Lift Plan 000001 20 Feb 2024

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Lift Plan/Method statement/Risk assessment

Lift Plan 000001 / 20 Feb 2024 Incomplete

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Document number Lift Plan 000001

Job Number

Date of lift(s) 20.02.2024

Duration of lifts (Days)

Name of site where lifts are taking place


Job description

Appointed Person’s Acceptance of Responsibilities

I confirm that the lifts in this Method Statement have been planned and will be carried out in
accordance with current legislation and BS 7121 and that I accept responsibility for the
preparation of this Method Statement and Risk Assessment. I accept it is my responsibility as the
Appointed Person to ensure that the Lift Supervisor is adequately briefed on the contents of this
Method Statement.

Appointed person


1. Introduction


This Method Statement has been prepared and based on the information supplied by Site
management, together with the site inspection, risk assessment report, sketches and/or
drawings has been completed by the Wiltech Appointed Person.

All work will be performed in accordance with:

• The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 Reg. 3

• Health & Safety at Work Act 1974
• BS 7121 Safe Use of Cranes and Lifting Operations Parts 1 and 3
• Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998
• The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 Reg. 3 to 11
• The Work at Height Regulations 2005

1.1 Site Inspection

The Appointed Person shall carry out a detailed site inspection to ascertain the clients’ full
requirements to determine the required crane capacity, including an assessment as far as
possible/practical for any other site issues such as access and egress, ground conditions,
overhead obstructions, local authorities etc.

1.2 The Appointed Person

The Appointed Person who has prepared this Method Statement carries the full responsibility of
the Appointed Person to ensure that the Lift Supervisor is adequately briefed on the contents of
this Method Statement.

1.3 The Lift Supervisor

Prior to the commencement of the works, the Lift Supervisor must ensure that all site personnel
are adequately briefed on the contents of this Method Statement. This briefing shall take the
form of an adequate task briefing. The Lift Supervisor must liaise with the Appointed Person
should the site circumstances require material changes to the methods to be employed during
the operation.

1.4 The Crane Operator

All operators will be fully trained and competent.

1.5 Personnel
All Wiltech personnel or any personnel working on behalf of Wiltech Engineering will be fully
trained and hold relevant certification for the roll they undertake during the lifting operation.

1.6 Certification
Copies of statutory test certification and inspection reports for all lifting equipment supplied and
personnel will be made available for inspection to Site management. The certification will be
supplied prior to the lifting operation commencing. Lifting tackle used by Wiltech will be
inspected prior to use - Wiltech to record weekly inspections and Wiltech to have thorough
examination on all supplied lifting tackle.

2. General conditions


2.1 Wiltech Engineering will provide details of all items to be lifted, including weights, dimensions
and any specific lifting requirements. Wiltech Engineering are responsible for the structural
integrity of all loads to be lifted including any specified lifting points or slinging
2.2 Site management must ensure safe access to and egress from site for Wiltech personnel and
transport, and also to ensure working area is clear from obstructions to allow the safe assembly
and working of the crane.
2.3 Site management must ensure that the area where the crane is to stand/operate is firm and
level and that it is capable of withstanding the loads that are placed upon it.
2.4 Site management must ensure that any traffic management is in place prior to the positioning
of the crane.
2.5 Any personnel not directly concerned with the lift must be kept out of the crane assembly and
lift areas.
2.6 The Lift Supervisor shall make himself known to all relevant personnel on site, and conduct a
task briefing prior to the lifting operation commencing. Wiltech engineering personnel should
arrange for a site specific induction prior to the commencement of any work. The Client/Site Risk
Assessment which identifies any site hazards should be made available and brought to the
attention of all Wiltech engineering personnel.
2.7 All cranes to be left unattended for any period shall be left in a safe condition with no load on
the crane hook. Cranes shall be shut down and isolated as per manufacturer’s instructions,
secured and locked. Under no circumstances shall the crane be moved for lifting purposes if not
under the instruction of the Lift Supervisor.
2.8 In the event that specified cranes or lifting tackle cannot be supplied on the day of operation
due to operational issues, breakdown or any unforeseen circumstances, Wiltech reserves the
right to use cranes or equipment that is of a suitable alternative to that detailed in this Method
Statement. In the event of this situation arising, the Appointed Person and Site management will
be notified. The AP/Lift Supervisor will ensure that any changes do not infringe on the factors of
safety within this Method Statement.


3.1 Wiltech Engineering will endeavour to advise the client regarding ground conditions and
supply suitable mats where required, however, Wiltech will take no responsibility whatsoever for
the ground conditions. As Site management are entirely responsible for ground conditions and
should ensure that the ground where the crane is to stand is capable of withstanding the
outrigger and axle loads stated in this Method Statement. Site management are also required to
advise Wiltech of any known underground services, voids or vaults as stated in BS7121 Safe Use
of Cranes.


