Alphabet Storybook 4 - PQRST

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Alphabet Storybook 4

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A ink J ig ~ lays the iano.

ling, ling, ling!
The enguin ho s. He ho s and bo s. The music is so leasing.

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A pink pig plays the piano.
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Piing, piing, piing! ,;
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He plays the piano.
Piing , piing, piing!
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I play the piano .
The penguin taps his feet.
Tap, tap, tap!
He taps his feet.
Tap, tap , tap!
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I tap my feet. ~~

The music is so pleasing .
The penguin hops. J7 )> ~ '
He hops and bops.
Everybody hops.
We hop and bop. ~ •

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The Queen Duck meets a quai l. "I have a quiz," says t he quai I.

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The quail asks a question. " Quack, quac k, quac k," says Queen Duck.


• •

The Queen Duck meets o quail.
" Quack, quack, quack," soys Queen Duck. ·-
"I hove o quiz," soys the quail.
" Quack, quack, quack," soys Queen Duck.
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The quail , the quail asks the question. , i., ii?'
" Quack, quack, quac k," soys Queen Duck .

Ronny the rabbit eats his carrots. l~ onny the r abbit listens to the radio.
The r ain is falling . The sun is shining. Ronny the rabbit sees a rainbow.
Ronny t he rabbit eats his carrots.
Lalola la lala lo!

The rain 1s foiling. Rain, rain, rain!

The sun is shining . Shine, shine, shine!

Ronny the rabbit list ens to the radio.

Lo lo lolo lalala!

The rain is falling. Rain, rain, rain!

The sun is shining. Shine hin shine!

Ronny the rabbit sees a rainbow.

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he wi ng down to the and . Her m efI i eve r ywher e.

A smelly skunk sits on a swing .
She swings high to the sky.
Ew, her smell is everywhere.

A smelly skunk sits on a swing .

She swings down to the sand .
Ew, her smell is everywhere.

A smelly skunk sits on a swing .

She swings high to the sky.
She swings down to the sand.
Ew, her smell is everywhere.
The t urt le and the tiger make a bet . The t urtle t ries t o fight .
The t urtle is t ucked in his shell.
The t iger cann ot f ight .

The turtle and the tiger make a bet.
The turtle tries to fight.
The tiger is high, high up high.

Ti , ta, turtle
Ti , ta , tiger
Ti , ta, tralala
Ti , ta , tralala

The turtle and the tiger ma ke a bet.

The tiger cannot fight.
The turtle is tucked in his shell.

Ti , ta, turtle
3 s
Ti , ta, tiger
Ti , ta, tralala
Ti , ta, tralala

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