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English-Language & Literature (184)
Class X | 2023–24
Time allowed: 3 Hours Maximum marks: 80

General Instructions:
1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING and
2. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.

Section A: READING SKILLS (20 marks)

Reading Comprehension Through Unseen Passages

1. Read the following text. 10m

(1) The invention of the safety bicycle in the late nineteenth century transformed the world
of cycling. While early versions of bicycles had been used in Europe since the
seventeenth century, it was the safety bicycle with its lightweight hollow steel frame and
equal-sized wheels that revolutionised the cycling experience.

(2) This resulted in enhanced mobility for both men and women, allowing them to explore
the countryside freely and travel between towns. Bicycles symbolised freedom,
particularly for women, granting them self-reliable transportation and the ability to
participate in recreational activities, like bicycle racing. The rise of bicycles also brought
a shift in fashion, with more functional and relaxed clothing tailored specifically for
(3) Bicyclists also became a political force. They played a significant role in the
development of road maps, guiding riders along the best routes. They campaigned for
better infrastructure to enhance their riding experiences.
(4) Today, advances in technology, wearables* and complex data analysis have transformed
sports science, particularly in endurance sports, like cycling. Cyclists can now gather
vast amounts of data simply by using mobile apps to track their activities. This data not
only encompasses exercise details, like its volume or intensity, but also external factors
like the impact of weather on the physiological response of the athlete. Furthermore,
technology has made it very easy to monitor performance-influencing data outside of

1 of 13
training, such as heart rate or sleep quality, through various wearables and cost-effective
mobile apps.
(5) However, just because we are able to monitor so much information does not mean that it
is useful for improving the sports performance of our athletes. In this sense, we believe
that we must be critical while adopting any new technologies or trends in training. The
first thing we should know is whether there is scientific support for the use of that new
gadget or wearable. For example, core temperature is of great importance in the
mechanisms that produce fatigue and exhaustion in endurance sports. A few years ago, a
device came on the market that estimated this measurement in a non-invasive way and
we saw many top cyclists and runners wearing it. However, a study later showed it is an
invalid device for measuring one's temperature.
(6) Innovation in cycling has evolved from the invention of safety bicycles to technological
advancements in sports science. Maximizing the potential benefits of these
developments requires critical thinking to enhance the training and performance of
modern cyclists.

*wearables - technological devices worn on the body for data collection

Sources (edited):
JSC Journal - 'https://www.jsc-,'

(404 words)
Answer the following questions based on the passage above.
i What is the passage mainly about? 1
A. How did the advancement of sports science impact the fashion
B. What were the primary societal changes brought about by the rise
of bicycles?
C. How did the invention of the safety bicycle contribute to the
development of wearable technology?
D. In what ways did early versions of bicycles differ from the safety
bicycle in the late nineteenth century?
ii In which sentence does the author express uncertainty about the use of new 1
technologies in training?
A. "...advances in technology have transformed sports science."
(paragraph 4)
B. "This data not only encompasses exercise details but also external
factors like weather." (paragraph 4)
C. "...just because we can monitor so much information does not mean
it is useful." (paragraph 5)

2 of 13
D. "Maximizing the potential benefits of these developments requires
critical thinking." (paragraph 6)
iii Complete the sentence appropriately by providing two distinct reasons in the 1
blank below.

It can be said the world of cycling has seen massive changes because
iv Which of these is opposite to 'invalid' as used in paragraph 5? 1
A. ethical
B. accurate
C. authentic
D. trustworthy
v Using information solely from the passage, provide two distinct reasons to 1
complete the sentence appropriately.
Bicycles can be seen as a symbol of empowerment because ____________.
vi Imagine you are a sports scientist tasked with developing a new technological 2
tool to aid cyclists in their training. Provide a brief description, within 40
words, of its specific features and why you chose to include them.
vii Select the option that shows the correct relationship between (1) and (2). 1

(1) Cyclists were able to improve the accuracy of maps.

(2) Cyclists became influential and campaigned for better infrastructure.

