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DMMVIEW_C Software Users Manual

Version: 1.0
1. Initial Use
2. Instruction
3. Menu
4. Tool Bar
5. Window Explanation
6. F&Q

1. Initial Use
Before initial use, install the DMMVIEW_C software and USB transmitter driver correctly.
Put the enclosed disk into the PC disk driver, open the folder named as “Driver Installation”, read the
“Driver Installation Instruction” file, and then install step by step (the default path is recommended
to avoid unnecessary problem); Open “DMMVIEW_C” folder, click on “setup.exe” twice, and
install the software following the instruction. When finishing, you can make communication
between a PC and the meter via the software.

2. Instruction

This terminal procedure is a meter monitoring and data receive software developed on
WINDOWS (Windows2000/XP) platform, employing USB interface cable connection to realize
communication function between the meter and PC, which helps the meter store and analyze the
real-time data more precisely and strengths the measuring efficiency and receive accuracy vie taking
advantage of the great data processing capacity of the PC.
Under this software environment, you can execute the real-time monitoring function,
real-time receive function ,COMP function and event receive function; read and store data records
in LOG part and manual part of the DMMVIEW_C meter; Meantime, you can save files in .xls
and .txt formats, and execute auto-save function, which can record the data in the PC without
monitoring for a long-time.
Before using the DMMVIEW_C software, make sure the USB interface cable between the
meter and the PC is connected correctly and the set communication port of the software is complied
with the corresponding port of RS232 – USB.

3. Menu

Open the software. In the menu window, we could found 7 choices (See Figure 1), which are:
Open: Open files in the PC saved in “.xls” and “.txt” formats;
Save: Save data into the data receive list, in *.xls and .txt formats (see Figure 2); (Note: input .txt
after the filename in order to save the file as a *.txt file )
Save as: Save the saved file again, and the path and the format could be changed (.xls or .txt);
Print: print the saved data table.
Exit: Exit the upper-end software procedure;

Figure 1. File submenu

Figure 2. Save Windows

View:Show or Hide the state bar. (See Figure 3)

Figure 3. View submenu

Content of state bar:

Online state Software function COM port Date Time

Online state: Show instrument online or offline

Software function: Show current Software function state (for example: Real time monitor)
COM port: Show current communication port in use. (for example: COM3)
Date & Time: Show pc current time& date

Real time:
In this menu window, we could found 4 choices (See Figure 4), which are: RT monitor, RT
receive, COMP data receive and Event data receive.

Figure 4. Real time data submenu
RT monitor: Show DMMVIEW_C panel displayed data at the PC screen. (See Figure 5.1), and
its meanings .

Figure 5 RT monitor Window

RT receive:Save the measured real-time data according to the set time (see Figure 7);you can
Start new receive task; set the interval time and receive time reference value (see Figure 6); the
measured real-time data is displayed in the table(see Figure 7), and is graphed in another window.
(see Figure 8)

1. When receive time arrives at the set time, the system stops receive and refreshing data
display automatically.
2. During the receive process, the operation of storage function will take receive time.
3. In real time mode, record all the data when the interval setting time is 0 seconds; record is no
time limit when record time is setting for 0S.
4. No graph is Drew when DMMVIEW_C instrument in function of TEST, ABC, and LOGIC.

Figure 6. Real time receive set window

Figure 7. RT receive table window

Figure 8. RT receive graph window

COMP data receive: record real time data according to the setting threshold; (see Figure
9),you can set the upper and the lower threshold, choose data within receive range or out of receive
range; the Start time and the Stop time can be set to a concrete time or operate manually; then start a
task, the measured real-time data will be sent in the table, the data receive list undertakes data
storage according to the newly-set reference value; and the graph is drew according to the selecting
measured real time data.

Figure 9. COMP data receive set window
For example, record alternating current voltage, set the upper and the lower threshold as 0.1V &
0V . Receive data within choose range. record Data in table (see Figure 10) and draw graph
according to selecting measured real time data(see Figure 11).

