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Czyta Senn MATERIALY DO CZYTANIA ‘2rédto: CKE (0-3) Praeczytaj trzy teksty zwiazane z samochodami. Z podanych odpewiedzi wybierz wtaseiwa, zgodna z trescia tekstu. Zakresl jedna z liter: A, B albo C Tekst 1. SAFE AND SOUND Shortly all cars sold in the USA will be able to brake by themselves, From Ist September 2022, all new cars will have anjinnavative emergency braking system. The brakes will beautoraticaly activated to make the car stop if there's a tisk of collision. Experts hope it willreduce the number of accidents. I's another step towards greater road safety. However, you should always remember that sensors and video cameras don't mean that you shouldn't be careful atall times! adapted from Kid Magazine 3/2017 5.1. The text is about A. safety-improving technology that will assist drivers. B. an innovation that will make drivers more careful . road safety rules that will be introduced soon. Czytank: Zrédto: CKE (0-3) Przeczytaj trzy teksty zwiqzane z samochodami. Z podanych odpowiedzi wy! zgodna z trescia tekstu. Zakresl jedna z liter: A, B albo C Tekst 2. NOT EVERYONE HAS TO BE A DRIVER Every day my parents used to tell me | had to get my driving licence .. EVERY DAY! They used to give me a lift to school in the mornings, on their way to work, and | hated it! Each time they saw a friend of mine driving, they turned to me and said: “When are you going to get YOUR driving licence, Lucas?" ignored them and went about my usual morning travel routine, mainly listening to music and locking through the window, After some time, | couldn't Stand the same question every morning so | began to take public transport, ‘adapted from A Nobody's Heart by Jessica Powles 5.2. Travelling to school with parents, Lucas A. couldn't stand the musie which was played in the car, B. dreamt of getting his driving licence. C. felt irritated by their remarks. Czytank: ‘Zrédto: CKE (0-3) Praeczytaj tray teksty zwiazane z samochodami. Z podanych odpowiedzi wybierz wta! CARPOOLING Carpooling means sharing car journeys so that more than one person travels in a car. When more people use one Vehicle, this reduces each person's travel costs and the amount of traffic on the road. Starting this academic year, the University of Rochester is offering free parking if you travel with three or more people. You don't know who to carpool with? Our new app allows you to find a carpool to join, or to share your own ear, Don't hesitate, download the University Carpool App now! Save money and the environment! adapted from, wwwrochesteredu 5.3. The author of this text A. gives advice on safe carpooling. B. encourages readers to begin carpooling. . discusses the advantages and disadvantages of carpooling. Czytanka Ai Motor ‘rédto: CKE (0-3). Praeezytaj tekst, z ktérego usunigto eztery zdania. Uzupeinijluki 71.~73. za pomoca liter, ktérymi eznaczone brakujgce zdania (A-E), tak aby otrzymaé logiczny i spéjny tekst. Uwaga: jedno zdani zostato podane dodatkowo i nie pasuje do zadnej luki AN EASY QUESTION Einstein was often asked to deliver lectures on physics at leading American universities. He always agreed because he hoped to make students interested in the love of his life, the pure sciences. As a result, ne had to visit many places around the country. 7, The man was called Harry and he was the same age as Einstein, He attended each of Einstein's lectures and was always sitting in the back row listening. ‘one day, when Einstein had finished his lecture, Harry said, "Professor Einstein, ve heard your lecture so many times now that | would be able to deliver it to perfection myself 72. A few weeks later, when they were at Brown University, Einstein began to fee il “Harry, ne ene knows me here, perhaps you could deliver the lecture, and | could sit in the Back row?” Einstein asked his chautfeur, 173,___ Later that afternoon, Harry delivered the lecture, while Einstein satin the back row.7.4. Harry reacted quickly. "The answer is actually quite simple so lam going to let my chauffeur explain it to youl” he sald, gtd from wnewatbertinstinsite com A. Harry realised Einstein had a problem, but he didn't keep his promise. 