A. (2) is a contradiction of (1)

B. (2) is independent of (1)
C. (2) is an example of (1)
D. (2) is the cause of (1)
viii Below are statements from cyclists. Identify two statements that could be said 1
by a cyclist in the late nineteenth century.
1. "I like having a personal coach on my wrist. It just told me how
many calories I have burned so far!"
2. "It's quite a struggle riding up these steep hills on my heavy steel-
framed bicycle."
3. "I feel so liberated whenever I hop on my bicycle. I didn't have
freedom like this before!"
4. "Ugh, there is so much traffic ahead. And I feel so pressured to meet
my performance targets every time I hop on a bike."
2. Read the following text. 10m
(1) India is a country of many languages. The constitution recognises 22 languages
officially, but over 121 unique languages have been identified in the country.
(2) To preserve and encourage the literary function of language, the government introduced
'classical languages' in 2004. According to the Ministry of Culture, a classical language
is one that is at least 1,500 years old and has ancient, valuable literature recorded in it.
Further, such a language is original and not derived from another language. Based on
3 of 13
these guidelines, six languages have been classified as classical languages: Tamil,
Sanskrit, Kannada, Telugu, Malayalam and Odia.
(3) The following graph shows the percentage of Indian people whose mother tongue is a
classical language. This is as per data collected by the census of 2011. The census was
not conducted in 2021 due to the pandemic.

(4) According to the graph, around 6.7% of the Indian population are native speakers of
Telugu, whereas Sanskrit has been identified as a mother tongue by only 0.002% of the
population, which is around 24,821 people. Malayalam has the second lowest number of
native speakers, making up about 2.9% of Indians.

(5) The 2011 census data also noted that a majority of the native speakers reside in the area
that their mother tongue originated from. For example, 93% of Kannada speakers live in
Karnataka. Similarly, 93% of Malayalam speakers live in Kerala.
(6) Balancing preservation of culture and inclusivity is a delicate equation for a
heterogeneous country like India. With growing awareness, concepts like 'classical
languages' may help us achieve harmony.

census - a survey that is conducted every ten years to collect information about the
population of the country

Source (Edited):

4 of 13
'Explainer: What are classical languages of India?' -

(258 words)
Answer the following questions, based on the passage above
i Which of these pieces of information can be confirmed by reading the 1

(I) the number of people in India who speak Tamil

(II) where the majority of native Sanskrit speakers live
(III) the reason Malayalam is considered a classical language
(IV) when the idea of classical languages was introduced in India

A. Only (I)
B. Only (IV)
C. Only (I) and (II)
D. Only (III) and (IV)
ii Fill in the blanks with the appropriate option from those given in brackets. 1

Based on the passage, the __________ (functional/historical) value of a

language is of utmost importance while (preserving/categorising) it as a
classical language.
iii Imagine that a committee was formed to ensure that classical languages have 2
more native speakers by the time the next census is conducted. In 40 words,
answer the following questions to help the committee achieve its objective.

(1) Which classical language needs its attention most urgently and why?
(2) Which classical language would be THIRD on its priority?
iv State an example from the passage that shows that India is a 'heterogeneous 1
country'. Answer in one sentence.
v Why has the writer stated the following line in the passage? Give a reason. 1

The census was not conducted in 2021 due to the pandemic.

vi Complete the sentence based on information from the passage. 1

If Tamil originated from Tamil Nadu, we can infer that __________ of the
native Tamil speakers would be living in Tamil Nadu.
vii Which of these hypothetical situations would help India achieve harmony? 1
Justify your answer in about 40 words.
(a) if the majority of Indians who speak a classical language are settled
(b) if more languages from remote and tribal areas of India are identified as
classical languages

5 of 13
(c) if the percentage of Indians who are native Telugu speakers increases to
more than 10 percent
viii Which of these sentences uses 'delicate' in the same way as paragraph (6) 1

A. She looked beautiful in the dress with the delicate floral pattern.
B. He was frequently admitted to the hospital due to his delicate
C. This discussion will require careful consideration as it is a delicate
D. Please handle these delicate items carefully during transportation
as they break easily.
3 Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed. 1 x 10
i Two friends, Aarav and Ananya, are discussing their upcoming trip. How 1
would Aarav report Ananya's dialogue?

Aarav: "I have already booked the hotel for our trip tomorrow."
Ananya: "Are you sure? Don't forget to confirm the reservation."

Anaya asked me __________

ii Fill in the blanks with the correct option. 1

The coach shouted, "_____________ the ball!" Later, he __________ onto

the ball in order to dictate the game's pace.

A. Pass; commanded them to hold

B. Passed; command them to held
C. Passes; commands them to hold
D. Passing; commanded them to held
iii Read the given dialogue carefully. Identify the error and supply the correction 1
in the sentence.

