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2. The term ‘sociology’ was coined by

b. Saint Simon c. Herbert Spencer d. Auguste Comte e. Durkheim

3. 4. French Revolution took place in the year

b. 1789 c. 1776 d. 1798 e. 1898

5. 6. Society emerges out of

a. b. community’s c. men’s existence d. problem’s e. relationship
existence existence
8. ‘Society is the web of social relationships’ whose definition is this?

b. Maclver c. H. Maine d. Pluto e. Aristotle

9. 10. There are two types of definition of society. These are-

a. b. Structural and c. Functional and d. Evolutionary e. Structural and
interactional structural and diffusive evolutionary

12. Who among the following was on the opinion that” A gift is a social substitute for
money among moneyless cultures.”?
a. b. Ogburn and c. Mauss d. Frazer e. Polyan
13.14. The importance of the social division of labour as a criterion of social development has
been insisted by
a. b. Karl Marx c. Emile Durkheim d. F. Engels e. Herbert Hyman
15.16. The basis of slave system is always?
b. Political c. Economic d. Custom e. Social need

17.18. A characteristic feature of a rural community is

a. b. Formal c. Rational will d. Community e. A vast number
relationship sentiment of associations
19.20. Who among the following was the first to distinguish between the state and the
b. Locke c. R. Dahl d. Marx e. Max Weber

21.22. The three-tier system of Panchayati Raj was recommended by

a. b. Kaka Kalekar c. Simon d. Balwant Rai e. Jai Prakash
Committee Commission Mehta Narain
Committee Committee
24. A social movement depends on

b. A goal c. An Organisation d. A programme e. A set of value

26. Demographers do not take into account

a. b. Age, sex and racial c. Height and d. Birth and death e. Density of
composition of the weight of the rate
population population
27.28. The value which cannot be determined graphically is:
b. Median c. Mean d. Frequency table e. None of these

29.30. The most frequent item of the series a round which other items are densely populated is
known as:
b. geometric mean c. mode d. harmonic mean e. arithmetic mean

31.32. What is the theoretical framework that focuses on the level of economic development
as the determinant of birth and death rates, referred to as?
a. b. Malthusian c. Optimum Theory d. Demographic e. Theory of social
Theory of of population Transition capillarity
population Theory
33.34. Which one of the following is the first stage of the evolution of an institution?
a. b. Tradition c. Ideology d. Collective e. Mores
35.36. Identify the particular element that dominates in the material culture:
a. b. Religion & c. Science & d. Custom & e. Folkways
Morality Technology Tradition
37.38. Which among the following is the indicator of open stratification system?
b. Ethnicity c. Caste d. Class e. Religion

39.40. Who among the following authors initially used the term ‘social physics’ for
b. Spencer c. Comte d. Tonnies e. Weber

41.42. Unequal access to social resources is commonly called

a. b. Social c. Social inequality d. Social inequality e. Social struggle
43.44. The term status symbol was coined by
b. Karl Max c. Max Weber d. Emile Durkheim e. Herbert Spencer

45.46. Which of the following best describes sociology as a subject?

a. b. The study of c. The study of d. The study of e. The study of
individual cultures society and society and
behavior social social interaction
47.48. C. Wright Mills once said that sociologists need to develop a sociological __________
to study how society affects individuals.
b. culture c. imagination d. method e. tool
49.50. A sociologist defines society as a group of people who reside in a defined area, share a
culture, and who:
a. b. work in the c. interact d. speak different e. practice a
same industry languages recognized
51.52. Which of the following was a topic of study in early sociology?
b. Astrology c. Economics d. Physics e. History

53.54. Relationship central to sociology are those which involve:

a. b. Friendliness c. Conflict d. Mutual recognition and the e. Kinship ties
sense of something shared in
55.56. In society differences are always:
b. Inborn c. Adopted d. Environmental e. Both adopted
and natural
57.58. Who of the following had defined society as union in itself?
b. Giddings c. A.W. Green d. R.M. Maclver e. R.M. Maclver

59.60. Force theory about origin of society is not accepted because it is believed that:
a. b. It is not c. State was given by d. It creates feat in e. It is by now
historically God the minds of the clear that state is
correct people expansion of
61.62. According to_________, self and society are not identical.
b. Cooley c. Mead d. Freud e. Marx

63.64. Socialism is a _____ not a process.

a. b. Theory c. Virtue d. biological e. state of nature
65.66. In society differences grow due to:
b. Socialisation c. Isolation d. Non- e. Non-socialisation
67.68. Which one of the following is not correct about institutional structure?
a. b. There is rule to c. There are no d. There are e. It is bound with
codify its codified rules of symbols which the others
working its working synthesize
69.70. Pick up one which is not true of an institution:
a. b. It is least c. Customs and d. It meets primary e. It is very stable
concerned with mores are its needs of the
customs and distinguishing people
mores feature
71.72. Which among the following constitutes a group?
a. b. Which among c. Members of a d. Children e. Partnership that
the following circus company running out of has failed.
constitutes a engaged in the school after
group? performance. it is closed for
the day.
73.74. Partnership that has failed.
a. b. A social group c. An associational d. A statistical e. A primary group
group group
75.76. George Simmel’s classification of group as monad, dyad, triad etc. is based on:
a. b. physical c. size d. nature of e. social relations
proximity membership
77.78. Mark out the primary group among the following:
a. b. Members of a c. Family d. Students of e. The social
trade union history workers
79.80. Which among the following are reference groups?
a. b. College going c. Nuclear scientists d. Marine e. All
students engineers
81.82. Which among the following is not a secondary group?
a. b. Political party c. A city d. Labour union e. Students in a class
83.84. According to Tonnies, neighbourhood is types of_____________.
b. Community c. Gesellschaft d. Social group e. Primary group

