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REV : B0


LOKASI / LOCATION : Dangku & Tanah Abang Village
TANGGAL / DATE : 25 – 28 January 2022
PESERTA / PARTICIPANT : Nasruli Awaliyah, Ni Made Ayu Lestari, Safrial (ABP Team)
Day 1 : Mr. Roni (PPL Dangku Village)
Mr. Walirul Naj’ah (ABP Supplier)
48 SHs (1 Female & 47 Males)
Day 2 : Mr. Wiranto (PPL Dinas Perkebunan Muara Enim)
10 SHs (10 Males)
Day 3 : Mr. Erwadi (Head of Tanah Abang Village)
62 SHs (3 Females & 59 Males)
Day 4 : 14 SHs (14 Males)

1. Activity
25 January 2022
➢ BMP class at Dangku Village (48 SHs)

➢ Training Module 1 Tapping

➢ Training Module 2 Rubber Storage and Management

➢ Training Module 3 Plantation Maintenance

26 January 2022
➢ Review day 1

➢ Demoplot at Dangku Village (10 SHs)

27 January 2022
➢ BMP class at Tanah Abang Village (62 SHs)

➢ Training Module 1 Tapping

➢ Training Module 2 Rubber Storage and Management

➢ Training Module 3 Plantation Maintenance

28 January 2022
➢ Review day 1

➢ Demoplot at Tanah Abang Village (14 SHs)

2. Highlight

BMP Class and Demoplot at Dangku Village

➢ Farmers in Dangku Village are very enthusiastic with BMP Class that organized by the ABP team.
➢ BMP Class at Dangku Village attended by 47 SHs (Males), 1 SHs (Female), and PPL Dangku Village

(Mr. Roni).
➢ The modules provided are based on the needs of SHs known through Risk and Needs interviews:
Tapping Method, Storage and Processing, and Plantation Maintenance.
➢ Demoplot at Dangku Village only attended by 10 SHs (Males) and 1 PPL from Plantation Service
because at that day, one of our farmer’s parent passed away.
➢ The type of clone in the demonstration plot is a mixed clone type (PB260, GT1).
➢ Leaf drop disease at Demoplot Dangku Village occurs 3 times in 2021.
➢ The types of fertilizers used in the demonstration plot are Dolomite (25 Kg), Za (18 Kg), and KCl (7
➢ The use of dolomite in the Demoplot area of Dangku Village was carried out because the demoplot
contained a lot of overgrown Senduduk (Melastoma malabthricum) which is an indication that the
soil pH is acidic.
➢ Land owner for the Demoplot (Pak Hadi Tohir), usually uses Cuka 61 as a coagulant.
➢ The tapping method previously applied in the demoplot followed the correct method (top left to
bottom right), but did not pay attention to the slope and size of the tapping field/panel (30 cm).
➢ Farmers in Dangku Village realize their raw materials is not at maximum quality because they are
still using a coagulant that is not recommended (Cuka 61) and there are still some farmers who include
tatal and leaves in their raw materials. They have high enthusiasm to change the coagulant used to
use formic acid or liquid smoke, but it is constrained by supply availability and no one sells these
items around the village.

BMP Class and Demoplot at Tanah Abang

➢ BMP Class at Dangku Village attended by 59 SHs (Males), 3 SHs (Females), and Head of Village

(Mr. Erwani).
➢ The modules provided are based on the needs of SHs known through Risk and Needs interviews:

Tapping Method, Storage and Processing, and Plantation Maintenance.

➢ in the tools and materials identification session, 50% of farmers in Tanah Abang still don’t know the

name and function of the tools needed in tapping activities.

➢ One of the farmers asked about how to re-planting without burning the land. Because the Government

forbids to burning the land, while farmers in Tanah Abang only know about re-planting by burning
the land.
➢ The demonstration plot was carried out at Pak Syarief's plantation. The previous condition, Pak

Syarief had tapping with the correct method (top left to bottom right), and he uses Cuka 61 as a
➢ Leaf drop disease at Demoplot Tanah Abang Village occurs 4 times in 2021.

➢ Trash was found in the demoplot area, based on confirmation from Pak Syarief around the demoplot

area there is no laystall/garbage dump.

➢ Based on DRC test from demoplot in Dangku and Tanah Abang shows the use of liquid smoke

(Deorub) as a coagulant gets a higher percentage than Cuka 61.

➢ Farmers in Tanah Abang village want to change coagulant by using liquid smoke after knowing the

test results, but are constrained by availability and no one sells it in the village area.

3. Next Action
➢ Monitoring and evaluation in the demonstration plot.
➢ Geotagging and Risk Mitigation.
➢ Coordination with PPL for the establish and reactivation of farmer groups.
➢ BMP Class and Demoplot for 50 SHs at Dangku Village on February 2022.
Pict 1 Opening Speech from PPL Dangku Village Pict 2 Opening Speech from ABP Supplier
(Mr. Walirul Naj’ah)

Pict 3 Tools and materials identification session at BMP Dangku Village Pict 4 BMP Class at Dangku Village, Module 1 (Tapping)

Pict 5 BMP Class Module 2 (Rubber Storage and Management) Pict 6 BMP Class Module 3 (Plantation and Maintenance)
Pict 7 Practice of the tapping method on Demoplot Dangku Village

Pict 8 Fertilization Practice

Pict 9 Opening Speech from Head of Tanah Abang Village Pict 10 Tools and Materials Identification Session
Pict 11 BMP Class at Tanah Abang Village Pict 12 QnA at BMP Class

Pict 13 Practice of Tapping and Fertilization on Demoplot Tanah Abang Village

Pict 14 DRC Test Pict 15 Garbage in the Tanah Abang demonstration plot
Pict 16 BMP at Dangku Village Pict 17 BMP at Tanah Abang Village

Pict 18 Demoplot at Dangku Pict 19 Demoplot at Tanah Abang

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