Sanya exclaims, "Look! My keys are in the refrigerator. I will have absent-
mindedly put them here while putting away the groceries."
iv Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the bracket. 1

In the depths of the enchanted forest, where time __________ (stand) still
and mythical creatures roamed freely, a young adventurer embarked on a
v Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete the sentence 1

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Shazia stared at the mountain range before her. From a distance, __________
(this/that/these/those) towering peaks seemed to touch the sky, creating a
breathtaking sight.
vi Report Sana's instructions to Manisha. 1

Sana said, "First, you heat the sugar and water in a saucepan."
Manisha: Sana said that __________ and water in a saucepan.

A. we first heat the sugar

B. Manisha, heat the sugar
C. first, you heat the sugar
D. I should first heat the sugar
vii Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the 1
given line, from a survey.
Everyone are expected to submit their feedback to our customer service
representative at the event.
Option no. Error Correction
A. are is
B. their your
C. feedback feedbacks
D. the a
viii Fill in the blank with the correct option. 1

When one gazes at the sky, the glimmer of stars ___________ the vastness

A. fill
B. fills
C. to fill
D. is filling
ix Identify the error and supply the correction for the following statement. 1

The national team could adhere to a strict code of conduct, refraining from
cheating and unethical behaviour, or else they will be disqualified.
x Fill in the blank with the correct option. 1

Dad: "Ramya, I heard your school made some changes recently. What is
going on?"

Ramya: "Yes, dad. The school administration __________ a revised

attendance policy to ensure academic success."

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Practice Questions
Session: - 2022-23
Time allowed: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions:
1. 15-minute prior reading time allotted for Q-paper reading.
2. The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, GRAMMAR & WRITING and
3. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.



I Read the passage given below. 10

History in general remains an endeavour to search for the truth about the past in a
contemporary light. The search is done by examining the treasure trove of a
documented past. This also holds true for the history of food. Cookbooks have
always played an instrumental role in researching the history of any community. The
1 roots of recording the history of food are nearly as old as the history of writing itself.
In the East, Meng Shen of T’ang dynasty recorded the origin and usage of every
food consumed in the court. In India, mythology mentions that the oldest and first
ever book on cookery is Pakadarpanam (The Mirror of Culinary Skills), written by
King Nala.

Cookbooks are a guiding light that can take one on a journey of understanding
traditions and culture. Scholars in the past also believed that cookbooks are a source
of information not only to understand social or gender-specific roles but also material
factors such as trade and network.

So what could be considered a cookbook in our modern society? It has been noted
recently that there is a surge in the number of infotainment and documentary
programs about food. Recipes are no longer just about cookbooks. In fact, a new
breed of Indian culinary experts are cooking their way to celebrity status. And they
are achieving this via social media. As they demystify Indian cuisine and offer step-
by-step guidance to creating mouthwatering Indian dishes, these talented men and

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women are inspiring a lot of Indians to pick up their ladles and try out various recipes
in their own kitchens.

The social media chefs are here to stay. No longer does an amateur home chef have
to struggle with trying to understand what exactly the recipe instruction means when
it says things like, “the batter should be of pouring consistency”. Now one can see
the chef demonstrate on video what exactly 'pouring consistency' ought to be like.

A lot of people used these recipes that were easily available on social media to get
through the COVID-19 pandemic. Cooking, which was considered a necessity at the
beginning of the COVID-19 lockdown days, turned into a recreational activity over
5 time. It also functioned as a tool to improve people’s psychological well-being. This
gave them a goal-oriented behaviour to engage in, while also being a way to connect
with others by sharing recipes or posting pictures of their creations on social media.
Thus, documenting recipes online is the modern version of authoring a cookbook.

contemporary - occurring in the present

(415 words)
Adapted —

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the 1 x 10

questions given below.

i The search is done by examining the treasure trove of a documented 1

past. This also holds true for the history of food. (Paragraph 1)
Why would the author refer to cookbooks as a 'treasure trove'?

A. because they contain recipes for rich foods

B. because writing them requires a lot of time and money
C. because they hold a wealth of information about the past
D. because writing recipes is considered a rewarding experience

Page 2 of 22
ii Refer to the following from Paragraph 1: 1
Meng Shen: records of food consumed in court
King Nala: Pakadarpanam, the oldest book on cookery (Paragraph 1)
Which of the options display the MOST LIKELY the reason the first
cookbooks were from royal households?