85.86. Find out the incorrect match-

a. b. Horizontal c. Spatial groups – d. Secondary group e. Primary group –
group – craft corporation – corporation political party
87.88. Which among the following is institutionalized and involves the right to take certain
actions including decisions to issue commands?
b. Confidence c. Strength d. Authority e. Force

89.90. According to Weber, the three types of leadership are:

a. b. rational, feudal c. legal, traditional d. feudal, e. none of these
and capitalistic and charismatic traditional and
91.92. Social structure is a/an-
a. b. structural c. ritualistic d. integration of e. functional
coherence expression ultimate values arrangement
93.94. According to Weber the groups which are specifically concerned with influencing
policies and making decisions in the interests of their membership are
b. Communities c. Parties d. Political Parties e. Relative Classes

95.96. According to H.M. Johnson, which one stands important for integration and pattern
b. Leadership c. Morality d. Marriage e. Kinship

97.98. With whose name will you associate the ‘Voluntaristic theory of Action’?
b. Parsons c. Weber d. Tonnies e. Durkheim

99.100. Sociology is the interpretive understanding of social action. This definition was
brought by
b. Max Weber c. Karl Marx d. C. Levi Strauss e. Henry Maine

102. Meaning of the word Educare is
a. To bring up b. To express c. To come into d. To turn down
104. Education is a ____________ process
b. Social c. Political d. Economical e. Sociological

106. Ontology is a subject of
b. Sociology c. Psychology d. Philosophy e. Education

108. Education is always according to
b. Political Aims c. Ideology d. Financial e. Temporary aims
110. Religious and political differences are called
a. b. Social c. Emotional d. Economic e. Miscellaneous
differences differences differences individual
112. Principal of inheritance includes
b. Retrogression c. Heredity d. Individuality e. Differences

114. Motivation is the _____________ state of an individual
b. Educational c. External d. Internal e. Social

116. The psychologist ______________ presented the theory of association in learning.
b. Thorn dike c. Ausubel d. Pavlov e. Skinner

118. Community is a unit of
b. Culture c. Education d. Society e. Family

120. There are_________________ components of curriculum
b. Two c. Three d. Four e. Five

122. The second period of British education ranges from
b. 1810 to 1854 c. 1811 to 1854 d. 1812 to 1854 e. 1813 to 1854

124. It was suggested in the education conference 1947, the foundation of education will
a. b. Ideology of c. Mass development d. Individual e. Universal needs
Pakistan development
126. Al-Ghazali was a/an
a. b. Educationalist c. Head teacher in d. Thinker e. All of these
Nizamia University
128. Which of the following is influenced due to the low literacy rate of the country
a. b. Economic c. Social d. Political, social e. Economic and
development development and economic social
development development
130. Which of the following is not a rational knowledge according to Ibn-Khaldun
b. Logic c. Philosophy d. Hadith e. Chemistry

132. The students differ in
a. b. Intelligence c. Social conditions d. Economic e. All of these
134. In his Presidential address, Fazl-ur-Rehman said, “he pays most importance to the
_________ in education”
a. b. Marital element c. Spiritual element d. Professional e. Scientific
element element
136. Which of the following can be produced by means of investment in education
a. b. High literacy c. Changes in d. Promotion of e. All of these
rate attitudes national
138. The Holy Prophet PBUH brought about____________ revolution
b. Educational c. Spiritual d. Social e. All of these

140. The deprived class of the society view education as
b. An investment c. National saving d. Useless activity e. None of these

142. Which of the following is essential for the economic and social development
a. b. Universal c. Social justice d. Existence of e. All of these
primary stable social
education institutions
144. In 1905, which of the following institution was established for comprehensive
planning of national education
a. b. National council c. Sadler d. Sharif e. Indian
for education commission commission constitutional
146. The graduates of Islamic Madarasas got Government services under the education
policy of
b. 1976 c. 1959 d. 1970 e. 1972

148. The head of center for Extension in Education and Provincial Bureau of Curriculum
Development are called
a. b. Director c. General Manager d. Chairman e. Superintendents
150. Educationally, Pakistan is a/an
a. Developed b. Under-developed c. Is not confronted with D. all of these
country country any educational
152. Which of the following persons enjoys vast range of powers at the district level
b. District c. DCO d. EDO (E) DPO


154. Which of the following is one of the major causes of the fall of standard of
a. b. Teacher c. Curriculum d. Economic e. All of these
156. According to the statistics of 2003, the literacy rate in rural areas is
b. 40% c. 41% d. 42% e. 43%

158. According to the survey of 2003, how many schools are deprived of basic facilities
b. 63,000 c. 64,000 d. 65,000 e. 66,000

160. Which of the following is the head of Provincial Department of Education
a. b. Secretary c. Provincial d. Director, public e. Director, public
education minister of instruction instruction
education (Schools) (Colleges)

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