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Model Activity Sheet Solution - 2

Note: Answer to every section must be written on a new page.

Q.1. (A) A1.

i. Mrs. Barnet drew Mabel’s attention to all the appliances which existed on the
dressing table.
ii. Ever since Mabel was a child, she had a sense of being inferior to other people.

iii. Mabel knew that she would have to spend at least thirty guineas to be fashionable
iv. Mabel felt like a dressmaker’s dummy standing there, for young people to stick pins into.
[2 Marks]


i. RIGHT signifies that Mabel’s appearance was neither appropriate nor fashionable,
making her look bad lic
ii. According to Mabel, fashion means cut, style and cost at least thirty guineas
[2 Marks]
A3. Mabel wore a pale yellow silk dress, which was idiotically old-fashioned with its long
skirt and high sleeves and its waist. All these things made the dress look charming in
the fashion book, but now that the dress was on Mabel, she felt like a dressmaker’s

dummy meant for young people to stick pins into. [2 Marks]


A4. If I were in Mabel’s place, I would have felt totally different at the party. I would have
felt that I stood out from the rest. I would have been happy with my choice. I would not

have given in to my critical side just because everyone else had dressed up in the height
of fashion. I would have remembered that I had thought women looked prettier and
elegant back in the day. I would have reminded myself of that thought and assured

myself that I, too, looked elegant in that dress. [2 Marks]

i. When did Mabel had her first suspicion that something was wrong?
ii. What a fright she will be looking! [2 Marks]

i. suspicion ii. intensity iii. inadequacy iv. shabby
[2 Marks]

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i. He exclaimed “Oh no! I missed the train.”
ii. We heard the noise and rushed to the spot.
iii. No other physicist at Caltech is as brilliant as him.
[3 Marks]
i. Much has been said in the news reports. [1 Mark]

Q.2. (A) A1.
i. (D) latrines [1 Mark]
ii. (C) lauded [1 Mark]


i. John Stuart Mill [1 Mark]
ii. C Northcote Parkinson lic [1 Mark]

A3. The following facts prove that John Stuart Mill could do uncommon feats in his early
i. As a child, he had learnt enough Latin and Greek to read the classics in the original.
ii. By the age of five, he had read more than what many scholars normally read in their career.
[2 Marks]

A4. This passage tells us that we should learn to remain humble even after achieving success

in life. This can be done not by underestimating our capabilities but instead by striving
hard to recognise and use them positively. Parents should not praise their children unduly

and to the extent that their natural growth and talent is stunted. [2 Marks]


i. John’s father made him believe – Main Clause

that there was nothing extraordinary about his achievement – Subordinate Noun
Clause [1 Mark]
ii. Talent is being lauded to the extent of killing it. [1 Mark]

i. stunned [1 Mark]
ii. lauded [1 Mark]

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Q.2. (B) B. Remaining a Nobody

At the Congress session where he was supposed to be the star, Gandhiji stunned
everybody by cleaning up the latrines. With this act he purged Congress workers of
their false sense of status. Through excessive adulation doting parents often stunt
the growth of their children. At an age where kids can barely lisp a few words, John
Stuart Mill had learnt enough Greek and Latin to read classics in the original. Instead
of being told that he had done something extraordinary, he was told that other kids
were underestimating themselves. C Northcote Parkinson, while reading this pattern

in case of empires, has connected raising of imposing palaces to the beginning of an
empire’s decline. [3 Marks]

Q.2. (C)


lic Mind

Fitness Social
Medals and Development
Trophies Immunity

Benefits of Team Spirit

Will to Games and
Win Sports to
Students Sportsmanship
Bigger Dynamic

Goals Personality
Group Killer Leadership Collective
Behaviour Instinct Responsibility

Empathy Conflict

Discipline Focus

[3 Marks]
Q.3. (A) A1.
Column A Answers
i. the lady’s beauty d. a cloudless starry night
ii. her hair a. wavy and black
iii. her eyes b. a perfect blend of light and darkness
iv. her smile c. soft, calm and eloquent
[2 Marks]

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A2. The poet creates this balance by starting out to praise the woman’s physical features
and then moving on to appreciate her inner beauty.
In the first stanza of the poem, the poet focuses on the physical attributes of the
woman. In the last two lines of the second stanza, the poet shifts focus to the
woman’s thoughts. This is the first time he describes something other than her outer
beauty  her thoughts, which serenely express the purity of the woman’s mind. In the
third stanza, the poet continues this thought by saying that the woman’s facial
features  her winning smiles and her glowing skin, express her inner goodness; they

show how her mind is at peace with everything and her heart is full of innocent love.
This gives us a glimpse of the woman’s untainted and righteous character. [2 Marks]

A3. In truth, there is no correlation between how beautiful and how virtuous a person is.
Even then it has been my experience that those who treat others with warmth,

respect and love often start seeming more beautiful than they did when I first met
them. Similarly, no matter how attractive certain people may be, if I find that they
are self-centred, rude, boastful or argumentative I am less inclined to think of them
as beautiful people. [2 Marks]
i. Alliteration  The sound of ‘b’ has been repeated in the line for a poetic effect.
ii. Antithesis  Two opposite words ‘dark’ and ‘bright’ have been placed in the same line

to show how the woman’s beauty is a combination of these two elements.

iii. Repetition  The word ‘her’ has been repeated to refer to the woman’s features and

her eyes.
[2 Marks]

A5. Beauty of Nature

Still waters and running streams,

Tall trees and grasses green,

Towering peaks with valleys teem,
From flowers, nectar the bees glean,
O, Nature, how beautiful you seem!
You’re just like a sublime dream.
[2 Marks]

Q.3. B. The poem ‘Money’ is written by William H. Davies. It is a reflective poem that
deals with the poet’s status as both, a rich and a poor man.
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Based on his own narrative, the poet has depicted a connection between
money and personal happiness. The theme of the poem is the inverse relation
between money and happiness, since the poet had many false friends during his
times of richness, and much fewer but real friends when he has become poor. The
poem has been written in five stanzas of four lines each and follows a different
rhyme scheme for each stanza  Stanza 1 – a a b a, Stanza 2 – c a d a, Stanza 3 – e
f g f, Stanza 4 – h i j i, Stanza 5 – a k a k. The poet has beautified the poem by
employing numerous figures of speech such as Alliteration, Antithesis, Consonance,

Exclamation, Inversion, Onomatopoeia, Metaphor, Metonymy, Simile, and
Repetition. An example of Onomatopoeia from the poem is “And how their wives do
hum like bees” where the word ‘hum’ denotes the sound made by the wives as they

constantly talk about their husbands working from morning till night. Among the
special features of the poem, imagery and enjambment are more prominent. The

use of imagery can be seen in the phrases “came knocking all day at my door”, “...a
child that holds a trumpet that he must not blow”, “...and seen how poor men’s
hearts are light”, “wives hum like bees”, “hear poor ones laugh”, “see rich ones
coldly frown”, “go up” and “come down”. Each line of the poem runs into the next
line, thus making enjambment a key feature of the poem. The poet follows a
simple, narrative style to convey his thoughts.
Through this poem, the poet is trying to spread the message that wealth is not
required to be truly happy. In fact, happiness lies in having genuine people in life,

which makes the poor man truly wealthy; as he might not have monetary wealth or
a lot of people in his life, but the ones he does have are true to him, thus making

him wealthy in the true sense. In my opinion, the poem aptly describes the allure
of money, which often draws a lot of fake people in one’s life. It is only when one

is poor does one realise the meaning of true happiness, because that is when one
finds out who actually are his/her real friends. [4 Marks]

Q.4. (A) i. Message:
28th Jan 5:15 p.m.
Ms Sen
Mr Garg rang up at 5pm today. He wanted to inform you that he has received the CDs
and posters. He expressed his pleasure and will be coming to office tomorrow to
thank you and personally hand over the cheque.
[4 Marks]

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ii. Statement of Purpose
I was fascinated by cooking since the early years of my life. Coming from a large
extended family, summer vacations were spent visiting relatives, having them over and
spending a good amount of time cooking and eating. In fact, mom says, I’d spend more
time in the kitchen with my granny than in the toy room with my cousins. With an
insatiable appetite to eat and an unquenchable thirst to whip up innovative recipes, I
believe being a Chef has been my lifelong calling.

George Bernard Shaw said, “There is no sincere love than the love of food”. This
holds absolutely true in my case for I believe food is not just eating but an
‘experience’. To further fuel my passion in the right direction and to understand the

nuances of culinary arts, I believe I need to take up a professional course that’d allow
me to learn under the mentorship of industry experts. I often cook for my family an

average of three days a week and I never get tired or bored, I enjoy it. I am
passionate about cooking because it excites me, inspires me, and encourages me to
understand the delicate science of taste and nutrition.

I have been watching many culinary shows and follow a lot of world renowned
chefs on their social handles. However, the things I relish the most is discovering
ancient Indian cooking techniques, understanding the chemistry of using spices,
experiencing the subtle flavours of food when cooked on a slow flame and observing
how just a pinch of salt and sugar radically changes the flavour of a dish.

I have volunteered to be a part of community cooking programmes over a dozen

times and have participated in various cooking competitions. I’ve also contributed with

my new recipes to the YouTube channel Indian Recipes and have been covered by the
Food and Nutrition magazine twice.