4.1 The appropriate PPE, as determined by the Risk Assessment will be worn.


In the event of extreme weather conditions Wiltech reserves the right to suspend the lifting
operation until such time as it is safe to proceed. Although the safe workable wind speed varies
from crane to crane, as a guide, the maximum wind speed at which lifting operations can take
place is 9.8 metres per second (22mph). In the event that man riding duties are required the
maximum workable wind speed reduces to 7 metres per second (16mph). (See section 6.1 for the
cranes maximum wind speeds).

Please note that local conditions and the safety of personnel may dictate that the Lift Supervisor
and Crane Operator have to suspend lifting operations at a lower wind speed than specified. In
addition, lifting operations must stop during storms or when there is a risk of lightning strikes.

3. Lift details 0 / 3 (0%)
Crane details

Crane Hire company

Make&Model of Crane

Capacity (T)

Gross Weight of crane(T)

Outrigger dimensions foot print (M) L X W

Boom Length(M)

Next thorough examination date

Notes & Photos

Lift Team Info

Name of crane Operator

Name of Lift supervisor

Name (s) Slinger/Signaller Assigned

Communication Method(s)

Enabling works 0 / 1 (0%)

Any enabling works discussed and agreed to at the site inspection, should be carried out prior to
the arrival of the crane. Enabling works required are as follows:

Are there any enabling works to be carried out before lifting

operations commence
Access and egress

Site management should ensure that the crane and all associated vehicles have safe and
unimpeded access and egress to and from site.

Is access and egress acceptable


Ground Conditions

Any underground services, voids or vaults information supplied to the Appointed Person must be
highlighted to the Lifting Supervisor. Please see section "Calculated Maximum Radius/loadings"

Are the ground conditions acceptable to establish the crane

in its lifting position (including access and egress to the
lifting position)
Overhead Obstructions and Slewing Restrictions 0 / 1 (0%)

Details of any overhead or slewing restrictions the lifting team should be aware of:

Are there any overhead or slewing restrictions

Lifting Tackle/equipment

All Lifting Tackle certification to be available on site. The Lift Supervisor shall inspect all Lifting
Tackle prior to each use. Any damaged tackle must be "Quarantined" and returned to
Wiltech/crane hire company for disposal. Nylon slings must be protected from sharp edges
using sling guards or suitable packing.

Lifting tackle selected

lifting equipment certificate record numbers

Notes and photos

Lifting Method 0 / 1 (0%)

Does the load have manufactured lifting points or guidance

on the method of lifting?
Calculated Maximum Lift Weight

Weight of Load(Kgs)

Weight of Hook Block(Kgs)

Weight of Lifting Tackle(Kgs)

Gross weight of load(Kgs)

Calculated Maximum Radius/loadings

Stand Off (M)

In-Reach (M)

Length of boom used (M)

Maximum Height of hook (M)

Maximum Radius (M)

Maximum load at radius (Kgs)

(Site calculation )Gross weight of crane (T) + Gross weight of load (T) X 0.75 = Maximum point load
on outrigger (T) A more accurate calculation can be obtained from the crane company

Maximum point load on outrigger (T)

Lift supervisor briefing/sign off

I have briefed all personnel involved on all the risks/hazards/methodology in the lifting operation
to carried out

Crane supervisor

4. Method statement


11.1 The crane together with the associated operating crew will arrive on site at the specified and
agreed date and time.
11.2 Lift Supervisor will meet client representative and carry out a toolbox talk with all personnel
involved in the lifting operation. Once this has been completed, all involved in the lifting
operation must sign the register in this method statement. Any site inductions that are required
will also be carried out.
11.3 Any traffic management, ancillary pans, mats or temporary roadways etc., that are required
to be positioned by forklift or other means, prior to the crane manoeuvring into position, will be
done under the instruction and guidance of the Lift Supervisor.
11.4 The Crane will then manoeuvre into position as shown on attached drawing. All crane or
manoeuvring to be carried out under the guidance of a member of the lifting crew.
11.5 The Crane will then commence set-up procedure and rig to the configuration stated in this
method statement. All personnel assisting with rigging will be under the guidance of the crane
operator or operators, at all times. The set-up procedure will be carried out as per crane
manufacturer’s manual.
11.6 Upon completion of the rigging procedure, the crane operator will carry out procedural
safety and computer checks, implementing any specific operational requirements, i.e. slewing
restrictions, short rig configurations, or fly jib configurations etc.
11.7 The Lift Supervisor will then carry out a radio communications check between the crane
operator and the lifting crew.
11.8 The hook block of the crane will then be lowered and required lifting tackle placed on the
hook. The Lift Supervisor will ensure that the correct lifting tackle has been selected.
11.9 The crane operator will then be instructed to hoist lifting tackle clear of any obstructions and
position the crane ready for the first required lift. Any delivery / removal vehicles will now be
positioned adjacent to crane as per attached drawings, ready for work to commence.


