–4 m over the period of 2–
sible to have a quantitative assessment of the process of 4 months in the area facing the main branches. The

WATER RESOURCES Vol. 37 No. 5 2010


1 S

А 4

5 6 7

2 0 15 km

Fig. 4. Scheme of distinct adjacent deltas (subdeltas) in the modern active delta of Balize. (A) Dry Sypress Bayou, (B) Grand
Liard, (C) West Bay, (D) Cubits Gap, (E) Baptiste Collette, (F) Garden Island bay according to [7]. Branches: (1) Mississippi
Branch, (2) Southwest Pass, (3) South Pass, (4) Pass a Loutrel; bays: (5) West Bay, (6) East Bay, (7) Garden Island Bay.

intensity of sediment accumulation is far lower in the direction of the gulf over underlying salt sea water.
interdistributary areas and is equal to some centime Part of muddy and clayey deposits is represented with
ters a year. sediments displaced along the steep underwater slope
by action of gravity.
River sediments coming from branches of the Bal
ize delta to the nearshore zone of the river mouth are Considering the fact that the sedimentation area of
subject to grading. More coarse bed load represented river sediments is displaced in the direction of the gulf
with mediumgrained and fine sand is deposited on in the course of progradation of the delta branches,
the mouth bar. Suspended sediments are mainly clay layers occurring at large depths are gradually over
deposited in the area directed to the gulf. Sandy muds lapped by muddy deposits and muds are overlapped by
are deposited closer to the coast, then come muds and bar sands. Therefore, the deposit inversion is clearly
clays. Part of these deposits forms as a result of settling seen in the nearshore zone of the Mississippi River; the
of suspended sediments from the river flow moving in fall diameter of deposits increases in upward. This

WATER RESOURCES Vol. 37 No. 5 2010


Table 5. Data on formation of four adjacent deltas (subdeltas) in the modern Balize delta according to [6, 7, 9, 34]

Adjacent delta Year Initial depth in the Duration of prograda Maximum Mean rate of
(subdelta) of breach coastal zone, m tion period, year share of river flow, % delta area, km2 growth, km2/year

West Bay 1839 4–10 93 4.4 300 3.23

Cubits Gap 1862 2–10 83 13.2 193 2.33
Baptiste Collette 1874 2–6 72 2.6 57 0.79
Garden Island Bay 1891 2–8 31 4.0 124 4.00