With an admission in the prestigious Culinary Academy of India, I’d be able to

hone my culinary skills and learn a great deal about this art form.
[4 Marks]

iii. Renee: Hello, everyone. I know that our score is not very good right now. But I believe
that together, we can figure out a way to win this match. I think our best strategy
would be to play on the offensive with our fielders assuming attacking positions. This
way, we may have a higher chance of picking up the first few crucial wickets.
Brandon : I agree with Renee. Chasing a low score of 150 runs will not be difficult for
the opposing team if we don’t adopt an offensive strategy. I also think Rohan and
Minaz should bowl the first few overs as they have the most experience at playing
inter-school matches.
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Avani : I’m afraid I don’t agree with you Brandon. In my opinion, the best tactic
would be to set a defensive field and keep the run rate to a minimum.
Nazim : I fully agree with you Avani. By adopting a defensive strategy we can
frustrate the players into making a rash shot. Their batting order includes some
inexperienced players and I think we should focus on slowing the run rate rather than
on dismissing the players.
Brandon : I understand what you’re saying Nazim but I really think Renee is right. If
we look at the last few matches played by their school, their best players are known

for their aerial shots. We should use this knowledge to our advantage.
Avani : You may have something there, Brandon. I think I can conclude by saying that
an attacking field may be our best bet right now. Rohan and Minaz can bowl the first

few overs and let’s focus on goading the players into playing over the top. I think if
we put our minds to it, we can win this match.

[4 Marks]

Q.4. (B) i.
Subject Life in Canada
Dear Sarabjeet,

I hope that this email finds you in the pink of your health. Life in a different country

must be a different experience altogether for you. I’m sure, you must be very busy
with your new job.

I am quite keen to hear about the interesting experiences you have had in Canada
ever since you landed there. Do find some time and write to me about the novelties of
your new life. I would also look forward to hear about your new acquaintances and

neighbourhood in your locality there.


Waiting to hear from you soon.

Lovingly yours,
Vrinda Upadhyay
[4 Marks]

ii. Republic Day Celebration
– By a Staff Reporter
Mumbai, 27 January, 2020


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The K. C. Junior College celebrated Republic Day in their college in a spectacular

way. The celebration started yesterday morning at 9 a.m. Its aim was to honour the
sacrifices of the many brave-hearts, who had laid down their lives for the country.
The function began with the flag-hoisting ceremony, which was followed by the
national anthem. The flag was hoisted by the chief guest, Mr Manoj Kalwani, who is the
chairman of the K. C. Group of Institutions. In his speech, he spoke about how our country
has progressed greatly by the courtesy of our valiant heroes and visionary leaders.
The cultural programme by the students was colourful. It included two folk-dance

performances on Ghoomar and Bhangra and it also had a short play on the life and
contributions of Dr B. R. Ambedkar, who was the chairman of the Drafting Committee of
our Indian Constitution.

The function concluded with the speech of the principal, Dr Mukherjee. He asked
the students of the college to be responsible and respectful towards the beliefs and

values of our country and to uphold the principles of our legal system. His speech set
the perfect tone on the occasion of Republic Day.
lic [4 Marks]
iii. Good Morning, Officer N.S. Shankar! I am Sanaya Sharma, the class representative
for Std. XII, N.D. College. It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you here today.
All the students and the audience would be delighted to know you better and
understand your line of work. So, let us begin this interview.

a. For how long have you been in the police force?

b. When did you decide that you wanted to join the force?

c. What was your reason behind joining the force?

d. What kind of special training did you have to undergo to become a cop?
e. How did you develop and master the skill of identifying and locating criminals?

f. How do you deal with criminals? Is your approach the same for everyone?
g. Do you think criminals can be reformed?

h. You have won many bravery awards. How does it feel to be one of the best cops
in the country?
i. Do you think you’ve achieved the goal for which you joined the force?
j. Many young minds aspire to become a top cop like you. Any message for them?
Officer Shankar, we thank you immensely for giving us your valuable time and sharing
your pearls of wisdom. We, as a society, are proud of you and would like to thank you
for your countless years of service.
[4 Marks]

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Q.4. (C) i. Speech on ‘Stop Cruelty to Animals and Birds’

Good morning to all the distinguished guests, my respected teachers and dear
friends. Today, I will be talking about cruelty towards animals and birds.
All living beings have an equal right to live freely on earth. But man, with the hunger
of controlling nature and its creatures, began to use animals for various purposes since
times immemorial. Some of his cruel acts include killing elephants to make ivory products
from their tusks, killing snakes, cows, pigs, etc. to use their skin for making luxury goods,
sacrificing animals to please religious deities, abusing animals like bulls, horses, etc. by

using them for rigorous work and killing birds for sport. These are only a few of the
numerous examples that highlight the cruelty towards birds and animals.
India has a provision in law called ‘Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act’ to

protect animals from human torture, but most of the times, it goes unnoticed. It’s
shameful enough that we need laws to control our urge to harm animals, but despite

these laws, such incidences are on the rise.
As humans, we are blessed with qualities like compassion and empathy. We
should make use of them and pledge to live in harmony with all living beings. We
should remember that just because animals and birds cannot speak, doesn’t mean they
do not feel the pain.
Thank you.
[4 Marks]

ii. Introduction

Nisha (Main Compère): A hearty good morning to one and all. I, Nisha
Arora along with my co-host Medha Kaushik, on behalf of the whole

Xavier’s College family, would like to extend a warm welcome to our

respected dignitaries, principal sir, our beloved teachers and friends.
Today is indeed a special day for our college as we are celebrating the 27th annual

social function. We have a day packed with entertainment and amusement planned for
you. So without further ado, I request my friend Medha, to join me in welcoming our
guest of honour for today.
Welcoming the guests
Medha: Thank-you Nisha. I am really excited to see all you lovely people
today and how the day unfolds. But before we start, I request you all to
please give a big round of applause to our chief guest for today, Mr. Surendra Kumar.
(pause for the applause). Mr. Kumar, is a former athlete whose contribution and
achievements in the field of sports have been inspirational. He

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has represented India at various sporting events. He has proved to be a

role-model of many young athletes of our country. The Xaviers family is
forever grateful for gracing us with your presence.
Lighting the traditional lamp
Nisha: Like every other auspicious occasion, Let’s start this event by seeking the
blessings of our creator. I would like to invite our esteemed guest Mr. Kumar along
with our beloved principal on stage to light the lamp. (Lighting the lamp). Thank-you.
Inauguration of the annual function

Medha: Let’s all get ready to witness and celebrate some insane talent and
creativity. To kick-start the event, please welcome on stage with loud cheers, the
students of the Cultural Club who are sure going to mesmerize us with their dancing

skills. (performance)
Nisha: That was indeed an enthralling performance. After that breath-taking dance

performance let us soothe our ears with some scintillating music. Please welcome on
stage with a huge round of applause our college band ‘Dhun’ who are going to sway us
with some songs of the 80s golden era.
Medha: The performance was so energetic that the claps and hooting just don’t seem
to end. A big round of applause for the performers.
Keynote address
Nisha: I would now like to call upon stage our distinguished chief guest Mr. Kumar to

share with us a few words and grace us with his thoughts and experiences.
Medha: Thank-you sir for sharing your precious words of wisdom. I am sure all of us

students present today are inspired by your message.

Felicitation of successful students

Nisha: Now it’s time to acknowledge the talent of our hard working students. Their
performance and activities during the year, struggle for excellence have made us
proud for having such determined students.

Medha: I’d now like to call upon stage, a well-respected personality who
needs no introduction, our honourable principal to felicitate these students.
(Felicitation event)
Principal’s speech
Nisha: I’d request the audience to please remain seated. Our honourable principal sir
will now address the audience. (Principal’s speech)
Medha: Thank you, sir, for creating a fun and safe environment for our colleagues
and students. We are lucky to have you as our principal. I am sure the struggle and
hard work that you put in every day won’t go unnoticed. Thank you for everything.
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Vote of thanks
Nisha: In the end, I want to thank our guest of honour, principal, parents, students
who made this day a memorable and enjoyable day. All the participants, organizer and
performers without whose support, this event wouldn’t have been possible.
Thank you all for everything and wish you all the best!
[4 Marks]


iii. Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them
Clothing is one of the basic necessities for humans all around the world. With a

variety of fabrics, colours, textures, prints, patterns and designs, our clothes speak
volumes about our personality. They go a long way in creating a good first impression.

However, clothes, in all their abundance, mean nothing until owned or worn by someone.
Clothes that make a person feel lively and comfortable serve their purpose, because
clothes are not just about what’s on the outside, but also about what’s on the inside. A
sad or depressed mood leads us towards dark colours; and similarly, a good mood, steers
us towards bright colours. Clothes are a medium of communication that needs no words.
Thus, clothes that don’t make us feel in our element are not the right kind of clothes.
After all, it is the person that adds meaning to the clothes and not the other way around.
[4 Marks]

Q.4. (D) i. Title of the film: The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

The star cast and production house (if you remember): The movie is a series of fantasy
film which is co-written and directed by Andrew Anderson. This film was released in 2005

and was co-produced by Walden Media and Walt Disney. Harry Gregson-Williams had
directed the music of this British-American movie which was a huge hit at the box office.
The gist of the plot: This is a story of four English siblings named Lucy

(Georgie Henley), Susan (Anna Popplewell), Peter (William Moseley) and Edmund
(Skandar Keynes) who are evacuated from London during the Second World War and
end up in a countryside. While stepping beyond a wardrobe to hide from their
temporary stepmother, the kids land up in an imaginary, gleaming land called Narnia.
There, they could see a city with fauns, trees which could talk and a white witch. In
this land, a couple of kind beavers and a tiger protect them from the vicious
intentions of a witch. The movie takes interesting turns as the four kids make their
journey through the imaginary city of Narnia.