12.1 Upon completion of the attachment of the lifting tackle to the load, the Slinger/Signaller will
instruct the operator by hand signals or radios, to hoist up to take the slack out of the lifting
tackle. Once the lifting tackle has started to take the weight and has tightened the
Slinger/Signaller will instruct the operator to stop hoisting. The Slinger/Signaller will then carry
out a check around the load to ensure that the lifting tackle is sitting correctly and angled
correctly and also check any lifting points for security and correct operation.

12.2 Once a lifting tackle check has been carried out the Slinger/Signaller will instruct the crane
operator to hoist the load to a height that allows the lifting tackle to take the full weight of the
load and again instruct the operator to stop hoisting when the load is just airborne to allow a
final check of the lifting tackle and lifting points and also check the structural integrity of the load.

12.3 Once the Slinger/Signaller is confident that the lifting tackle and the load are secure, any tag
lines that may be required will be attached to the load. Instructions will then be given to the
crane operator to hoist the load clear of any obstructions, ensuring that any site specific risks are
monitored throughout the hoisting procedure.

12.4 Once the load is clear of all obstructions, the Slinger/Signaller will give instructions to the
crane operator to manoeuvre the load as required to the required landing area.

12.5 The Slinger/Signaller will pass control of the crane signalling to a second strategically placed
Slinger/Signaller at the landing area on the building

12.6 The landing area Slinger/Signaller will then commence giving instructions to the crane
operator to manoeuvre and lower the load to the required landing point, ensuring that any site

specific risks are monitored throughout the landing procedure.

12.7 The Slinger/Signaller will guide the load to the correct orientation as the load becomes
contactable by hand or by any attached tag lines.

12.8 The Slinger/Signaller will instruct the crane operator to lower the load to just above the
landing position and then instruct the operator to stop lowering to allow operatives to confirm
the position of load prior to landing.

12.9 Once the position is confirmed by operatives, the Slinger/Signaller will instruct the operator
to slowly lower the load into position. Once landed, a final position check will be made and load
bolted into position before the Slinger/Signaller instructs the operator to lower off all load weight.

12.10 The Slinger/Signaller will instruct the operator to lower off, to allow the lifting tackle to be
released from the load.

12.11 Once lifting tackle is detached from the load the Slinger/Signaller will give instructions to
the crane operator to slowly hoist the lifting tackle clear of the load and any site specific risks
ensuring that no snagging occurs.

12.12 Once the lifting tackle is clear of all obstructions the Slinger/Signaller will instruct the crane
operator to manoeuvre the crane ready for any further lifts that may be required and hand over
to another Slinger/Signaller where required


13.1 Upon completion of the lifting operation, the lift supervisor will instruct the crane operator
to load any ancillary equipment or heavy lifting tackle onto relevant transport ready for removal
from site.
13.2 The Lift Supervisor will then instruct the crane operator or operators to lower all other lifting
tackle to ground to allow removal from hook.
13.3 The crane operator will then instigate the removal of any lifting tackle stored on the crane
and then commence the de-rig procedure.
13.4 All personnel assisting with de-rigging will be under the guidance of the crane operator at all
times. The de-rig procedure will be carried out as per crane manufacturer’s manual.
13.5 Once crane has de-rigged and all safety checks for road travel have been carried out, the
crane operator will manoeuvre the crane off site, under the guidance of a member of the lifting
crew. The crane will then proceed on its way.
13.6 The remaining members of the lifting crew will ensure that any ancillary mats or equipment
etc. are removed from site or placed in an appropriate position ready for collection prior to them
leaving site.
13.7 Any traffic or pedestrian management arranged by Crane Company will be unimplemented
and removed. The Lift Supervisor will inform Wiltech , Wiltech representative, or site
representative of the completion of the operation and address any issues that may be raised and
inform of any equipment left on site for later collection.


14.1 In the event of any accident or emergency on site, Wiltech operatives will follow the
following procedures before starting the lifting procedure again:
• Lifting supervisor to report all incidents or accidents to site management.
• Lifting Supervisor to stop all Lifting operations and make the crane and lifting area safe before

• All incidents minor or major must be recorded in the on-site accident book.

Once the incident / Accident has been reported all lifting operations will cease in till the site
management and lifting supervisor have agreed that the lift is safe to be completed

5. Risk Assessments

Lifting Operations -risk assessment.pdf

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