A. The royalty was involved in the planning of all their meals.

B. The royalty wanted ordinary folk to know how to eat like kings.
C. The royalty had to be ready to serve special food to foreign visitors.
D. The royalty had the resources to create complex dishes and
document them.

iii Cookbooks are a guiding light... (Paragraph 2) 1

Which of these options uses the same literary device as the line above?

A. This cake is the heaven of taste!

B. These grapes are as sweet as candy.
C. These biscuits are delicious. They're the best!
D. This recipe was so interesting. It jumped right off the page.

iv The author says "cookbooks are a source of information to understand 1

gender-specific roles." (Paragraph 2)
State one of the ways how cookbooks could reveal information on
gender-specific roles.

v Provide one example of how cookbooks can be a source of information 1

about trade and network.

vi Complete the following with a phrase from paragraph 3. 1

Phrase Meaning
gradually progress from one stage to the

Page 3 of 22
vii The social media chefs are here to stay. (Paragraph 4) 1
Which of these best describes the tone in the above line?
A. curious
B. hopeful
C. confident
D. argumentative

viii Based on the passage, state any two reasons why more Indians are 1
exploring the art of cooking.
1. __________
2. __________

ix In the passage, which of these is NOT suggested as a reason for people 1

posting on social media about the food they cooked?

A. to share that they have completed a task

B. to maintain a record of all that they have cooked
C. to explain the steps they used for making the dish
D. to create a sense of competition among their followers

x Write an appropriate title for this passage. 1

II Read the passage given below. 10

Playing videogames provides entertainment and many social and psychological

rewards. However, videogame addiction also needs to be considered. Researchers
have noted that the number of hours spent playing videogames is not necessarily a
core indicator of addiction. Instead, several factors such as how fun or challenging
a game is, or being able to play with friends are also important determinants to
understanding whether a game is addictive or just engaging.

Page 4 of 22
A study investigated the reasons for smartphone game addiction. This was done by
analysing the reviews of games. Reviews were collected from games across
different categories in an app store. A total of 25,200 reviews were collected
containing references to the game being addictive. These reviews were analysed
and the number of times different factors were mentioned for terming a game as
addictive was recorded.

Table 1: Frequency of factors associated with smartphone gaming addiction, as

seen in the reviews of the games.
Types of Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 3
'Challenging' 'Friends' 'Fun'

Action 456 256 110

3 Board 420 697 120

Card 417 512 190

Word 812 23 123

(Note: This table displays only a small portion of data from the original study which analysed 9
factors across 14 types of games.)

It was seen that 22.37% of the total reviews in the study that described a game as
'addictive', also described it as 'challenging'. This was the most common factor
associated with addictive games, out of all the 9 factors. This was followed by 15.7%
of the reviews mentioning the factor of ' friends'. Although it is a cliché, the ubiquity
of the internet has made the world a global village. Friends can now play and interact
as a group, build virtual relationships within the game, and attain social recognition
from others, without even meeting in person. All of these factors can be highly
engaging to players, and for some, these could become addictive.

(248 words)

Page 5 of 22
i Based on the passage, state any two reasons why we need to study 1
1. __________
2. __________

ii Layla spends two hours a day playing games on her phone. 1

According to the passage, is this information sufficient to say she is
addicted to videogames? Why/ why not? Answer in one sentence.

iii Complete the following analogy correctly with a word from paragraph 1: 1
flourishes: grows: __________: factors

iv Based on paragraph 1, it can be said that the level of __________ and 1

__________ in a videogame determine how addictive it can be.

Which of these can go in the blanks to complete the sentence correctly?

1. variety
2. violence
3. difficulty
4. popularity
5. enjoyment

A. 1 & 4
B. 2 & 3
C. 3 & 5
D. 4 & 5

v The study mentioned in the passage used game reviews to understand 1

what makes a game addictive. State one reason why game reviews were
analysed for the purpose of the study.

Page 6 of 22
vi Based on the table in the passage, which type of game does the given 1
graph represent?

A. Action
B. Board
C. Card
D. Word

For the Visually Impaired Candidates

Based on the table in the passage, in which category of games does

the factor of 'Fun' play the LEAST role? Answer in ONE word.

vii A developer of a crossword puzzle app is seeking advice to make 1

improvements to the app. Based on the data provided, which of these
ideas is BEST to recommend to the developer?