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The reason you like the film: I like the movie because it shows the importance of
love, sacrifice, repentance and loyalty.
Your favourite scene from the movie: My favourite scene from the movie is when
Lucy discovers the wardrobe which leads to Narnia. She walks into the room, she
notices the wardrobe and the music stops. As she reaches the wardrobe and opens
it, mothballs roll onto the ground which was beautiful to see.
Your opinion and recommendation: The film ‘Chronicles of Narnia’ is based on a
novel written by C. S. Lewis. The movie turned out to be a great success at the box

office in the year 2005. The director has employed absolute excellence in the
special effects, character plots and use of technology in the film. All these factors
together, according to me, make this film worth watching for audience across age

groups. It is definitely worth a watch.
[4 Marks]

lic OR

ii. .
Blame it on genes?
There has always been a debate on the relative role of genetics and environment
in shaping our personality and the debate continues. Some say that our

personality is mostly made of inherent traits, while others opine that personality
is rather shaped by our external environment. So, what do you think? Well, let’s

The nature side first
These are some established facts known about the role of genetics and environment

in personality. None of us are ‘clean slates’ to begin with; our personality is rather
embedded in our genetics. We inherit our personality traits to varying extents, some

traits more and others less. There are also some genetically determined personality
traits that evolve gradually with us.
Over to nurture
Moving on, there are factors outside of one’s ‘genetic wiring’ such as culture,
financial situation, family ties and neighbourhood that influence one’s personality.
Since there are numerous such factors, it has not been easy to quantify their
individual influences. However, the obviousness of connecting factors between our
environment and persona cannot be undermined. We are all certainly affected by
our surrounding factors such as sibling order in family, household income and
 English
Model Activity Sheet Solution - 2

wealth, life-chances, educational attainment, extent of travel we have done,

drastic events we have encountered, our interpersonal relations and the cultural
milieu that we are born into. Such elements play an undeniable role in altering our
So, who wins?
While genes are practically independent of our preferences, we can choose how we act,
irrespective of our natural inclinations. In fact, some naturally occurring genes cannot
be activated without certain environmental factors. Even if one comes from a broken

family, one can still make a conscious choice to be calm and caring when starting one’s
own family. Learning more about one’s own self can help with personal development.
Don’t you think now that your personality is a curious mix of your genes and

Let’s bear in mind that genes and environment work together in varying measures to

develop our personality and we can try and defy a less-than-pleasant upbringing to
reduce the odds of environment dictating the terms of our life!
All right reserved 2021
[4 Marks]
iii. Tobacco: Death, Disease and Disability

Give up smoking and chewing tobacco and choose a healthy life.


You may be under the impression that tobacco refreshes, however:

 1/3rd of all deaths in the age group of 35 to 69 are due to smoking and chewing of tobacco.

 Just ‘one trial puff’ leads to addiction.

 Consumption of tobacco invites hypertension, coronary heart diseases and cancer.


Thus, Stay away to be safe

Put it out before it puts you out!

[4 Marks]


Q.5. (A) 1.
i. (A) Don Quixote [1/2 Mark]
ii. (A) Picaresque [1/2 Mark]
iii. (B) Gulliver’s Travels [1/2 Mark]
iv. (D) Gothic [1/2 Mark]

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Statement Reason
i. The 18th century saw the rise Increase in trade and commerce along with
of the middle class the Industrial revolution give rise to the
middle class
ii. The spread of machines The spread of machines provided time to
contributed to the rise of the the educated middle class which they could
novel dedicate to reading and discussing books

[2 Marks]

Q.5. (B) 1. The extract is set in the auditorium of Greenslade School situated in the East End

of London and the story is set in 1940s. Though the extract focuses mainly on the
student-teacher relationship, the novel, as a whole, also tackles the issues of

and prejudice, as experienced by the narrator. In 1940s Britain, racism was quite
common. The narrator is a black man named Braithwaite who is denied a job,
treated poorly and endures discrimination in many ways. It is with this bitterness
that he enters his new role as a teacher. When he meets the students of
Greenslade School, he is shocked by their disrespectful behaviour. But after
studying the neighbourhood in which the students live, he begins to understand
their actions. The East End of London has historically been known for

overcrowding, crime and poverty, making it an unsuitable environment for growing

children. The students’ behaviour leads to most teachers give up on teaching them.

Thus, the students are also outsiders to society, just like Braithwaite had been in
the eyes of the British. With both being rejected by society, the students and
Braithwaite, eventually learn from each other and become better individuals.

In this way, the setting of Britain in the 1940s and Greenslade School in the
East End of London are significant to the novel’s themes of racism, prejudice and

student-teacher relationship.

[2 Marks]

2. When the students had first met Braithwaite, they exhibited poor behaviour.
However, Braithwaite manages to develop a strong student-teacher relationship
based on mutual respect. His hard work is tested at the half-yearly report of the
Students’ Council. As the day of the report approaches, Braithwaite observes how
they prepare for the day. He is impressed to see them take responsibility and this
can be inferred from the line, “I observed the activities of my class as they

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prepared for it, nothing with pride the business-like way in which tasks were
allocated and fitted into a neat programme.” On the day of the event, he is nervous
about the performance of his students. His nervousness is revealed in the line,
“When the turn of my class came, I sat up anxiously.” One by one his students take
the stage and speak knowledgeably about their courses. Miss Joseph and Denham
impress Braithwaite with their leadership skills. The line “I felt terribly pleased and
proud to see the confident courtesy with which Denham used the term ‘Miss’ in
addressing each of the senior girls; I felt sure that this would in itself be

something for the younger ones to aim at, a sort of badge of young adulthood”
shows that he was proud of his students. The extract draws attention to the
emotions experienced by Braithwaite as he watches with pride the progress his

students have made in the half-year, thus highlighting the relationship between the
teacher and the students.

[2 Marks]

Q.5. (C) 1.
The journey undertaken by Fogg and Passepartout is filled with dangerous
obstacles and impossibly difficult situations. However, they manage to overcome
the numerous challenges before them and still find time to do good for others.
While on their journey, Fogg rescues Aouda from a terrible fate in India and
brings her along with him to England. They steadily inch closer to their goal till
they arrive at Liverpool, which is their final stop before London. Just when Fogg

begins to believe that his hard work will soon be paid off, he is arrested by
Detective Fix, delivering a severe blow to his plans of reaching London on time.

Even though Fix eventually realizes his mistake and releases Fogg, they miss the
deadline and Fogg loses the bet. At this point, one feels sympathetic towards

Fogg because he came so far in this epic journey; but in the end it all went to
waste for no fault of his own. However, through a series of events Fogg realises
that the deadline has not passed and he reaches the Reform Club just in time to

win the bet. Thus, the novel ends with Fogg being rewarded for his efforts. He
not only wins the bet but also earns the love of a charming woman, Aouda. Hence,
one can say that justice was served in the end, because Fogg’s win was truly well-
[2 Marks]

2. Sometimes, we come across certain problems in our lives which we are unable to solve,
no matter how much we try. Such problems can only be resolved if we stop trying to
control the situation and leave it up to time (fate). Fogg is a meticulous person, who


HSC Question Papers and
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painfully plans every moment of his life. He believes he has prepared for every
possibility as he journeys around the world. However, his arrest at Liverpool leaves
him helpless. His plans are severely delayed and he cannot do anything to control this

unpredictable turn of events. Once he stops trying to control the situation and
accepts it for what it is, things begin to change. Through sheer coincidence and luck,
he ends up winning the bet, proving that some problems are best left to the hands of
time. [2 Marks]

Q.5. (D) 1. As the trio headed towards the Lyceum Theatre in their cab, Dr Watson described
the September evening as dull, with a thick misty fog that lay low upon the great city
and mud-coloured clouds slowly moving over the muddy streets. The first place that

they come across is the Strand, where the street lamps look like misty spots of dim
light, throwing a faint circular glimmer upon the wet pavement. The trio then reaches

Lyceum Theatre, where the side-entrances were already crowded with people while
horse-drawn carriages and shirt-fronted men and beshawled and bediamonded women
alighted from these rides. From the Lyceum Theatre, the trio was escorted in a
horse-drawn carriage. As the carriage crossed over a bridge, a passing view of a
stretch of the Thames could be seen. On the other side of the bridge, they landed on
Wordsworth Road, followed by Priory Road, Lark Hall Lane, Stockwell Place, Robert
Street and Cold Harbour Lane, all of which are among the less fashionable regions of
London. These are followed by two-storied villas and then followed again by a

continuous line of new brick buildings, which looked like the monstrous tentacles of
the city. Their journey ended in this neighbourhood where they drew up at the third

house in a new terrace. [2 Marks]


2. Various themes/central ideas are highlighted in the given extract of the novel.
However, the central idea that dominates the extract is that of justice. All the
events in the given extract are the result of the anonymous letter requesting a

meeting with Miss Mary Morstan. This letter has been sent by the same person who
has been sending the pearls to Miss Morstan for the past six years. As deduced by
Holmes, the act can be viewed as compensation being given for the loss suffered by
Miss Morstan, because the letter mentions her as a “wronged woman”. Miss Morstan’s
decision to seek Holmes’ assistance and the decision to go to the meeting place are
the outcomes of the letter sent by the anonymous person. [2 Marks]

Model Activity Sheet Solution - 3
Note: Answer to every section must be written on a new page.

