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English Language Department

‫إعداد بيئة جاذبة محفزة على االبداع تبني جيال مبتكرا ومتمسكا بثوابت دينه ووطنه يحدث فرقآ ايجابيا محليا وعالميا‬ ‫الرسالة‬ ‫تمكين جيل ملهم م يسهم في تحقيق تطلعات وطن طموح‬ ‫الرؤية‬
Preparing an attractive environment that stimulates creativity and builds an innovative, Mission Empowering an inspired generation that Vision
religious, and devoted generation, making a global positive difference contributes to achieving the aspirations of an
ambitious nation

Olou National Schools

Enrichment Booklet for Grade ( 6 )

For the Third term 2024

Student’s Name:

A table of contents
Synonyms and Antonyms 1
Prefixes 4
Suffixes 6
Reading comprehension
The Mansion of the Hill 8
Mary Wallace 10
How Chocolate is Made 13
Creative writing
Film Review 17
The Supermarket 18
Advertising Your Town 19
Advantages and Disadvantages 20
of Using AI
Synonyms and Antonyms
What are synonyms?
Synonyms are words which have the same (or a very similar) meaning to each other. An
example of this is the word ‘great’ and the word ‘excellent’. Both of these words share
the same meaning.

My best friend is great at football. My best friend is excellent at football.

In this sentence, it does not matter which word you choose to use; both words give the
sentence the same meaning.

What are antonyms?

Antonyms are words which have the opposite meaning to each other. An example of this
is the word ‘always’ and the word ‘never’. These words have the opposite meaning.

My best friend always scores goals. My best friend never scores goals.

In this sentence, using an antonym gives the sentence

the opposite meaning.

11. Circle all the synonyms for the verb shout.

bellow loud mutter annoying

murmur whisper yell call

2 Draw four lines to match each word to an antonym.

expensive ancient difficult admit

modern easy cheap deny

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Synonyms and Antonyms

33. Write one synonym for each of the following words.




4 Write one antonym for each of the following words.




5 Circle the two words that are synonyms in the sentence below.

The lengthy and arduous journey took its toll on the voyagers;
prolonged exposure to the sun caused their skin to blister and swell.

6 Circle the two words that are antonyms in the sentence below.

Initially thought to have been uninhabited for centuries, the forgotten city
was populated with a variety of strange creatures.

77. Which verb is a synonym of the verb build? Tick one.


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Synonyms and Antonyms

8 Rewrite the following sentence, changing one word to give the sentence the
opposite meaning.

The children noisily boarded the coach.

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What is a prefix?
A prefix is a set of letters that goes in front of a root word and changes its meaning. An
example of a prefix is ‘un-’ which means ‘not’.

un- + happy = unhappy unhappy means not happy

Which prefixes do I need to know and what do they mean?

dis- means away, separate or not. dis- + agree = disagree (not agree)

de- means off, down, away or from. de- + part = depart (part from)

mis- means wrong or incorrect. mis- + count = miscount (wrongly count)

over- means ‘to excess’ or ‘too much’. over- + eat = overeat (eat too much)

re- means again or back. re- + apply = reapply (apply again)

super- means above or over. super- + human = superhuman (above human)

anti- means against or opposing. anti- + freeze = antifreeze (against frozen)

auto- means self. auto- + biography = autobiography (self biography)

11. Circle all of the words in the following sentence which contain a prefix.

The overexcited crowd watched in disbelief as the superhero saved the day
by unleashing the antivenom into the city’s automated water supply.

2 Draw three lines to match each word to its meaning. Use the meaning of the word’s
prefix to help you.

misbehave to think about something again

overconfident to be too sure of yourself

reconsider to act incorrectly

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33. The prefix dis- can be added to the word believe to make the word disbelieve. What does
the word disbelieve mean? Tick one.

to believe quickly
to not believe
to believe again
to believe yourself

4 Using the prefix to help you, write the meaning of the following words.




5 Draw three lines to match each root word to the prefix which would correctly change the
word into its antonym.

Prefix Word

mis- own

dis- activate

de- lead

6 Which one prefix can be added to all three words below to form three new words?
Write the prefix in the box.
appear fill view

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What is a suffix?
A suffix is a set of letters that goes at the end of a root word, changing or adding to its
meaning. It can also show whether a word is a noun, a verb, an adjective or an adverb.

noun: darkness verb: darken adjective: darker adverb: darkly

Which suffixes do I need to know and what do they do?