1. The software cancels COMP function automatically if the range is changed.
2. NO COMP function allowed, when instrument in Auto state.
3. Only main display data can fulfill COMP record function.
4. NO COMP function allowed, when instrument in TEST, ABC, LOGIC function.

Figure 10. COMP data receive window

Figure 11. COMP data receive graph window

As shown in Figure 11, the upper limit is 0.100(yellow curve),and the lower threshold is 0.000
(blue curve),the selecting measured real time data within the threshold is white curve.

Event data receive: Record the measured real time data as certain type of event according to
related standard; you can set the event receive type, the Start time and the Stop time can be set to a
concrete time or operate manually (see Figure 12.1, Figure 12.2); then start a task, the recorded event
will be sent in the table, the data receive list undertakes data storage according to the newly-set
reference value; and the graph is drew according to the event date reference.
Event receive can be distinguished in two types, Interval event receive & Input event
receive. In the type of Interval event receive, the MAX, MIN, and AVG value of all the measure
data in a set interval is recorded, and tagged with “Interval event” in the table.

Figure 12.1 Event data receive set window 1

Figure 12.2 Event data receive set window 2
For example, record alternating current voltage, set Interval record time as 2s. The record Data
in table (see Figure 13) and draw graph according to event data reference (see Figure 14).

Figure 13. Interval event receive window

Figure 14. Interval event receive graph window
Input Event receive can be distinguished in two types, Absolute Critical Event receive (set
window in Figure 12.2) & Relative Critical event receive (set window in Figure 12.1). In the type
of Steady event record, the MAX, MIN, and AVG value of all the measure data in a certain event,
and tagged with “Stable event” or “Non-stable event” in the table.
In Absolute Critical Event receive, if the measured data change in certain range of measure
spectrum (default ±4%), DMMVIEW_C will change the MAX, MIN data value of this event
automatically, once the data change out of the limit (±4% of measure spectrum), the steady event is
finished, and the MAX, MIN, and AVG value in this event will be saved in the table and graph. Then,
start a new event. DMMVIEW_C will circularly this process until stop Event record or arrive the
Stop time.
In Relative Critical event receive, if the difference of current data and event start value
within the certain percent degree (±4%),synchronous the minimum data is less than 0.01 unit,
DMMVIEW_C will change the MAX, MIN data value of this event automatically, once the
difference is out of the certain percent degree, the steady event is finished, and the MAX, MIN, and
AVG value in this event will be saved in the table and graph. Then, start a new event.

DMMVIEW_C will circularly this process until stop Event record or arrive the Stop time.
If the event last time not exceeds 1s, it tagged with “Non-stable event” in the table; else it
tagged with “stable event” in the table.
For example, in Absolute Critical Event receive, set event threshold ±4%, The recorded
alternating voltage event show in Figure 15, and the graph in Figure 16.

Figure 15. Absolute Critical Event receive window

Figure 16. Absolute Critical Event receive graph window
You can put the Interval event receive & the Input event receive into a single table, shown in
Figure 17, and the graph can be selected by the user automatically. Figure 18.1 is only shown the
Input event receive graph, and Figure 18.2 is only shown the Interval event receive, Figure 18.3 is
shown both the Input event receive graph and the Interval event receive graph.

Figure 17 Interval & Input event receive window

Figure 18.1 Interval & Input event receive graph window

(only shown Interval event graph)

Figure 18.2 Interval & Input event receive graph window
(only shown Input event graph)

Figure 18.3 Interval & Input event receive graph window

(shown both the Input event graph and the Interval event graph)

1. The software cancels event function automatically if the range is changed.
2. NO COMP function allowed, when instrument in Auto state.
3. Only main display data can fulfill event record function.
4. NO event function allowed, when instrument in TEST, ABC, LOGIC function.
5. if only select interval event record, the set of “steady event threshold” is invalid, if only
select steady event record, the set of “record interval” is invalid, only both select interval
event record and steady event record, all parameters are valid.
6. Interval event: White curve is the MAX curve, red one is the AVG curve, and the purple one is
MIN curve.
Input event: Blue curve is the MAX curve, yellow one is the AVG curve, and the Green one is
MIN curve.