A. Make the puzzles tougher to solve.

B. Allow players to team up or compete with other players.
C. Create more levels in the game for players to win prizes.
D. Change the colour and design to make it look more appealing.

Page 7 of 22
viii Write a word from paragraph 4 that means the SAME as the underlined 1
word in the sentence below.

It is the universal appeal of smartphones that made videogames very


ix Read the sentence given below. 1

Why is everyone playing on their phones?

In which of these places in the passage can the sentence be used?

A. at the beginning of paragraph 1
B. at the end of paragraph 1
C. at the beginning of paragraph 2
D. at the end of paragraph 4

x Which of these is BEST suited as a title for the passage? 1

A. Smartphones Boost Addiction
B. Challenge Your Mind with Games
C. A New Way to Game with Friends
D. Understanding Addiction to Games


Attempt ANY TEN of the following questions. 10

i Read the conversation between a mother and her son. Complete 1

the sentence by reporting the mother's reply correctly.

Son: Mom, how do I become an artist?

Mother: You will need to learn more about the art you like and practice it
every day.

Page 8 of 22
A son asked his mother how he could become an artist. She told him

ii Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option to complete this 1


Are you looking for more books to read? Due to popular demand, we
__________ back our 'Buy One Get One Free' offer next weekend!

A. brings
B. brought
C. will bring
D. were bringing

iii Identify the error in the given newspaper headline and supply the 1

Athletics Star Helps State Stays Ahead of Competition

Use the given format for your response.

error correction

iv Select the correct option to fill in the blank for the given line, from 1
a doorway sign.

Caution! You __________ not enter.

Only employees are allowed beyond this point.

A. need
B. must
C. could

Page 9 of 22
D. might

v Fill in the blank by using the correct form of the word in the 1
bracket, for the given portion of a diary entry:

Dear Diary,

Today I saw the most beautiful sunrise over the ocean. I wish I could
__________ (painting) it to truly capture and preserve the beauty I

vi Select the option that identifies the error in a museum plaque and 1
supplies the correction for the same.

These building, inaugurated on 29 March 1954, was a former residence

of a Maharaja.

Option no. Error Correction

A. These This
B. building buildings
C. on at
D. of by

vii Fill in the blank with the correct option to complete the sentence 1

You must have got good news. I could __________ you celebrating!

A. hear
B. hears
C. heard
D. hearing

viii Read the conversation between a lawyer and his client. Complete 1
the sentence by reporting the lawyer's reply correctly.

Page 10 of 22
Client: I am worried, this is a very complicated case.
Lawyer: Don't worry, I have never lost a case in my life.

The client was worried as it was a very complicated case, but his lawyer
told him __________.

ix Fill in the blank by choosing the correct option, to complete the 1

text message below.

Let's meet another day since neither Kavi nor Samantha __________
free today as they have tennis practice.

A. were
B. are
C. be
D. is

x Select the correct option to complete the narration of the dialogue 1

between Ayan and his mechanic, Vir.

Ayan: By when do you think you can fix my car?

Vir: Probably by tomorrow. I don't think your car has any major issues.

Ayan asked his mechanic Vir when he thought he could fix his car. Vir
replied that he could probably fix the car by __________ as it had no
major issues.

A. that day
B. one day
C. tomorrow
D. the next day

xi Identify the error in the advertisement given below and supply the 1
correction for the same.

Page 11 of 22
Use the given format for your response.

error correction

Looking to Buy a Guitar?

The brand new guitar is for sale. It comes with a wooden, velvet-lined
guitar case.
If interested, contact me at 99889xxxxx for more details.

xii Rishi asked Ali the question given below. Report Rishi's question. 1

Could you give me some advice on how I could be a better school



All the names and addresses used in the questions are fictitious. Resemblance, if any, is purely

1. Attempt ANY ONE from A and B given below. 5

A You are Rakesh Mehta, Secretary of Rainbow Apartments, Marathalli,

Bangalore. A major pipeline supplying water to your apartment complex
burst recently. Repairs are expected to be time consuming and the
available water is insufficient to meet the requirements of residents and

Page 12 of 22
Time allowed: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80

General Instructions:

1 The Question Paper contains Three Sections-Reading, Grammar & Writing and Literature.
2 Attempt questions based on specific instructions given for each part.