-ate changes a noun or an adjective into a verb. An example is hibernate.

-ise changes a noun or an adjective into a verb. An example is advertise.

-ify changes a noun or an adjective into a verb. An example is solidify.

-en changes an adjective into a verb. An example is darken.

-ation changes a verb into a noun. An example is adoration.

-ly changes an adjective into an adverb. An example is slowly.

-ous changes a noun into an adjective. An example is poisonous.

11. Circle all of the words in the following passage which contain a suffix.

As winter slowly approaches and daylight hours begin to shorten,

the tremendous drop in temperature can jeopardise the lives of many
woodland creatures; they must begin their preparations and settle down
to hibernate.

2 Draw three lines to match each word to its word class. Use the word’s suffix to help you.

adventurous verb

falsify noun

fixation adjective

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33. The suffix -en can be added to the word hard to make the word harden. Which of these
statements describes the change in the word class? Tick one.

The word changes from a verb to a noun.

The word changes from an adjective to an adverb.
The word changes from a noun to an adjective.
To word changes from an adjective to a verb.

4 Complete the sentence below with a noun formed from the verb donate.

The generous individual made a huge to charity.

5 Add a suffix to the words in the boxes to complete the sentences. Write the new words on
the lines.

The shop decided to for a new assistant.


They wanted to recruit someone friendly and .


6 Complete each sentence below with a word formed from the root word decor.

The tradesman began to the room.

We hung up a on the front door.

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The Mansion of the Hill
A thick fog descended. The children, who had been running joyfully
through their village, stopped abruptly. A house loomed in the shadows
at the end of a gravel path, like a wolf observing its dinner. There was
no going back. They knew they wouldn’t be able to find their way home
through the thick smog. Their only hope was to ask for help at the old
manor house. The rusty iron gate creaked angrily. With a heavy heart,
Ali trudged up the pathway. His white, shaking hand pressed the doorbell
while his friends cowered on the pavement outside.

The ancient front door groaned as it opened. Inside the air hung with the
smell of damp and decay. The masses of cobwebs that hung from every
surface made it clear that this house had been abandoned for many years.
The chime of a grandfather clock broke the silence momentarily before a
sea of rats scurried across the floor. In the distance, a figure dressed from
head to toe in black lurched forward towards its waiting prey. Ali’s friends
had found their courage and were waiting next to him with intrigue.

“That’s just your shadow, caused by my torch,” Jesse explained calmly.

“But what about the rats?” enquired Ali.

The best buddies entered the house, not knowing what to expect once
they’d crossed the threshold. Jesse was the first. Brave as a lion, he strode
into the building while shining his torch into every corner of the room.
Robyn was next, but stayed very close behind Jesse.

“Who opened the door?” asked Ali,

still shivering on the step.

Finally, Florence grabbed him by

the collar and pulled him into the
house with the others. Once inside,
the heavy oak door slammed behind
them closing out the damp, foggy
air while trapping them inside the
putrid, dilapidated house. None
of them knew where they would
rather be.

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1. What does descended mean?

2. Find and copy two similes from the text.



3. Find and copy an example of personification.

4. Why did Ali have a heavy heart?

5. How did his friends feel while they were waiting on the pavement? Which word lets you
know that?

6. How do we know this house is empty? Explain as fully as you can.

7. Do you believe that the black figure is Ali’s shadow? Explain your answer.

8. How do we know that Robyn was nervous?

9. Who is the most reluctant to enter the house? How do you know?

10. What do you think will happen next?

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Wally Funk
Mary Wallace Funk (also known as Wally Funk) is an American aviator, who has set many
records in her lifetime in her career in aviation and space travel. She was recognised as ‘The
Most Outstanding Women in America’ in 1965 and is now also the oldest person to have
travelled to space, having travelled there at 82 years old. Read on to find out more about
Wally’s impressive life and achievements.