Q.1. (A) A1.

i. Predict and prevent cyber-crimes, card fraud detection, archival of audit trails, etc.
ii. Handle issues related to wrong-transactions and failures in net banking.

iii. Predict possible spikes on servers.
(any two points) [2 Marks]

A2. The enormous banking and financial data helps us to strengthen our financial security
by preventing financial frauds and crimes. This data also helps in predicting trends

and understanding industry patterns. It also helps us to take informed decisions in
split seconds. Hence, this data through a myriad of ways gives us an indication of the
economic health of a nation. [2 Marks]

A3. Health Care Industry

i. Smart watches and health apps collect data to offer personalised solutions
ii. Doctors diagnose diseases faster, find cure as well as maintain patient records
iii. Prevention of disease outbreaks and epidemics

iv. Pharmaceutical companies can create better medicines

[2 Marks]

A4. My mother is extremely health conscious and she is always looking for a healthy
recipe or two. Taking inspiration from her, I have also downloaded a few health

boosting applications on my phone. These apps help me set alarms about drinking
water, exercising and sleeping on time. They also monitor my steps, heart rate and

offer me recommendations of health tips and newer exercises. This is a small way in
which technology has helped me maintain my health better.
[2 Marks]

i. Pharmaceutical companies were paying huge amount to receive the health data of
people to promote research in the particular area. [1 Mark]
ii. Weather sensors as well as satellites help us to understand the weather.
[1 Mark]

HSC Question Papers and
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i. predict [1 Mark]
ii. insight [1 Mark]

Q.1. (B) B1.

i. (C) Even though he is trained well, he still makes mistakes. [1 Mark]
ii. (B) What has Shivani been reading? [1 Mark]
iii. (C) past participle [1 Mark]

i. Someone we all know quite well is very sick [1 Mark]

Q.2. (A) A1.

ii. Michael painstakingly put together a trotline – a maze of ropes to which several fish
hooks could be attached. lic
i. Michael cast the trotline far into the water.
iv. Michal anchored the trotline to a stick that he plunged deep in the sand.
iii. Michael reeled in his trotline and succeeded in catching more fish than all the others
had caught.
[2 Marks]

i. False. [1/2 Mark]

ii. True [1/2 Mark]

iii. True [1/2 Mark]

iv. False. [1/2 Mark]

A3. From the extract, we learn the following things about Michael’s family:

i. He had two brothers. ii. His father, Alexander, was an orthodontist.

iii. His mother Lorraine was a stock broker. [2 Marks]

A4. Yes, I agree with Michael when he says, “If you have a good idea, try it!” As we read the
passage, we realise that nothing would be achieved if people did not put their ideas into
practice. Many great inventions wouldn’t have been possible, had people kept their great
ideas to themselves. To know whether our idea works, we must first try it out.
[2 Marks]

 English
Model Activity Sheet Solution - 3

i. You’re wasting your time, aren’t you? [1 Mark]
ii. He has not only become the fourth-largest manufacturer of personal computers in
America but also the youngest man ever to head a Fortune 500 corporation.
[1 Mark]
i. having achieved nothing [1 Mark]
The policemen tried to catch the thief but returned empty-handed. [1 Mark]

Q.2. (B) Inside the Mind of Michael Dell
In 1977, a 12-year-old Michael Dell had his first good idea. By putting

together a trotline, he caught more fish than the others in his family did all together.
Today, at the age of 29 he has become the fourth-largest manufacturer of personal

computers in America. His parents had imbued in him and his brothers the desire to
learn and the drive to work hard. Even at the age of 8, Michael was able to explain to
a saleswoman why he planned on attending high school. [3 Marks]

Q.2. (C)  Relaxes you

 Refreshes and Re-energises
 Teaches appreciation
 Elevates mood

 Enhances knowledge
 Kindles imagination
Reading  Improves vocabulary

 Stimulates creativity

 Improves understanding

 Strengthens communications skills

HOBBIES Travelling
 Expands social network
 Broadens horizon

 Improves muscle strength

 Contribution to the environment
 Reduces stress
 Self-sufficiency (can grow your own food)

 Enhanced observation skills

Wildlife  Helps conserve nature
Photography  Understanding of animal behaviour
 Improved photography skills

[3 Marks]

HSC Question Papers and
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Q.3. (A) A1.
i. Stanza 1 – passed his way ii. Stanza 2 – rushed along
iii. Stanza 3 – parting with, slipping fast, passed, fading iv. Stanza 4 – leave a trail
[2 Marks]

A2. This is one of the interrogative statements that the poet uses to ask the reader whether
he has lived his life well for the day, or whether he has wasted the day by spending it

bitterly. In the light of the poem, a well spent day is one when we make others happy,
when we are remembered by someone, when someone says a few kinds words about us,
when we greet others cheerfully, when our deeds make others feel grateful, when we

help even a single person out of the many that we meet, when even a single heart rejoices
because of us, and when we instil courage in someone who is losing hope. On the other

hand, a day is sorely spent when we don’t even greet a friend properly as we go on about
our day, or when we are purely selfish in our rush to get to the next task, thus ignoring
the needs of others around us. It is the way we spend our day that decides whether we
have earned our tomorrow or not. If we have helped even one person to minimise his
problems, we have earned ourselves a good future. However, a day spent serving only the
self, might not earn us our tomorrow. [2 Marks]

A3. We greet our elders politely, courteously and respectfully. I usually would greet them

with joining my palms together and saying ‘Namaste’ or by touching their feet.
However, we can even be informal in addressing and greeting them with a hug if we

share a friendly rapport. [2 Marks]


i. Transferred Epithet - The epithet ‘cheerful’ has been transferred from the ‘person’
to the ‘greeting’. [1 Mark]

ii. Synecdoche (Part for whole) – It is the ‘person’ (whole) who is rejoicing, not just his
‘heart’. [1 Mark]

A5. Good Deeds

That I shall reach out to my brother in need,
To the one without nothing to hold but a reed,
Shun I shall all the material greed,
My bit of humanity I will seed,
In emancipating him, I must take the lead. [2 Marks]
 English
Model Activity Sheet Solution - 3

Q.3. B. Indian Weavers’ is a poem by the renowned poet, Sarojini Naidu. The poem has
been taken from the poet’s first volume poetry ‘The Golden Threshold’, published in 1905.
It consists of three stanzas, or quatrains, with two rhyming couplets each.
This poem is a metaphor for the three stages of human life  birth, youth and death.
The poet depicts Indian weavers, who weave tirelessly at different times, while
simultaneously describing the three stages of human life, from birth to death, just as
the weavers weave from dawn to night. The poet chooses three different time
settings  the weavers weave the new-born baby’s garments in the early morning, the

queen’s marriage-veils in the evening and the dead man’s shroud at midnight. The
central theme of the poem is the parallelism that the poet beautifully draws between
the three parts of the weaver’s workday and the three stages of human life.

The poem has been written in iambic tetrameter and its three stanzas
follow the rhyme scheme of ‘aabb’, ‘ccdd’ and ‘eeff’ respectively. The style used in

the poem is simple and lucid, with each stanza beginning with a question to evoke
the reader’s interest. The poetic devices Alliteration, Consonance, Inversion,
Metaphor, Repetition and Simile have been employed to enhance the text’s poetic
appeal. The use of Simile in ‘blue as the wing of a halcyon wild’, Metaphor in ‘break
of day’ to compare it to ‘childhood’, Alliteration in repetitive consonant sounds of
‘we’ throughout the stanzas or ‘p’ in ‘purple peacock’, and repetition of the words
‘weavers’, weaving’ and ‘weave’ across the poem are the examples of these poetic
devices. The poet has used vivid imagery in correlating the parts of day to the

stages of life. Almost each line of the poem contains imagery, which paints a
picture in the readers’ minds about the ‘weavers weaving’, ‘blue-coloured robe on a

new-born baby’, ‘a queen wearing purple and green coloured marriage-veil’ and a
‘dead body covered with a white shroud’. The major use of symbolism in the poem
is that the ‘threads’ of a person’s life are woven by ‘destiny’ or ‘Fates’, which is

represented by the ‘weavers’ in this poem. It is the Fates who decide the time of
birth, the length of youth and the time of death of a person. Thus, the contextual

meaning of the poem may be the weavers weaving garments and a shroud for
various occasions, but symbolically the poem represents the cycle of life and
death with the threads of each stage being woven by the Fates.
The message being conveyed by the poem is that of the perpetual motion of
life, where each stage, characterised by its unique emotions, lasts for a while before
the next one comes along to take its place. I find this poem a good read as it is a
short poem which is packed with imagery. I like the poem for the colour-scheme that
the poet has chosen for the garments woven by the weaver according to the life-
stage of the intended wearer. [4 Marks]

HSC Question Papers and
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Q.4. (A) i. Message:

19th Sept 12:30 p.m.
I have taken Mrs Manohar to the hospital as she met with an accident. Please have
the rice and curry kept on the dining table for lunch. Warm the food in the microwave
oven if you wish, but kindly be careful while handling the switch.

[4 Marks]


ii. Statement of Purpose
My first encounter with the animal kingdom happened when I was five years
old. I was taking a walk in the park with my grandmother, when she spotted a wounded
sparrow lying unconscious on the grass. Together, we brought it home and I began to
observe my grandmother tend to the bird every day until it got better. It was finally
the moment to release the healed bird into the sky and I was extremely elated to see
it flutter and fly away. That is when I decided to turn my passion into a lifelong

It will soon be a decade since that day but my love for animals and birds has
only multiplied. Over the course of time I have contemplated and concluded that

I want to study further on the topic of animal biology. To get further hands on
understanding of the subject, I have set up a small home sanctuary where I have

rescued many animals including my pet dog, cats, sparrows as well as a few love
My school days were laden with a heavy dose of Discovery channel and Nat Geo

documentaries. It prompted me to take the initiative of starting a Bird Watchers’

Club. Through the club, we embarked on many expeditions in forests and reserved
zones on the outskirts of my town. After my Std. X examinations, our family vacation
led us onto a safari trip that I enjoyed immensely. I remember returning home with a
newfound zest to care for animals.
Throughout my academic life, I have conducted various drives that collected
money for better care and treatment of animals. With the help of my friends and
like-minded individuals, I have been able to create awareness and encourage support
for my initiatives.
 English
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University of Cambridge is held in high regard when it comes to the course on

Animal Biology & Behaviour. The opportunity to be a part of this course would give
wings to my life-long passion towards the animal kingdom. I also believe that it is the
right course to flourish intellectually as well as sensitively and make a positive impact
on the society. [4 Marks]


iii. Rachel: As we all know, Jaya has secured admission at the prestigious University of

California to pursue a Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering. However, since she
is finding it difficult to pay the fees, let’s try to find a way to help her. I believe we
can organise a fundraising event in college with the Principal’s permission and urge

people to donate at the event.
Rehman: Yes, that is a great idea, Rachel. The event can be part of the college’s

annual festivities. But I also think we should approach some educational trusts like
the Tata Trust to secure some donation towards her fees. I hear they offer
scholarships to many deserving candidates each year.
Kusha: Absolutely. There are a number of reputable institutions that offer
scholarships to deserving students. In addition, there are also a number of
organisations working towards encouraging higher education among young girls in
India. We should seek such institutions that work towards empowerment of girls, like
the Shiksha Foundation.