Q1 Read the following text carefully. 10m

1 Life is like a roller coaster, full of twists, turns, and unexpected surprises. One important lesson we often
encounter on this thrilling ride is avoiding the envy trap. But what exactly is the envy trap, and how can we
learn to be content with our circumstances, no matter what they may be?

2 Imagine you're scrolling through social media, and you come across pictures of your friends on exciting
vacations or enjoying the latest gadgets. It's easy to feel a pang of envy, wishing you were in their shoes. This
is the envy trap – the cycle of comparing ourselves to others and feeling discontented with what we have.

3 Avoiding the envy trap begins with understanding that everyone's journey is unique. Just because someone else
is on a dazzling adventure doesn't mean your own path is any less incredible. We each have our own story to
write, with different highs and lows that shape who we are.

4 Being content doesn't mean settling for less; it means appreciating what we have while working towards our
goals. It's like having a delicious laddoo – you enjoy each bite without constantly eyeing someone else's treats.
Being content is finding joy in the present, even as we strive for a better future.

5 Think about a time when you achieved something you worked hard for, like acing a challenging test or
mastering a new skill. That sense of accomplishment is part of being content. It's about recognising and
celebrating our achievements, big or small, without letting comparison steal our joy. Moreover, contentment is
like having a superpower – it shields us from the negative effects of envy. Instead of feeling bitter or resentful,
we can genuinely celebrate the successes of others. Their victories become a source of inspiration rather than a
cause for jealousy.

6 Another essential aspect of avoiding the envy trap is fostering gratitude. Take a moment each day to reflect on
the positive aspects of your life. It could be the support of your family, the beauty of nature, or the simple
pleasures like a good book or a warm cup of cocoa. Gratitude helps us focus on the abundance in our lives,
making it harder for envy to creep in. Embracing contentment now will set the stage for a fulfilling journey
ahead. Remember, it's okay to have goals and dreams, but let them fuel your passion rather than fuelling

7 Avoiding the envy trap is a valuable skill that will serve you well throughout life. By learning to be content,
you'll discover the true magic in appreciating the present while eagerly anticipating the adventures that lie

(Created for academic usage/ 431 words)

1 of 12
Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.

i Infer ONE likely purpose of the writer's choice of the opening line, "Life is like a roller coaster, full of 1
twists, turns, and unexpected surprises.".

ii What is the primary relationship between paragraphs 1 and 2 in the passage? 1

A Cause and Effect

B Problem and Solution
C Comparison and Contrast
D Concept and Exemplification

iii What lesson does paragraph 3 convey about individual journeys? 1

A Each journey is similar, emphasising shared experiences.

B Exclusive paths define each person's characteristic narrative.
C Similar accomplishments lead to a common destination.
D Different perspectives hinder the understanding of personal stories.

iv Explain the analogy of enjoying a laddoo, 30-40 words. (Ref: paragraph 4) 2

v Complete the following analogy correctly, by filling the blanks correctly with words from paragraph 5. 1

shield: defence: __________: __________

vi State whether TRUE or FALSE. (Ref: paragraph 5) 1

The author suggests a shift from a mindset of contentment to one where individuals genuinely celebrate
the successes of others.

vii Quote the textual evidence from paragraph 6, that supports the following opinions about ‘envy’. 1
 Envy will catch you unawares
 Envy is quite sneaky
 Envy stealthily gets a hold on you

viii Rationalise, in 30-40 words, why the writer uses of the phrase, "true magic”, for the skill of inculcating 2
contentment. (Ref; paragraph 7)

Q2 Read the following text carefully 10 m

1 In a recent research study conducted on the footwear preferences and influencing factors among young teens in
India, valuable insights were gathered to understand the choices and motivations behind their footwear
purchases. Based on the survey conducted with a sample size of 500 students aged 13-16, from various schools
across different regions of India, the following data and observations were noted:

2 of 12
2 Footwear Preferences:
 42% of the respondents indicated a preference for sneakers or sports shoes as their primary choice of
 28% expressed a preference for sandals or flip-flops.
 20% favoured casual shoes or loafers.
 10% showed a preference for formal shoes or boots.

Influencing Factors:
 Price and affordability were found to be the most significant influencing factors, with 55% of the
respondents considering it as a primary factor in their purchase decision.
 Brand reputation and popularity played a role in the decision-making process for 30% of the
 Comfort and fit were considered important by 10% of the participants.
 Fashion trends and peer influence influenced the purchase decisions of 5% of the respondents.