Wally Funk was born on 1st February Early Life

1939 in Las Vegas, New Mexico. Her
mother and father owned a shop. From
a very young age, she was fascinated
by planes and even had her first trip
to see a plane when she was only one
year old. At the age of seven, she was
interested in the mechanics of planes
and began building them out of wood.
She had her first actual flying lesson
when she was nine.

Education At school, Funk was not allowed to take

the courses that she wanted because
she was a girl, which she thought was
very unfair. Consequently, she left early
and went to Stephen’s College instead.
She graduated in 1958 with her pilot’s
licence and an art degree. After that, she
studied at Oklahoma State University.
She earned lots of aviation awards,
including the Outstanding Female
Pilot award.

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Wally Funk

When she was only 20 years old, she

became a professional aviator in Oklahoma
- she was the first female flight instructor
at a US military base. In 1971, she became
the first female Flight Inspector and in
1974, she became the first female Air Safety
Investigator. She also flew in lots of air
races and helped to train hundreds of pilots.

Space In February 1961, Wally volunteered

to be part of the ‘Women in Space’
programme. People had thought that
women would not be able to complete
the tough training programme. 13
women graduated from the training (the
Mercury 13); some of them scored better
than the men. Funk was the youngest of
these as she was only 21. Unfortunately,
the programme was cancelled so they
never got to space.

Despite not going to space when she

was younger, she set a record in 2021 as
the oldest person in space at the age of
82. When she got back, she said, “I can
hardly wait to go again!”

Wally Funk has had many ‘firsts’ in her

life and is a great role model for women
in stereotypically ‘male’ careers. She has
published a memoir, starred in a film
about her life and flown over 18,600
hours in her lifetime.

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1. In which year did Wally win ‘The Most Outstanding Women in America’ award?

2. How do you think the nine-year-old Wally felt when she had her first flying lesson?

3. Which adverb is used to link cause and effect in the 3rd paragraph?

4. Why did Wally join Stephen’s College?

5. Wally claimed three firsts during her career. List them below:




6. How do you think the men she trained felt, considering this was back in the 1970s?

7. How old was Wally when she became Flight Inspector?

8. Why did Wally not get to go to space as part of the Mercury 13?

9. In what year did Wally set the record for oldest person in space?

10. Would you like to go to space? Explain your reasons.

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How Chocolate
is Made
It’s no secret that most people love chocolate! Did you know that every year we eat 7.2
million metric tons of chocolate? To get into our mouths in the UK, chocolate has a long way
to travel and there are lots of steps involved to turn it from a cacao bean into a delicious
sweet treat. Read on to find out what processes are involved in making chocolate.

Cacao pods grow on trees called cacao Raw Ingredients

trees. Cacao trees grow near the equator
because they need hot weather to
survive. As a result, about 70% of the
world’s cacao pods are grown in Africa.
First, the cocoa farmers must find and
pick the pods from the trees. Cacao pods
can grow high up in the tree therefore
the farmers often use ladders and
machetes (a type of knife) to cut them
out of the trees.

Preparing the Beans Cacao pods contain cacao beans,

which is the part that we use to make
chocolate. After being removed from the
trees, the cacao farmers carefully open
the pods. If you eat the beans at this
point, they are very bitter since they
need to ferment and they have no sugar
added yet.

Next, the beans are set aside and left for

about a week to ferment. Fermenting
the beans in the heat takes away the

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How Chocolate is Made

bitterness and consequently makes them taste sweeter. After the beans have fermented,
they have to be left to dry out. They are laid out on a flat surface in direct sunlight thus
the heat can dry them out. This takes approximately another week.

Subsequently, the beans must be Finding the Nibs

roasted. Once they are dry, they can be
transported to the factory. Roasting the
cacao beans can be done in a few ways,
but usually the beans are roasted in a
huge oven. This can take anywhere from
30 minutes to a few hours, depending
on the oven and how much chocolate
needs to be made!