Ronak: You may have something there, Kusha. But I do believe the fundraiser would be
our bet. Such trusts receive a large number of applications and involve long procedures.

On the other hand, the event will solely focus on helping Jaya. In addition, we can use the
event to raise awareness about educating the girl child. We can also use the college

website and put up posters around campus to raise awareness about the event.
Rachel: I fully agree with Ronak. The fundraising event is the best way to help Jaya.
We can also start an online campaign on our college’s social media channels and urge

our friends to spread the word. The campaign will raise the curiosity of the students
and ensure maximum participation on the day of the event.
Rehman: I think we have a plan in place now. To conclude our discussion, we have
decided to organise a fundraising event for Jaya which will be preceded by an online
campaign on the college’s social media channels. The event will focus on the cause of
education of the girl child. In the meantime, we will also gather information about
educational trusts that offer scholarships to deserving students and help Jaya in
applying for the same.
[4 Marks]

HSC Question Papers and
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Q.4. (B) i.
Subject To seek guidance for Indian Forest Services examination preparation

Respected Sir,

Hope this mail finds you in good health. I feel proud be your student and I have gained
a lot of knowledge and wisdom from you. I am happy to inform you, that I have planned
to appear for the Indian Forest Service examination in the coming year.

I have already started to prepare myself for the examination and would like to seek
your invaluable guidance regarding my study plan. I humbly request you to help me

with my study plan and in the process assist me in reaching my goal.

If you could spare the time, kindly reply on this email and I’ll promptly come to meet
you over this. lic
Yours sincerely
Ravi Malhotra
[4 Marks]

ii. District Science Exhibition Inaugurated


– By a Staff Reporter
Pune, 25 February 2020

A grand science exhibition was held at the Gyana Bharati Residential

School, yesterday. Forty schools from different parts of the country participated in

the exhibition. This year the theme of this science exhibition was ‘Water
Inaugurating the exhibition, Dr Chaudhary, the Chancellor of the Pune

University stressed on the need of students’ participation in creating social

awareness on vital issues. Mr Durai Swamy, the headmaster had made all the
necessary arrangements for the exhibition.
The exhibition displayed around 50 working models on the possible ways to
conserve water. Children from all the participating schools showed great zeal and
enthusiasm. The best exhibitors were awarded by Dr Bharatan, the convener of the
exhibition. While the first position was bagged by the students of Delhi Public
School, Noida, the second place was taken by the Pune International School and the
third place was given to the Army School from Bangalore.
 English
Model Activity Sheet Solution - 3

The school principal, Mr Durai Swamy gave the vote of thanks at the end and
expressed his gratitude towards all the participating schools and the dignitaries,
who had graced the exhibition with their presence.

[4 Marks]

iii. a. For how long have you been with the college?
b. How do you motivate the teachers in your college?

c. How do you inspire your teachers to be so innovative in conducting different
academic activities?
d. What rules have you laid down to maintain discipline in the college?

e. How do you ensure that all the rules are followed by the students?
f. What is the secret behind the academic excellence in your college?

g. What are some of the extra-curricular activities for the students in your college?
h. How do you encourage participation of students in the extra-curricular
activities? [4 Marks]

Q.4. (C) i. Speech on ‘Blood Donation Camp’

Good Morning dear friends. Today, I would like talk about one of the most
important donations one can make to save people—blood donation. A person can donate
blood thrice in a year. The blood that is donated is thoroughly checked and stored in a

secured form. Many people harbour misunderstandings regarding this. They feel that
by donating blood, they might fall sick. But it is not true. The blood one gives is

automatically regenerated by the body within a few days.

Blood cannot be stored for a long time, which is why blood banks are in

constant need of it. With each donation, you give one pint of blood, which amounts to
around 450 ml and can save up to three human lives.
Thus, it is a noble act and a huge contribution to the society. So friends, let us

make a promise to donate blood at least once in a year and make our lives more
meaningful. [4 Marks]
ii. Prayer/welcome song
Good morning, respected principal ma’am, teachers and my dear friends. Today, we
have gathered here on this beautiful day to celebrate World Yoga day. Let’s begin our
day by seeking the blessings of our creator which will be followed by a welcome song
performed by the first year students of the Arts department.
(Prayer and song)

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To give you all a brief background of this day, ‘International Yoga Day’ was proposed
by none other than our Honorable Prime Minister at the United Nations General
Assembly in 2014. The first ‘International Yoga Day’ was observed on the 21st of
June 2015. The response received was massive and since then every year 21st June
has been observed as ‘International Yoga Day’ worldwide.

Yoga demonstration

On that note, I’d like to call upon stage, the sports head of our college, Mr Iyer, who
is also a certified Yoga instructor, to demonstrate a few yoga asanas. The students
are requested to spread the yoga mats and follow sir as he does the asanas.

(Yoga demonstrate)

Now it’s time to acknowledge the talent of our hard-working students. It gives me
immense pleasure and pride in informing all of you that the football team of our
college has been practising yoga regularly and it has helped them to excel not only in
the class but also on the field. Recently, the team brought laurels to our college by
bagging the first position in the Adidas football league. I’d again request Mr Iyer to
come forward and felicitate them for their determination and commitment.
(Felicitation event)

Principal’s Speech

I’d now like to call upon stage, a well-respected personality who needs no introduction,
our honourable Principal Ma’am to share her thoughts and inspiring words on this

wonderful occasion. (Principal’s speech)

Any other important points


Thank you for your motivating words ma’am. We are lucky to have you as our
principal. I am sure each one of us present here will take home the message of
practising yoga daily, regardless of age group. Yoga helps us in staying fit and
healthy. Practising Yoga has a bundle of benefits linked to it. It brings a positive
change in one’s mental health too.

Vote of thanks
I would like to conclude today’s programme by thanking each and every member of the
organising committee for their continuous effort and hard-work, our Principal and
 English
Model Activity Sheet Solution - 3

Teachers for their continuous support and last, but not the least, thank you, to the
audience, for being so supportive and responsive.
[4 Marks]


iii. Speech is silver and silence is golden

It is a Latin proverb which highlights the importance of silence over

speaking. In olden days, a sacred practice called ‘Vow of Silence’ was followed in
India. As a part of this, every month, people were required to maintain total
silence for a day or two. This practice was followed to develop analytical skills,

sharpen objectivity and inculcate the virtue of patience. Many learned men and
sages were known to follow it religiously and thereby add to their treasure of

We often see people who try to impress everyone around them with their
oratory skills. Many orators are able to use the power of words in every situation.
However, as the proverb advises, it is equally important to practise silence as it
enables one to see the big picture, notice finer details, develop a sound mind and be
able to correctly judge every situation. Hence, silence is truly golden as it assists
one to become the wisest in a room full of wise men!
[4 Marks]

Q.4. (D) i. Title of the magazine: Wanderlust is a British travel magazine that is published ten

times a year. It focuses on covering adventurous, cultural and feature travel.

The magazine stands by its name and is the perfect read for the hodophile in each

one of us.

Subject and Content: It is one of the world's leading magazines that covers travel,

culture, wildlife activities and other information. The magazine explores famous and
hidden gems of earth's most beautiful, picturesque and interesting places to travel.
It provides research material for anyone planning a trip. It provides inspiration and
ideas for trips, with all the necessary details required. It also includes tips and tricks
on several travel and tourism related topics. The magazine includes photography tips
and ideas too. The magazine also hosts various travel related contests and
competitions, allowing readers to win free trips, weekend getaways and all sorts of
travel guides and gear.


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Language/Style/Presentation: The language of the magazine is simple yet engaging.

It is suitable for everyone, including new readers or travellers with little to no
knowledge. The magazine focuses on maintaining an effective manner of description,
while being relevant and concise. The magazine is filled with the most scenic shots of
the location, aptly surrounded by all the necessary information.

Special features/Attractions: The magazine additionally provides personal reviews

regarding travel gear, books and films as well as travel events and festivals. It also

includes celebrity interviews with some of the top celebrities in the travel, wildlife
[4 Marks]

ii. .


Cancer and Coronavirus

Do you want to help a loved one reeling under cancer during the novel coronavirus
(covid 19) pandemic?
For many cancer patients, social distancing over COVID-19 is certainly aggravating
the anxiety and aloofness of the lives that they had before the onslaught of the
pandemic. As observes Rishab Debchowdhury, contagious diseases control expert at
Nayar General Hospital, Mumbai, “Those suffering from different forms of cancer

are particularly susceptible to coronavirus, so it’s vital to protect them (from

coronavirus) in these tough times”

How can you extend them care in this hour of need? Here’s what the experts suggest:
a. Practice hygiene -Thoroughly wash every part of your hands and nails with soap
before delivering them any food or supplies.

b. Order online grocery - Place an order online and have them delivered at their
homes to help them avoid physical proximity with others.

c. Engage in communication - Message, talk, video call– reach out to them somehow.
d. Gift them coupons for restaurant delivery or activity games as a token of
your care giving.
Last but obviously not the least, stay home, practise social distancing, help to slow
the spread of coronavirus and hence protect those who are most vulnerable to
coronavirus infection.
All right reserved 2021

[4 Marks]

 English
Model Activity Sheet Solution - 3



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Q.5. (A) 1. iv. Rajmohan’s Wife by Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyaya

i. Rise of famous Indian Trio

ii. Nayantara Sahgal, Arun Joshi, Manohar Malgaonkar

iii. Arundhati Roy, Kiran Desai, Kiran Nagarkar

[2 Marks]

2. i. Graham Greene. All the others are authors of Indian origin. [1 Mark]
ii. Theme. All the others are details related to the setting of the novel. [1 Mark]

