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Numerical Problems
Formula to be used:
Resistance in series=R1+R2+R3…………
Resistance in parallel=1/R1+1/R2………..
Q1. Find the effective resistance of the following combinations between point A and B and
match the answers given below:
NOTE: Answers are jumbled. You have to match the correct answer after solving.

Answers : 32 ohm, 17 ohm, 1.5 ohm, 1.5 ohm, 6 ohm, 2.2 ohm, 8/7 ohm
Numerical Problems
Formula to be used:

1. Which one has higher resistance- a bulb A having rating 220V, 100W or a bulb B
with rating 100V-200W? Why? (Bulb A)

2. How much charge flows through a 250V-1000W heater in 30 minutes? (7200C)

3. Two electric bulbs of 100W and 40W are given. Which one will be brighter when
connected in (i) series (ii) parallel?

4. A bulb of rating 5V-10W is connected in series with a source of 12V supply. Find out
the value of resistance R for the proper working of the lamp.(3.5 ohm)

5. Two bulbs A and B are rated 100W-120V and 10W-120V respectively. Which will
consume more energy when they are connected across a 220V source in (i) series (ii)

6. When connected to a 9V battery a current of 0.60A flows through the wire.

a) Calculate the resistance of the wire.
b) When the wire is heated, the current goes down to 0.56A. State how the resistance
of the wire has changed?

7. A toaster produces more heat than a bulb when connected in parallel to the 220V
mains. Which of the two has greater resistance? ( Bulb as R is IP to Power)

8. Two bulbs are marked 60W, 220V and 100W, 220V. These are connected in parallel
to 220V mains. Which one will glow brighter? (100W)

9. Two bulbs whose resistances are in the ratio 1:2 are connected in parallel to a source
of constant voltage. What will be the ratio of power dissipation? (2:1)

10. How much current will an electric heater rated 1kW draw, when connected to
Numerical Problems
Formula to be used:
Energy= Power X time
Cost= Energy X Charges in rupee

1. Calculate the energy supplied by 100kW of power in one hour. (360000000 J)

2. A house wiring is fitted with ten 60W lamps. How many units of electrical energy are
consumed by lighting the lamps for a month of 30 days at a rate of 5 hours per

3. An electric heater is used every day for 120 minutes. The electricity bill for 30 days is
60units. Calculate the power of the electric heater.(1000W)

4. A 200W bulb is lighted for two hours. How much energy is consumed? (0.4kWh)

5. In a household, 5 tube lights each of 40 W are used for 5 hours and an electric press of
500W for 4 unit of electrical energy is rupee 2.50. Calculate the total energy
consumed and electricity bill. (Rs 180, 90kWh)

6. How many joules are in 1kWh?

7. A bulb is rated at 200V and 100W. What is the resistance if 5 such bulbs are lit for 4
hours? How much electrical energy is consumed? Calculate the amount if the rate is
50paise per unit.( 400 ohm,2kWh,Rs.1)

8. An electric kettle rated 220V and 2.2kW works for 3 hours, find the energy consumed
and current drawn. (6.6kWh, 10)

9. A radio set of 60W runs for 50 hours. How much energy is consumed? (3kWh)

10. In which of the following cases, more electrical energy is consumed per hour?
a) a current of 1A passed through resistance of 300 ohm
b) a current of 2A passed through resistance of 100 ohm


Case study question
1. Read the following and answer any four questions:
In resistance for a system of the resistor, there are two methods of joining the resistors
together as shown below

It showed an electric current in which 3 resistors having resistor R1, R2 and R3 respectively
are join end to end i.e. series. While the combination of the resistor in which 3 resistors
connected together which point X and Y are said to be parallel.
1. The total potential difference across a combination of a resistor in series is equal
1. V1 + V2 + V3
2. V1 – V2 +V2
3. V1 + V2
4. None of these
2. In a series combination of resistor, the current is
1. same at every point of the circuit
2. different at every point of the circuit
3. zero
4. cannot be determined
3. The electrical energy disputed in the resistor is given by
1. W = VIT
2. W = VIR
3. W = RIT
4. W = RT
4. If 5 resistor, each of value 0.2 ohm are connected in series what will be the
resultant resistance
1. 1 ohm
2. 10 ohm
3. 6 ohm
4. 8 ohm
5. The figure given below shows three resistors.

Their combined resistance is:

1. 16 ΩΩ
2. 14 ΩΩ
3. 203Ω203Ω
4. 152Ω

2. The diagram given below shows the readings on a domestic electricity meter in March
and May and March
16161 kWh 17386 kWh

a) Calculate the number of units of electricity used between the two meter readings.
b) Calculate the cost of energy used between the two meter readings as per the
charges given in the table
First 200 unit Rs.2.45 per unit
Next 200 unit Rs. 3.95 per unit
Above 400 unit Rs. 4.65 per unit
c) Use the equation to calculate the number of units used by a 1500W heater for 3

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