Argumentative .

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Nowadays Multinational companies are entering the economy of the

developing nations.
To what extent do you agree or disagree........
At present multinational companies are trying to take a part in the economy of
developing nations. In the past multinational companies (MNC's) only used to
operate in their parent country, but at present the scenario is completely opposite,
where MNC's are expanding their wings to the developing nation economy. I
strongly agree with the notion and believe that MNC’s entering a developing
nations economy brings better than bad. Commented [H1]:

The foremost advantage of MNC's entering the economy of a developing

nation is creation of new job opportunity. Whenever a MNC enters the Commented [H2]:
economy of a developing Nation they must hire workers, officials, executive
from that very country. For instance, a UK based MNC must hire employees Commented [H3]:
from a developing nation in order to sustain their business in that very
Secondly, product quality improves as MNC enters the developing nation's
economy. As there are other existing domestic companies in the economy, they
must have to increase their product quality in order to sustain in the
comparative market. As a result, overall quality increases. For example, in
India when Adidas entered the market the local companies had to up their
Last but not least government receive tax in form of revenue from the MNC's
to operate their operations, built factories, sell their products. They have to
pay a hefty amount to the government inform of tax. To refer, BAT is UK
based company who has paid the highest tax while operating in a developing
nation called Bangladesh in South Asia.
However, there is certain drawbacks inform of domestic companies who will
face trouble When MNC enters the economy. The small domestic companies
in a long run will shut down due to increased competition and more consumer
preference option. For Instance, a telecom company in Bangladesh named
City cell became extinct because of the new other telecom-based companies.
In epilogue, I strongly believe that MNC entering a developing nation economy
has more benefits like creation of job opportunity, improve product quality and
boost in countries economy, however there is a certain drawback where the local
companies feel the hit Commented [H4]: Concluding word + Thesis ( opinion of
decision ) restate + Re mention all the points from the body

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