Q.5. (B) 1. During the half-yearly report, the senior class presented their reports based on

serious and heavy topics. When it was time for Fernman to present his report on
Physiology, he signalled Welsh and Alison to carry a skeleton to the stage. This
sudden shift of atmosphere from the serious, analytical presentations of his
classmates, to the image of Fernman on stage, next to a skeleton hanging from a hook
screwed into the top of its skull and gently revolving at the end of a cord, immediately
made the audience laugh. Through his dramatic presentation, Fernman was able to
relieve the tension of the audience by providing a comical element. Thus, he brought
comic relief in the Students’ Council programme.
[2 Marks]

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2. The given line is spoken by Denham as a response to Miss Phillips’ defence of the
need for the P.T. class. Through this line, Denham argues that students like
himself, who are physically fit or play other sports, should not have to do P.T.
because it is pointless for them. Such students already get more than enough
exercise done and forcing them to do twenty minutes of P.T. twice a week has no
additional health benefits. Denham’s tone as he makes this argument is confident
and reflects his determined nature. The style of the dialogue is interrogative.
These questions posed by Denham are tricky and add to the tension between Miss

Phillips and Denham. Miss Phillips’ response to these difficult questions is
significant in establishing her position as a teacher. [2 Marks]

Q.5. (C) 1. Aouda is a charming, young woman, rescued from dangerous circumstances
by Fogg. She is adventurous and tough in her decision to journey

around the world with Fogg. Throughout their journey, she is grateful to
Fogg for saving her. She is, perceptive, for she recognizes that even
though on the surface Fogg seems emotionless, he has a gentle heart.
She is loyal, for she weeps bitterly when Fogg is arrested and never doubts his
integrity. She is caring, for when she sees that he is disappointed and hurt, she
asks Passepartout to never leave his side. She is just as self -respecting as Fogg
himself, for when she finds out that he has lost his fortune, her love for him does
not change. She is also equally bold, for she is the one to propose marriage to him.

Through Aouda, Fogg learns the important lesson of human connection. Even though the
trip around the world earns Fogg nothing, he considers himself to be the “happiest of

men” because Aouda’s love has been his greatest reward. Thus, even though he wins the
bet, his ultimate victory lies in attaining Aouda’s love. [2 Marks]

2. Fogg’s objective of completing a trip around the world in eighty days is a highly ambitious
one. The journey is long, arduous and full of dangerous situations and seemingly

insurmountable obstacles. However, no matter what comes his way, Fogg does not give up;
instead, he continues to believe in himself, keeps working towards his goal and eventually
wins the bet. Thus, the message conveyed by the quote is to not be discouraged by
difficult situations; because those who quit can never attain their goals, while those who
are determined and keep working will always succeed in the end. [2 Marks]

Q.5. (D) 1. Mary’s father had disappeared ten years ago and a few years after his disappearance,
she saw an anonymous advertisement in the newspaper asking her for her address. Upon
her employer’s advice, she gave her address and began receiving a large pearl in the mail
 English
Model Activity Sheet Solution - 3

each year. These pearls that Mary receives are central to Mary’s mysterious case. The
reason this statement is important is because it hints that someone is trying to make
amends for some wrongful action that has somehow harmed Mary. [2 Marks]

2. This line is spoken by Dr. Watson when Holmes tells him that he didn’t really observe
Miss Mary Morstan’s attractiveness. Though Dr. Watson knows Holmes really well, he
finds it astonishing that he can be so inhuman as to not notice beauty. Holmes'
character is known for having razor-sharp intelligence, a keen eye, and extraordinary

powers of deduction. However, the character is also emotionally detached and views
his clients as mere units or factors in a problem. Since humans are, by their very
nature, emotional beings, Watson compares Holmes to a machine because of his ability

to remain unaffected by emotion. [2 Marks]

P ub

Model Activity Sheet Solution - 4

Note: Answer to every section must be written on a new page.


Q.1. (A) A1.

i. (D) get the answer to a specific question [1/2 Mark]
ii. (A) to take revenge [1/2 Mark]

iii. (B) suspicious [1/2 Mark]
iv. (B) face danger [1/2 Mark]

A2. The astrologer thought that he had the blood of a man on his hands all those years
after he fled from his home. This means that the guilt of having murdered a man was

the load on the astrologer’s mind. [2 Marks]

The astrologer had moved out from his native village to the city after attempting to
kill a man, whom he had left for dead. He had to disguise his true identity to avoid
being caught. Also, he had to make a living and begin a new life in the city after
absconding from his village. For these reasons, the astrologer had to change his
appearance and persona when he arrived in the city. [2 Marks]

A4. The astrologer knew that the stranger was on lookout for the man who had attempted to
kill him many years ago, so that he could seek revenge by killing the culprit in turn. Had

the astrologer bared his true identity to the stranger, he would have instantly met with
death at the latter’s hands. This would have worsened the matters, since the astrologer

had his wife and daughter to look after. Therefore, I think that the astrologer was right
in hiding his own identity from the unsuspecting stranger. [2 Marks]

i. (D) “I should not have been alive if some passer-by had not chanced to peep into the
well,” [1 Mark]
ii. a. settlement [1/2 Mark]
b. death [1/2 Mark]

i. enthusiasm [1 Mark]
ii. sacred [1 Mark]
 English
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Q.1. (B) B1.

i. The astrologer asked the man if a knife had passed through him once. [1 Mark]
ii. Modal Auxiliary: can;
Function: ability [1 Mark]
iii. Chess is played by the boys at night. [1 Mark]

i. When students stay up all night, they are not alert in the morning. [1 Mark]

Q.2. (A) A1.
i. every person has the ability to fend for themselves, government aid is not required

and nobody dies or suffers from hunger and malnutrition [1 Mark]
ii. State organisations for welfare or local welfare agencies, the national welfare

department, state-run safety-net programmes, state-run social security programmes,
income-support programmes lic [1 Mark]

i. The goal that the world leaders have been calling for decades is to create a world
without poverty. [1 Mark]
ii. Today more than 40,000 children die daily around the world due to hunger related
diseases. [1 Mark]


i. as yet, no way has been set out to make this dream a reality. [1 Mark]
ii. in a poverty-free world everyone would be able to fend for themselves. [1 Mark]

A4. The modern youth plays an important role in fulfilling the writer’s desire of
eradicating poverty as –

i. their education and self-dependency make them ideal for developing the country
ii. even the youth from poor families are striving hard to get an education so that they
can lead a better life
iii. many young people are already involved with social organisations that work for the
betterment of the poor [2 Marks]

i. I mention this to people who have not experienced the power of micro-credit first
hand and I see a half smile. [1 Mark]
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ii. No one can really conceive of a world without poverty. [1 Mark]

A6. to get the right to do something [1 Mark]

Sakshi had access to most of the information given to students by the teacher.
[1 Mark]

Q.2. (B) A World without Poverty

Whenever I mention the thought of 'a world without poverty' to people who have not

experienced the power of micro-credit first hand, I see a half-smile masking their
cynicism. Even supporters of micro-credit sometimes view this as an 'impossible
dream'. To me 'a world without poverty' means where every person would be able to

take care of their own basic needs. A world where everyone would have access to
affordable education and health-care. All state organizations created to provide free

services for the poor would not be required. Safety-net programmes would have no
rationale because no one would live on charity.
lic [3 Marks]



Health Goals Personal Goals Career Goals


 Practice yoga  Spending quality family time  Expand professional

 Exercise regularly  Share household responsibilities  Take leadership


 Cut down sugary and  Start a reading club responsibilities


caffeinated beverages  Become financially stable


[3 Marks]


Q.3. (A) A1.

i. The Abbot of Aberbrothok placed a bell on the Inchcape Rock because he wanted the
ships to stay safe from collision with the Inchcape Rock that used to be submerged in
the water during high tide
[1 Mark]

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ii. The mariners were grateful to the Abbot of Aberbrothok because he saved them
from possible shipwrecks by installing the warning bell on Inchcape Rock. [1 Mark]

A2. The scene described in the beginning of the extract is best captured in the first two
stanzas, wherein a calm scenario has been depicted. The air, the sea and the ship are
in a peaceful state. The sea-waves are so feeble that they don’t send any sound or
shock. They do not rise or fall enough to cause the Inchcape bell to ring. [2 Marks]

A3. I travel to my college on my bike on a fixed route every day. Once while travelling, I
noticed a huge stone had landed on the road and blocked a part of the rock which
resulted in traffic. I saw cars and bikes honking and trying to go around the road. I

dropped off my bike at the side and in the middle of the traffic went to pick the
stone. I struggled a bit to pick up the stone as it was heavy but eventually was

successful in getting rid of it. I noticed the people on the bikes and cars, stuck in the
traffic smiling at me as a way of appreciation which made my day.
lic [2 Marks]

i. a. Alliteration: The close repetition of the sound of ‘s’.
b. Repetition: The words ‘No stir in the’ have been repeated in the line. [1 Mark]

ii. a. Inversion: The order of the words has been rearranged for a poetic effect. The

correct order should be ‘Her sails received no motion from heaven’.

b. Personification: The ship has been personified with the use of the feminine

pronoun ‘her’. [1 Mark]


A5. Sea
The land once pricked the sea,
Your waves from the shore flee,

And here it’s me,

Grounded unlike thee.
The sea in all its patience quipped in glee,
Oh I see! [2 Marks]

Q.3. (B) ‘Song of the Open Road’ is a classic travel poem written by Walt Whitman. This
narrative poem centres on the quest for freedom and shunning a life of monotony to
take to the open road to course through life. The poet views the road as a space that
offers countless opportunities as it can lead people to anywhere they desire to go.