inverse bedding is well defined, for example, in front of As mentioned in [26], pioneers in studying the
the mouth of the Southwest Pass (Fig. 3). Old deltaic delta of the Mississippi River, R. Russel, J. Morgan,
clays (they are called prodelta deposits in the United and H. Fisk, predicted, even in the early 1950s, the
States) form the main portion of deposit strata. They possible intensification of the Atchafalaya Branch and
are superposed by more recent mud layers deposited future changes of the coastal zone in the area of the
on the marine slope of the mouth cone (they are called Atchafalaya Bay. The predictions of these researchers
the delta front deposits in the United States). Muds came true. The reason for the intensification of the
are overlain by thick sand bodies, i.e., deposits of Atchafalaya Branch is its hydraulic advantage in com
mouth bars. They are surrounded on the sides by mud parison with the neighboring Mississippi Branch: the
layers and by thin layers of mud and peat at the top (in length of the channel system of the Old River Bypass–
interdistributary areas). In places, the thick stratum of Atchafalaya Branch is nearly 300 km shorter than the
old deltaic deposits overlay sea sands, which have no Mississippi Branch, the river continuation within the
relation to the recent processes of delta formation. delta.
The results of studies in the last decades [6, 9, 10] The Atchafalaya Branch is known at least since the
made it possible to reveal the forms of relief, which year 1500 [26]. Up to the beginning of the XX century,
indicated the increased instability of the marine slope its role in flow distribution throughout the delta of the
of the mouth cone near the modern Balize delta. The Mississippi River was insignificant. The Old River
mud ground, of which this rather steep slope is com Bypass, through which some portion of the Mississippi
posed, is unsteady and, when sliding, it makes up such River flow entered the Atchfalaya Branch, was not rich
forms of the bottom relief as faults, scarps, and gra in water; in addition to this, it was blocked with mas
bens. The resulting slides and mudflows lead to the sive logs from time to time [26]. However, late in the
formation of erosional (rills and gullies) and accumu XIX century–early in the XX century, the evidence of
lative forms of relief (mudflow lobes). Diapirs are typ erosion and intensification of the Old River Bypass
ical forms of the bottom relief; as mentioned in [9, 10], was observed. Accordingly, the water runoff of the
they were revealed by J. Morgan at the Mississippi Atchafalaya Branch started to grow. In 1900, no more
River mouth. Diapirs represent mudlumps of muddy than 10% of the Mississippi River water runoff at the
or clayey deposits, which often break overlying sand delta head entered the Atchafalaya Branch; by the year
layers. The formation of diapirs is associated with the 1925, this share increased up to 18%; by the year 1950,
pressure exerted on underlying layers of plastic muds it reached 30% [26]. According to the forecasts, the
and clays by thick layers of sands (mouth bars are com share of the Atchafalaya branch water runoff might be
posed of them), which are progradating into the gulf. more than 40% of the total water runoff of the Missis
sippi River [31]. A real threat of interception of the
greater portion of the river flow by the Atchafalaya
RECENT PROCESSES OF DELTA FORMATION Branch arose. Therefore, it was decided to construct a
AT THE ATCHAFALAYA BRANCH MOUTH regulation hydraulic structure in the Old River Bypass.
Some U.S. researches [6, 9, 26, 27] reason that a The construction began in 1956 and was completed in
new cycle in the development of the Mississippi River 1963. The regulation structure included a new man
delta, i.e., the process of formation of a new deltaic made channel reach, a dam meant to span the bypass
lobe, has begun recently. It concerns the delta forma and to regulate flow, as well as a lock. During the
tion in a depression preserved between channel ridges extremely high flood of 1973, the regulation structure
of the two large deltaic lobes of Teche and Lafourche was damaged. By the year 1986, it was restored and
in the western part of the deltaic plain of the Missis supplemented by new structures [26].
sippi River. The depression receives water and sedi The regulation structure in the Old River Bypass
ment runoff of the channel system of the Old River had to maintain the Atchafalaya Branch water runoff
Bypass, Red River, and the Atchafalaya Branch. This in the amount of about 30% of the entire river runoff.
depression with a number of lakes within it was named This ratio is maintained at present. Although the
the Atchafalaya Basin. inflow of river water into the Atchafalaya Branch is

