IPS 1PX2365 MA COL 00001 R2 - 051022 iDrawingsPID - Product - Summary - 2page 1

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iDrawings-P&ID www.ips-ai.com contact@ips-ai.


AI solution to digitalize and convert P&ID to Please contact us for more information and visit our
website to request a demo
Intelligent P&ID faster and cheaper

Huge amount of historic P&IDs that Reuse of P&IDs for capital projects
are unintelligent and in PDF/paper very often needs recreating lots of
format. previous data
D o yo u h ave n e e d s i n
c re at i n g an d Digitalization & Industry 4.0
Multiple sources of data on P&IDs
h arve s t i n g val u e o f implementation mandates intelligent
having conflicts and lacking
I n t e l l i g e n t P&I D ? P&IDs supporting digital systems

Consolidating and harnessing data

from P&IDs and transforming it
into an intelligent format
needs huge amounts of manual

i D rawi n g s -P&I D c an c o n ve rt P&I D FA S TE R an d C HE A PE R

AI solution to digitalize P&ID based on customized standards to recognize and abstract drawing
components (text, lines, symbols), and then regenerate intelligent P&IDs and other engineering deliverables

Original AI processed P&ID with all Regenerated

P&ID (PDF) recognized components intelligent P&ID

2-5X 1-5 30%-60%

Faster man-hours/P&ID Cost Saving

Recreating P&IDs from Standardization and

DWG/PDF/paper to searchable drawings
intelligent P&IDs 2-3X faster

iDrawings P&ID can Integrate into all major

convert dumb P&IDs into engineering and asset
Intelligent P&IDs in 1-4 management software
hours per P&ID vs 12~ (Smart Plant, AutoCAD
15 hours/P&ID when Plant 3D, AVEVA)
done manually
C u s t o m e r-s p e c i fi c Mo d e l
Trai n i n g & A I Pro c e s s i n g Wo rk-fl o w

01 02
I n t e l l i g e n t Pro j e c t Model Training AI Processing
1-2 weeks per standard 1 to 10 min/P&ID
S o l u t i o n s (I PS )
i s an ar t i f i ci al i nt el l i gence
(AI) engi neer i ng t echnol ogy
and ser vi ce company, ser vi ng
pr ocess i ndust r y (oi l , gas, Train AI model based on company Load original P&ID
chemi cal , envi r onment al , symbol and P&ID standards (PDF format) into iDrawings P&ID
power , phar maceut i cal s)

i D rawi n g s -P&I D O ffe rs

Update AI model in iDrawing P&ID
Digitization application and ready for processing AI processed P&ID with all
Service recognized components (text lines, inline
components, instruments, etc.)
§ No licenses cost and capital
investment 03
§ Risk free: IPS provide end to end Manual Finishing
solutions, 1-4 h/P&ID Generate a dataset for different drawing
§ Cost and resource saving components, align all info corresponding
§ No change and impact to the to each component as attributes
current workflow

Cloud or Enterprise
Final manual corrections
Solution review and quality checks
Program dataset into different engineering
§ Utilize internal resources, software and regenerate intelligent P&ID
(SPPID, AutoCAD plant 3D)
§ Integrate with internal workflow,
§ Integrate with other potential

Contact and Request for Demo

Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, with offices in Pune, India, and Cebu

Please contact us for more

information and visit our
website to start a digitalization
demo for your P&ID.
We e n ab l e p ro d u c t i vi t y
g ai n s o f 2 ~1 0 X . contact@ips-ai.com

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