History: Read data in the LOG, and SAVE parts of the meter (see figure 19);
LOG mode: Read all data in the LOG part;
SAVE mode: read all data in the SAVE part.

Figure 19. History submenu

Figure 20. Data receive guage

For example, read SAVE data, the table shows as Figure 21.

Figure 21. SAVE Mode receive table window
1. Press Cancel to stop reading data in the closed part; reading will make a refresh start when
read again, which is unrelated to the previous reading data.
2. Rotary Switch must be set in MEM position when reading data in the LOG, COMP and SAVE
parts of the meter
3. SAVE data receive has no graph


Setting submenu contains two submenu, COM Setting and Auto save (see figure 22);.

Figure 22 setting submenu

COM Setting: Choose a COM port to communicate with the meter (see figure 23.1);

Figure 23.1 COM Setting selection window

Method: install the diver, connect the USB Interface cable with a PC, and click on in the
follow sequence: Desk → My Computer → Right Key → choose a property → Hardware →
Control Panel → Connection, find CP210xUSB to UART Bridge Controller (an abbreviation for
the reflected COM) in the list and choose it(see figure 23.2).

Figure 23.2 COM port window

Only after the cable is connected with a PC will the corresponding connection be on the
Control Panel window.

Auto save:
Start: Start auto-save function,available for any of the monitoring receive function;

Close: Stop auto-save function;
Auto Set: Default Path: C: \DMMDATA
Default saved format: .txt
Default saved number: 5000
1. The number of the auto-storage receive is allowed to set from 1000 to 50000(1000 and 50000
are included);
2. Close the auto-save function when receiving the recorded data from the meter ;( See the
following figure for related operations):

Figure 24. Auto save setting window

About DMMVIEW…: simple explanation of the software;
4. Tool Bar
The tool bar button includes: Open, Save, LOG mode, SAVE mode, COMP mode; COM setting;
Start, Stop; Graph enlargement, Table enlargement.

Figure 25. Tool bar

5. Window Explanation

Figure 26. Digital meter panel

Function character

Measure Main display area Data Main display

function include “OL” area Data Unit

Assistant 1 display area Data & Unit

Assistant 2 display area Data and Unit
include “OL”
Figure 27. Meanings of digital meter panel
The Digital Meter Panel will not display bar graph when measuring capacity, frequency,
percentage, dBm, TC, RTD.

Receive part:
Receive part contains Record form, Test intention box, and table.
record form is some necessary measure parameters(see Figure 28), measurement aim edit dialog
box is a text dialog box which can edit and save some valuable information(see Figure 29), table is
used to save data(see Figure 30).

Figure 28. Record form

Figure 29. Record table

Figure 30. Test intention box


Figure 31 graph window

Figure32 graph control module

graph control module is shown in Figure32, can enlarge, zoom in, and move the

Figure 33. cursor control module

Cursor control module is shown in Figure33, can lock or move the cursor.

Figure 34. x y axis control module
1. The graph data plot renovates along with the measuring function change;
2. When operating Graph palette, the Auto Scale X and Auto Scale Y should be cancelled;

6. F&Q

1. Q: Why can’t I make communication after installing the entire upper-end meter and the
driver procedure correctly?
A: Please check whether the set COM connection is complied with the driver’s defaulted
COM connection and whether the driver has been installed correctly or not.
2. Q: Why the installed communication connection is so unstable that it will display in the
PC machine equipment resource management window sometimes?
A: This kind of situation appears when the driver software is installed incompletely;
remove the entire old CP210x range driver and reinstall under the instruction manual.
3. Q: In the communication, what should I do if the communication can’t be realized when I
reconnect the cable correctly after disconnecting them without exiting from the
upper-end software procedure?
A: Exit this software procedure, restart the software and undergo the communication.
1. Make sure the PC has been connected ground before starting the communication function.
2. Do exit from the upper-end software procedure before disconnecting the cable, otherwise the
communication will not be realized.


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