Consequently, the beans are dry and

roasted so they are ready for the next
step. The chocolate nibs must be taken
from the inside of the bean. To do this,
the beans are crushed gently so that
the outer shell cracks and reveals the
nibs inside.

Mixing the Ingredients Next, the cocoa nibs must be ground

up. This process can take a long time. A
machine will grind the nibs to release
the cocoa butter. Cocoa butter is like a
chocolate paste and is what is mixed
with other ingredients to make the
chocolate. At this point, the cocoa butter
mixture is still bitter and grainy so it
needs to be made sweeter. Factories add
ingredients such as sugar and milk to
make it sweet and creamy. Then, the
mixture must be pressed repeatedly to
turn it into smooth, liquid chocolate.

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How Chocolate is Made

Finally, the chocolate can be placed into The Final Steps

a mould. Before this happens, factories
add flavourings or other ingredients
to turn it into a specific chocolate bar.
The liquid chocolate is then poured into
the moulds therefore taking its specific
shape. This might be a bar or individual
chocolates. Once the chocolate is set,
it can then be wrapped up and sent to
shops where we buy it and eat it!

So that is the journey of chocolate all

the way from a cacao tree into our
homes in the UK! Did you know there
were so many complicated steps? This
process is repeated over and over again
to feed our chocolate desires.

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1. How much chocolate is eaten each year?

2. Write three synonyms for the word delicious.

3. Why do most of the world’s cacao beans grow in Africa?

4. Write two reasons why you think the farmers don’t use machinery to pick the cacao beans.



5. What do you think would happen if the beans were not allowed to dry out enough before
roasting them?

6. Summarise the roasting process into one sentence.

7. Explain why the factories add sugar and milk to the cocoa butter.

8. What does pressed repeatedly mean?

9. How does the factory make the different shaped chocolate bars?

10. What flavourings would you add to the chocolate?

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Creative Writing Task:
Film Review
You have 30 minutes to complete the following task. Use the checklist to help you.

Write a review of the last film you watched. Do not

spend more than one quarter of the essay retelling
the plot: your review should focus on your opinion
about the film.
• Plan your writing
thoroughly using the
sheets provided.

• Think about what will

make your writing
unique – can you
include a twist or
standout viewpoint?

• Use a wide range of

vocabulary, punctuation
and sentence structures.

• Ensure that your

handwriting is
neat and legible.

• Write at least one

side of A4.

• Read through your work.

Remember to check your
spelling, punctuation
and grammar and neatly
correct any errors.

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Creative Writing Task:
The Supermarket
You have 30 minutes to complete the following task. Use the checklist to help you.

Describe the scene and the activities you may see

in your local supermarket.

• Plan your writing
thoroughly using the
sheets provided.

• Think about what will

make your writing
unique – can you
include a twist or
standout viewpoint?

• Use a wide range of

vocabulary, punctuation
and sentence structures.

• Ensure that your

handwriting is
neat and legible.

• Write at least one

side of A4.

• Read through your work.

Remember to check your
spelling, punctuation
and grammar and neatly
correct any errors.

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Creative Writing Task:
Advertising Your Town
You have 30 minutes to complete the following task. Use the checklist to help you.

Persuade your reader to take their next holiday to the

place where you live.

• Plan your writing
thoroughly using the
sheets provided.

• Think about what will

make your writing
unique – can you
include a twist or
standout viewpoint?

• Use a wide range of

vocabulary, punctuation
and sentence structures.

• Ensure that your

handwriting is
neat and legible.

• Write at least one

side of A4.

• Read through your work.

Remember to check your
spelling, punctuation
and grammar and neatly
correct any errors.

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Advantages and Disadvantages of Using AI
1 Write down some of the advantages and disadvantages of using artificial intelligence
in the world today.

Advantages Disadvantages







2 Imagine a voice assistant was going to be installed in your classroom. What do you
think the positives and negatives of this would be?

Positives Negatives



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