WATER RESOURCES Vol. 37 No. 5 2010


regulated, the branch carries into the bay of the same formation of a progradating delta on the open sea
name large quantities of water and sediments. For coast.
example, over the period of 1980–1994, the annual Although the intensification of the Atchafalaya
suspended sediment runoff in the branch varied from Branch and formation of new deltas at the mouth of
46000000 to 119000000 t [26], i.e., 73000000 t, on this branch are now considered to be the most
the average (it should be noted that this value also dynamic geological and geomorphological event at the
includes the Red River sediment runoff). Mississippi River mouth, in the opinion of the authors
In the lower reaches of the branch the water and sed of this article, this process cannot be treated as a new
iment runoff is divided in the ratio of 63 : 37 between cycle of the entire Mississippi River delta switching like
two watercourses: the Lower Atchafalaya Branch (left it has been made in [6, 9, 26, 27]. The development of
watercourse, continuation of the main branch) and a new deltaic lobe at the mouth of the Atchafalaya
the Wax Lake Outlet (right small manmade water Branch cannot lead to switching of the total Mississippi
course). River flow in a new direction. The river inflow into the
Over the period of XVIII–XX centuries, the pro Old River Bypass–the Atchafalaya Branch system is
cesses of delta formation within the system of the regulated and will not cause interception of the new
Atchafalaya Branch had the following three phases river flow and dying out of the Mississippi Branch.
[26]: formation of lake deltas within the Atchafalaya Therefore, the current processes of delta formation at
Basin; formation of a mouth underwater cone in the the Atchafalaya Branch delta differ fundamentally
Atchafalaya Bay; origination and development of two from the processes of the Holocene epoch, which
bayhead deltas at the mouths of both watercourses. resulted in consecutive formation of a number of sep
Filling of Grand Lake, Six Mile Lake and others arate large deltaic lobes. This century will feature two
(the first phase) with river sediments was most intense areas of delta formation at the Mississippi River
during 1940–1950, when the runoff in the Old River mouth; they are located at the mouths of the branches
Bypass and in the head of the Atchafalaya Branch of Mississippi (the Balize delta) and Atchafalaya.
noticeably increased. The formation of lake deltas in
the Atchafalaya Basin went on during the years that FORMATION AND DEGRADATION
The second phase of delta formation began in the Wetlands represent overwetted areas in lower
mid1950s, when the major part of lakes was filled reaches and deltas of many large rivers and in the
with river sediments. The Atchafalaya Bay having the coastal zone of seas and lakes. These areas are partially
depth of about 2.5 m was rapidly filled with sand and or completely and temporarily or permanently cov
mud coming through branches. ered with a thin water layer. According to the interna
After the extremely high flood of 1973, when large tional terminology, such lands represented with bogs,
quantities of river sediments entered the bay, the for marshes, and plavs are called wetlands. In recent years,
mation of new land began (the third stage of the delta wetlands attract close attention of ecologists due to
formation process began) [26]. Two active deltas grad their great biological resources, biological diversity
ually formed at the mouths of both watercourses of the and productivity as well as their evident role in main
Atchafalaya Branch (Fig. 5). The delta of the left taining the environmental balance not only within
Lower Atchafalaya Branch rapidly increased. In 1982, their boundaries but also in vast adjacent land and
1989, and 1994, its area was about 70, 80, and 100 km 2, water areas. In 1971, the International Convention on
respectively; in the same years, the area of the delta at Wetlands Protection was concluded in Ramsar (Iran);
the mouth of the right Wax Lake Outlet was equal to many countries joined this convention.
about 20, 45, and 53 km2. In 1994, the area of deltas Wetlands cover 15800 km2 [32], i.e., 2/3 of the
totaled 153 km2 [26]. According to [9], the area of two entire delta area, in the deltaic plain of the Mississippi
deltas in the year 1998 was equal to 102 and 63 km2, River (both modern and old). Wetlands of the Missis
respectively (with the total of 165 km2). sippi River delta are areas of spawning and feeding of
In some years, the rate of the delta area expansion numerous fish species, including fish species of com
at the mouth of the Lower Atchafalaya Branch approx mercial value. The state of Louisiana supplies 28% of
imated 5 km2/year. This value approaches the expan fish products for the United States. There are four
sion values of rivers most dynamic in the past (the riv large fishery ports here. Wetlands are also habitats of
ers of Huanghe, Ganges and Brahmaputra, mollusks, furbearing animals, and waterfowl. This is
Amudarya). the place of harvesting wood and useful plants. Wet
According to the forecasts [26], just in the begin lands represent a kind of protection buffer against the
ning of the XXI century, both deltas should merge and destructive impact of storms, hurricanes, and sea
cover the entire Atchafalaya Bay over the period of one waves. Wetlands also have a recreational potential.
hundred years. Then, the fourth phase of delta forma Viewing the above said, it can be concluded that wet
tion at the mouth of the Atchafalaya Branch will begin; lands in the delta of the Mississippi River is an impor
it is associated with the delta outlet onto the shelf and tant natural object, which needs protection.

WATER RESOURCES Vol. 37 No. 5 2010


5 10
12 6
13 20

17 4

0 10 km 15

Gulf of Mexico 16


Fig. 5. Scheme of the lower part of the Atchafalaya Branch and its two deltas according to [26, 27]. (1, 2) Lower Atchafalaya
Branch and its delta; (3, 4) Watercourse Wax Lake Outlet and its delta; remains of old channels (bayou): (5) Bayou Cypremort,
(6) Bayou Sale, (7) Bayou Teche, (8) Bayou Lafourche; lakes: (9) Grand Lake, (10) Six Mile Lake, (11) Wax Lake; bays: (12) Ver
milion Bay, (13) West Cote Blanche Bay, (14) East Cote Blanche Bay, (15) Atchafalaya Bay, (16) Four League Bay; islands:
(17) Marsh Island, (18) Point Aufer Island; (19) Reefs; (20) Morgan City.

