WMmid 2

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GITAM (Deemed to be University), HYDERABAD

School of Technology
Mid Term Examination-II

Branch/Year/Semester: B.Tech /VII/IV Date: 04-10-2023(AN)

Subject Code: 19EAI441 Duration: 50 Minutes
Subject Name: Web Mining Max Marks: 15 M

(Answer to Q1 is Compulsory) (5x1=5M)

Q. 1
a. Differentiate content spamming and Link Spamming.
b. List the techniques of combination using Rank Positions.
c. Define LSI.
d. Write the difference between centrality and prestige?
e. Write the equation for computing page rank P (i) score of page i.

(Answer any Two Questions from the Following) (2x5=10M)

Q.2 Suppose we have the following set of five documents

d1: Romeo and Juliet,
d2: Juliet: O happy dagger! ,
d3: Romeo died by dagger.
d4:“Live free or die”,that’s the New-Hampshire’ smotto.
d5: Did you know, New-Hampshire is in New-England.

And a search query: dies dagger.

Compute singular value decomposition U, , VT

Q.3 Explain about hits algorithm with suitable network.

Q.4. What is the relation between co-citation and bibliographic coupling with
neat examples?

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