Regional Variations:
 The research also highlighted regional variations in footwear preferences. For example, in urban areas,
sneakers or sports shoes were more popular (47% of respondents), while in rural areas, sandals or flip-
flops were preferred (32% of respondents).

3 The researchers feel that understanding these insights can aid footwear manufacturers and retailers in catering
to the specific needs and preferences of this target demographic, ultimately offering them footwear options that
align with their desires and aspirations.

Sourced from: Creativz@ELT 2023-24 / 258 words

Answer the following questions, based on the passage above.
i List one merit of using a face-to-face interview as a better way of gathering information for this 1
particular study, as opposed to an online survey.
ii Rationalise, in 30-40 words, why price and affordability were identified as the most significant 2
influencing factors for young teens, when purchasing footwear.

iii The impact of fashion trends and peer influence was picked by only 5% of the respondents. Infer what 1
this displays. (Any ONE point)

iv Based on the provided data on footwear preferences among teens across the nation, select the LEAST 1
likely reason why sports shoes are the most preferred.

A. Sports shoes are deemed more stylish and trendy among teenagers.
B. Sports shoes offer comfort and flexibility for various activities.
C. Respondents find sports shoes more affordable than other options.
D. Sports shoes are associated with a higher social status among teens.

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v Study the data on influencing factors, from the table. 2
Identify which percentage of respondents (30%; 10%; 5%), match with cases I-III, given below. (ANY
I. Rupinder, a practical and active individual, who believes that comfortable shoes are essential for his
daily activities and overall well-being.
II. Raza, a trend-conscious teenager, is heavily influenced by celebrity styles and strives to stay
updated with the latest and upcoming product designs.
III. Revathi, a fashion-forward teen, values the way she dresses and is particular about being
acknowledged for her popular national and international expensive choices.
vi Fill the blanks appropriately, to complete the sentence. 1
One advantage of including regional variation in the study is that __________________.

vii State the reason for ANY ONE, from (i) & (ii) below, in 30- 40 words. 1

(i) NGOs are the most likely to be sponsors for this study.
(ii) NGOs are the least likely to be sponsors for this study.

viii Identify the phrase that replaces the underlined part appropriately: 1
Young teens seek footwear options that not only meet their functional needs but also resonate with
their personal style, fashion preferences, and self-expression.



Q3 Complete ANY TEN of twelve of the following tasks, as directed. 10

i Complete the exclamation of a storekeeper by filling the blank with the correct form of the word in

One of the bundles of paper _____ (be) missing from the stock again, today!

ii Read the given conversation between two friends.

Sumit: What do you plan to do after your graduation?
Rahul: I have processed my admission at Harvard Business School. Very soon, I shall be leaving for
Report what Rahul told his friend, by completing the following sentence.
Rahul replied that__________.

iii Fill the blank to complete the cautionary declaration, given below.



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iv Fill the blank with the correct option to complete the note of appreciation by the Head of an
It is good to know that ______ registration forms were received this time for our event, as compared to
the previous year.
A. many
B. most
C. much
D. more

v Select the correct option to fill the blank about Dipti’s nature.
She always _____ every person.
A. trust
B. trusts
C. trusting
D. have trusted

vii Identify the error in the given opinion below and supply the correction

The rise or control of artificial intelligence (AI) is impacting society, as a whole.

Error - ________; Correction - ________

viii Fill the blank with the correct option, about Girish’s habit.

Girish, along with his father, _____ every official meeting.

A. attend
B. are attending
C. have attended
D. attends

ix Report the given question Kanthi asked her teacher.

Can we attempt this project as a group of four, rather than that of six members, Sir?

x Select the option that identifies the error and supplies the correction for the opening line of a report.
Facebook, with more than 1 billion users is celebrated its 10th birthday this year.

Error Correction
A. with for
B. is are
C. than then
D. celebrated celebrating

xi Fill the blank to complete a line from a Professor’s introductory address to her class.
(Use the correct tense of the word given in the bracket)

We _____ (complete) the course by next year.

xii Complete the sentence by correctly reporting Jagdeep’s advice to Gopi.

If I were you, I would go now and apologise to Mrs. Kumar and offer to pay for the shattered glass.

Jagdeep said that if he were in Gopi’s position _______________________________

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