The main areas of wetland location in the deltaic about 0.75 cm/year in the inner parts of the delta [32].
plain of the Mississippi River are the following: the Under these conditions, the vertical accretion of the
strand of the state of Louisiana from Lake Borgne in surface of marshes overrode the impact of land subsid
the east to the Vermilion Bay in the west, coasts of ence.
lakes, lands of modern and old branches. Wetlands are From the early XX century, signs of wetland degra
represented with several types of marshes: freshwater dation, its gradual aggravation, along with wetland
marshes (near watercourses or far from the delta coast area decrease, became evident in the Mississippi River
line), salt water marshes (near the sea), and brackish delta. These processes were called wetland loss.
water marshes (in the intermediate zone) [33]. According to [8], over the period from 1930 to the end
Wetlands in the Mississippi River delta look like of the XX century, the area under marshes in the delta
overgrown marshes, which originated and then were of the Mississippi River decreased by 2800 km2 (the
subject to degradation as a result of formation and rate of wetland loss averaged 40 km2/year). As seen
dying out of overlapping and adjacent deltas simulta from the data in [16], the value of wetland loss was
neously with the processes of delta formation. 17 km2/year in 1913 but then it rapidly increased: it
According to [33], the following factors contrib became equal to 41 km2/year in 1935, 73 km2/year in
uted to the formation of bogs and marshes in the delta 1967, and 102 km2/year in 1980. The value of wetland
of the Mississippi River: first, sedimentation of the loss varying from 100 to 130 km2/year is given in [14,
delta surface caused by overflow of natural levees dur 28]. According to [32], such values of degradation of
ing floods or by breaches in levees; second, sedimenta marshes in river deltas are likely the highest values in
tion near channels during tides; third, accumulation the world.
of vegetation detritus. Interesting data on the wetland degradation in the
In the past, the rate of accretion of the surface of modern Balize delta are cited in [8]. Over the period of
marshes in the delta under the impact of the above 1983–1995, the area under marshes in the studied part
processes was about 1.4 cm/year near channels and of the Balize delta decreased by 280 km2. At the same

WATER RESOURCES Vol. 37 No. 5 2010


time, new marshes 84 km2 in area came into being as a global, regional, and local natural and human
result of sedimentation; simultaneously, 252 km2 induced factors. Up to the midXX century, intense
under former marshes were submerged by sea water processes of delta formation occurred at the Mississippi
and 112 km2 under former marshes were transformed River mouth under the condition of high water (about
into economic objects. 600 km3/year) and sediment (about 400000000 t/year)
According to [32], the maximum rate of marsh runoff. Over the last 7000–8000 years, the delta devel
degradation (more than 0.625 ha/year) was recorded opment was accompanied by regular breaks in the
in the modern Balize delta and in the coastal zone of channel and formation of a series of large overlapping
the old delta. The value of wetland loss to the north of deltaic lobes and small adjacent subdeltas. The role of
this area is 0.312–0.625 ha/year and it becomes less marine factors in delta formation processes was rela
than 0.312 ha/year farther to the north. tively insignificant. In the second half of the
The main reason for the enhanced degradation of XX century, the processes of delta formation in the
wetlands the Mississippi River delta is considered to be Mississippi River delta drastically changed as a result
the excess of the relative sea level rise over the value of of a nearly twofold decrease in the river sediment run
the delta surface accretion in many parts of the delta off (after its flow regulation) and acceleration of the
[8, 14, 32, 33]. This, in turn, results from the follow relative sea level rise (caused by speeding up of the
ing: considerable humaninduced decrease in the river eustatic ocean level rise and intensification for natural
sediment runoff; dying out of old deltaic lobes; inten and humaninduced land subsidence). The impact of
sification of the relative sea level rise as a result of fluvial factors on the delta development decreased,
acceleration of the eustatic sea level rise and land sub while the impact of marine factors increased. The pro
sidence enhanced by pumping out of oil, gas, and cesses of inundation and erosion of peripheral parts of
groundwater; construction of defense dikes and roads, the delta were enhanced. The degradation of marshes
which decreased the river water overflow on the delta became more intense, making it necessary to elaborate
surface. In addition to these reasons, the decrease of measures on their conservation and rehabilitation.
the area under marshes was speeded up by the destruc
tive impact of waves on the coasts during more fre ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
quent storms and hurricanes as well as by the degrada
tion of the vegetation cover caused by consumption of This study was supported by the Russian Founda
plants by invertebrates and large animals (geese, musk tion for Basic Research, project nos. 080500305 and
rats, and nutrias) as well as water salinization and pol 100500061.
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