8, Harry had been waiting for this chance so he happily agreed to do it. C-All the students listened carefully to Einstein's lecture that day. D. But just as Harry finished talking, one of the students asked him a difficult question. E. Ashe did not drive, he had a chauffeur whe always travelled with him. Czytanka Informator CKE Sep (0-3). Przeczytaj tekst, z ktérego usunigto cztery zdania. Uzupetnij luki 7.1-73. za pomoca liter, ktérymi ‘eznaczene brakujace zdania (A-£), tak aby otrzymaé logiczny i spéjny tekst. Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostato pedane dodatkowo Sebastian got off the train. He was baci in London but this time there would be no car to pick him up. The last person he wanted to see was his uncle. The ast viene they'd ret they fad s terrible argument. He had no idea where he would spend the night [Az he made his way through the crowd, someone bumped inte him, nearly making him fal ‘over. He turmed and saw a young man hunying away -he hadn't even apologized, ‘Sebastian walked out of the station and into a stret full of Victorian terraced houses, Several fof them had bed-and-break’ast signs in their windows He selected the one with the brightest pelished door knocker and the cleanest windows ‘Awoman wearing a feral housecoat answered his knock, and gave her prospective guest a ‘welcoming smile. Most lanaladies would be surprised to find someone in schoo! uniferm [Randing on their doorsteps, but she was used to having al Kinds of guests, so she gave himn her usual warm welcome, hoping he would stay ‘Come in’ she sai. ‘Are you looking for accommodation, sir? "Yes; sald Sebastian, surprised to be called ‘sr. need a room for “one pound for aweek’ ye night, and wondered pasuje do zadnej luki |.Which is true about Sebastian? [A. He didn't want to meet his uncle, Be expected his uncle to plek him up, He couldn't find the way to his uncles place D.He had to get a taxi to get to his uncle's home. 2. The landlady at the hotel ‘A.was expecting Sebastian's arrival B. was glad that Sebastian arrived C didn't approve of Sebastian's svange clothing Dadidnt want Sebastian to sty at her place, 4. Sebastian told Mrs Tibbet that he would stay ‘fora week after the landlady ‘Ahad checked if he had enough money on him. B.had asked him to pay the full amount. had shown him the roar, Buhad handed hire the key. Czytanka Informator CKE Sep (0-3). Praeezytaj tekst, z ktérego usunigto eztery zdania. Uzupetnij luki 7.1~7.3. za pomoca liter, ktérymi ‘eznaezono brakujace zdani ‘One pound for a week: "Tonly need a room ‘or one night! sald Sebastian. He realized he would have to search for cheaper secommedation inthe morning ‘fhe intended to stay in London longer "OF course; she said as she picked up his suitease. ‘My name's Mrs Tibbet’ When she reached the fits lear, she added, 'l be putting you in number seven. It's atthe back of the house, so you won't be woken by the morning traffic: Mrs Tibbet unlocked the door to room seven and stood aside to alow her guest to enter "Youll find the bathroom atthe end ofthe cevridor’ Mrs Tibbet said before he could ask, "Tye changed my mind! he said "ll take it fora week’ ‘she took 3 key out of her housecoat, but before she handed it aver she sai, That will be one ound, paid at once: She waited with the key inher hand "Yes, ofcourse; sald Sebastian. He reached into his trouser pocket, only to find it was empty: He tied anether pocket, and then another, But there was ne sign of Ris mony, He finaly fll tw is knees, opened his suitease, and began searching among his lathes in panic. Then he remembered the young man whe had bumped into him in the street ana realized what had happened. {A-£), tak aby otrzymaé logiezny i spéjny tekst. Uwaga: jedno zdanie zestato pedane dedatkowo i nie pasuje do Zadnej luki $5. Sebastian told Mrs Tibbet that he would stay for a week after the landlady. Aad necked ithe had enough money on him, BB had asked nim te pay the full amount C-had shovin him the room. D.had handed him the key. 4 From the last para that Sebastian ‘Ahad lost some of his luggage, B didn't need to pay or the room, (C.had to pay more than other gues D.had been robbed before meeting the wornan, ph we ean conclude 5. Which isthe best tt A Alone and in Trouble B.A Vistor from Londen The Unacceptable Offer for the story?

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