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Pilihan Ganda:

1. What is the formal way to greet someone in the evening?

A. Hello B.Hi C. Good Evening D. Howday

2. Which of the following is an informal response to "Good morning"?

A. Good morning C. Here there
B. How do you do D.Happy morning

3. When do we use the greeting "How do you do?"

A. In the morning C. In formal situations
B. When saying goodbye D. Among close friends

4. What is a common way to say farewell in English?

A. How are you C. What’s up
B. Goodbye D. Nice to meet you

5. Which expression means "See you later" in a casual way?

A. Farewell C. Catch you later
B. Take care D. Good afternoon

6. What is the appropriate response to "Take care!"?

A. Goodbye C. See you
B. Thanks, you too D. Hello

7. When might you say "Long time no see!"?

A. When you see someone every day
B. When you meet a new friend
C. When you haven't seen someone for a while
D. When saying goodbye
8. Which greeting is used to say hello in a friendly but informal way?
A. Good evening C. Hi there
B. How do you do D. Goodbye

9. What is a formal response to "Good afternoon!"?

A. Good afternoon C. See you later
B. Hi there D. Take care

10. What is a common way to say goodbye to someone you will see again soon?
A. Farewell C. Catch you later
B. Bye for now D. Goodbye
Jawablah dengan singkat:

11. What is an example of an informal greeting?

12. How do you respond to "Goodbye" politely?
13. When do you usually say "See you later"?
14. What is a formal way to greet someone in the morning?
15. How would you reply to "How do you do?" in a formal situation?

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