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GITAM (Deemed to be University), HYDERABAD

School of Technology
Mid Term Examination-II

Branch/Year/Semester: B.Tech /VII/IV Date: 08-11-2023

Subject Code: 19EAI441 Duration: 50 Minutes
Subject Name: Web Mining Max Marks: 15 M

(Answer to Q1 is Compulsory) (5x1=5M)

Q. 1
a. What is page repository .
b. What are spider traps .
c. Applications of SNA .
d. Explain a) directed graph b) undirected graph for degree centrality
e. Explain a ) proximity prestige b) Rank prestige..

(Answer any Two Questions from the Following) (2x5=10M)

Q.2 Write Basic Crawler Algortihm.

Q.3 Explain about power iteration method and damping method .
Q.4 Explain stopword and stemming .

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