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The poem is written in free verse, as the lines are unrhymed and of varying lengths.
The poet makes use of simple poetic devices such as Alliteration, Antithesis,
Consonance, Inversion, Metaphor, Paradox, Transferred Epithet and Repetition. He
employs Metaphor when he refers to road to actually mean ‘the road of life’, as also
when he likens constellations to influential people. The use of these poetic devices
helps to convey the message in lucid and expressive narrative and hence adds to the
poetic appeal. The use of parenthesis in fourth stanza is a distinctive feature of the
poem that makes the stanza more of a remark, rather than a continuation of the

central topic of the poem. The use of imagery enhances the overall appeal of the
poem, with words like ‘long, brown’ describing the road, the words ‘healthy, free’
describing the world and words like ‘afoot’, ‘strong’ and ‘content’ describing the poet

paint a pretty picture of the poet’s wanderlust.
The poem conveys the message that we should not be bound by the routines of

an ordinary life; instead we should step out into the open air and live life in a free-
spirited manner. I like the poem for its timeless appeal. It drives me to set out and
be free, while leaving my worries behind.
[4 Marks]

Q.4. (A) i. Message:


1st June 12:30 p.m.

Dr Sarkar

Mr Rakesh called up to say that his wife is down with a severe headache since
yesterday, which turned into high temperature today morning. He has requested that
you visit them at the earliest. Address – B – 49, New Colony.

Mrs Sarkar
[4 Marks]


ii. Statement of Purpose

Since my childhood, I have always had a knack for the inner workings of the business
world. Belonging to a family that conducts business dealings on a daily basis, I would
often tag along with my father and uncles whenever I could. Even as a kid, I was sure
about my life’s goal – entry into the business world.
My curiosity was fuelled further by my grandfather, who would subscribe to
magazines of the business world. Reading them became a childhood obsession and it
helped me understand the verticals and horizontals of a market. Curiosity got the
 English
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better of me and I researched and concluded that I want to further my education in

Business Studies. This further encouraged me to study well and score good marks in
Std X so I can choose a wonderful college for the subject of commerce.
I often love to indulge in a game of cricket and hockey. In these games, I tend to play
the role of a strategist and juggle between being a part of the game and planning the
next step for my team and myself. This exposure has built in me the qualities of
resilience and a far sighted approach. Being a strategist and team player adds value in
my skillset to inch closer towards my goal.

During my school days, I have often participated in the annual business fairs. My stall
was set up with the help of my family as well as like-minded friends and I made
substantial profits through such endeavours. During my college days, at the end of each

semester, I would buy my class-mates’ second-hand textbooks at a fairly low price and
then sell them to the new batch of students joining the semester at a nominal price

making a substantial profit. I also participated in organising annual festivals as well as
business fairs where I handled many administrative duties single handedly.
I am aware that the University of Bath in UK is one of the leading universities of
Business Studies. This, according to me is the right platform to connect with
spirited individuals and hone my skills for the future. It would be an opportunity
to prove my mettle and carry forward my family’s legacy armed with a sharp
acumen and sound business understanding.
[4 Marks]

iii. Evaluator : You’ve all been given a few minutes to think on your topic for today’s

group discussion, which is ‘Teenagers are more inclined towards junk food’. You may
now begin the discussion. Who would like to start?

Rama : Teenagers are probably some of the biggest consumers of junk food today.
Picking up a snack or two from the street vendors while on their way back home is
now common practice.

Asif : Absolutely. There has been a rapid increase in the consumption of junk food
by teenagers. In my opinion, one of the reasons for this is the large number of
options available today at throwaway prices. For example, various brands of chips,
sodas and candies available at every nook and corner are sure to entice anyone.
Aarav : You may have something there, Asif, but I am afraid you are not considering
the large number of healthy options also available to them. Teenagers today are also
involved in a lot more physical exercise as part of their extracurricular activities, like
swimming, football, cricket, etc. Because of this, they are more likely to eat well and
focus on their fitness.

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Rachana : I fully agree with Aarav. In fact, fitness has become a trend among
teenagers today. Moreover, most teenagers get their information from the internet
and are exposed to the ill-effects of junk food and the benefits of a healthy diet.
So I believe, they are less likely to indulge in junk food.
Rama : I can see your point Rachana, but don’t you agree that the internet can also
be a source of exposure to harmful dietary items, thus tempting more teenagers to
consume junk food? I believe it all comes down to awareness about the ill-effects of
junk food which should be imparted at an early age.

Evaluator : Please conclude.
Aarav : We can conclude by saying that while teenagers have more access to junk
food today, they also have a large number of equally tasty and healthy options

available. Whether or not they are inclined to indulge in a bad diet depends upon their
level of awareness about their ill-effects and this should be made a part of their

curriculum and must be discussed at home right from an early age.
lic [4 Marks]

Q.4. (B)

Subject Trip to Kodaikanal


Dear Buddies,

I hope this e-mail finds you in the pink of your health. The purpose of this e-mail is to

remind all of you that we had agreed to take a trip during the summer vacation and

the time has now arrived!


I recently came across an advert in a newspaper about a wildlife trek in the mountains
of Kodaikanal. It is being organised by an adventure travel group called Pugmarks for
seven days. It starts on 16th May, which is a Saturday and ends on 22nd May, Friday. I
have called them personally and found out that it is going to be a three-day trek by
foot through the jungle trail, originating from Palani foothills in Tamil Nadu and
ending in Kodaikanal. They will be making arrangements of train travel to and from
Mumbai. They will be providing all the lodging and boarding facilities, including tents
for the night halt during the trek.
 English
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We will have to hurry as their registrations are closing by April 30 th. The cost of the
package is ` 20,000 per head. We can also claim a group discount of 10% if the five of
us book together. So, please confirm your participation as soon as possible after
consulting your parents, so that I go ahead and book our slots well in time.

Yours lovingly,
[4 Marks]

ii. The Annual Day of a Junior College

- Arshad Jain, Student Reporter
Varvand, 25 March, 2020

Shri Gopinath Jr. College, Varvand celebrated its Annual Day on the evening of
23rd March in the Recreation Hall of the college. It was a grand gathering that was
studded with the presence of illustrious and famous personalities from the media.
The chief guests for the function were the President and members of the Board of
Directors of the Varvand Gram Shikshan Sanstha. After a welcome speech by the
Principal of the Jr. College, the programme commenced with a prayer dance.
A small play that focused on the terrorist attacks in Mumbai and other
terrorist attacks in other parts of the nation touched the hearts of many. The

audience applauded the students for their brilliant performances. A bunch of

students of Std. XII entertained everybody with the mimicry on corrupt political

leaders of the country. The serious issue of child labour was presented by the
students as a concluding performance in the form of a dance drama. Speaking on the

occasion, the Chief Guest said, “the brilliant performances as well as the academics
of the students of Shri. Gopinath Jr. College are a testimony that our country has a
bright future”.

[4 Marks]
iii. Good Afternoon, Miss Janvi Roy. I, Miss Radhika Sinha, welcome you on behalf of our
college. We would like to get to know you better, so let me begin the interview.
a. Where did you spend your childhood years? Tell us about any fond memories or
incidents of that time.
b. Help us understand your academic background. What subjects did you study in
college? What was the course like and what were your major subjects?
c. Also, what has been the impact of your academic experiences in your life so far?

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d. Help us understand if getting into the social sector was a planned move or did it
happen due to some trigger, later in life?
e. What is the cause that you work for?
f. Why is this cause close to your heart?
g. There are many constraints with regards to working in the social sector. Can you
share few of the most pressing challenges during a normal day?
h. Your work for this noble cause has been truly commendable. With regards to this
cause, what are your plans for the foreseeable future?

i. How do you plan to work towards achieving these milestones for your cause?
j. What do you regard as your most valued accomplishment so far? What is the reason
behind it?

k. If you had to leave us with a message, what would that be?
It was a real pleasure speaking with you, Miss Roy. Thank you for your time.

[4 Marks]

Q.4. (C) i.
lic Speech on ‘Tree Conservation’
Good morning to all the esteemed guests, my respected teachers and my dear
friends. Today, I stand before you to talk about the importance of conservation of
As we all know, trees provide us with oxygen, food and help in sustaining life on
earth. They also serve as buffers and bio-monitors that not only reduce air, water

and noise pollution but also monitor their presence.

The severe effects of fast depletion of resources due to urbanisation can be

subdued by planting more trees. This will ensure that we are creating more resources
while we utilise the existing ones. The problem of soil erosion is also on the rise.

Trees help to retain and maintain the fertility of the soil.

Living in harmony with nature will prove beneficial for all of us and therefore, I
would like to request you all to do your bit for the conservation of trees and thus,

secure a better future for the upcoming generations.

Thank you.
[4 Marks]

ii. Good morning everyone. I, Sneha Mehta, warmly welcome you to our school’s ‘Reading
Day Program’, organised to honour the legacy of Dr A. P. J. Abdul Kalam on the
occasion of his birth anniversary.

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Before we begin today’s program, let me tell you a little about the man behind this
inspiration. Avul Pakir Jainulabdeen Abdul Kalam was the 11th President of India and
is popularly known as the Missile man of India. He was also the recipient of India’s
highest civilian award, the Bharat Ratna. His hard work and will-power made him so
special despite coming from a humble background. He strived hard for his goals and
worked towards every success that he ever dreamt of. He transformed India into a
better nation. Dr A. P. J. Abdul Kalam was fond of children, and had a heart of gold.

He said, “You cannot change your future, but you can change your habits, and surely
your habits will change your future.” Reading is a powerful tool of change. And so to
stand by Abdul Kalam’s words, let’s begin today’s Reading Day Program.

Importance of the day/Reading for pleasure and profit

I believe all of us present today love reading; be a newspaper column or a good book
and if not, it’s never too late. Reading is the best hobby to inculcate. A book has the
power to transform your life. It enhances one’s vocabulary and fluency along with
giving a treasure of knowledge. It helps build positivity and helps with self-
improvement. Reading helps in increasing your attention span, and helps to mould your
personality. Reading also helps develop professional skills, taking your career and
professional life higher.

Principal’s speech
Now, I’d like to call upon stage, a well-respected personality who needs no introduction,

our honourable principal to share a few inspiring words and thoughts about this day
with us all. (Principal’s speech)

Thank you for your motivating words ma’am. We are lucky to have you as our principal.

Different activities

Let’s go ahead with our competitions for today. We start with the elocution
competition. Each participant is given 3 minutes to speak on the allotted topic. I
request all the participants to assemble at the back of the stage. The instructions will
be provided by the respective class teachers. I wish all the best to each participant.
(Elocution competition)
Next we have the debate competition. Request all the students who have registered
their names to assemble back-stage. Each team will be given three constructive
speeches and three rebuttals. Wishing luck to all the teams. May the best team win.
(Debate competition)

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We now commence with the felicitation ceremony of today’s event. I request our
English Head, Mr Iyer to come forward and felicitate the participants and winners
for their collective and honest efforts. (Felicitation event)

Vote of thanks:
As we come towards the end of today’s celebration, I would like to extend my
gratitude to our Principal, Teachers and to the audience for making today a huge

success. Thank you. [4 Marks]
iii. Actions Speak Louder than Words

The ancient proverb reminds us of the importance of actions over
empty talk. Of many modes of communication, words have the strongest impact on

people. However, it is the action of an individual that determines his/her character.
Actions carry considerably more weight than words in building trust. Even the
minutest action reflects the manner and the nature of an individual. Actions are of
tremendous importance when focusing on goals.
Many individuals talk high with regard to objectives/goals, but those
words prove unworthy if not backed by action. Furthermore, actions are of paramount
importance when it comes to leadership. For example, if a person talks all about
goodwill and deeds, but does not follow any of that in reality, he is just being vain. But

the one who executes and accomplishes these deeds in actuality would be considered
a trustworthy human being. [4 Marks]

Q.4. (D) i. Type/Purpose of the video: The video titled "Interesting places to visit" by the

YouTuber Archana Singh (Channel name: 'Travel, See, Write') is about the most
interesting places to visit in India. It is a 5-minute video that has a list of seven of
India's most interesting places, and a detailed guide about each of them. The video is

informative and provides insight regarding the stay, transport, food, people and other
factors about each of those locations. The purpose of the video is to provide adequate
information required by anyone looking to travel to any of the seven locations.

Content Presentation and Organisation of the video: The video is aesthetic and
appealing to look at. The vivid and beautiful landscapes have been gracefully captured
by the YouTuber. Each location is presented in around 35-45 seconds with a lively
voiceover. Additional tips, ideas or suggestions have also been included to provide
assistance to new travellers.
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Video Presentation & Graphics: The high-quality videos are presented with multiple
aerial shots, time lapses, slow motions as well as underwater shots. A drone has also
been used to capture the locations with an aerial view, doing justice to the beauty and
serenity of nature. The transitions and graphics between the different shots are

Benefits/Message: The video is aimed at providing guidance and suggestions to its

viewers. It successfully promotes tourism in India and explores India's finest

[4 Marks]



Man is free by birth

Have you ever seen a baby in solitude? A blissful sight it is! A world of their own, no
rules, no filters! Isn’t that how each one of us is born  pure and free?
Growing up, social conditioning casts us into these moulds which may or may not be the
perfect fit. The world around us shapes us but the world within makes us; this world we
are free to create. We allow our lives to be run by others and we follow the rules laid

down by the society. This often is the cause of our unhappiness and we then tend to
blame the situations because we are unable to control them. Instead, we should take

the responsibility of our own lives. We all have the sense to differentiate the right
from the wrong. We are capable of leading sound lives resulting from the choices that

we make for ourselves. We are not someone else’s responsibility or liability. We should
set ourselves free from the shackles of societal restrictions and soar high in liberty.
We are free by birth and bound only by the limitations we set for ourselves.

All right reserved 2021

[4 Marks]


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Wildlife is mother nature’s greatest treasure.
Together we can and we should save it from becoming history.
We, at Shree Dayanand College of Commerce,
have arranged a rally to create awareness for wildlife conservation.
The rally shall be flagged off by none other than our beloved, Principal Sir.

Come one, come all!
Let us make this initiative a huge success

Time and date: 9:30 am, 15th August 2020
Rally start point: Dayanand Trust Gymkhana

Rally end point: Amphitheatre, Shree Dayanand College of Commerce
lic [4 Marks]


Q.5. (A) 1. i. In the eighteenth century, the middle class could get the time for reading and
discussing novels because of the spread of machines [1 Mark]

ii. The two types of conflicts that the plot may have are internal (inside the
mind of the character) and external (with other characters or entities)

[1 Mark]

2. i. No traces of the novel can be found in the literature of the classical period.
[1 Mark]
ii. The Indian English novel has undergone many changes and its future appears

very bright. [1 Mark]

Q.5. (B) 1. The incidents in the extract took place in the auditorium of Greenslade School. Since
the major theme of the extract is student-teacher relationship, the school serves as
the perfect setting. The students prepare and present their half-yearly reports to
the teachers and voice their concerns by questioning the panel of teachers. Even if
Braithwaite had been aware of how his students had changed, the setting of the
auditorium, with him as an audience member, allows him to observe from afar, the
rewards of his efforts.
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Another aspect of the setting that is symbolic to the students’ progress is the
stage. The stage is symbolic of the students’ lives. By presenting their reports,
the students’ are not just taking an active participation in their school, but also
coming forward to take control of their lives. Thus, the stage also represents the
perfect platform for the students to showcase their skills. [2 Marks]

2. Miss Joseph Denham

a. In-charge of the Students’ In-charge of the Students’ Council programme
Council programme and delivers a and assigned the task of calling out the names

short address highlighting the of the student representatives of the senior
Council’s purpose and its class and displays genuine courtesy while

activities addressing them
b. Representative of the subject of Representative of the subject of ‘P.T. and

‘Domestic Science’ games’
c. Speaks about the theme of the Criticises the pattern of P.T. and games,
interdependence of mankind, citing the limitations of obtaining space, the
which was at the root of all their monotony of the routine, and the scarcity of
lessons time allocated to it
d. Qualities Highlighted: leadership Qualities highlighted: leadership skills,
skills, calm, insightful courteous, assertive, blunt
(any two points) [2 Marks]

Q.5. (C) 1. Until the point Passepartout and Aouda plan to get married the next day (Monday), the

characters and the readers are under the impression that the bet is lost. When
Passepartout arrives at the Reverend’s house to hire his services, he realizes that the
next day is not Monday but is in fact, Sunday. He rushes back home and conveys this to

Fogg in the following line, “Because to-morrow—is Sunday!” Passepartout had quickly
concluded that if tomorrow were in fact, Sunday, then today must be Saturday, 21st

December. Fogg could still win the bet because the deadline for the bet is 8:45 p.m. on
Saturday, 21st December. This is a shocking turn of events and can be seen in the
excited interaction between Passepartout and Fogg in the lines, “You have made a
mistake of one day! We arrived twenty-four hours ahead of time; but there are only ten
minutes left!” Passepartout then pushes Fogg into a cab and they arrive just in time at
the Reform Club and win the bet. Also in the climax is the error on the part of Fogg.
The narrator asks what the reader is thinking in the lines, “How was it that a man so
exact and fastidious could have made this error of a day?” The sudden twist is plainly
explained in the line, “Phileas Fogg had, without suspecting it, gained one day on his
journey, and this merely because he had travelled constantly eastward;” [2 Marks]

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2. When Fogg is arrested at Liverpool, this causes a delay in Fogg’s plans. Although Fogg
is obsessed with planning for every moment, he could not have prepared for such an
event in advance. This shows that no matter how many plans you make, whether time
will work for you or against you is uncertain. Consequently, Fogg loses his bet because
he is late by five minutes, an example of his defeat at the hands of time.
Time plays a crucial role in the climax of the novel, wherein Fogg wins his bet because
he had ‘gained time’. Through sheer coincidence and luck, Fogg becomes aware of the
additional ‘day’ that he had gained and wins the bet with just seconds to spare.

Thus, the extract ultimately wishes to convey the lesson that no one can control
time and humans are at its mercy. [2 Marks]

Q.5. (D) 1. Upon listening to Miss Mary Morstan’s story, Holmes is the one who questions her
further. After Miss Morstan leaves, Holmes goes out to gain more information and was

able to collect commendable information in one afternoon. Holmes’ lack of emotion while
solving a case sets him apart from Watson and the average reader, making him an
extraordinary character. His complete focus on rationality and logic enables Holmes to
make quick advances in the case. During the carriage ride, Holmes deciphers the
contents of the page that Miss Morstan shares with him, highlighting his intellectual
prowess. During the second carriage ride, as the trio are being taken away to an
unknown destination, Holmes is able to clearly identify the places through which the
carriage passes. Holmes is, therefore, depicted as the leading character in the extract

through the qualities exhibited by him over the course of the story. [2 Marks]

2. The theme of wealth is highlighted by the role of the Agra treasure in the
development of the plot. All the characters that become closely associated with

the treasure are adversely affected by it. For example, Jonathan Small, who was a
prisoner, escapes from prison and pursues the treasure, but his pursuit results in
Bartholomew’s murder. However, when he throws away the treasure, he goes back

to being a prisoner again. Similarly, in Mary Morstan’s case, the existence of the
treasure causes Watson to be hesitant in confessing his love for her. However,
with the treasure lost, he has nothing to fear and so asks her to marry him. It
highlights the theme that the pursuit of wealth is trivial and only brings
misfortune to anyone who has it. It is the pursuit of the Agra treasure that leads
to several murders such as that of the Indian prince’s servant, Bartholomew and
Tonga. It is also directly responsible for Small being sentenced to a life behind
bars. Moreover, even Thaddeus and Major Sholto spend their entire lives in fear
of wooden-legged men. [2 Marks]

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